“Justice Attack” Prayer Ceremony; Michael Tse Jokes About Oscar Leung’s Rape Rumors

TVB held the prayer ceremony for its new drama, Justice Attack <法網狙擊>. The new legal drama boasted an impressive cast with Michael Tse (謝天華), Tavia Yeung (楊怡), Sammy Leung (森美), Sharon Chan (陳敏之), Louis Yuen (阮兆祥), Alice Chan (陳煒), Mandy Wong (黃智雯), Oscar Leung (梁烈唯), and Vincent Wong (王浩信).
Sharon Chan and Sammy Leung an Onscreen Couple
In Justice Attack, Sammy Leung will play Michael Tse’s younger brother. While Michael will be a lawyer, Sammy will be a police officer in the drama. Sammy will portray bickering lovers with Sharon Chan.
It was rumored that Sammy was given a prominent supporting role in Justice Attack because he often partnered with TVB in variety programs. Although Sammy was interested in honing his acting skills, he did not decide whether he will sign a management contract with TVB yet. Sammy said, “Let’s finish filming this drama first. My development track is different from other artists, since I had started out in Commercial Radio. I’m not looking to cross over to mainland China to fight for the Yuan!”
Earlier, Sharon had filmed a scene in which she was on a police undercover assignment as a prostitute. Asked if Sharon will take away Sammy’s “TV virginal kiss,” Sharon laughed, “I do not want it!” Sammy replied, “As long as it is not Siu Yee (小儀), then I am fine. My first kiss in a movie was given to Stephy Tang (鄧麗欣), who is also a beauty!”
In Justice Attack, Sammy will have a scene in which he unzips his pants to reveal his underwear. Sammy joked, “I wish it were a nude scene!” Sammy said that he will not use a body double for the scene and that he did not mind filming a fully nude frontal scene! “I do not know if the producer will allow me to do so!”
Oscar Leung Claims Innocence
Due to widespread rumors that Oscar Leung was involved in a rape case, he became the limelight of the media. Michael Tse even joked on the matter, “This case has a plaintiff and a defendant. You can spin it many ways. Maybe later, they can even say that [the culprit] was me!”
As celebrities often attended late-night parties and alcohol was often an instigator of trouble, the drinking habits of Michael Tse and Oscar Leung were questioned. Oscar said that the last two times he drank alcohol was at Sherming Yiu (姚樂怡) and Timmy Hung’s (洪天明) wedding celebrations respectively.
Photographed drunk at Timmy’s wedding, Michael was teased about drinking too much in the past. Michael defended himself, “Drinking is not illegal. I did not drive and my wife was there. What is there to be afraid of?”
Oscar Leung maintained that he was innocent and had the full support of his girlfriend, Tina. A Public Relations from the Hong Kong Police department also clarified that Oscar Leung was not implicated in a rape case at a bar that allegedly occurred on May 4th.
Other cast members in Justice Attack include Benz Hui (許紹雄), JJ Jia (賈曉晨), Grace Wong (王君馨), Samantha Ko (高海寧), Christine Kuo (苟芸慧), Toby Chan (陳庭欣), Sammy Shum (沈振軒), Jack Wu (胡諾言), Ching Hor Wai (程可為), Tang Chi Fung (鄧梓峰), and Otto Chan (陳志健).
Sources: QQ.com, On.cc, On.cc, Ming Pao via inhktv.com
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Jayne: A big cast for “Justice Attack”! Many beautiful young actresses too! Will they be Michael Tse’s lovely colleagues at his law office, or appear in the respective legal cases?
After the success of last year’s Ghetto Justice and The Other Truth, it was not surprising that TVB is spinning out more legal dramas.
So we are back to the mid 90s when medical and legal dramas such as “Healing Hands” and “Files of Justice” were big. We’re heading for a 2012 repackaging. Better to see Michael Tse utilize his fast tongue in a legal drama (can’t wait for his dramatic finger-pointing court scenes) than star in another “Laughing Gor” franchise.
It’ll would be really funny if they decided to give “Laughing Gor” a long lost twin brother, where he plays an evil twin.
I also expect TVB to feature a lot more guest stars in its dramas from now on, similar to movies such as “Valentine’s Day” in which many big stars were the box office draw.
“Justice Attack” seems to employ this strategy, where many stars will pitch in to boost audience ratings. Great for gaining media notice, but in the end, we still need good acting and strong script.
anyone one notice… the chubby guy in the first pic… looks like he had an “accident” lol
“anyone one notice… the chubby guy in the first pic… looks like he had an “accident” lol
Maybe it’s his sweat from his thighs? A very embarrassing spot to get wet though…
It was too hot and he perspired heavily
LOL no but now that you mentioned… that’s so funny!!!! hahaha
I wonder who’s going to be with who… I saw a few scenes already so it feels like Michael with be with Tavia. Will Alice be a third party? Or is she with Louis? Vincent with Mandy? Vincent with Sharon? Hummm…
Mandy is only a guest-star.
I believe the pairings are Michael/Tavia and Sammy/Sharon.
Style wise, I loved Alice Chan’s look! Her orange dress is very pretty. She and Joyce Tang should play sisters in an upcoming drama, as both have strikingly similiar features.
Botox does wonders.
(Alice Chan has botox done to her face).
and how is this related to the previous comment?
The only relationship is: fez’s favourite actress aka TY also appears in this series and coincidentally, she also uses botox. Make wonders or not, I won’t comment, haha.
just pointing out the fact. just how you guys bring up the nose hahaha
Sammy? SKIP.
Michael tse and legal drama remind me of Legal Entanglement starring Kenix, Hacken, & Michael
I rmb this one, too. Micheal was very convincing as an ugly teeth guy. I like the couple Micheal – Elaine much more than the main couple Kenix-Hacken.
Sharon looks a lot better in the simple jean and tee. She also looks a lot younger, even in curvy hair. The best look of the day.
wow so many casts. look like Mandy is leading or 2nd lead in the serie
Sharon is second lead I think. Mandy only guest.
I doubt Mandy will lead over Tavia. And yes, Sharon is second lead. The leads are Michael, Tavia, Sharon, Sammy, Louis and maybe Alice. The rest are either supporting or guest-stars.
huh? Mandy Wong leading? I can’t even see her in the cast photo!
No, she is not leading. She’s only a guest star.
Exactly. I think that it would be a love triangle Tavia Michael Alice . Typical Tvb Scripts. Louis Is in it. I am looking forward to it(; I have watched alot of louis shows and i find him quite funny(;
WOW…it would certainly be nice to see Michael Tse as a lawyer….after seeing him as a police and undercover for soooo long…it is time for a change!
That’s enough of Tavia.
Nice nice nice…. can’t wait for it to start
Lmao…. Michael said he won’t help Oscar with the case! Hahhaha so funny. Anyway, looking forward to see how Sammy act in this one.
Sammy’s comment about not wanting to kiss Siu Yee was downright ungentlemanly. Granted she is not pretty, there was really no need for him to put her down especially since Sammy is no good-looker himself!
Are you sure Mandy Wong is in it? Lot of online articles are saying that…. But I think it’s GRACE Wong. Not Mandy???
Oops sorry found out Mandy is only a guest
Mandy is only a guest. Grace Wong is supporting. On acting, Mandy is heaps better than Grace.
Tavia and Michael Tse now are indeed fixed by TVB as ‘leads’ but I’m actually more interested on the supportings such as Sammy’s sudden addition into TVB series and how good or bad will Samantha Ko be.
TVB is really short of leading artistes and need to keep recycling from the same pairings and combinations.
Yeah, that seems to be TVB’s forever problems. There’s always 4-5 actors and 4-5 actresses that are popular for 4-5 years and then they move on to the near generation. I think the actor situation may be a bit better given that actors can stay popular into their 40-50s, ex. Bobby Au-Yeung, Michael Miu, etc. But it’s still pretty bad.
This looks like a very interesting drama with the first and second leads as bigger names (most times you get dramas with one pair of leads and the rest supporting). I wonder if it’ll be like a comedy, Louis and Sammy are both funny men haha
Cops & Lawyers. Tavia & Michael as lawyers, Sharon and Sammy as cops, Louis as a gynaecologist. Dunno what Alice will be but i heard she will be the villain.