Johnson Lee Denies Relationship with Rumored Girlfriend

Johnson Lee Sze Chit appeared at an autograph signing session for the DVD release of his directorial film debut, Citizen King <金國民>. The 2008 independent film was written and directed by Johnson Lee and he starred in the title character. Many of Johnson’s close friends, Teresa Mo Shun Kwan, Wayne Lai Yiu Cheung, and Felix Wong Yat Wah appeared to show their support.
Johnson’s mother, Mrs. Lee, and rumored girlfriend, Wong Bo Bo, aka “Spring Roll,”also appeared at the autograph signing. Johnson refused to take a group photo with both his mother and rumored girlfriend. When asked if Mrs. Lee ever met Wong Bo Bo, Johnson said that his mother has only seen her magazine photos. He also denied that Bo Bo was his girlfriend and said they were only friends.
As an independent film, Citizen King, only cost $100,000 (HKD) to produce. Johnson Lee wished to produce a second independent film feature and was confident that he would be able to locate investors interested in committing a six-figure sum for the project.
Source: the Sun
Jayne: I didn’t get a chance to watch Johnson Lee’s “Citizen King,” but the film got good reviews and sounds like an interesting satire. Johnson Lee has a talent for comedy and glad to hear that he was able to get funding for his independent film projects.
Johnson Lee sure has came a long way. I remember him 1st starring in “King of Comedy” lol. I’m looking forward to see his work if it is possible.
Wong Bo Bo’s english name is Lukian she has a youtube account called “Akunotensai” its a pretty popular hong kong blogger on youtube.
Johnson Lee and Lukian has a big age difference though but as long as there happy =)
I feel bad for celebrities they always deny that they are dating!
what’s with the sunglasses and smile-less photos? trying to be wong kar wai???
King of Comedy? Who was he in King of Comedy?
He is like that in person I suppose. All comediens are rather moody in real life.
king of comedy, he was the director or the director assistance.
Wong Bo Bo’s Youtube channel is a joke. If this girl is serious in her videos, then she’s a brainless idiot. Maybe she should go back to being a bbq pork bun or was that a spring roll?