Kevin Cheng Admits Shouting at Reporter

Despite always having had a cordial relationship with the media, 46-year-old Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎) lost his temper a few days ago and allegedly shouted obscene profanities at a reporter. To salvage his reputation, Kevin took the opportunity while attending an awards ceremony to clarify the incident.
“From the start, both parties had an attitude problem. I will usually respectfully persuade [the reporter(s)] and hope to have some privacy. The opposing party said he wanted to conduct an interview. I declined the request. I told him that taking pictures from afar is okay, but it will be a nuisance if it’s within close proximity. That will be a problem. I don’t recall if I used the word “cripple” (廢).”
Having just entered into a new relationship with Miss Hong Kong 2013 winner, Grace Chan (陳凱琳), Kevin was asked whether his poor behavior frightened his girlfriend. Kevin explained, “I am not usually like that. It depends on the situation. It is only under difficult situations that I am this way. I admit that I am a public figure. But in Hong Kong, every citizen should have his own rights. I should be able to choose not to accept an interview. If I don’t even have this type of freedom, then I think it is very sad. I cannot accept that. Taking pictures is not a problem, but don’t be an intrusion. I respectfully declined the interview, and that [decision] should be respected. [Respect] should go for both parties.”
Regarding the situation, Grace had previously voiced her support for Kevin. To this, Kevin happily responded, “I am just reasoning things out. If what I say is reasonable and she supports me, then I will be very happy. If the other party is right, I would apologize. If I am being unreasonable, I would be unhappy if she supported me.”
This article is written by Huynh for
It would seriously be wired if she didn’t support him either…
In the video, she actually acted oblivious to his actions and just occasionally taking glance at the situation. So it seems to me that she is not surprise at all?
support kevin.
He looks like he had an inch thick of foundation on….
Back on topic, public figures are human too. They’re allowed to be annoy, have a melt down,and tell people ot the the h*ll out of way. For those who claim celebs are corrupting their children, it’s on the parents to teach the kids who they should or should not copy. Stop blaming society and everyone else. Ha! I guess that wasn’t all that on topic after all xD
Anyways this news is no news. Jibberish.
Well, yeah, respect comes from both parties. If he refused an interview, the reporter should not bother him anymore. I thought to interview, the reporter needs to make an appointment first????
Btw, he looked old in the pic. I wonder if Grace had seen him without any make up on…….
@dramadrama For a full blown interview, probably need an appt yes. But I assumed these are papz, so they probably would ask 1 or 2 questions. Most likely would’ve been hey, wedding be? Lol. Anyways, again, I don’t see a big deal about him fending off papz. So what he cursed? We all curse.
@janet72 most papz even in other countries are annoying, not just HK. That’s their job to get some sort of juicy pics or quotes or whatever to sell. If there’s no demand, then there’s no supply so give them a break too. You’ll hear sotires in Us where papz are monsters then you’ll hear papz get beat up or hurt in the process. It’s nothing new. Just like this, this article is no news imo lol.
the reporters in HK can be annoying…guess that’s the reason why celebrities go 地下情, guess it’s partially to do with the more westernized mind set when many live together.
kevin doesn’t seem to age well for a guy in his 40s…if grace likes a man 20 years older than her, she has to be prepared for a man who is more mature than her. after being married for years, people do change. I dare not say I didn’t change especially after having kids.
im sorry but i just have to laugh when people say that Kevin looks old in “this drama” or in “that picture” when he already looked so old in Bu Bu Jing Xin that i was like, why does Yinsi look older than his “older” brother Yongzheng Emperor?
Kevin doesn’t look his age at all! To me he looks like in his mid-30’s. He actually looks handsome compare other guys his age. He doesn’t looks as old as Gigi Lai’s husband or Shirley Yeung’s new boyfriend
Kevin looks awful here, very puffy. However I saw him on Scoop about a week or 2 ago and he looked great. Wonder why.
Kevin wasn’t being honest with his statement. He’s kind of in denial about it. When the media asked him if he had called the reporter trash. He claims that he doesn’t remember whether he had called the reporter trash 废青 or not. He can’t deny it, since everything has been captured on video.
Do you have the video that he scolded the reporter ?
Thank you. Well, I have no comment on Kevin’s attitude/personality. His attitude record is very bad anyway. I don’t find anything wrong with the reporter taking photos since he is a public figure. Infact, he is getting a bit arrogant lately after he has made his pot of gold these 2/3 years and especially now when he is dating a young beauty queen whom has fallen in love with him from head to toe.
@celin his young beauty queen girlfriend better know what kind of a boyfriend he is…what he is REALLY like.
I read an article about his diva behaviour when he acted in 步步惊心.
@janet72 She is so in love with him. Wish her good luck then.
As a girlfriend, she should ask him to stop or pull him away, then walk away before any untoward incidents happen. Not to stand there and smiled and enjoyed.
@janet72 I remember there was report about him not wanting to sport a mustache because it tarnish his handsome young facd lol. He played two roles in that tvb series, a dad & son. I found his excuse funny and unprofessional even if they both didn’t have any scene together.
Then again, I’m sure “red” celebs have all sort of diva things.
@jjwong The boxing drama right ?
@celin not the boxing with Raymond Wong but the boxing-ish with Kenneth Ma. Dominic Lam played the bad guy.
@jjwong Ok. I know which one. Fistful of Stance. The one has Natalie and Nancy Wu
@celin. love is blind. I did like kevin quite a lot before…after reading that article of him demanding diva treatment during filming of ‘scarlet heart’, my impression of him changed.
even 10 years age difference can be quite drastic for some. kevin is already in mid 40s and what he wants is a wife and kids…grace is just starting out and needs time.
@janet72 I’m curious. You seem to believe everything you read in the papers or gossip mags.
@isay if a person didn’t behave negatively, then there won’t be gossip about him/her.
Who says you hv to behave negatively to hv nasty things written about you? The tabloids do that all the time -cook up nasty stories just to sell their mags. It is their job and their rice bowl. Just like how they always publish nonsense about Ruco dating xyz co-star all the time. Dont tell me you believe every one of these reports when time and again they hv bn proven to be false. For Hk media you hv to discount what they write . I never believe anything unless there’s hard evidence.
@isay…i wish the best for ruco whether it is his career or his personal life. why so heated up?
@janet72 oh was i? I do apologise if i sound that way. Just annoyed with the paps whether they’re bugging /writing crap about Ruco or other celebs. These paps are incorrigible.
@isay the reporters in HK really drum it up.
I pity celebrities when they are in the public.
@janet72 I am not sure with that scarlet heart diva treatment rumor whether was true but I know he is very temperamental in reality. There was an interview of him with a magazine in China. He said he lost his temper on his ex one day and there is no turning back after that. The ex didn’t go back to him. He felt regret. He also mentioned the ex is a Virgo, I knew he dated two Virgo from the e-circle other than those from outside e-circle. Not sure which one he was referring.
By the way, that video was taken at tin hau area. I think he was bringing his girl back to visit his mother. His mother is staying at tin hau.
@celin Everyone would build a temper with the paps when they are constantly bothering you. I don’t think Kevin would get mad at anyone for no reason. You only heard one side of the story. Also, you should take whatever the tabloids write with a grain of salt. They tend to twist the story to make it more interesting
@prettyjen That magazine interview was done with Kevin in Beijing. Those words came out from his own mouth. Not from a tabloid or rumor.
After viewing the clip, it seems that Kevin lost his cool after the reporter ignored his request to be left alone. He looked like he was provoked by those annoying paps.
@celin @Janet72: Let put it this way.. those fans who are very curious about their relationship, they find him arrogant for not letting the paps interviewed him. Those who care or less, find him ok to refuse the interview. I mean, why would the paps want to interview him? He’s not on duty. He’s on his personal time! Overall, if the paps didn’t provoke him, then he wouldn’t get mad. He didn’t get mad for no reason. We have no experience on how annoying the Paps can be so we would not understand his feelings. We are not him so we can’t judge him for being angry at the reporters. Just imagine you are there shopping and they are these people bothering you? I, myself wouldn’t want to be bothered and especially by strangers. Would you?
a celebrity is also human…needs to eat, sleep, shop and date. reporters should have some EQ too. even if one isn’t a celebrity, you won’t want a microphone stuffed in your face by a reporter asking for comments about something.
when kevin was acting in 天眼, he still looked young. but the pic above looks very much older.