Kenneth Ma Admits Thinking About Sex Everyday

Kenneth Ma (馬國明), Raymond Wong (黃浩然), and Kenny Wong (黃德斌) filmed a sales promotion clip for the new TVB series, Cold Mountain Hidden Dragon <寒山潛龍>. The costumes and images of the three assassins are different and unique. Reporters teased the long haired Kenneth by saying he looks like a pervert. Kenny and Raymond both laughed and replied that they were too afraid to look directly at Kenneth’s face.

Kenneth explained that he is portraying an assassin named Ximen. His character will form love relationships with Aimee Chan (陳茵媺) and Priscilla Wong (黃翠如). He chuckled and revealed that he is actually portraying Ximen Qing [womanizer character in the novel, Golden Lotus], allowing him to forge a new acting path. When asked whether Kenneth got this perverted image due to thinking about the ‘mating season,’ Kenneth did not deny that he thought about sex. “I think about mating everyday…don’t all men think about it?”

Kenny, Kenneth and Raymond were laughing and joking throughout the filming of the promotional clip. Teased by his perverted image, Kenneth responded, “I will not have any problems playing this role because I am just playing myself!” Standing next to him was Kenny Wong, who immediately defended Kenneth. He said, “Kenneth becomes very serious once the camera starts rolling.”

Raymond Wong, one of the other assassins in the series, has a very revealing costume with a plunging neckline, showing his bare chest.

Kenny will portray an assassin named “Cold Blood”. He joked, “I wear more clothes than the other two, since I am cold-blooded.”

Cold Mountain Hidden Dragon is a wuxia series developed by TVB. The three characters will film fighting scenes in this series. Kenny already did many stretching exercises to prepare for it.

Source: via

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  1. Did this caption about KM appear on Jayne Stars about 6 months ago?

      1. He is scaring all her admirers away. Still cannot accept nancy dumbs him and attached to another one. Maggie tsang refused to accept she had one night stand with this hamsuplow

      2. Only a sad lonely soul a.k.a idiotic engineering nerd will tell everyone that he enjoys watching online porns, self pleasuring and think of sex everyday.

        At least , Dumb Ron seems smarter in handling self image until he get caught in phone scandal

      3. Actually Kenneth is smarter. He is all talk. So far not one single scandalous news. Ron? No talk but look at all the pictures, all the lies.

      4. Kenneth keep trying to shed off his innocent puppy eye image. I’m beginning to suspect that he wants gossip and magazine cover spreads like Ron.

      5. He is such a loner and weirdo. even 2nd line nancy did not admit relation with mm,he admitted himself..unlike Lf,Bosc & Ron ,they won’t admit they are womanizers until they get caught. This are what expert players do.

  2. The outfit looks awful on all of them. Raymond Wong looks the best, at least he look cute. MM looks like a man in woman’s clothes, just lacks few flowers on hair.

    MM thinks of sex everyday? Lolz, maybe we should as exoidus if all the men think of sex everyday or not. From what I know about the men around me, none of them think of sex everyday. MM is having matters with sexual life?

    1. It’s not the best look, but Raymond does sort of look adorable.

      As for Kenneth… reminds me of that martial art where you have to be castrated…

      1. Kui jia bao dian =)).

        Reminds me of VOH dun noe which part when the husband of Gam Yat tried to learn Kui jia bao dian and the eunuch played him by giving him the book that even if he cut, he still can’t learn this martial art.

      2. i know, RW always look cute hahaha..even thou hes not that popular i always like him too bad he’s so underrated. 🙁

      3. In “the last combat” (koi sai Ho hup) w/ stephen chow and Francis ng, there was this Kung fu that made the guy effeminate (laa ying). Kenneth looks exactly like Francis did when he turned girly.

    2. I think most men think about sex every day. They might just not admit to it…

      1. That is true I remember 2 of my guy classmates telling me that no matter how nice, educated or sweet any guy is, he is a guy!!

      2. @HTS,

        yes agree with you, men are still men, they think of sex matter they’re at work or schooling. Trusting your friends who said they never think of sex is naive. They’re just lying to you.

      3. @veejay,
        Well all of my friends are girls so not sure how guys truly think. These were just my classmates, not friends but we were on friendly terms and I do not remember how we got on the topic. But it still stuck in my mind that guys even admit as guys so it must be true. Of course many will not say it out loud or admit it vocally.

      4. Well, my friends are balanced with guys and gals lol.. even in my working environment, my Division are male colleagues and since I’m married and have had experiences with my ex’s and men i met in my life, so I know clearly even if they say they don’t think of that word often..but deep down, they actually thought about it always and its important to them too.

        Men are easy to get aroused creature, when they see pretty gal in short skirt or low cut showing off cleavages, first thing in mind are usually s.e.x so if whoever believe their friends that they never though of it at all, thats bullshyt. LOL.

      5. They often think of sex and sexy girls (or guys in some cases), but not everyday if they have something else to do, for example works, money, lover, game, etc. They only think of sex everyday if they are too dry or being a FA or have matter with sex addict.

    3. Men around you tells you what they think on a daily basis?

  3. omg, they look like a trangender… not really nice costume….

  4. (^o^) What the crap?!

    Give me back my eyes, Kenneth…

  5. The clothes are still passable if they give the men better hairstyles.

    Didn’t Ron Ng wear a similar outfit to Raymond Wong with a vest-like costume baring his arms in “The Four” before becoming a constable?

    1. I don’t remember Ron having to show that much cleavage though.

  6. lol Kenneth is really frank with his perverted mind and I admire him for that. Some other male artist can act all innocent and say that they don’t think about sex but the truth is they do almost every freaking minutes.

    1. KM is honest. That’s adorable but that outfit sucks! All of them look horrendous and look like transvestites! Change please!

  7. Omg such horrifying hairstyles…. I don’t think I’d be able to watch this series seriously if that’s what they’d look like the whole time.

  8. Looks like they are dressed for Halloween costume contest…

  9. These “assassins” spend too much time at the salon. Kenneth Ma looks high maintenance and Kenny Wong looks matronly. Raymond Wong looks better but I’m not a fan of the leopard belt.

  10. HAHAHA, is KM trying to portrait Chor Lau Heung or Dong Fong Ba Bai? And RW & KW must be playing senior members of the beggar clan or perhaps jungle boy mowgli 🙂

    Im a huge wuxia fan, but I guess I will pass.

      1. Both of you so funny, when I saw the photos I thought they are dressing as women.

  11. Actually I think this suits his assassin character coz his victim will die of laughing when they see him =)))))

  12. What have they done? What’s with the hair for all 3 men? LOL…this is a drama right? If they continue with these hairstyles for the actual filming, it might as well turn into a comedy.

  13. Their hairstyles look really feminine! Hope they’ll alter them during actual filming.

    1. Look as if they go for hair treatments every month with re-bonding and perming lol and Kenneth’s hairstyle is unflattering to his face, makes it looks too long.

  14. The one who should be revealing anything should be Kenny Wong who has the best body amongst the 3. Awful hair, awful costume, hopefully good storyline.

    As for Kenneth and his need to confess about his love of sex every time he has an opportunity makes me believe, seriously that he doesn’t have sex. The more he talks, the more he doesn’t have any sex life. This man needs some action, fast!

      1. KM should get close with TOby, maybe he can get some “easy” actions…

    1. Maybe the hair is temporary because at any angle still darn awful.

  15. Haha! Assassins killed victims by making them laugh to death.

    1. They looks more like the 3 stooges except Kenny looks more serious etc..

  16. I adore Kenneth (my fave TVB actor) and I’m all for honesty but Kenneth is either trying to hard to portray this pervy high school boy or he doesn’t have a filter between his brain and his mouth 🙁

    I appreciated his honesty about watching porn, it was a great, frank answer to the question asked. But this is a bit too much, he volunteered the answer too willingly.

    Dear Kenneth, I think you need less talk & more action!

      1. Ron is action first, excuses later. Kenneth is talk talk talk.

      2. Ron thinks with his head. I meant the other head..rofl.. that’s why he seldom use his brain to think.

      3. But Kenneth now looks like he’s wishing he can think with the head below like Ron too with all this p0rn and s3x talk.

  17. Aimee Chan leading a series now? TVB’s standards are getting lower and lower.

    1. Yup! I have lost faith in TVB they can promote whoever they want… It’s not about talent it’s about looks bleh.

      1. If it’s about looks, I’d rather they promote Eliza instead.

      2. It has always been about look. You check back the 80’s and 90’s series. Which series is not lead by a beautiful actress?

      3. Exactly… They are short of people so they are promoting new people even if they can’t act. But actresses that are really good but not too attractive eg Krystal tin are ignored

    2. @Sharon,

      Agree iwth you, although I like the male casts but Aimee? I’m so going to pass this ..can’t stand even 1 min watching her onscreen.

  18. How do you work if you’re not focused, and be constantly thinking about sex? He probably looks at his hot female costars and be fantasizing about copulating with them.

  19. Which guy doesn’t think about sex everyday? The only difference is that we don’t go around telling reporters about it everyday.

  20. I actually think Kenneth looks good. Same with Raymond and Kenny.. as for him talking about sex…. sound like he’s joking…

  21. I’m been asking TVB to make a new wuxia series for ever, but this looks horrendous! I hope they will have different costumes for the actual filming.

  22. Yuck! Props for originality, but the outfits are horrendous. Please please upgrade. Oh, and change the female cast.

  23. They can’t be serious lols. Kenny looks like a girl with long hair & side bang. Raymond looks kinda okay. Kenneth = no comment.

  24. So in this series, are TVB writers gonna rip off from both Cold Mountain and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon?

  25. Looks like this movie will be about 3 ladyboys prancing around the mountain.

  26. Studies said guy think about sex 19 times a day. Girl think about sex 10 times a day. Don’t hate KM for being honest. Chinese guys in general are conservative when it comes to sex topic. All my Filipino guy friends think about sex and also want sex everyday. Hahaha

    They look so gay with the haircut and outfit. Fix the hair at least.

  27. The outfits and hair look so gay… Is TVB getting cheap with not just the clothing, but the hair too?? Goodness!!

    1. There was massive layoffs couple years back to get rid of low paid make-up artist, beauty salon, clothing designers and other low paid side jobs…

      1. Really?? did not know that… If they were low paid, wouldn’t TVB want to keep them?? But then again, maybe they did not do a good enough job?? Did they hire higher paid people now or something?

      2. Also, IF they did hire higher paid workers, wouldn’t the quality get better? sadly, it does not seem that way at all..

      3. Not sure about back then since the economy is currently at one of its worse phases ever. What/who is TVB blaming now?? The new companies that will emerge?

  28. So he finally admits he’s a guy. I’ve always wonder about him….


    middle picture: not sure if boy or girl

    1. Me too, Raymond looks very girly in that middle pic
      TVB custom wuxia series has been going down hill. Their golden days were in the 80’s and 90’s has passed.

  29. LOLZ Kenneth does look like a pervert with that costume. wonder how the series will be like.

    1. Km also look like man trying to be a woman with curly and straight hair at the same time.. maybe if he wears some eyeliner, he will become more feminine.. txb ruins their siusangs image totally!.

  30. Gosh, Kenneth Ma, I understand you are trying to change your image, but I didn’t know you are trying to change your image into a sex-obsessed overeager teenage boy. Yes, people do think about sex often, there’s nothing wrong with it, but talking about it all the time? We don’t need to know how many times you think of sex or how many times you watch porn a day, or how many times you masturbate. leave that for your sex therapist. If you love sex just shut up and get to the action, but you are just sitting around and TALKING ABOUT IT TO THE WHOLE WORLD. Get down to doing it. Less talk or you just seem an all talk no action man.

    Please don’t end up like some actress who keeps talking about money. I mean everyone wants money, and everyone thinks of money, but no need to keep talking about it. Makes that actress look money-obsessed, and makes YOU look sex-obsessed. Maybe you do belong together. LOL FISHHEAD HAHAHA

    1. PS: I think I’m liking KM less and less the more he’s in the limelight due to his overgrown teenage boy personality.

    2. I think Kenneth wants limelight as a bad boy too.Nicole. Can’t let Ron snatch all the limelight.

      1. I mean bad overgrown boy. He seems grumpy already for Raymond snatching BA limelight earlier.

  31. “Cold Mountain Hidden Dragon is a wuxia series developed by TVB.”

    Finally a wuxia series after 4 years. A must see for me. I really miss TVB’s wuxia series.

    1. Me too but the hairstyle, the look and all seems pretty callously put up. I am hoping they will sport many many looks.

  32. I guess I’m to only one who does not have problem with either the outfit or the hairstyle except for Kenny’s hairstyle.

    Kenneth’s hairstyle looks ok to me when view from this picture.

  33. Ma Ming – He looks like a woman in late 20s who can afford to frequent hair treatment and facial spa

    Raymond – School girl

    Kenny – Housewife

    1. Can’t be that poor. Wuxia is a career and an exclusive membership. I suppose they must be supported by some welfare system within the wuxia world, if not how they survive?!

      1. I don’t know how those single travelling lone rangers survive. Maybe they do reelance job. For those that belong to a sect, the sect might have properties where they can get rent from and also membership fee. Shaolin most probably get their money from donations and Beggar Sect of course got their livelihood from begging.

      2. Thought abt this subject myself. Perhaps wulin members have their own society and money is provided to those poor members, haha.

        More plausible income streams:

        – demand protection money
        – providing services e.g transfer goods
        – showing off skills on the street
        – stealing from the corrupt officials

      3. They just need to fall down from a cliff and then will have both kungfu and money from someone died there 😛 – It was my childhood belief after watching too much wuxia series.

      4. My mom and brother had a discussion about this the other day… My brother and mom were saying that since they are so skilled in martial arts and if they were a da xia and saved people or did any good deeds, they would easily get rewarded so I guess they did not have to worry about money…

      5. Oh yea, good points Exiodus! CLH got his wealth from stealing from corrupt officials to serve the poor…

  34. is this a remake of Chow Yun Fatt movie Hidden Dragon?
    is this based on wuxia novel?

  35. lol hair and costume it looks so silly kekeke. I wonder who all the other ladies are, seems not to be a high budget film. Anyways I will probably still watch it, I like all three men.

  36. They all look like they’re wearing female wigs … especially since the wigs have wavy hair. Lol tvb ran out of male wigs?

  37. Seems like Kenneth is trying to build up a pervert image with all the porn watching, sex thoughts and what not. That’s not a good thing for him since he does look kinda perverty already lol

  38. Haha they all look like trannies! Hopefully they don’t look like that once they get into character.

    Anyway, which man doesn’t think of sex everyday?

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