Kate Tsui’s One-Second Rape Scene Disappoints Male Viewers

Prior to the broadcast of TVB drama, Highs and Lows <雷霆掃毒>, Kate Tsui’s (徐子珊) gang rape scene was widely discussed. After waiting for 22 nights, the controversial scene was finally aired this week. Male viewers expected the content to be more revealing, but to their disappointment, the gang rape scene was over in one second.
The tragic fate of Kate Tsui’s character in Highs and Lows, who encountered gang rape, later becoming a drug addict and dealer, has shocked the public since plot spoilers were revealed. The challenging role was a breakthrough for Kate, generating hot buzz for this year’s TV Queen award.
“It’s a very terrifying and pitiful situation,” Kate spoke of the gang rape scene earlier, in which veteran actor, Lee Ka Ding (李家鼎) portrayed one of the rapists.
However, the terror in the gang rape scene was over in one second. Kate was surrounded by several men in the controversial scene, who exclaimed, “When is it our turn?” before the screen blacked out and the audience was spared the visual terror. Kate was only seen crying uncontrollably in the aftermath.
Due to earlier media coverage on the rape scene, this created a sordid anticipation among Hong Kong male viewers who eagerly followed the drama. After the one-second scene failed to “deliver the goods,” male viewers felt that TVB had cheated them, angrily demanding for a more authentic rape scene.
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Why would ppl want to see the actual process of a rape? It’s disturbing enough to know she was raped by multiple men already….ppl these days really, it’s on television, what do they expect out of it?
i think the males just wanna picture themselves doing it with kate
If they want to see a rape scene go watch porn -.- And stop complaining about how a family TV show does not have enough “goodies”…. Some men these days.
It’s so high high high
More pls.
Wtf? Were they expecting some sort of pornography in prime time tv? I think the blackout is actually better than any rape scene imaginable. It gives the audience a chance to imagine the terror in their minds instead of complaining how fake the rape scene is.
er, this is just tv drama not some sort of porn, how much do they want to see exactly.
Similar to what happened to Aimen in TLSA. If TVB wasn’t going to show the actual process, they shouldn’t build the hype in the first place. Anyway, props to Kate,she does well in the last two episodes.
I don’t really think they hyped it up that much. I think they just wanted to tell the audience their was a rape scene because they wanted people to sort of know what Kate’s character had to go through and not really the actual scene itself. If you know what I mean.
Maybe it got too much hype and it was building too much momentum for Kate, who TVB might not have wanted to give the award to.
Haiz, first people made a big deal because of the rape scene, and now then they are dissapointed? Confused people. :s her life is tragic enough, no need for more.
I guess cause TVB has talked too much about the rape scene that’s why ppl were waiting, but I prefer the scene as the way it was yesterday, Kate is really amazing so far compared to her standard.
Now it is for sure that this is her breakthtrough role. Her best act so far:D She did it great in Loo too, but this role fits her perfectly.
And now they can’t say the rape scene is the scene that makes her Get the awards(if she gets it):P
I’m sure Kate won’t get the BA award this year but she gains more than that, I think she can be proud of people calling her an actress now and the rape scene, nah, she does’t need. She did prove herself. I like the way Kate and Ray compliment each other, so cute and so nice, good friends.
They make it sound as if all men are sick perverts. For crying out loud! There is nothing sexy about a rape scene.
These men are disgusting lol. But I have to say I expected something more dramatic/intense since it was so hyped up by the media. Wasn’t this scene supposed to help Kate get tv queen?
You are very SICKED!!!!! If you want more than that, go and watch porn!!
O_o I’m not even a guy lol I have no interest in seeing her naked.
You are SICKED!! If you want something more, go and watch Pooorns!
1 second rape scene
if rape scene was more than 10 seconds long
That’s what I ment with confusing people:p never satisfied.
how is it confusing? it’s two different groups of ppl complaining:
1st complaint is netizens who expected more
2nd complaint is overprotective housewives who think the world is all good and pure, and dont want dirty thoughts corrupting the minds of their children.
Why would viewers want to see someone get raped? Really?
On a side note, I really enjoyed this episode. (ep22) Gosh, Kate has really improved as an actress. I remember hating her but now I am just in love with her.
Kate notmy fan, but she really good. Not many actress act in bad situation
It’s not that men are perverted. The overhype of her character and the rape scene lead the audience to expect more from that scene. Even Kate was really hyper when talking about her character and taht rape scene in a interview before the series aired. She said that the scene is very dramatic and suspensful. However, this was not the case.
You never know what the actual case is. First I thought the rape scene was added so some audience was eager thus increase the number of view, this left Kate had no choice but doing the scene, then suddenly she got popular and the scene might even help her getting the award. So the scene should be cut to fit the original script that Kate shouldn’t win. But personally, I don’t want that stupid scene, I think Pat’s life is tragic enough.
tvb cut the scene to ensure kate can’t win tv queen over tavia
Really?? What are they expecting even with all the over hype?
What about you? What do you expect?
I expect the scene to not be one second.
Maybe, it’s cut off.
I agree. There was such a big hype about the rape scene and the audience probably expected more. Not so much because of the rape scene itself, but probably cause it was hyped up so much. I feel like the plot is very choppy for the series..doesn’t flow very well. So nothing is really suspenseful enough. Shame really.
she should’ve kept her mouth shut as the actual scene wasn’t even dramatic enough.
I actually agree with the critiques about the one-second rape scene. I don’t think pornography is necessary of course, but this was just too ambiguous, as it’s just a few shoots of kate being high on drugs, and some men leering. One gang-rape scene that had stood out to me in Chinese television, had to be the gang-rape scene in ‘Romance in the Rain’. It wasn’t revealing or pornographic, but the girl was very young, 17 or below, and their intentions were clearly depicted. I think that’s the kind of scene that most audience were expecting.
However, with Kate’s scene, it isn’t done that way, but more of a recollection of her memory. That is from her point of view, the faces that she recalls every night in her nightmares.
I can see why people were disappointed, as it’s too ambiguous, but does it fit into the scene? where kate was crying and confessing? Yes, I think so.
I remember that gang rape scene from Romance in the Rain. You are right intentions were captured very well. But I guess different directors and different editors and so a different approach with what was kept and shown. Another good capture of the scary and awful thoughts of a rape victim is Alice Chan’s scene in one of the ATV series. Forgot the title but it was her bfs mother who sent a group if men to rape her.
If they wanna see more, then go watch something else sick pervs. Oh how I wish there was more Happy Sir in this world and less Poon Sir Q.Q
And whatever related to sex get most comments like think about sex everyday, virginity then car accident then rape. The rest
Sex is a popular subject lol
If Kate was relying on this to get TVB Queen, then we can now finally conclude that she won’t be winning anything.
LOL! But seriously, the whole hype and anticipation for such a thing like a rape scene is disgusting.
but it sells
LOL .. seriously if she does.. then all actresses will be fighting to have rape scenes added in so that will increase their chances of winning TVB Queen. oh dearrrrr .. almost seems like rape is glorified.. which is soo disgusting and wrong. Congratulations Kate, well done getting raped, here’s ur award.
Meh~, do you know about Tang Yi + Lust, Caution?
You are making yourself like a saint.
I don’t think she was relying on the rape scene per se to win the award but rather through her acting and portrayal of Chan Ka Bik. She has been getting praises and critical acclaim since the series aired and will continue to due to her acting throughout the series and NOT just for this one particular scene. I really hope she gets the TV Queen award.
Episode 22 put Kate back in the race :-). Good for her. As for those sickos who are disappointed…get a life!!!
i was expecting and waited for the gang rape scene but HECK! just that short?!?!
Btw, the stylist/director/make-up artist didn’t do a good job on Kate’s as a drug addict. First, she should of removed the fake lashes…no addicts has time to glue on fake lashes lol. Second, addicts don’t bathe & Kate still looks too clean, specially her hair. They should of made her more dirty/nasty looking to help her get more into character.
I totally agree about the fake eyelashes and bouncy hair. She should look more grungy.
Btw, I still don’t understand why Ding yeh’s character injected Pat w/ drugs. They were gonna rape her and then kill her later anyway. Why would triads waste drugs?
Maybe they think they have just had a big bag of drug so wanna try a little, lolz.
But it’s actually a goof.
Is DVD / overseas TVBI version different from Hong Kong TVB version on that scene?
Nope it can’t be, TVB is pretty PG rated on those particular scenes
Im saying; is the the Hong Kong version is the same edit as to DVD / Overseas version.
TVB can edit the Hong Kong version easily.
The DVD/overseas version is the original edit.
I live overseas and they’re pretty much the same with the original version. Besides TVB is a television broadcast company, they can’t add such scenes. I don’t think they really filmed much of the scene it’s just the news exaggerated too much about it.
Besides the director already had his mind set to how the scene is going to be, there should be nothing different in the DVD version overseas. The DVD version overseas is what they broadcast in HK just in case you didn’t know
lolz so they rape scene is similar to Aimee’s rape scene in the TLSA. Feel sorry for the Male’s viewer lolz
That’s just disguisting! WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU DEMAND A RAPE scene to be more violent and revealing. I saw that one second footage, along with the commetary and dialogue and I felt disgusted. it’s already disgusting being raped by an old man, but also other people as. Those male viewers should all be castrated.
aww, why don’t you line up with those housewives to complain to tvb about how it corrupted your mind? your mind must have been really corrupted to suggest castrating people.
1 second? Told ya!! All these publicity for nothing.
Agree. They shouldn’t hyped it up so much.
If it’s long, ppl will complain.
And now it’s short, ppl complain.
Why? Because of the publicity.
But yeah, now if Kate wins and captures the audience, she can proudly say that she dun need to lean on the rape scene to win.
LOL, 1 sec.? In that case in sure Aimee did a much better job in TOT.
Why ppl complain? Bc TVB hyped this all up and it turns into nothing!
Well you can’t say for sure that Aimee did a better job at filming the rape scene than Kate because it’s not up to either of the actresses to determine how much of the scene is filmed or even how much of it will make it to the final cut and be broadcasted on TV. That’s all up to the director, producer, editing department, TVB, etc. So even if Kate did a spectacular job in portraying the victim during “the act”, the entire process may never be seen by us since it was edited and instead we get a 1 second glimpse of it which I believe is not a very good basis for judging her portrayal in comparison to Aimee’s. Hence it leads me to believe that neither is better than the other in depicting this horrendous act.
Hehe, based on what are shown in the series Aimee did much better in TOT. That’s a fact unless you prefer watching someone laying on the floor like a “dead fish”, LOL.
I see what you mean, but that’s too much speculation. There’s no way to confirm or reject hence pretty much pointless. For instance we don’t know if it’s her own request for not allowing Ding Jeh “raping” her more realistically?
Ofcourse HKers will have sky high expectations when they were basically bombarded with news of how great this rape scene will from the newspapers and TVB everyday for over 3 weeks!
It’s like being in the desert walking for over 21 straight days knowing there will be water only to get a drop, LOL.
Conclusion: the scene trying to portray a rape was a big FAIL. TVB should be glad HKers didn’t use more drastic measures to voice their dissatisfaction.
But in TOT she wasn’t raped. She played rape. But she was raped in TLSA.
Yeah, but we are shown that she is raped during that case.
Producer of HAL said nothing was cut so the scene was just lame to begin with.
Didn’t watch TLSA and I just watched the scene with Ding Jeh to justify my post.
HK men are debaunched for getting angry because the rape wasn’t long and explicit.
I think it was tastefully done. Must say Kate has done well portraying this role , the best ever. LF and her seems to have a very good chemistry here. Don’t think she will get the best actress award but certainly will raise her profile. Also LF is much better in this series than Three Kingdoms!
I am male, good job TVB did a good on the rape scene
Kate did very well , felt she stand a good chance , just like Shreen Tang as opium addict on Rosy Business 2
Go watch some porn, gentlemen. LOL.
Knowing TVB it obviously wasn’t going to be too graphic. However, due to the hype about the trauma and Kate’s performance in the scene, I would’ve expected a showcase of Kate’s so called acting chops… aka not just lying unconscious…
Blame TVB for overhyping this rape scene. The best sex scene we will ever get from a government-monitored TV programming are kissing scenes and Kevin Cheng smacking Myolie’s $$$. These Haam Sup Lo need to get a cold shower, rape scenes in any ratings are not enjoyable, it is flat disgusting. At the same time, I do not enjoy TVB giving us advanced notice, it is almost like we know Kate will live on before the rape scene. TVB, how about Kenneth Ma as Justin Lee?!?!?!?
See how Kate’s image is so cheapen now? From Miss HK winner to some random actress where perverted freaks protest to see more of her body and happy for her to be gang-raped….. what has this world become? Miss HK Org – please don’t show footage of kate’s accomplishments at the next pageant recruitment. Coz honestly, gang-raped SHOULD NOT be promoted.
LMAO~, you are so funny.
Oh and Tavia’s image has risen so much from the car’s incident.
When is Kate’s accomplishment due to being gang-raped? It’s due to her portrayal of the tragic character Pat as a whole and whether it’s an accomplishment is quite subjective.
Artists are supposed to be able to portray any roles given, either good or evil. The fact that people are able to feel for her tragic role, that’s an accomplishment in my opinion.
What raped scene?? There was none at all!!! Pleasseeeeeeee……..I think HK viewers and tabloids were too narrow minded!! It was a replayed of the so called raped scene. I don’t know why anyone bother to even talk about this at all!!! Seriously……
With the society now which too many pervert men exist (eg justin lee case), it is better not to show too much intense rape scene to arouse more perversion. The one sec scene is good enough.
Eh? I’m a female. I don’t glorify rape. But for something to be hyped up to such an extent and then amount to a one second footage is laughable. However, I guess the main point is the aftermath and not the scene itself.
I think Kate act great in this.. Not need that rape scene.. I cry when she say her story been rape n her brother die.. Such a pity full life.. Hope the ending will not that it’s reveal.. Happy sir n pat fighting..
And how LF expression changed as she recounted that.
He’s really good too
I’m glad the rape scene was short! I wouldnt have wanted to watch it if it was any longer.
I do admit the crying scene in which Pat (Kate) admitted she was raped was very good! I even cried for her too.
I’m a girl, but personally, I’m disappointed too. Before you go ‘omg-you-are-so-sick’, let me say that it’s due to the stupid overhyped media coverage saying how intense+shocking it’s gonna be. I’ve seen other rape scenes that were done more realistically than this! Again, we’re talking about the ‘scene direction’, nothing to do with ethic or morality, etc. okie? When I watched this Kate rape scene, I was shocked at how short, or rather, how unintensed it was. Really dumb media hype.
I don’t think TVB is that brave to actually show an actual rape scene… It’s not a big deal anyways as long as the series is good. It should not be based on how long a rape scene is.
lol…this is a tv shows, it’s not porn! i can’t believe people are looking forward to watch something like this!
Blame the media for hyping this up and causing disappointment to those who expected more.
People need to get their heads out of the gutter. Just because there are complaints about the rape scene being short doesn’t mean people want to see actual rape on tv. It’s acting for god sake. Personally I thought the scene was done horribly to justify the reports of Kate fighting for tv queen with that role. She had no time to show any acting whatsoever. The media is partly to blame for the hype and the near universal praise of how Kate will win best actress with that scene. In truth, that scene didn’t allow Kate to show much acting talent at all since it was so short. I would have preferred there being a scene showing Kate in the aftermath. Since it wasn’t mentioned until days later and she was addicted to drugs the whole time there was never any time to show the character’s state of mind.
The portrayal was a let down. At least in TLSA with Aimee there was sufficient time to portray her emotional state. Should’ve shown Kate immediately after the act but they didn’t.
It was a total failure. I am female, was not expecting anything too graphic. But come on, she was unconscious the whole time. There is no acting involved. There should be at least scenes of her fighting them off, screaming or something that will show her fear of what’s coming… That will show us her acting skills…
I am not a Kate fan, but yes, she did improved in this series. But definitely not BA award material. I think if people vote for her, it’s because of the character, not her acting skills. I felt the same way when Sharon Chan won for best supporting actress last year for GJ. Her acting was just okay, but everyone sympathized for her character, she got lots of votes…. Nancy Wu should have won for COTRH, she was superb in her acting… She was robbed..
They should’ve just added snippets here and there, not the actual rape scene since they’ve actually shot it. Frankly, people wouldn’t have been disappointed if media didn’t buzz too much. It was okay nevertheless.
Wow, that’s messed up.
Perverts!!! I thought the scenes was well done. It didn’t need to pysically show the actions of the rape, but how Kate told Ray on what happened days afterwards was well done. TV is still TV, not to mention in HK. I think it is good to be a little conservative in such scenes, especially with so much perverts around waiting yo see this “rape” scene.
I think they cutted a lot out cos i remembered i read somewhere that another female staff had to keep pulling her legs…i assume tvb cutted it
Wow! I never did realized how important rape scenes are to HK viewers. LMAO!
Well, I guess that’s why Wong jing was so successful with his trashy cat3 movie series in the 90’s about “raped by an angel”.
LOL people need to get lives…you know some children could be watching this with their parents so…
To all those dirty-minded people, if you really want to see the rape scene, mind as well go watch something called porn instead…
Kate did a good job on her acting on this drama man. These men should focus on the storyline of the drama instead of the skin showness and the rape of a girl.
I’ve watch up to episode 13. I’ve to say, Kate’s acting has improved. Her acting is more natural and consistent than before. Maybe not yet TV Queen, but, deserves a top 5 mention.