Kelly Cheung Signs Up for Acting Class in LA to Improve Skills

Known for her beauty and good figure, Kelly Cheung (張曦雯) has been heavily promoted since winning Miss Chinese International 2012. However, Kelly knows that she still needs improvement and has decided to take acting classes in Los Angeles in May.

Filming her first TVB drama Law dis-Order <律政強人> in 2016, Kelly has been learning on the filming set. But she knows this is not enough and decided to take a more structured class. “My friend who is a Hollywood artiste recommended this teacher. I look forward to this learning experience. Since I will be starting a new drama in September, I want to use this opportunity to apply my new knowledge.” The 28-year-old actress will first visit family in Chicago before heading to Los Angeles for the class.

Her Love for the Water

Though Kelly feels inadequate in her acting, she is more natural when filming for variety programs. Traveling to Thailand to film Fun Abroad <3日2夜> earlier, Kelly showed her adventurous side. Aside from interacting with baby elephants in Koh Chang (also known as Elephant Island), Kelly was also looking forward to scuba diving since she already has her license.

She shared, “I haven’t been scuba diving in almost a year, so I was scared of forgetting the small details. The show wants me to dive to my limit of 59 feet below sea level. It was necessary to go that deep because there was a sunken battleship that they wanted to film. When I first heard the idea, I was shaking and felt a huge pressure.”

Though the crew initially wanted Kelly to make two dives, she only managed to do one dive for 45 minutes. Feeling very uncomfortable when returning to shore, Kelly felt dizzy and nauseous and said she couldn’t manage a second dive due to further health concerns.

Not Rushed to Get Married

Being career-oriented, Kelly is ready to sacrifice her love life for now. She would occasionally go out with male friends, but doesn’t have time to sustain a relationship with her busy schedule. She shared, “I don’t want to waste anyone’s time. If I am going to date, I want it to be with someone I am compatible with. Since I am very busy, there is no time to build a relationship. Also, my family has not rushed me to get married, so I am okay with being single!”

Her hard-earned savings allowed Kelly to purchase a 800-square-feet apartment in Chicago. She lets her mother manage her savings. Kelly said, “I would love to buy an apartment in Hong Kong, but it is too expensive. I have to work harder and be more mindful of my spending. Like last year, I spent a lot of money on a car and I regret it even though it made me really happy. My goal is to buy a place in Hong Kong so I don’t have to rent anymore!”

Source: Ming Pao Weekly

This article is written by Hailey for

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  1. I think it’s great she’s trying to improve her acting skills for her career. It also makes me think she’s not going to stay in the HK market since she’s expanding into the states. Probably going to try her luck in the U.S. eventually.

    1. She should probably work on her Cantonese more than the acting, cause her acting is unlikely going to improve……She just doesn’t have the acting bug in her, and like other ABC’s / CBC’s, such as Bernice, Fala, Eliza and etc., they are just not “white” enough to break into the Hollywood scene, and you can hardly count Fala’s little onscreen tv series as breaking into Hollywood……….That’s kind of why these girls always end up marrying white guys, so to bump up their “whiteness” for the Western market.

      1. @yuaida Maybe they prefer white guys anyway since they’ve grown up in english speaking countries. It would actually be more weird if they married an asian from hk/china that couldnt speak english properly!

      2. @yuaida i think bernice is very white. if she had more ambition & started her career in the ‘states, maybe things would’ve been different for her. i still don’t consider fala very “white,” but she has a western personality & can scrape by. she’s also far more ambitious than bernice. eliza is not on par with her predecessors.

        @myxx agreed, but there are exceptions to the rule. angela tong married chin ka lok who doesn’t speak a lick of english as far as i’m aware. there’s also grace who married kevin; i doubt kevin cheng’s english is that great, but he should be passable. jacqueline wong liked kenneth & andy, who as far as i know, aren’t native English speakers, either? there’s also cherrie ying and jordan chan.

      3. @yuaida
        well, as an asian chick, i find white men in general look better*** (note the general part). given the same number of white men and asian men, the ratio of good-looking white men is orders of magnitudes higher than asian. of course there are some really good-looking asian boys too that are actually cuter but just speaking in general terms. i don’t think these actresses are just marrying to look white, they are probably actually attracted to their spouses too.

      4. @m0m0 not just that, but it’s also about cultural comfort and opportunities. like, if an asian girl grew up in a white neighborhood, surrounded by white people and has assumed that kind of environment as her home, marrying a completely non-westernized asian man might be very alienating for her. not to mention, there are far more opportunities to date outside of one’s own race than there are to date inside the race. asian men are also very picky. some asian women i know who end up dating/marrying white men once dated asian men, too, but as they got older, asian men start looking elsewhere and aren’t interested in them as much. so they expand their market elsewhere. it’s all about supply and demand. if asian men had a bigger market, would they be so adamant about women dating only their own race?

      5. @coralie
        statistically speaking, asian men don’t fare well in the dating market. i think i read in an article that asian women are the most popular on dating sites (still can’t figure out why) while asian men are the least. and asian women have the highest response to asian men but on the other hand, asian men prefer other races. so asian men don’t even like the only race – asian women who favor them the most. i guess you are right about them being picky.

      6. @m0m0 yup, what really annoys me too is that statistics show majority of asian women marry asian men. the ones who marry outside their race is still a small number, but in comparison to other minorities, ours is bigger. then again, we’re also considered the most racially attractive while other minorities aren’t. so it still comes down to supply & demand.

        also, asian men has their own set of beauty standards. i hate to say this, but some of my non-conventionally beautiful friends do end up marrying white men. it’s so much easier to find a white guy who appreciates an asian woman for being herself than it is to find an asian man who does, without being compared.

      7. @m0m0 where I am there is not enough chinese population so looks wise I think white men are more handsome but its probably a number thing. When I was in Japan I thought the men were better looking there (although really in Korea, no offense to any Koreans here…)

  2. it appears that more artists are taking acting classes in the us.
    perhaps as stepping stool to break into hollywood. it’s indeed not a bad time to try now with the success of CRA and the rise in power with China in the world. It’s a good move, i hope these girl find success and with kelly, she’s definatley got potential with her nice figure and being a native speaker.

    1. @m0m0 I agree that it’s definitely the right time to try their hand at breaking into Hollywood now with the whole inclusivity thing going on. Some production companies are actually making it part of their business plan to be more inclusive and have their productions feature more diverse cast, so there are more opportunities now than there were before. Even if all these girls get are bit parts in a mainstream TV series or movie, as long as they are not playing a “token Asian” or any type of stereotypical role, it’s still better than filming anything for TVB in my opinion. But the important thing is that they need to know the language – if they don’t speak at least decent English, it will be very hard for them, that’s for sure….

  3. “Kelly Cheung (張曦雯) has been heavily promoted since winning Miss Chinese International 2012.”

    Has she been “heavily” promoted though? I felt like she was only hosting for a while before she recently participated in dramas. I don’t remember seeing her on TV a lot.

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