Jinny Ng’s YouTube Channel Features Husband, Alex Ho

Known for her brash personality and straightforwardness, Jinny Ng (吳若希) is often discussing taboo or sensitive topics. Opening her own YouTube channel in January, the Hong Kong singer has uploaded vlogs about her daily life and shared intimate details about her marriage. Perceived as a mean and difficult wife, Jinny proposed a monthly video topic of “Respecting Each Other” featuring her husband, Alex Ho (何兆鴻).
In the first episode of the YouTube series, Jinny expressed, “In order to help improve our husband and wife relationship, each month, there will be one week where my husband will join me in a video where we will respect and play nice with each other. Today, he has promised me that he say ‘yes’ to everything I ask.” Throughout the video, Jinny was seen raising her voice and yelling, “I’m in charge today!”
Testing Alex’s compliance with a series of embarrassing actions, Jinny declared, “The first thing I will do is help my husband trim his nose hair!” Jinny commented, “Other YouTube channels featuring married couples are so sweet, why are you…?” while Alex interrupted, “You’re digging in my nose, isn’t that sweet?”
Then, she proceeded to help her husband pop his pimples on camera, resulting in her husband crying out in pain.
The near 10-minute video then showed Jinny assign Alex another task – to lift and spin her around like a princess. “I want to be held and spun very prettily, similar to how we did it when we took our wedding photos. I want to be like Queen Elizabeth of England! You have to be able to see my face, and my hair has to blow with the wind!”
After the mission was completed, Alex was already out of breath. However, Jinny was not done and requested that her husband complete 30 reps of sit ups and pushups.
The final request was for Alex to do house chores. While doing house chores, Jinny asked her husband a series of questions, including “Am I fat?” to which Alex responded, “Yes.” Although Jinny immediately scowled, Alex retorted, “You said today was ‘yes’ day and I have to say yes to everything all day!”
Though Alex’s face tightened over Jinny’s requests throughout the video, he still let her have her way. Many viewers found the video hilarious and love the unique way Jinny and Alex get along in their marriage.
It’s Yes Day: Jinny is in Charge
Source: Oriental Sunday
This article is written by Huynh for JayneStars.com.
Jinny Ng Has a Bad Temper? Husband’s Romantic Response: “I Chose Her”
….. how pointless and no one wants to watch her anyways. Her personality is not appealing she’s a grown adult but I feel like she likes to act like she’s 21.
@jayne not related to this article but are you aware that the front page doesn’t update with new stories? Hasn’t been updating for me for a few weeks now.
@tt23 I’ll like to look into this issue further, so I have already emailed you at your registered gmail account. I don’t have this issue on my end, and see the new content after I reload or revisit the front page.
If anyone else is also experiencing this issue (with new content not appearing on the front page), please let me know.
@jayne @tt23 is not alone in this. I noticed it for a while for my account. Also wondering if we may consider setting up a forum page to talk about shows and/or artiste.
@jayne thanks! Will email you back.
@conan2209 I second this idea 🙂 a discord is another alternative!
@tt23 @conan2209 Appreciate all your feedback!
JS will be getting a new redesign which will have a groups feature for users to post content and start threads about celebrities and dramas of their choice. The interface will be similar to Twitter. We are still in the testing phase, as there are some technical issues to work through. The new features will be launched in the second half of this year.
@jayne looking forward to it!!
@jayne ooo so exciting thanks for that insight! Looking forward to it
@jayne That sounds cool. Hope it gets more engagement on the site. I took a TV break when forums were popular, but now that they are mostly gone, I want to chat about TV. My timing has always been off. This may not be good for my procrastination, though. Lol.
@potatochip haha I second this. I used to hop around on asian forums, but those phased out. Now I go to mydramalist to find comments on tv shows that I watch. But I miss the camaraderie of forums where you get to discuss things with ppl who you are familiar with. I think that’s one reason I like jaynestars – it has a small community feel, but a big reach. hopefully it won’t lose that intimate touch with new features
@potatochip @coralie I’m glad you enjoy the small community feel of JayneStars. It’s really the readers who share their perspectives and reactions to the news stories that make the discussion go deeper and become more interesting. I especially love to hear from readers from different parts of the world!
I hope the new JS group features, which allow users to start their own threads, would be helpful in giving more updates and increase interactions. Our IT admin is only part time, so the new features will take some time before they are released. Thanks everyone for your patience!
@potatochip I don’t know anyone around me that watches these dramas which is why I looked for a place to discuss with other people, way more fun that way. So happy I found this place even though tvb dramas have been disappointing
@potatochip I found a HK website where the locals talk a lot about tvb shows and their artiste but they’re rather mean in their chats
@conan2209 I also sent you an email regarding the problem with the JS front page not refreshing. Can you check your email and we’ll try to fix the issue asap. Thanks!
@jayne hi, the problem disappeared a few days ago. It didn’t bother me much anyway. Thanks for checking in!
@conan2209 okay, that’s good to know the problem is gone!
@tt23 not even 21… she acts like she’s a bratty teenager. I do not understand how half of tvb artistes have commercial value when they don’t have any talent or even the aesthetics.
Honestly surprised Jinny is still married bcause it seems like she doesn’t respect her husband and his privacy.
Just realised many don’t like her, I thought she has great vocal…
@conan2209 great vocal doesn’t mean great personality lol. i like her songs too but as a person she’s so fake and annoying.
@xystus don’t read lots about her. Didn’t ]even know she exists till I watch Ali’s show
Don’t they have kids?
@exodus Jinny has 2 kids already; her daughter was born in 2017 and her son was born in 2020.
such a bully!
The whole video is so cringey and her husband’s facial expression looks like he’s being forced into the camera and doing things unwillingly.