Kevin Cheng Urged by his Mother to Get Married

Since marrying finance executive Jacky Cheung in 2010, Miss Hong Kong winner Mandy Cho (曹敏莉) has faded from the limelight to focus on family life. Currently pregnant with her third child, the 34-year-old made a rare public appearance at a promotional event alongside Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎).
The 47-year-old actor was quick to congratulate Mandy on her pregnancy. Mandy returned the favor and also congratulated Kevin. When asked whether the blessings were directed towards a wedding in the near future, Kevin explained that he currently does not have any plans to get married yet. “It’s my mom who wants [me to get married], but she doesn’t mean right now.”
In regards to his girlfriend, Grace Chan’s (陳凱琳) rape scene in Brother’s Keeper II <巨輪II>, Kevin disclosed that he had watched the scene. He said, “My mom was surprised that she would film such bold scenes so early [in her career]. I explained to my mom that I felt [Grace] was given the opportunity because of its potential.”
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Huynh for
Kevin you need someone who’s in her 30’s so she can think of marriage and have kids already instead get with a younger girl who only think about herself and might not be in a serious relationship with you since you’re reaching your 40’s and even your mom wants you get married already. Maybe Kevin mom wants to hold a grand baby on her arm so bad that’s why she’s urged him to get married. I have a feeling Grace is not ready for a marriage yet since she’s still young. Too bad him and Charmaine don’t last long otherwise they will make a cutest couple ever. Kevin wish you the best on your marriage plan.
@asian2015 You mean, he’s reaching his 50’s. Thankfully though for him, he doesn’t look like it.
@dandan Lol. Yes at 3 more years then he’ll turn 50 but now still in his 40’s.
@asian2015 if he wants to get married, he has to find one in her mid-late 30s. a woman at 20+ will not think of getting married and have babies. his mother should be in her 70s.
i do wish grace chan gets married and we don’t have to see her on our screens.
@janet72 that’s right like I say he needs to find someone in her 30’s and yea who wouldn’t wants Grace to be taken out on the screen? She’s such a bad actress just can’t believe she actually won the most improved actress last year with Tony Hung he’s not a really good actor either it should have give it to Matt Yeung or Benjamine Yuen instead.
@asian2015 grace Chan and tony hung literally screwed up 张保仔…if not for Ruco, the ratings would gone to all time low. One screaming away while the other played a pirate like a little boy. In what way have they improved?
@janet72 exactly my thoughts.
He looked like a transgender halfway completing the change in the above pic. Yes, he does look younger than his age, but he doesn’t seems to age well….
He looks younger than his age but he doesn’t age well? That sounds like a contradiction. If I am able to look younger than my age, I think that I age well.
Many singers need to work on their breathing when singing. Grace needs to work on her breathing when acting. Every line she speaks is forced and not natural acting.
kevin’s facial expressions seem rather restricted. wonder if he went for botox.
as for his girlfriend’s acting, she definitely needs to work on her voice and expressions…way too exaggerated and not natural at all. voice is often too high pitched.