Leo Ku Was Homebound for Six Months Due to Son’s Safety Concerns

While Leo Ku (古巨基) and his wife Lorraine Chan welcomed the birth of their son Kuson in January, the couple waited until March to announce the news to the public in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. As his family’s health is a priority, Leo shared that he had not left his house since the pandemic started.
The baby arrived late in their lives after 51-year-old Lorraine became pregnant via in-vitro fertilization in the United States. The pregnancy and birth procedures added up to $1 million Hong Kong dollars, so it is understandable Leo and Lorraine both regard Kuson as a “miracle baby” whom they will cherish and protect with the greatest care.
Since Leo and his family had been self-isolating for six months, they did not have any social activities and even celebrated his sixth marriage anniversary at home. The Kus were able to remain indoors for an extended period because they ordered items online while depending on Leo’s mother to help take care of Kuson. When the pandemic is over, Leo revealed that the first thing he would do is take his family to a temple to pray.
While Leo stays at home, he continues to work on his apparel business and make arrangements for his employees to work safely at home. Like many people who are working from home, Leo would communicate with his staff via video calls.
Since Hong Kong is currently experiencing another wave of COVID-19 cases, Leo urges the public to be cautious. Leo also reminds everyone to stay home to minimize social activities, continue to wear face masks and wash their hands frequently.
Source: Hket
This article is written by Sammi for JayneStars.com.
Kuson looks pissed off, probably because his parents are disturbing his sleep by kissing him like that, lol….super cute though!! 🙂
Aww.. just like father like son. Must be hard on them for raising a baby at the late age but the good thing they’re rich similar to Andy Lau and Carol Chu.
@cutie777 Haha yeah only the rich can afford to have kids that late! But congrats to them. Wonder what his apparel company is…