Joe Chen Torn Between Louis Koo and Wallace Huo?

Taiwan’s Next Magazine <壹週刊> recently reported that Taiwanese actress Joe Chen (陳喬恩) has been in a secret relationship with Hong Kong actor Louis Koo (古天樂) for more than a year. However, their relationship came under strain when Louis was revealed to be meeting with Taiwanese actress Michelle Chen (陳妍希), leaving Joe to be consoled by her friend and old flame Wallace Huo (霍建華).
According to the report, Louis and Joe struck up a friendship at the end of 2010, when a mutual friend introduced them. A year later, the two began dating. Although they could not see each other often, due to their filming schedules and living situations, they agreed to overcome their long-distance relationship together and were reportedly working toward marriage.
In December 2012, Sandra Ng (吳君如) unexpectedly revealed that she hoped to match up Louis with Michelle Chen, who had shot to popularity after starring in the 2011 film You Are the Apple of My Eye <那些年,我們一起追的女孩>. Sandra also shared that she had invited Louis and Michelle to eat together three times, and every single time, Louis had become nervous and shy when he saw Michelle.
After learning about this, Joe became upset and got into an argument with Louis over the phone, blaming him for not respecting her and for keeping secrets. The argument ended in tears and each giving the other the cold shoulder. Louis allegedly appealed to a good friend for help in resolving the misunderstanding, telling the friend, “I really, really love her [Joe Chen].” Joe flew off to New York and immersed herself in studying in order to treat her heartbreak.
When Wallace Huo found out, he arranged to go sight-seeing with Joe in Hong Kong. The two had gone out in 2003, when they starred together in the Taiwanese idol drama 100% Señorita <千金百分百>. Earlier this year, they were reunited on the screen in the wuxia drama Swordman <笑傲江湖>. Netizens jumped at seeing them in the same restaurant, and the rumors began spreading that Wallace wanted to get back together with Joe. The rumors gained more momentum in February of this year, after Joe posted a photograph on Weibo, which showed her wearing the same wristwatch as Wallace. The accompanying text read, “When I wake up at 6 AM in the morning, I think of cats, and I think of you.”
Joe’s manager Ah Pu (阿浦) said that she had not heard the name “Louis Koo” recently, and that Joe and Wallace were just friends. Neither Wallace nor Louis’s managers were willing to comment.
This article is written by Joanna for
louis come back and film for tvb we all miss u
If he comes back, I would love to see him with Jessica Hsuan. They make such a great pair.
Agree – they should get together in real life !!!
i`m sure jessica is no longer is cup of tea aka too old
Yes..agreed. But in my opinion I think Louis match better with Cecilia cheung!
The Lion Roar 1 love that movie!
Wallace will never comment and he and Joe are friends. Louis Koo… eternal bachelor.
agree, Louis is a ‘chicken worm’.. besides his mandarin is soooo poor, i doubt he can communicate properly with any taiwanese or china actress
Yea. I was thinking his mando is pretty bad…
wow joe! First Roy, then Wallace now Louis!
Despite my attachment for the both of them, I would never have thought of linking the two together. but there are no photos or anything?
But yeah, Joe seems to get many of the hot guys.
This will give YZ the idea of producing a crossover and result in a rectangle between tanned YG, XLN, LHC and lady DFBB
It will be his masterpiece!
Louis is so rich and yet he doesn’t knows how to take of his teeth. is yellowish and with gaps. no point to look good on the outside only!! yucks…..i can’t stand men with ugly teeth. he should have done whitening, filling in the holes between the teeth and straighten his teeth…
Ummm is ur teeth any better? I doubt it dat u hav pearly whites and perfect teeth. Evn if u did, its prob cuz of veneers or implants. Now.stop dogging on.peeps teeth and go brush urs. May i suggest crest? Its way better den colgate. Say cheese!!!
don’t be a jerk crest. i have my rights to voice my opinions and i didn’t attack u personally so have some class. and for your info, i do have white teeth n it ain’t implants!!! so before u shoot ur big mouth off and attack people, learn to have some manners 1st.
btw why r u so sensitive about my comments on Louis teeth….oh i know, because u have the same type of ugly teeth like him. no wonder u r so sensitive. u should the crest on urself. no wonder ur nickname is also CREST!!! haha
“u shud the crest on urself“ doesnt.even make sense.
u should use the crest on urself
i do believe in free speech and also a strong supporter of social etiquette; hence if u hav nothing nice to say abt a persons physical appearance, den is it necessary? We liv in such a shallow society and i dnt see the need to bring it in da cyber world. So no dis is not a diss to u or anyone.
Fyi, i am born wf spectacular teeth (thanks for askin) & my username is crest bcuz my hobby is mountain climbing and crest means the summit or peak. I highly recommend u use a dictionary or at least a thesaurus bfor u start dissing my terminology. If ur too lazy of reading, at least google various definitions.of crest b4 u speak. Jst so u wont sound lik an idiot ( a friendly suggestion; feel continue to sound lik a.moron shud u.choose to not advice)
@Sy: just wondering when have you seen him with yellow and gappy teeth? (like what movies, appearances etc.)
i do believe in free speech and also a strong supporter of social etiquette; hence if u hav nothing nice to say abt a persons physical appearance, den is it necessary? We liv in such a shallow society and i dnt see the need to bring it in da cyber world. So no dis is not a diss to u or anyone.
Fyi, i am born wf spectacular teeth (thanks for askin) & my username is crest bcuz my hobby is mountain climbing and crest means the summit or peak. I highly recommend u use a dictionary or at least a thesaurus bfor u start dissing my terminology. If ur too lazy of reading, at least google various definitions.of crest b4 u speak. Jst so u wont sound lik an idiot ( a friendly suggestion; feel continue to sound lik a.moron shud u.choose to not advice)
If you believe this article, then you’d have no problem buying that they have discovered Elvis’ face on Mars. LOL!!
Besides, unlike HK girls, Taiwanese girls do not seem to go for “uncles” (especially those who are ‘dentally challenged.’) In fact, many like to do the opposite: Barbie Hsu; Jolin; Elva…
uhhh i think Joe Chen is over 30 and Michelle Chen is at least 30 years old, so Louis is not exactly “uncle” to them. but i am really LOL with this article, kinda funny in a way. beside isn’t rumor out there that Louis is gay? lol
I’m a fan of Louis Koo and Joe Chen – do remember reading rumours about Louis being gay
Anyway, if this article is true, it’s good to know he’s a normal, straight guy (unless he loves both, which isn’t impossible).
Well, hope they do end up together. Though I do wonder what language they communicate in – mando/canto or language of love?
Joe look super cute with Ming Dao! <3
Joe Chen is a lucky and blessed lady to be surrounded with all these handsome stars.
Louis Koo looks gay to me, but maybe it’s just me seeing him in really gay clothes like those tight pants. I’ve never seen him with a girlfriend either…
well there rumor out there that he’s gay, and i’m thinking that he is really gay for various reasons but if you conclude that he’s gay base on the tight pants or “feminine” clothes then i think half of the boys in Taiwanese and Korean showbiz are gay already lol.
Not a lot of straight guys can pull off the Skinny Jeans!
American actors/singers go for that macho looks, while most of the Asians go for the “fem” look with the stupid hairdos like the Koreans and Japanese. I don’t get it. But they sure can dance!!!
Louis Koo is into those cute Taiwanese lolis.
And I know that feel painfully well.
Which by the way, I think Michelle Chen is 30 this year yet she looks 16.
just curious. how do you know that?
I almost dated a Taiwanese loli who looked younger than she really was.
(She was 22 by the way)
assuming that taiwanese loli told you…
assuming its true. it’s not a big deal. i would interpret as guys who prefer younger girls/women. as long it’s legal then it’s ok.
and as long as both guy and girl accept the age difference.
I’m not a pedophile.
Well, if you wanted the ending: I liked her and she liked me but I was going to move 1000 miles away so it wasn’t gonna work out T_T
Guess it wasn’t the one you dumped cause she cried on the streets? LOL
No that was a different one, she was a HK girl.
Which you know, she ruined all HK girls for me.
Yeah my ex ruined all HK guys for me. I HATE their hair. Whoops. Hope I’m not offending anyone out there.
No I totally agree. “Hitler youth” or just shaving the sides while leaving the middle looks absolutely stupid.
Or that weird frizzy pubic hair that Eason has. What the hell, man.
A mop would make a better hairstyle than some of the stuff HK men pull out.
One day he will come out from the closet like Ricky Martin did. Shake your bun bun…
haha…. Ricky Martin indeed was a surprise and esp w/him being HOT(before) haha.. lol..
This Louis Koo too? Hum, interesting… I never like him much but he seems to be a good catch now since he’s being around forever and rich.
Ricky Martin’s gay?
Yes, Ricky Martin came out years ago
I’ve always associated JOE as being a guy’s name, unless it’s short for Josephine, in which case, it would be JO … anyhow, when i read the first couple of lines … thinking Joe Chen is a guy, i immediately thought Louis is gay lol … silly me. Gay or not, he’s so hot
I never imagined that Joe and Louis would be a couple.