Leon Lai on Ex-Wife Gaile Lok: “Not Enemies, But No Longer Friends”

Nearly a year after his divorce from Gaile Lok (樂基兒), Leon Lai (黎 明) finally opens up about their relationship and discussed his views on love and the single lifestyle. Although heartbroken from his failed marriage, Leon is not afraid of love and is willing to give it a second chance. A strong believer of fate, Leon feels that everything happens for a reason, and tries not to worry over matters outside of his control.
Leon first met Gaile at an advertisement shoot and began dating in 2005. After three years, the two secretly registered their marriage in Las Vegas. In the middle of 2011, rumors about a troubled marriage began to surface, and Leon attempted to salvage the relationship by giving Gaile expensive gifts. Although the couple denied the rumors, in October of 2012, they officially announced their divorce, citing incompatible views on life. Since then, Gaile was seen vacationing with friends and is most recently linked to New Zealand surfer Cuz. Leon, on the other hand, remained quiet about the divorce.
No Longer Friends
Recently, Leon sat down with Hong Kong magazine East Week to share his thoughts on his heartbreak, love, and his current lifestyle. When asked to speak about Gaile, Leon said simply, “… [We are] not enemies, but are also no longer friends.” Reflecting on their seven-year relationship, Leon feels helpless about its failure but also accepted reality. “When it is time for a relationship to end, you must accept it. Once you have accepted it, will you be able to face something new? Of course!”
While he has moved on, Leon does not make love a priority and will instead leave it up to fate. “Everyone has a different destiny, and will come upon different situations. We can’t save the outcomes of every relationship into a folder of negativity. Life is very profound, like an endless abyss. If I were a fortune teller today, I would tell you my fortunes, but I am not. I can only give you an open-ended response.”
Views on Love
When asked if he will again consider marriage, Leon also cannot provide a solid answer. “Will I get married again? I can’t answer you. Maybe the other person wouldn’t want to get married. She may say, ‘Let’s not. I have much more money than you do; let’s not get married’. Right? No one knows for sure.”
Having children is even lower on Leon’s list of priorities. When asked, the 47-year-old shared that he has not even considered the matter. “As humans, we should not think too much. You can’t escape when you are meant to have children. On the other hand, if having kids is not in your future, then there is nothing to think about. I feel that it is better for me to take care of myself for now, and not have to watch over another person. It is a big responsibility.”
Leaving his unpredictable life up to fate, Leon tries not to spend too much time worrying about it and instead keeps an optimistic view about his future. When asked if he has gotten used to coming home to an empty house, Leon quipped, “It is better this way! I am no longer forced to squeeze five shelves full of clothes onto just one. Usually the other person would take over the entire closet; I didn’t have any personal space!”
Aside from reclaiming his territory at home, Leon also enjoys spending time alone living a full life. Every year, Leon tries to give himself a few days off to enjoy a proper vacation. “It is fun. I don’t have to worry. I’d go eat and maybe ski. People think that Leon Lai really knows how to enjoy life, driving cars and sailing at sea. In reality, it is only because I cannot go to a public swimming pool. I can disguise myself at the pool so you won’t recognize me. I would be able to look around and check out the ladies. That would be pretty fun! At the end however, someone would snap a photo and claim that I am sneaking a peek at some girl’s chest!”
Joking aside, Leon definitely considers passion as an important part of life. Speaking about life and death, Leon said without hesitation, “If the world ends tomorrow, I would eat an awesome meal today. I would also not waste any time and find someone to make love with while I wait to die. That will be it!” To Leon, life is all about its quality over its quantity. “I don’t care too much about keeping good health. I always feel that how long we can live is something that has already been determined. It is not a big deal to me. I wouldn’t care if I die at 60. It is best to go when my eyes are shut and not conscious of what is going on at all.”
Source: East Week #523 via ihktv.com
This article is written by Katrine for JayneStars.com.
What a strange article.
yes strange indeed. like Leon Lai’s confronts the issues of life and death in his solitaire..
When I was growing up, he was my favorite heavenly king.
I always thought Vivian Chow matched up with him best. He was also great in all his tvb dramas.
Loved him in Legendary Heroes
I really miss the old him. He’s way too mature now …
or i think michelle reis matched him the best in those days.
if he is a gentlemen then no need to say they are no friends anymore. its no style to say that.
I don’t think there is anything wrong with saying they are not friends anymore. It’s not like he badmouthed her or anything like that. What is he supposed to say?
I am with you on this. Leon Lai – Even thou i didn’t watch alot of his series when he was a heavenly king, I feel he’s honest and somewhat not as fake as some artists on interviews. In fact, sometimes he’s bitingly honest and some might sense a bit of attitude but i surprisingly found him OK. haha LOL..
He can be surprisingly low maintenance and don’t have much of these so called press cons whenever stuff happens. ZIP IT attitude and I like it. Above, he might have said more than he should but sounds OK to me. If you can’t be friends anymore, why be fake and say otherwise?
I agree with you as well. I would much rather someone be honest instead of try to act all fake just to sound pleasing to the ears. I just hate it when people lie through their teeth so it is great that Leon told the truth.
Yeah, don’t you just hate it when you hear ppl like Andy Lau on his thoughts on marriage? He’s freaking hitting 50’s and still hide it like he’s a non established wannabe newbie? I am NOT trying to bash AL but i am using him as an example, so damn secretive and dishonest. I remember my HK friend loves loved him and she said she was upset and sad that he lies. I was like which rock did u pop out from? Don’t they all lie? ahah…LOL…you just hate ppl like that you know nothing out of their mouth is truthful. One thing I think I like about AL is he is quite modest not like some who thinks they are all that and being overly egotistical, the only bad thing about him is being too secretive and him being famous is NOT an excuse for lying thru your teeth. When ppl find out about them, don’t they feel ashamed and wish to hop into a hole somewhere? haha LOL…
Let’s not. I have much more money than you do; let’s not get married’. Right? No one knows for sure.”
Does that imply that gaile married him in the first place for his money?
could be. Since Leon was believed to have paid a lot after the divorce.
I think thats what he implied.
It is sad that many women just go for money these days. I wonder where the love is anymore? But then again, money and love seem to go hand in hand these days.
I agree. Money definitely important cause we average people need them to pay bills and rent. But to the rich I dont know. Perhaps they want luxury life style? No $$$ definitely no love??
The rich need money even more since they spend big and live a high life of luxury. It’s just that us average joes and janes struggle with just the basics while they deal with the upper levels of mortgage,bills,etc…
Yeah, some you can really tell it’s all for the money b/c of age differences and such but some it’s less obvious.
Leon Lai, he’s def cuter when he was younger but he is NOT yet that OLD yet, UGLY and she is not like 18-19 that is trying to snatch an old man so who knows perhaps it’s just like those ppl say, when you are living together it’s all peachy but marriage ruined it?
I would not say that marriage ruined it and I find it sad how negative people are viewing marriage these days. I have seen that some just live together and think it is all great and choose not to get married. Some even claim that they were happy until they got married. First of all, marriage is just maybe a ceremony, celebration and then a documented piece of paper, that’s it… Why is it so powerful to make a couple drift apart or whatever if they claimed to be so happy before? I do not get it and why people view marriage so negatively? I am sure that couples that have lived together before officially getting married definitely had other problems. Otherwise why would just “marriage” cause everything to break apart? That just does not make sense to me. Marriage should be something happy and positive but sadly many view it so negatively these days.
I think that’s just an excuse? haha b/c let’s face it, these days there are more ppl just living together FIRST w/o marriage and yes some might or might not work after marriage and if it didn’t work out, they will just say hell marriage ruined it? haha LOL i don’t know I see it as ppl using it an excuse tool you know what i mean?
I have cousins right off college just living together even if marriage is probably something they wouldn’t think about until they are 28-30? Times are changing, they don’t value marriage as sacre as before which is a sad thing but it’s becoming a common thing. I have this older colleague from singapore who’s been living together since they became exchange students at 18-19 yo but finally getting married after living together for 10 years and so far they are still together so life is unpredictable who knows what can happen? might or might not work if it doesnt they will probably blame it on the marriage paper as well? haha…sighh….
Is he going to commit suicide?
No I don’t think he’ll commit suicide … but he really seem depress & kinda pissed!
Many are stressed and depressed but would not commit suicide,especially if they have family and stuff to think about…
He is stupid if he is going to commit suicide just for this. It doesn’t make sense. If he really wants to find his true love he should find her outside the entertainment world. What if miss right is out there somewhere and he does not know. Why does he have to go for super models or actress. The same thing is going to happen again and again. Because all these new models and actresses wants to find a easiest and simplest way to earn money and fame by using the rich guys from the entertainment world.
Even though I m not a big fan of Leon Lai but I want to see him have a good and loved life. I know it’s hard to make a name in this business. I believe he must have struggle lots of hardship when he was young to reach where he is now. And he have to ruin his hard work for those young, gold digging and greedy woman. Can anyone advice him not to waste his time on them, THEY R NOT WORTH HIS SACRIFICE.
How come Leon seems like a bitter person now. I bet his fail marriage did a lot to him than most people think. I don’t see his passion to ever release another album again or what????
It is understandable since your experiences in life do change who you are. Therefore, I can understand what he is going through. Your experiences can change you in a more negative or positive way, but it just depends on how each person handles it.
I want Leon Lai to b w shu qi
I have a feeling he probably think she’s not good enough for him back then.
Heard it was bc of Leon’s parent’s disapproval
Death is not something scary, but being sick is. Like Chinese ppl like to say ban shi bu huo….
So better to take care of health..
Yes, health is really important. Death is not that scary but being sick is the most scary.
money can buy a lot of things…but not everything…he is so rich, so smart and yet handsome…but so hard to find a true love
(I am not his fans or her fans..just a feeling after reading this article)
Yes I agree.
But lets not forget that Gaile had actually hoped to have a kid whereas Leon didn’t. Divorces can be because of anything and even though I don’t like either one of them; I feel like Gaile didn’t get with him just because of his wealth.
See this is what I m talking about. The old guys have too much money and fame that they don’t know where to spend. The young girls wants to find an easiest way to earn money and fame. Pick someone who is good looking, rich and famous. When the girls don’t get what they want they find some excuse to cheat on them. Then they act like they are the victim. They act so innocent. They are all gold digging greedy women . Feel sorry for the guys. Raymond lam is heading that way too. Heard Raymond lam have a girlfriend who is like 19/20 something. Can someone ask him learn lesson from these old guys.
I wish Leon would marry me hahahahhaha
I wonder what Leon saw in her? She is so ugly. But she looks like Su Qi at first glance. Maybe that is the reason???????
She is not pretty but she is definitely not ugly either. She is hot though. After all she is a model so she at least has the body. And I saw her in a few big name brand ads so maybe not very top model cause I dont know much about hongkong model but i assume she is still popular.
Something is wrong with Asian girls now..
Gaile rather be with an average white guy than Leon?
Just look at all the Asian girls dating white guys now!
What the hell is going on?