Kathy Chow Looks Slim Despite Being 6 Months Pregnant

Hong Kong model Kathy Chow (周汶錡) is six months pregnant but looks every bit as svelte as her pre-pregnancy self. Appearing at a Cartier event today with her husband Julien Lepeu, Kathy looked stunning in a sapphire gown and platform high heels.
Kathy revealed that she only put on the high heels in the car. “I’ll be scolded by my female friends, who are very concerned when they saw [the heels].”
Experiencing the positive sides of pregnancy such as glowing skin and a more curvaceous figure, Kathy said that she has only increased one cup size. “Other woman said they increased two to three cup sizes; I wanted to experience that too.”
While she may not look pregnant, Kathy was more than happy to chat about her future baby. In an earlier interview, Kathy admitted that she had already started making plans for the baby’s education and was looking for a property with such concerns in mind. She said, “When I move, I want to move to a good location where there are good schools my child can attend. I have also been on the lookout for houses with a suitably-sized room that can be used as the baby room.” She then laughed and added that she hopes to avoid being a “Tiger Mom” and wanted her baby to grow up in a stress-free environment.
She looks great, but I see she did managed to put some weight on.