Kenneth Ma Appreciates Roxanne Tong’s Great Personality

Kenneth shares more about how Roxanne is different from what he imagined her to be like.
Despite having collaborated on My Dearly Sinful Mind <心理追兇> in 2017, it took years before Kenneth Ma (馬國明) and Roxanne Tong (湯洛雯) realized they are pretty similar. The 43-year-old actor said, “Earlier we had the chance to know each other better, and I realized we have many similarities. Everyone, including myself, thought that young girls like her would love going out to have fun, eating out with friends and drinking a little, but she is totally not this type. When she doesn’t have work, she actually likes staying home to rest. Other than soccer, I also spend most of my time at home on my days off.”
Polishes Off Everything Roxanne Prepares
As the couple spends most of their time at home, cooking has become their go-to dating activity, and Kenneth readily admits that his cooking skills pale in comparison to Roxanne. “Her best dish is beef rice–it’s really delicious. She’s great at using onions to aromatize the beef, and then add a soft-boiled egg, I really love it….” Another reason why Kenneth loves Roxanne’s cooking? She understands very well what he likes. “I love garnishes like garlic, onions, and cilantro–she also loves them too. If she uses these ingredients in her dishes, I’ll polish it all off.”
Besides cooking her way to Kenneth’s heart, Roxanne also knows how to get him to open up emotionally. “Both our thinking are simple and she’s a psychology graduate, so I am more talkative when we chat. In the past when I meet up for drinks and food with friends, I’ll always listen more than talk about myself…but she’s very good at leading me to reveal what I really feel with ease, getting me to vent some of my feelings. This is her strength, so I’ve really become happier since dating her and will talk more when I’m with her.”
Showing his appreciation for Roxanne in their moments together, Kenneth would create little surprises for her. He would take note of the items she shows interest to and secretly buy them as gifts for her, even if it were not a significant occasion.
Starting to Save Up for Marriage
While they are very compatible, Kenneth does not feel pressured by good friends who rush them into marriage. The two have yet to discuss the subject in detail, but enjoy their current relationship very much. With Roxanne busy working on a film and Kenneth filming one drama after another, he would only think about getting married later.
“Right now I’ll save up for marriage first. When I get married in the future, I hope to get a new apartment. Of course I hope to be able to live with my family, however due to Hong Kong’s exorbitant housing rates, it’s pretty costly. Buying my own unit to live in as a couple seems much easier to accomplish.”
With Kenneth’s parents having a good impression of Roxanne and vice versa, that future does not seem far off. “Everyone in the family feel good about her, especially my mom has a great impression of her, as she’s filial, a homebody, and treats her parents well…. According to my knowledge, her parents have a good impression of me too as we’ve been having meals at each other’s place.”
Source: Ming Pao Weekly
This article is written by JoyceK for
They seem really happy together and that’s sweet to see.
True for now but it is still too early to determine anything.
@hetieshou Yes, relationships can be unpredictable, but this one seems much more genuine than his previous ones. It is good that they are both older since they likely know what they are looking for and what doesn’t work.
Hope they get married soon…
Really hope this is the one for Ma Ming. He’s not young anymore.
Also, interesting that Roxanne is a psychology graduate, didn’t know that. Guess Ma Ming finally found someone he can really open up too.
It’s many fans wish that This is THE ONE for Kenneth and I am no exception. They both seem very compatible both in looks and personality. Hope wedding bells for the.are ringing soon!!
It’s many fans wish that This is THE ONE for Kenneth and I am no exception. They both seem very compatible both in looks and personality. Hope wedding bells for them are ringing soon!!
Kenneth and Roxanne seem really happy together!
If a partner makes you a better person then he/she is the one for you.
I thought Roxanne doesn’t know how to cook when they first started dating? Unless she’s learning how to cook recently. Glad she can cook now as for her age.