Kenneth Ma Will Not Take X-Rated Photos

Kenneth Ma (馬國明) has been branded as one of TVB’s “diamond bachelors” due to  a healthy lifestyle without any drinking or smoking habits. As a filial son, Kenneth’s worst sin in offending women may be spending too much time at home! In addition, the self-proclaimed pornography enthusiast said that he was a conservative man and did not like chronicling his intimate experiences on camera.

Although an increasing number of Hong Kong celebrities’ sex lives were exposed through leaked bedroom photos, Kenneth Ma’s intimate escapades may never be revealed to the public. Asked whether he had taken intimate photos with his ex-girlfriends, Kenneth said at a Dell promotional event yesterday, “Not too many. Those photos mainly involved hugging of the shoulders. We will not be too intimate when taking photos. Perhaps my former girlfriends were too conservative!” Kenneth also indicated that he did not like taking too many personal pictures, with the exception of family members.

In the entertainment industry for 12 years, Kenneth’s personality has become more forward. Asked whether this trait would translate into more explicit love photos, Kenneth laughed, “In my private life, I am very open, but I will not take photos of such activities!” He noted the privacy risks, as deleted photos on computers and electronic devices can still be recovered.

Kenneth was featured in increasingly prominent series this year. Currently filming Season of Love <戀愛季節> with TV Queen, Myolie Wu (胡杏兒 ), Kenneth will start filming Triumph in the Skies 2 <衝上雲霄 2> at the end of July. The cast will film on location in London and Paris. Kenneth said modestly that Triumph in the Skies 2 will feature a large cast, thus with the shared screen time, he will should have adequate rest time.

Source: Oriental Daily, Ming Pao

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Jayne: I found it humorous that Kenneth implied that he was very open in bed, but just chose not to take photos of such activities. Hehe another indication of his popularity, as readers are interested in more details about his private life. I wonder if he is still taking the train to work, as those photos seem to have diminished recently. TVB is busy sending him off to vendor promo events now.

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  1. I really enjoyed Kenneth’s portrayal of a villain in Tiger Cubs. I like to think that Kenneth is secretly a bad boy inside. 😉

    1. I enjoyed ma ming performance in Tiger Cubs too. He’s the most outstanding one in the first episode. I forgot the SDU members because of ma ming

    2. I really enjoyed MM in TC. I like bad boy haha

    3. Secret bad bad inside? Unfortunately, gals love that!!

  2. ma ming is adorable. He’s dark horse for TV King this year!

    1. killing his public image by admiting he is porno-fanatic.what a foolish act

      1. @loooooooooo:ma ming was all talks. he’s a nice guy that loves to joke around and that’s adorable

      2. He already admitted watching porn months ago. This did not damage his image one bit.

      3. na admitting it,won’t kill his image. MM is so too cute

      4. Please do not say that!

        Despite his excessive addiction to pornss, he’s still a very much appreciated and expensively regarded diamond bachelor and a genuinely healthy role model for our newer generation of people to count on and learn from.

      5. Dont worry for him. Although he keeps talking about sex and porn, his fans are saying it’s his sense of humour. So take it like this. But if real R-rated pix leak out, we will know he isnt a person who can only talk.

      6. I think Kenneth Ma talks more than he does (re sexy stuffs)!

      7. porn fanatic is not big deal. Even R rated pics come out also won’t hurt. He’s human being.

  3. I thought Kenneth was so sexy and awesome in Tiger Cubs lol

    In fact, I misread that he would not be taking nekkid (think playboy spread) pics of himself for viewing pleasure…to which I though, “darn”.

    He is mature man and seems to be quite comfortable in his own skin and with his own sexuality.

  4. Hehe that is Ma Ming of course!!! I love how he has a good sense of humor ^_^. Big fan of his!!! Keep up the good work and hoping to see more performances by Kenneth 加油嗎明!!

  5. Kenneth Ma is getting old and unpopular, compared to the other siu sungs he has a less fan base and hasnt even filmed a mainland series. All he just do is film tvb and doesnt even have the chance to get out of tvb to film in mainland or movies. No wonder he isn’t heavily promoted

    1. I agree 100%, it maybe spike on his popularity, he needs to explore other options besides TVB just beef up his creds.

      1. If he goes for sexx and zen movie and becomes a lead actor there, I’m sure he’ll be more popular than Tony Leung in few years time.

      2. Sex and zen is planning for part 4. Do you advise MM to ask for a chance?

        Tony Leung as Leung Chiu Wai? Before Lust, caution, he has a blssomed acting career.

      3. Fox: are you trying to say the opposite that MM doesn’t have a blossom career now?

    2. The problems lies with TVB.They reject the offer for Ma Ming mainland series once because the filming time is crashing with Ma Ming other TVB series.Ma Ming said it himself.So it’s wrong to assumed that he is not popular in mainlad.

  6. kenneth is more popular in mainland china than H,K. although he never film any drama in mainland china, but if you check
    the chinese website, he is very popular there.

    1. yes he is popular but compared to other artistes like raymond, he isnt that strong and raymond is younger then him

      1. raymond lam ? do you mean Raymond L. acting skill is better than Kenneth M >
        what part you mean (RL)he is strong ?

      2. raymond was promoted years before ma ming and with more heavy push. Ma ming is doing great with his fanbase that he achieved by his acting and personality more than Virginia’s promotion

      3. agree with Fiona,

        Kenneth M. worked hard to achieve current status without Miss VL ‘s help.
        it took him 10 years to go so far.

      4. @guest: What part LF is strong? Maybe you can go and ask PSS for more info =)). She said he is good/strong. On the other hand, go and ask Nancy for MM’s strength. I dun rmb she said he is strong. After having the answer of both girls, we’ll compare and know wat part is strong. LMAO.

      5. Catherine Tsang isnt counted? Aiyoh poor her.

        Why MM needs 10 years to be in A-list when others dun need tat much time?

      6. Fox:

        We can only know who is “stronger” if they shared the same girl. Then she can truthfully compare. Maybe Nancy should give LF a try. 😛

      7. Or we can advise MM to contact PSS. Can he speak Mandarin well?

  7. kenneth never want to be star, he always want to be a good actor.
    so it does not matter if he is getting old or unpopular,

    1. yes it’s true. Ma ming is so humble and it’s evident that he doesn’t become an actor solely for popularity but because he loves acting. He can be a successful engineer if he wanted too.

      1. He said Txb was the only place accepted his CV, then he joined it.

    2. I just watch witness insecurity (TVB drama by Linda C. and Bosco H.
      if you watch closely, in the drama ,Paul play as Linda ‘s father, Paul ‘s acting is so great , he totally outshine other people in the drama even he is not the main character.

      1. My sister watch 3 episodes of WI. She said Bosco won’t win anything this year because although Bosco is acting well and made the first and second episode interesting, his scenes are mostly to do action and police job while supporting actors Paul Chun and Ram Tseung has the most interesting scenes in episode 3. She said Linda’s acting is unconvincing and annoying. I don’t feel like watching.

      2. I managed to watch 3 WI episodes. Bosco is ok just too zen or calm and most that he does are action scenes and doesn’t appear much in episode 3. Was it just me but Bosco and Linda don’t even have scenes together? There is no dramatic highlight to this character no wonder he’s not a hot favourite for any awards this year.

        Linda is the worst actress in the series. Her role has a lot of dramatic scenes that can be used to show off dramatic acting skills but she flopped all of them. Her voice is annoying. She made me feel like not continuing.

        Paul Chun is awesome as usual and I love his role. He can be stern boss but in the family he’s a very loving father to Linda. Linda has a lot of scenes with Paul Chun, didn’t she learn something? Paul is great as he normally is but he won’t win anything this year because he’s with CTI.

        Ram Tseung has the best role because he’s the most dramatic and funniest. He’s the most lovable character. Linda has a lot of scenes with Ram too. Nothing learned? Episode 3 is mostly about Ram and it was funny.

        Others are forgettable.

        I’m stopping after 3 episodes. This is just another recycled cop series and wealthy family trouble series combined and Linda is annoying.

      3. In the end my sister and I concluded that WI is an average series and we will wait for GJ2 😀

    3. Uhm interesting. He dun wannabe a star, then why wannabe an actor? Fame = leading role, or he dun want to have leading role?

      More interesting, why he goes functions and else? Why dun just act?

  8. He won’t take photos but may probably record a video??

    1. I do not see anything wrong with his obsession to pornn video recording of his love-mate scene….as long as he doesn’t leak it out of his own will/consciousness.

      1. Who noe. Edison also says he dun have any intention to leak his stuffs with girls out.

  9. Lesson from EDC: dont put pix on computer.

    Lesson from MM: dont take pix.

    MM is smarter if he really does so.

  10. Kenneth is gaining a lot of loyal fans this year. THC really has put him at a new level.

  11. LONDON & PARIS for Truimph in the Skies 2! Two really nice locations!

  12. been a fan of hm snce forever… his obessionto porn just makes him mre likeable… hahaha

  13. @elin: Really? Men are more likable before they are obsessed over porn? Or is it just MM? For me, men who like porn never mind obsessed over it totally turn me off.

  14. Correction: ‘before’ should be ‘because’

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