Lawrence Ng on Winning TV King

With a long-running television career, Lawrence Ng‘s (吳啟華) popularity peaked with his memorable role as Dr. Paul Ching in Healing Hands <妙手仁心>. Despite leaving TVB in the early 2000s, Lawrence remains as one of viewers’ favorite actors. Especially with his strict yet charming role in Tomorrow is Another Day <再戰明天>, Lawrence is drumming up talk for this year’s Best Actor award.
Tomorrow is Another Day is TVB’s first series about a correctional institute and it has been garnering fairly positive reviews. The drama also features the controversial romance between Lawrence and Kate Tsui (徐子珊), who is 15 years his junior. The supporting cast features Vincent Wong (王浩信), Josie Ho (何超儀), Kenny Wong (黃德斌), Tracy Chu (朱千雪), and Jacqueline Wong (黃心穎).
With the excellent storyline, Tomorrow is Another Day may offer Lawrence a chance at grabbing the TV King title this year. Although he thinks it is rewarding to win the award, Lawrence laughed, “Of course it would be great to win, but I won’t think too much about it. Getting the award depends on timing, location, and your chances. Last year everyone thought Chilam Cheung (張智霖) was going to win, but he didn’t get the award in the end. That’s why it’s hard to say.”
Despite not being a TVB-managed artiste, Lawrence pledged loyalty to the station that made him a household name. Lawrence said he will continue to film with TVB on a per-series contract agreement.
This article is written by Su for
He is ok but Vincent Wong should get TV King. Perhaps it is time to define TV King not as an award for best male actor in a leading role but best performance by a male actor.
I will give Tracy Chu Future Breakout Star if there’s one or most improved.
Tracy seems much more comfortable in this.
Vincent Wong can get his TV King only after Ruco.
AGREE. Ruco is upcoming and did a great job as a UC in that drama with Aimee Chan.
Why Vincent and not Ruco?
If you are talking about this series. As for ruco yes i want him to win but i do think vincent might win it before him simply because i dont think ruco is highly valued. Look at the production he us in. He us a valued go to guy to babysit second liners but vincent? Veterans next to him and at times better characters. Ruco is like typecast already. Unless a great hut comes his way and tvb has no choice but to give him.
Coco just take funn’s words with a big dose of salt. I dont think Vincent is valued above Ruco by tvb. The most i give him is same as ruco but a few yrs down the road.
Vincent is always being baby sat by veterans unlike ruco who can carry the series on his own and baby sit as well.
Just so unfair to Ruco. Funn, any idea why TVB does not value Ruco when he has proven himself to be a great and versatile actor. Oscar, I really hope and pray that Funn is wrong but somehow she is right most of the time(:
Coco relax! She’s right some of the time, not all of the time.
maybe he is not as popular in hk. There is something positive with ruco’s limited involvement in big productions with big names. he tends to shine more and smaller production avoids the pittfalls of being major flop since expectations is lower. so call it ruco’s rite of passage until he gets to wayne’s level where he will appear as major player with big productions. the downfall is a lot of times fans say they don’t wanna watch because of the other leads, etc and some give up at the middle of it. but see ruco as kong wah or bobby or even steven ma but less popular at this point but similar career path. who knows maybe one found in china with a mega hit and he comes back to tvb as top gun or venture to movies. could happen.
as for vincent, he is now in mid to big productions always opposite veterans which is good for his training and i see tvb preparing him as the next lead, raymond maybe. i hope so since vincent can act very well. i see sammy going the same route when he is done with villains and pointless roles. some may say vincent is babysit by veterans. that is wrong. he more than have his share of shared limelight and he proves he can shine. babysitting vincent is not how i see vincent’s recent few performances. that’s the problem with ruco. he may be a lead but his roles are mostly babysitting the lead actress or in the same role without much challenge for him. i wish he has vincent’s portfolio now. maybe like sammul chan tvb does not know how to fully utilise ruco. if they do know, the story tends to suck. i feel ruco right now is in a precarious situation. he doesn’t seem to be going anywhere artistically. he needs a better braver producer who will hand him that one role that breaks the typecasting. maybe eye in the sky is it, maybe pirate cheung is it, maybe a sequel to the other truth will be most welcomed. maybe another ruse of engagement but with bigger cast.
let’s hope it is eye in the sky but the fact 2 brothers fall for the same girl tells me it is another eventual girl torn between 2 guys story. i wish ruco was in the confidant. i wish he is in a tangren production where better costume, set, etc will elevate our viewing experience. i wish he is in a role like galileo where love is not the issue, an iconic role. ruco admittedly hasn’t had that iconic role yet. we shall see. maybe he could be the next steven ma but steven ma is still around.
To me, Ruco’s iconic role is ROE after TOT. Let’s see if Vincent can carry a drama on his own. We wont hv to wait very long to see that. He can never be another Raymond going the idol route. He has to go the “shi li pai” or substance route as he does not possess the idol look to set women’s hearts fluttering.
Totally agree with funn!
Here is my best answer: Vincent is younger, handsomer, better actor and perfect father.
To lucy,
Vincent younger = true
Vincent more handsome = disagree unless you fancy turkeys
Vincent better actor = yes, to his fans; to Ruco’s fans, Ruco’s a better actor, cuts both ways.
Vincent perfect father = no such thing as perfect in this world, kiddo. Also unfair to compare on this point cos Ruco’s unmarried, he isn’t a father yet.
I think Ruco has the advantage. Because Ruco is unmarried while Vincent is married. It is easier to promote someone who is unmarried than someone who is married. There will always be fangirls involved when Ruco is concerned. Unless Vincent is an outstanding actor like Wayne, he may be stuck with supporting roles – 2nd lead. But it also depends if TVB can find better younger unmarried actors in the future. If no, then Vincent’s chances of being first lead is higher.
Babysitting is okay as long as the actor possess solid acting skills. Just watched Korean drama Doctor Stranger and Lee Jong Suk’s acting was impressive. 2nd leading male and female had terrible acting. Although main actress had similar role to Michelle Reis in tvb’s legendary ranger, she couldn’t carry it as well. But of course if he had a better onscreen partner, he might perform better.
Marriage is no longer an issue. Look at Raymond Wong. The art is to get married and have a child before becoming indepensible to TVB.
I don’t really agree about Raymond Wong. His career isn’t exactly soaring. He’s just around when needed but never really promoted. He’s not that popular either in HK or outside.
raymond wong has always been lead or co-lead in the last few years,isnt that called promoted,so what is promoted then? only his acting has never been that outstanding or memorable.
kolo, I mean “promoted” as in, put him in the limelight with tailor made roles in grand productions for example or drum up hype about his dramas or acting (I notice some artistes just seem to get a lot of positive coverage in the media about their acting abilities whereas some are completely ignored even if they’ve performed well), that sort of stuff. He isn’t exactly the most exciting actor in tvb (or one of them), quite boring in fact.
Anyway, my main point is that his career is only stable, not particularly outstanding in any way.
well..Lawrence Ng is okay of acting TV shows!!! and i’m sure a lot of people vote for him as to get “TV king” this year!!!~~~
Lawrence is experienced and has a charisma…at 50, I think he still looks good.
Kate is really good in this drama. She might have a chance on winning TV queen
yeah! i agree!!~~
Lawerence is so humble
Feel uncomfortable just looking at his face.
Why? He is about to poke a needle into you?
Cos he’s the ugly that’s why. Didn’t want to say it but you asked for it.
Mmmm no one will look good all the time. Even on photos. Relax!
The thing is he looks bad all of the time.
somehow, i agree with passingby about feeling uncomfortable just by looking at lawrence ng’s face, though he has big eyes but they seem sleepy all the time
you look into a person’s eyes, you’re looking at their soul, i would say lawrence has the sly look in his eyes
I don’t know, the romance in this drama is very odd…
Indeed. Either much younger girls falling for much older men or younger man falling for older women. No in between. And i do find it weird that an uncle should fall for his sort of god niece, a girl who he once chnaged diapers and also crapped on him. I like the fact his character did not plunge straight into the romance.
I think Lawrence’s wife in real life is also way younger than him, like more than 20 years apart.
I find the romance is good and fresh
it’s very different, and how they develop feeling for each other is not weird to me. Also tvb has done the job of portray their relationship quite well, delicate and tastefully, so I’m actually enjoying every bit of this drama, except for Vincent and hoho, because ATM, it’s not developed yet.
And you are wrong about the no in-between. Laurence’s younger sister will have a crush on Vincent, yung sir and Laurence’s ex kinda have a thing, even though in the end Tracy will win. So conclusion, the show shows that there are potential partner that match you better in ages, but not in how you feel, and not in personality that ensure a long lasting relationship. Kinda like at the end of ep8, what yung sir said about ‘what bring the couple together, and what break apart, god or man?’
This year BA should go to Michael mui
Michael has never been given a trailer made role and this year his role was for tony Leung which pulled out of for a rib injury
He is unfit to act as the Warden Officer, he is too fat to handle this role, moreover, this drama is bored to death!
U call him fat u must be a skeleton and there r plenty of olld people high up in corrective service u must be in primary sorry little girl
Lol, bored to death? It’s far from boring >_> each prisoner has a story + procedure inside the prison cells + dynamic between the inmates, between inmates and officers + procedure outside the prison + the life of prisoner after time done in jail + the relationship… This drama has so facets to it, and moving quite fast. I know it might not be your cup of tea, but it’s far from boring. And if you have said Laurence was unfit for this role because he doesn’t seem to have the physic for it, then I would let it slide, but saying he’s fat, when he’s bloody stick thin, show that you are just a troll >_>
Do U know what is bored to death? ABITS is bored to death and reborn to die boringly.
ATIBIS was badly written, i agree with you. Yet despite the limitations of the script, Ruco performed well. He had limited screen time yet every time he appeared on screen, it lifted the dreariness from the drama. Watch ep 29 and 30 for some awesome acting by Ruco despite the silly open-ended ending; especially the beach scene near the final 15 mins of the finale episode. Was extremely touching. His eyes could convey more emotions than ten thousand words(千言万语) could ever express.
Delusion fan think Ruco eyes can convey more emotions than ten thousand words. What the hell is going on. Linda can do betta. If without Linda ATIBIS only has one digit ratting.
wonder if it’s the other way around lol!
sorry, above reply :
” wonder if it’s the other way around lol!” …is to lucy.
Obviously lucy’s never seen real acting before where eyes can convey emotions better than words. I’ll excuse the poor girl for her ignorance.
Lawrence is not fat! He is very fit! He took on 6 guys in a tunnel as well as Pal Sinn in crazy mode – twice!
LOLLL Lawrence fat ?! I want to feed him when I look at him, he is so skinny !!
Lawrence is not fat but he is er…….what you call…..lacking in the looks dept and that’s saying it very diplomatically. Just look at that pic. His acting is not tv king standard.
He’s ok. Not tv king
yeah! i agree!~~
enjoying this up to the latest ep! high hopes for Josie and Vincent’s line. thought it looked awkward initially but so far so good… didn’t really know who Josie is until this drama. holy cow! Stanley Ho’s daughter! :O
I like lawrence ng but I think th e tv king award should go to Roger kwok this year he did very well at filiming Chung Kan Yan!!!
I feel disgusted from his new show with Kate. Roger should get this year award.
What about Raymond ? I know he didn’t renew his TVB contract, but his acting was as best as can be in Line Walker !!!
And I hope Sammy Sum can get best improved !
LOL Lawrence Ng’s acting really isn’t that great. The way he delivers his lines is so fake and his facial expressions are disappointing to look at. The way he delivered his lines when he told Kate that he can’t be with her because he watched her grow up, changed her diapers, etc. made me cringe. He had these puppy dog eyes for no damn reason. If it was someone else like Roger Kwok (who is actually like 12 years older than his wife or something like that), it would have been delivered stronger.
omg, i just had the major creeps reading that part about changing her diapers, lol!!!
I like both. Vincent and Lawrence. Got substance
agree with you…Lawrence may not have the looks but he is definitely charismatic.
Ruco is TV king , with or without the award!!!!!!
To me, Ruco is the TV King without award since The Other Truth.
Will definitely vote for Ruco as the best actor. He deserves the TV King for his superb acting. I will judge who’s the best actor from his acting but not from whether the drama is a good or small production.
” I will judge who’s the best actor from his acting but not from whether the drama is a good or small production.”
@bbbrother, i fully agree with you. An actor can act well in a small production too. Acting should be the basis for selecting the best actor, it shouldn’t matter if his role is not in an anniversary series or a much hyped series or grand production.
There is news yeaterday that since Raymond Lam and many artistes went away to china, TVB is lacking of first line siu sangs and wants to groom Ruco. First by appointing Raymond Lam’s TVB manager to manage Ruco’s career and then giving Ruco to a recording contract. Ruco also have chance to compete for TV King! I so hope this is fruitful because Ruco deserves all these for his talents and hard work all these years! It’s enough that TVB don’t treat Ruco or promote him properly these few years that he’s with TVB.
Will definitely vote for Ruco too. The only other competitor is Roger Kwok. I love Michael Miu in LW but he’s still below Ruco and Roger in acting power.
Like Lawrence when he acted as a property agent with yoyo mung
I challenge anyone to name that drama serial. Maybe funn can donate a prize!
I can’t remember that drama…only Fate Twister with Ada and that other drama with Kenix Kwok.
quite enjoys the drama at the moment! goodluck to Lawrence! there is a lot of competition this year for best actor.
I don’t think Lawrence should win TV King based on his performance. Ruco did a better job in ROE and ATBIS. If TVB won’t let Ruco get it, give it to the next deserving which is Roger. But yesterday I read this article that Ruco has a chance to get TV King this year since TVB appointed Raymond Lam’s manager to manage Ruco, and may give Ruco a singing contract! I’m so happy for Ruco if this become fruitful! Ruco deserves this after 20 years in the industry and with his great talents!
I don’t like roger kwok. wayne lai is a better actor…比较有人缘。
Lawrence ng is a veteran and experienced.
He should be considered for TV King…Ruco Chan is a great singer.