Kate Tsui Prefers Established, Older Men

Kate Tsui Chi San and Ron Ng Cheuk Hei were originally scheduled to appear at a promotional event for TVB’s Valentine’s Day mini-series, Dropping by Cloud Nine <你們我們他們>. However, Ron fell sick and could not attend the promotional event. Teasing that Ron became a “missing person,” Kate noted that Ron fell sick due to a demanding scheduling from filming and guest performing at Raymond Lam Fung’s Macau concert.
Asked what type of men Kate preferred, she revealed that liked athletic men who were older and had established careers. “He should be older than I am, so he can take care of me. It doesn’t matter if he older than me by many years.” (Does the man need to be very wealthy?) “His financial situation should be stable and he should treat my family well.” Reporters pointed out that TVB’s new majority owner, Charles Chan, matched Kate’s criteria. Noting that Mr. Chan was married, Kate said she was only interested in single men.
The Voice 2 winner, Mag Lam Yan Tung will be appearing in Dropping by Cloud Nine. Portraying a teenage girl in the mini-series, Mag will partner with Taiwanese actor, Figaro Tseng. Mag revealed she became friends with Figaro and the pair have exchanged telephone numbers. In addition, Mag played a cameo role in film, I Love Hong Kong 2011 <我愛HK開心萬歲>. Mag’s acting was praised by Sandra Ng Kwan Yu. Mag was happy and encouraged by the feedback. Although she found herself falling in love with acting, which posed as a big challenges, Mag still preferred singing.
Compiled from the Sun and Orientaldaily
Jayne: Still wondering if there is additional development to Kate Tsui and Moses Chan…. Kate seems to be in ever TVB series for 2011, since many other TVB actresses are filming in China this year.
Mag looks very cute in the picture.
Alot of women prefer men that are older than them, so that’s not really a surprise that Kate feels the same way. I hope this year the artistes can find their Mr.right. Most of them are already in their 30s… Although nowadays age + marriage does not matter.
One thing I don’t understand why would she want someone to take care of her. I thought that she was pretty westernized, can’t she take care of herself? Shouldn’t thing be compromised and take care of each other? It’s not a one way street. Make me so angry when a women say that they want the men to take care of them, makes them very incompetent and an insult to independent women.
I think you’re exagerrating her actual meaning. Every woman or most.. would want a man that can care and love for them and is mature. I think that’s what she means. What does being westernized has anything to do with her wanting someone to care for her?? I don’t think she means she wants to be “babysitted” when she said that.
I guess what Jayzemine means by being westerned is that you should be more independent, which in turn means that you should be able to take care of yourself.
@HeTieShou; I’m “westernized” too.. but I think every woman has a soft side no matter how independent they may be.
I am westernized(I was born and raised in the US) as well but I think people tend to think that more westernized woman need to be more independent. However, I feel that it depends on each individual. Of course every women wants a good man to take care of them, BUT every good man would want a good woman that they can lean on as well. Basically, they should both be there for each other when times are rough.
@HeTieShou; True that, I think Kate is just trying to say she wants someone mature… that’s why most woman prefer men that are older than them (So do i).. It gives the more “protective” feeling I guess.
I think you are exaggerating her words. Have a man to lean on is different to be independent. When you feel sad, confused or disappointed, you will want to have someone to share. Who can be the better one than your half?
You may think that woman can be independent and they dun need man to take care for her. However, life is long and you can’t live alone in life all the time. You will need someone to take care for you, at least sometimes.
You are overreacting. There’s nothing wrong with wanting an other half you can lean on when times are tough. Like star said, it doesn’t mean babysitting
Secondly. this has nothing to do with being westernised. Many western women also express the desire to be taken care of by her man.
taken care can have several meaning.
with the whole “established older men” topic and words like “taken care of” – it’s logical to see jazye’s pt.
I like the same type of guys as Kate but not because they can take care of me better than an alternate sort of guy per se. For me, it’s so that I’m not burdened with the possibility of “hand holding” my partner through life. I don’t want to feel like I’m “micro managing” a husband!
I think that when she says that she wants a man to take care of her, it really means that he should have the “potential ability to provide for her emotionally and financially”, so that she can feel that her man is reliable. Isn’t that what most women want?
Why would they bring up the new owner if he’s married? I find that inappropriate, to as a single lady if she’d consider a married man.
I meant, it’s inappropriate to ASK a single lady if she’d consider a married man…
Well, I think she is a bit dependent if she wants an older guy to take care of her. I believe that in a marriage you should take care of each other, not just sit back and make the other person take care of you. That would be very tiring and unfair to the other person. Personally, if I was a guy, I would not want a girl that is too dependent because that would tire me out(of course, it is not good if she is too independent too).I think it would be good to have a balance of anything.
I agree with you. Many women want a reliable man. It is all good and ok when a woman is single and free. She can be independent and take care of herself. But, when one is married, it’s different. It is even more crucial to have a dependable man when one have children and decide to quit the job and take care of kids.
WHile it is true that every women wants a reliable man, but at the same time a man wants a reliable woman too. Also, why does it always have to be the women that stays home and takes care of the kids?? Why can’t the guy stay home and take care of the kids? That is more of a traditional view. THese days, a lot of women make more than the men do so why does she have to give it all up to stay home and take care of the kids. I can say that women don’t always take care of their children as well as the men do.
“These days, a lot of women make more than the men do so why does she have to give it all up to stay home and take care of the kids.”
Are you sure? I know that in US, a man still get a higher pay than a woman in the same position and doing the same job.
Secondly, please note my sentence.
“It is even more crucial to have a dependable man when one have children and decide to quit the job and take care of kids.”
The woman decide to quit the job and take care of the kids. If a woman who prefer to quit her job to take care of her kids, she will need a reliable man who can provide the financial stability. The woman herself make the choice. No society wants her.
Just curious. Do you look down on women who choose to quit her high paying job and bright career to be a stay at home mom and look after the kids (while on the other hand, look up to men to do so) and consider them unfeminist?
Lastly, wanting a man who can take care of her does not mean the woman is unreliable or weak. Why is it such a big offense (to feminists) that woman express the desire to have a life partner who can take care of her? Does Kate express that she will sit on her butt and do nothing after marriage and just let her husband do everything for her? NO.
I certainly don’t see anything wrong with being a stay @ home mom to take care of your kids, especially when decent day care nowadays cost an arm and a leg! I’d say being a stay-at-home mom is not easy job either, its a full time job and a huge responsibility, just because the man bears the responsibility of bringing the bacon home doesn’t take away the hardwork that a woman does to take care of her family!
I agree with HeTieShou … I want a reliable financial stable man, but that doesn’t mean I won’t pursue higher education and a successful career. Why is it one or the other?
@ Judy
“I agree with HeTieShou … I want a reliable financial stable man, but that doesn’t mean I won’t pursue higher education and a successful career. Why is it one or the other?”
Sometimes, when you have children you have to make this choice. Not all women have to, but, some do. I know a guy who is one of the most proper and responsible guys I’ve ever met. But, his life would have been very different if his mother didn’t decide to quit her job to look after him when he started playing truant.
I also used to think like you and HTS. I woman need to keep working in case her husband walked out on her, she divorce, husband passed away etc etc and that a woman can have both career and family. But, after knowing this guy’s story, I can see that the presence of a parent in a child’s growing up stage is also important.
Ooh. Figaro Tseng. I like him. Didn’t expect him to appear in a HK TVB series. He did act in a TVBS series before (Mandarin series produced by TVB that is aired in Taiwan). Like him since watching a few of the idol series he acted in and also like the person I see in game shows, interview and blog entries. He’s quite an art person, doing photography and music composition. The song he composed for Ariel Lin is very nice. He’s very good friend with Ariel Lin. I got to know the song ‘Mr. Curiosity’ by Jason Mraz from his blog when he used it as background music for his blog.
Isn’t he the one that played that other guy that liked Ariel in They Kiss Again??
Yes, he is. In real he and Ariel are very good friends.
Figaro Ceng is another actor who is young looking for his age. He’s already 29 years old but can pass for 19. I bet he will also act as a teenager in the mini series since he will pair with Mag Lam who act as a teenager in the series.
Her hair is awful, but her preference in men is practical. I prefer the men she prefers too. Not daddy complex, etc. She just said older, but not HOW MUCH older so that guy can be 10 years old.
I think kate looks good without the bangs. She should stop wearing those wigs.
It actually depends on the field. Like my brother and my sister in law are both pharmacists, but she makes a bit more than my brother does since she works for a different company. There are other cases where women make more too, but it just depends on what field you are in.
It’s not that I look down on women that decide to quit their job and stay home with the kids. My friend did, but she has that option because her husband makes a lot. But in today’s society where divorce is on the rise, I feel that a woman needs to be more independant and have her own career. Also(I know that this doesn’t happen often), what if your spouse passed away?? If you were just a stay at home mom, then how would you support your kids?? My friend even told me that one day so I am glad that she at least has that in mind instead of just relying on her husband for everything all the time. I admire anyone whether they are a man or woman that sacrifices anything for their kids or anyone…
While it is true that if you want a man to take care of you doesn’t really mean that you are weak, however, that does imply that you are dependent. BUt hey, as Star said every woman(and man too) has a soft spot.
About what Kate means, honestly, who really knows??? We are all just assuming this and that… Maybe she does want a guy that will everything for her, maybe she doesn’t??
Thats why there is alimony, life insurance, and child support!
Well, sadly not everyone has those things, especially child support since the guy can become a jerk after he leaves you and then you are on your own.
It is true that there are times that your career and all have to take a step back. However, I still don’t think it always has to be the women that have to give up their career. I think that is a more traditional way of thinking. These days, I see that a lot of guys take care of the kids better than their wives do. ALso, who said that you can’t work and take care of your kids?? I know that it is much harder and that you don’t get to spend as much time with them but you still do. My sister in law works and spends as much time with her kids as she can. Therefore, she is still pretty present in their lives and are teaching them everything that a mother should. It’s not like you work 24/7. I think you should always try to balance everything out in your lives since not everyone has the option of staying home and taking care of the kids because you need to work to make money or else how can you raise your kids? In a lot of cases, your husband doesn’t make much so you have to help ease the financial burden for him too.
” In a lot of cases, your husband doesn’t make much so you have to help ease the financial burden for him too.”
And that’s come back to the beginning point of why women prefer financially stable men as husband.
I came from a family where both parents work and I turn out ok. My family is like your example. My mom can’t afford to leave work. But, from my friend’s case, I can also see that a parent that is constantly present instead of only present after office hour is important.
Women might want to have this option, so, they desire financially stable men. But modern ultra feminist goes, ‘this is so insulting, so traditional, so unfeminist, why can’t the man quit his job instead?’
You seem to think that women who quit their job to rise child are forced to do so by traditional roles, but, some women who value child over job and want to be there for their child every step of the way.
There is nothing wrong with a family who make the reverse choice, that the husband stay home and the wife bring in the money. But, why women who want to be a full time housewife and mother be judged negatively? Why is traditonal value not allowed if works well for the couple.
I think you are right that Kate wants someone mature.However, I think age does not always imply maturity. I know a lot of older men that act like kids.I believe experience and many other things shape your maturity as well, not just your age. ALso, women age faster than men too which is why my mom is really against older women dating younger guys(a couple of years is ok but not too much).
@Jayne; I was JUST watching a small interview clip on kate’s tvb blog.. where she was responding of the rumours, and I’m prettty sure the Moses and Kate rumours are fake. If you anyone is still curious you shld probably go to her blog and watch her latest clip, it explains alot.
Star, thanks for the info although I am disappointed that there will not be further development between Moses and Kate.
I did NOT say that it is NOT okay to have a traditional point of view. However, my point was that it is not fair to always have to female stay home while the male works all the time. Times are different now. It is great to be there for your kids but as you know, that is NOT always possible especially these days when not everyone is able to marry someone rich or well off. ONce again, what if something happened to your husband??? How are you going to raise your kids?? THere are many scenarios that you just don’t think about.
By the way, I am also not a feminist!!! I actually get annoyed by feminists to an extent.I just want things to be fair, that’s all…
“It is great to be there for your kids but as you know, that is NOT always possible especially these days when not everyone is able to marry someone rich or well off.”
So, why are you having problem with women who choose financially stable men as life partner so that this scenerio can be possible for them?
“ONce again, what if something happened to your husband??? How are you going to raise your kids?? THere are many scenarios that you just don’t think about.”
Well, instead of thinking of all the ‘what if’ scenerios that might never happen, what about solving the current problem of your have a kid needing you be there first?
The thing you have problem with is not even why both parents can’t be working. Your problem is just why it always has to be the female who stay at home. This absolute equality view that ultra feminist have. I bet if there is a couple who is the wife who work and husband stay at home, you will applaud them and rejoice in their ‘modern’ gender equal choice and never thought of this ‘what if something happened to his wife??? How is he going to raise your kids??’ scenerio.
Haha, why are we even arguing? To each her own.
A man who likes to take care of women will find a woman who likes to be taken care of.
A man who wants a woman who can share the family’s financial burden will find a woman who shares the same view.
A woman who wants a man who can share the household workload and will help in chores and child caring will find a man who is willing to do so.
Yea, we all should not be arguing since everyone has their own views and opinions. I must say again that I am not a feminist since I think they are really annoying to an extent. I used to have a professor that was a feminist and gosh was she annoying…I just think that things should be more equal and fair for both men and women these days because times are different.
I guess we should not hold anything against women who stay home or want to marry a well off husband. However, I do have a problem with women who go after a gut just for money only(I am not talking about Kate or anyone just talking in general). I wonder how they can live like that?? They may have all of the material comfort, but then their feelings and emotions inside are empty and sad…
Some actresses marry for money and become a pure socialite, never having to need to work again. If the marriage fails, she will likely get a huge chunk of his assets. Many people who enter the entertainment industry are chasing fame and fortune to begin with. Some have pure interest in their field, but some are purely pursuing money. So natural for actresses to want to look for financially stable if not rich men. Even so, Gigi Lai married rich but she still oversees her brother’s health clinic and Michelle Reis still models and appears at endorsement events, each for different reasons of course.
Back to normal people, money is a scarce in some households where both parents have to work to put food on the table. Growing up as a child in an immigrant family in New York, money was scarce and there were very few excesses in our household. Money was used for true necessities such as food, shelter, etc. There were no toys, no family vacations etc. Learned lifelong lessons about the importance of money, being frugal, and prioritizing over what are important things to spend.
Money is of course a necessity, but people attach emotional meaning to it as well depending on the family’s lifestyle and situation while growing up. For me, money offers emotional security because our family didn’t have much while growing up. The meaning of necessities evolve over time, as financial resources became more abundant in our generation.
Tracing back to ancestors in China, many people were poor. Many of our grandparents and parents experienced true poverty and those family memories are passed on directly to us. For a Chinese woman in the old days, who most likely did not have a lot of education, marrying a man more well off than her was really the ony way to move up. Mothers likely passed on this advice their daughters, that financial stability was very important in looking for a husband.
I don’t find Kate’s statement that she was looking for financial stability to be offensive. It doesn’t mean that she does not intend to work after she marries. And if she doesn’t work after marriage, if her husband makes enough to provide for the family and he’s okay with the arrangement, who’s to judge? She will surely contribute to the family in other equally meaningful ways to contribute to everyone’s happiness.
Fortunately more women are well educated to have financially stable careers. When they do have children, hopefully they have a choice as to whether stay at home or continue to work. Many American moms take a break from their careers in the early years of their children’s lives because they truly want to be involved and they are very passioante about their kids’ developement. Later, they might return to work or not. Again, depending on the family situation, as long as both partners are okay with the arrangement, and no partner accuses the other one of not working because of laziness, then that is fine.
There are few women who enter the marriage with the intention of never working because they are lazy or want their husbands to completely provide for them. But circumstances change and with children involved, choices have to be made.
I don’t have grudges against women who marry and leave the workforce to spend their entire being on raising children and having a family. I do agree one has to make a sacrifice because you’re raising a family and if you can afford it, why not? If you can’t, both have to work to earn a living as with most family. Why it is always or mostly always the women who stay at home is because the men’s earning power is more, moreover a mother is more attentive towards children as well as the more traditional view that household belongs to the women. There are men who leave work and be house husbands, in western world mostly and frankly in Asia they will get a lot of flak because it is as if women earning and giving an allowance to men. Again the traditional view.
It doesn’t matter who stays at home, who works, etc, whatever it takes for a family to stay together and survive together.
Not every family can afford what the rich can.
And I don’t hold against women for marrying rich or marrying men with better income for security but there is a difference between marrying for security and all out gold digging. If the marriage lasts, good for you. If it doesn’t, there’s always that nasty fight in the divorce courts.
Whatever floats your boat. I am neither a feminist or traditionalist. Sometimes I get so tired, all I want is a good guy who can provide for me and my family and give me love. First and foremost I must be able to love that man, then money is second.
You bought up some good points Funn. However, I don’t think it is not always true that men always earn more and women are more attentive towards their kids. Honestly, these days the times have changed. IN my family, my brother’s wife makes more than he does and is more attentive towards his son more than his wife is. His wife is really lazy and is more engulfed in her job/career and herself more than anything. I can say that I take care of my nephew more than she does and she is the mother too. I have seen many women being really lazy towards their kids these days… My friend’s sister in law just sits on her butt and throws her kids onto others. Therefore, it is not necessarily true that a mother is more attentive towards her kids.
You bought up some good points Jayne. That is actually what is happening to my friend right now. She quit her job/career to stay at home with her son. However, she is lucky that she married a well off guy so is able to do so, but of course that is not possible for most people these days. She doesn’t have to do much cooking or housework either. Her husband is ok with it, but his family(which are my friend’s inlaws)is really against it and always ask why my friend is not working…
estabished may well mean, mature man with money, enough for shopping and a reasonable to lux. living ?
That just means Kate is looking for a rich suitor? To live in luxury and no need to work anymore?
I won’t miss Kate if she married off someone rich. She can’t act and her presence make me feel mad even when she’s in a super nice character.
Well done Vivien, I totally agree with you. I can’t stand Kate either and thinks that she can’t act, no matter what type of character she portrays. She’s just one of those people I cannot stand and it would be good if she ever leave TVB.
ps:Sandra Ng is a cheerful and delightful actress