Joel Chan Gives First Onscreen Male “Kiss” to Hugo Ng

After kissing so many women on screen, it’s about time for Joel Chan (陳山聰) to switch things up
TVB drama Burning Hands <乘勝狙擊>, starring Ruco Chan (陳展鵬), Rosina Lam (林夏薇), and Joel Chan, is nearing its series finale. In the latest episode, the drama’s main villain, portrayed by Hugo Ng (吳岱融), thanks Joel for supporting him through the years and suddenly kisses him on the lips.
Hugo did cover Joel’s lips with his thumbs before kissing him, but it was shocking enough to get people talking.
In regards to the scene, Joel said, “Hugo Gor actually came up with that scene. If you’ve been to Italy, you’ll notice that many men actually [kiss each other on the lips]. There were scenes like that in The Godfather too. We’re just bringing this to the Hong Kong screens. I don’t think it’s happened before! I got bored of kissing women, so of course it’s about time I kiss a good-looking guy!”
Did the kiss shock him? “No. [Hugo] is a very experienced actor, and we were all very into our roles at the time. I’ve never kissed a man on the lips on screen before. The outcome turned out great!”
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Addy for
Why is this shocking? Like it said, he kissed his own thumbs xD Be shock and make a huge deal about it when they actually kiss, real kiss. Shesh.
@jjwong it’s so obvious Hugo 吳岱融 did not actually kiss Joel’s lips…his fingers were there. But Joel’s role in this drama is most enjoyable for him…many bed scenes and kissing.
Would be more interesting if betw joel and ruco lol. Or Ruco-hugo.
“Godfather”? Give me a break. It’s like comparing diamonds to glass.
Although TVB once again written an unreasonable, illogical character which has almost ruined the series, Joel’s acting has been top notch. Reminds me of Ben Wong’s character in ‘Highs and Lows’ who goes on a killing spree for no apparent reason. The gentleman forced kiss scene was a good addition and had impact!
in terms of acting BAD, i would prefer Ben Wong. he does a more convincing job.
Goosebunps with the audience watching the kissing scene panning out before them. If plenty of g/bumps, then it has undeniably been impactful!
Thank goodness the series is over. I hope Ruco had a better series because in my opinion he has no chance to repeat as Best Actor based on this series.
@canadian Really? I have yet to watch it. So his role was not meaty enough to garner the Best Actor Award. Hopefully the ‘Holy Alliance’ to be aired in April will give him the cutting edge, and a win at the end of this year.
I was thinking of ‘Heaven Will’ as his forte where his acting versatility will shine through. Wishful thinking? Maybe.
@blest62 I think Ruco did a great job in this drama…not that i am biased. compared to AFWFW where he had to act like a guy in his 20s, this role is suitable for him. he is cool and gives a nice touch as a con artist.
@canadian I watched the last 2 episodes (only because I happened to be in the room when my mom was watching it) and boy am I glad I didn’t bother watching the series from the beginning. With the finale episodes alone, I saw so much “copying” from old HK movies that it actually ticked me off at how lazy TVB scriptwriters and producers are nowadays (if there was so much copying in the finale episodes, I can only assume that the rest of the series had even more copying). It’s one thing to keep rehashing old plots / story arcs / dialogue / costumes, etc. from TVB’s own series but to blatantly copy (without giving credit) and then assume that audiences won’t notice? I’m not surprised of course given this is TVB after all and it’s not like this is the first time they’ve “copied” stuff, but it’s still disappointing nonetheless.
@llwy12 Many many plot element from older series and movies. I worked in a casino for many years and there was a lot of errors. Not a big thing perhaps but it bothered me. The actresses had such weak roles, just pining over men. The writers really need to find original ideas. There are still some good actors at TVB but they are given such bad shows even they can’t save the show.
@canadian even if Ruco did great in this series, he won’t get another BA for it. It aired way too early in the year and his role will most likely be forgotten when awards time rolls around.
@jjwong I’m hoping for another Ruco/Nancy repeat at the awards. But perhaps it’s Vincent Wong’s turn this year. I hope the blind detective series is good.
Was it THAT bad that even die hard Ruco fans can’t bring themselves to say they love the series?
I didn’t watch. I refuse to watch. I decided to watch what’s worth watching and this one to me isn’t worth it.
By the way never knew Hugo Ng was a good actor to begin with, suddenly when he has white hair he is now a respectable veteran actor? He’s ok I suppose. TVB needs new “old” blood.
@funnlim Hugo Ng has always been a good actor, even back in the 80s/early 90s, it’s just that we had an overwhelming amount of acting talent in the entertainment industry back in those days so actors like him generally got overlooked. He hasn’t been in many series since he returned to TVB last year, but so far, his performances have been top notch, at least in my book. With that said though, here is where I feel like I need to mention once again that TVB is not using their talent (ok, what’s left of their talent) properly, as I feel like Hugo’s characters in both Brother’s Keeper 2 and Burning Hands were very similar (even some of the dialogue was exactly the same!). When given largely similar roles, there is only so much an actor (the talented ones especially) can do to make the performance as different as possible. Since TVB has a penchant for typecasting their artists, I am going to assume that Hugo’s next few roles will continue to be in a similar vein, which is unfortunate. Whether TVB gets “old” or “new” blood doesn’t really matter if they are not able to manage those resources properly.
Even the most charismatic actor in TVB Hugo Ng can’t save this one. Series started well then spiralled out of control. Policeman character and Joel’s character were written into illogical maniacs in final few episodes for no apparent believable reason. Even the Stone character unreasonably tried again to kill the lifetime friend who just helped him recover him from a stroke.It’s like the actors had 2 separate characters to play in first half of the series and the last half. The couples chemistry ‘Joel and kelly’ and ‘policeman Rosina’ had promise but then suddenly written out of the series. Great acting by Hugo, Joel and Pal. Good support by Ruco’s gang. Overall the series is a total mess with old revenge and ‘why can’t i ever beat you?’ old genre. Even Hardcore Ruco fans can’t talk us out of this one!
@funnlim He has never been an outstanding actor to me either though some think he’s good/great. Won’t fault them as we all like different things and good acting is not something we can calibrate.
Hugo Ng is a veteran. he is convincing as a baddie compared to joel chan. it’s not easy to make viewers pissed but i think Hugo did a wonderful job.
Like what I always say, Hugo Ng has this aura of evil personified! His widthband of evil can be extreme in his heydays as an actor. It’s difficult for me to accept him plying the trade of a good character. Maybe it’s the stereotyping trait in me that just refuses to embrace him as one who has goodnes, and able to demonstrate it convincingly. Hugo has to live with that role panned out for him, always by TVB.
@canadian Eh, I hope it won’t be a repeat of R/N. They weren’t that great together IMO. Though they’re good actor/tress (with Ruco being a better), I just didn’t find their chemistry on the screen. Then again, I’m in the minority. So eh.
@teshan IKR?!? TVB to “Godfather”?!? HA! Well at least Joel knew/had seen the latter xD