Lai Lok Yi Shares Details of “Who Wants a Baby 2”

After the success of TVB drama Who Wants a Baby <BB來了>, a sequel is currently being planned. Set to film in October, Who Wants a Baby 2 will continue to star Lai Lok Yi (黎諾懿) and Ali Lee (李嘉馨) and will feature the original supporting casts.
Sharing details of the sequel, Lai Lok Yi reveals that the drama is a direct sequel and takes place two years after the first drama, “My on-screen daughter is older now and is now in the ‘Terrible Twos’. This creates problems. Ali and I are now concerned with her schooling and classes.”
As a father himself, Lai Lok Yi is already prepared for the role, “After the birth of my son, my work revolves around my son. My career is tied to my kids and so I don’t even need to train [for the role].” As it has been one year since the Who Wants a Baby was first aired, Lai Lok Yi hopes that fans of the first series will support the sequel.
Last year, Ali won the Best Actress Award for her role in the first series and the sequel will give Lai Lok Yi a shot at chasing the Best Actor Award. In response, Lai Lok Yi jokes, “Actually, I chased for the award in every drama I filmed, but no one paid attention to me. I’m chasing it my next drama, Neighborhood Finance <街坊財神> I am even chasing for Best Host in A Chef and A Gentleman <懿想得到>. I chase for everything but winning is another matter. I like to give myself a goal.”
This article is written by Sammi for