Linda Chung Announces Pregnancy on Mother’s Day!

It’s no secret that Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣) is pregnant, but the TVB star decided to make the announcement official on Mother’s Day.
On Mother’s Day 2016, the 32-year-old Brother’s Keeper <巨輪> actress went on social media to make a special announcement. “Happy Mother’s Day! Soon, I will enter my next stage in life: becoming a mother! I am very excited! When two hearts become one, it’s a really magical feeling! I wonder how Mother’s Day will be like next year?”
Linda shared a photo of herself doing a heart sign over her belly, a gesture meaning that she is pregnant. She did not reveal the sex of her baby.
Linda married chiropractor Jeremy Leung, nephew of former TVB executive Norman Leung (梁乃鵬), in a humble wedding ceremony in Vancouver, Canada, Linda’s hometown. There were already reports speculating that Linda was pregnant at the time. Linda herself did not deny the reports, and said, “As per Chinese tradition, I really don’t want to say anything rash. It’s still too early to say anything. I will make announcements at a suitable time.”
Both Linda and Jeremy have said they would like to have a family. “[Jeremy] wants four kids,” shared Linda.
Source: IHKTV
This article is written by Addy for
Well, everyone knew, but it is still thoughtful of Linda to let her fans know. I have nothing against Linda, but this is yet another case of preaching abstinence and devout Christianity and getting caught with child. When will these celebrities learn.
Happy mother’s day to all the mothers her. At least I know @happybi has kids.
@bubbletea actually she was already married months before the actual wedding. She didnt get married on her wedding date. She was married on license months before The actual wedding.
@abcd and @happybi, thanks for the marriage timeline update. I appreciate it.
@bubbletea no problem
@bubbletea You speak as if it is a crime against humanity. If reports are true, she got married before she got pregnant or thereabouts. Point is she married the father of her child, the man she loves and whom she plans to keep baking babies for at least 3 more times.
Whilst her announcement is redundant and should have been much earlier, congrats to Linda anyway. Am hoping motherhood gives her new perspective and come back a better actress than she is now which is pretty sucky in recent times.
By the way is she a devout catholic or just devout christian? Whilst some may place hypocrisy at a higher value than other values, frankly I being devout in anything doesn’t mean being an absolute saint. Did she actually preach abstinence? Like did she actually said those words?
@funnlim never said is a crime, cause we are in modern times dear. That is why it s so crazy that these women feel they v to pretend they are so virginal.
@bubbletea yes agree
@bubbletea believe they got married long before the actual banquet date. I am ok with Linda as I don’t remember her preaching about abstinence. The only person who really come to mind is Gillian who in twin. She now was a major hypocrite.
Best of luck to Linda. Happy fpr her! Always liked her even though her acting can be off sometimes.
@happybi A while ago, there was something about Linda trying to imply to the press that she is a christian and does not indulge in certain things, premarital sex being one of them. Yes a lot of these women have tried to shove it down the fans throats about their abstinence only to get caught in their crooked hypocrisy..
@bubbletea yes she was part of the virgin gang
@bubbletea ah I see. Honestly don’t remember it. In her group, I only really remember Grace being very vocal about it. Which is weird as I think from the group, she’s the sexy one!!!
That’s very true. Every time you see the way she’s dressed and the roles she’s played it’s extremely to hear that from her. I couldn’t believe anyone would openly reveal stuff like that and esp if you are a celeb that’s just weird.
It looks like LC won’t JINX it now huh??? Don’t want to jinx jinx it….LOL… haha Like it’s any surprise!!
@kiki it is weird having them talk about it but it’s also the reporter fault for asking such weird questions!!!! It’s like how the heck can they answer it? Yes, I have sex with my boyfriend and it’s awesome?!!!! They should just ignore these questions honestly!!!! No need to response as way too personal.
LOL..I understand what you are saying. It’s also the culture differences I think. I mean Americans, will they ever ask stupid nonsensical questions like that? They don’t care who they are dating/cohabiting/Married it’s just like normal everyday life to them. But Asians? Look Andy Lau – haha lol…. 50’s n still hides here and there and only openly admitted after being photographed and digged up a marriage license. SOooooooo extreme to me this kind of behavior not that I am saying oh Americans are so much cooler and everything. Different cultures so totally difference everywhere but I swear the Asian w/the stupid questions sometimes just gets you. But if you think about it, that’s how it is w/Asians, it’s like they have to ask u personal questions or they can’t make any money. Celebs should know when to ZIP it and walk pass not always gonna work but hey they don’t have a gun to make you confess? They just chatter away like Grace Chan most recently she’s the openly expressive one and she seems like she’s liking the attention.
Just like how taiwanse show Xiao S – she always asks men about losing their virginity age and women don’t have to reveal but guys so or something and I remember once they ask about Fahrenheit – and that Aaron was like I am only 19 so obviously he’s probably still waiting and this woman was like ‘ and so?????? ‘ hello, you are now promoting people to lose it early? haha What the hell u know and I remember they asked about a girl group on some other show too and Koreans criticize how they could have asked people that kind of questions. It’s just crazy some of these reporters not just HK. I am not too sure if Korean/Japanese reporters are like that but Taiwan and HK can ask stupid questions. But like you can always try to dodge it….No one says you have to keep on revealing even if they asked.
@kiki It is a culture issue. As in Asia, you really need a clean/good image to succeed. That’s why many artist won’t admit to dating or being married. Because if they admit it, their fans may go crazy and their company will freeze them. It’s crazy really. I think it has gotten better compared to be before. At least in the Korean ENT, a lot of younger and famous artist are coming out and admit to dating. Honestly, no big deal. Just some fans, can’t handle it!!!!
Japan culture is actually very private. Their artists are very well protected from reporters IMO. A lot of time some people can be married and you may never know who their significant other are if they are a normal person and not another artist. Can’t say the same for reporters in HK/Taiwan/China.. pretty bad over there…
@kiki Haha…so true! Speaking of Dee Hsu (Xiao S), I remember on an episode of Kangxi when she asked Fan Bing Bing’s boyfriend (sorry, I forgot his name, since I don’t follow Mainland entertainment much) about his sex life with FBB and he actually answered in quite a bit of detail, to the point that FBB (who was sitting right there next to him) was shooting him nasty looks and was like um, hello, you can shut up now! But then again, that is Dee’s hosting style – she asks those kinds of questions and does the flirting thing with a lot of male celebrities who go on her show…but at least it was a known fact that she did that, so celebrities who go on the show and don’t want to answer can prepare themselves ahead of time, lol.
@happybi Yup, agree with both of you guys about the culture thing and also Asian celebrities needing to have a good/clean image to succeed. Though admittedly, it has gotten a lot better over the years in that celebrities for the most part no longer have to hide their relationships out of fear of losing fans. I remember back in the 80s and early 90s in HK, there was the whole thing about artists pursuing the ‘idol’ route versus the ‘talent’ route and how it was assumed that artists who pursued the ‘idol’ route were particularly fanatical about hiding their relationships so as not to upset crazy fans who worshipped them (and who would surely stop being fans if those artists were revealed to be in a relationship). It’s definitely less of an issue now, though given how conservative Asian (especially Chinese) culture is, I highly doubt that the openness toward relationships and talking about it in public will ever get to the level it is in Hollywood. I remember several years back, there were a few HK celebrities who helped host a series of sex education shows on one of the cable networks that was meant to help promote safe sex among younger generation – no big deal of course and it was for a good cause too, but given the conservative culture, there was a lot of ‘shock’ that mainstream celebrities would be involved in such a program and of course, the HK media had a field day with it. If it were here in the U.S., it would just be a regular run-of-the-mill program that probably wouldn’t get any coverage in the news.
I am not familiar w/mainland stars either but I do know FBB and no clue on that guy either but I happened to watch that episode i meant clips on utube. I don’t find him cute, handsome or good looking in any way but I guess it works for FBB.
Yeah, I am also surprised that they will actually revealed intimate stuff like that I mean we are adults but still it’s kind of weird. I guess mainland stars are more open now? haah lol….
@llwy12 I am not a fan of XS interview style. But liked you said, people who goes on her show will expect it. Artists now are lucky compared to before but I do blame how some fans can be so crazy when they find their idol dating.
@kiki yep. I do not find fbb bf good looking st all. Very bland.
@llwy12 I agree with what you said. It is a shame that the Asian culture is still stuck in a lot of petty habits but hopefully they will move forward. The media is a bunch of illiterate hypocrites who do not know when to draw the line. Some of the questions that they ask these idols, if they did that to the Hollywood idols, they would be punched out, and rightfully so. A long time ago, agents and agencies decided that these men and women should not let anyone know they are dating, as these idols were supposed to be virginal with no bad habits like drinking, smoking, swearing, shouting, being gay, getting angry, hitting and the list goes on. In other words, they were supposed to be perfect and saintly. That way, they would have fan loyalty and financial support from their fans. These images were crafted to make these idols look like goddesses and gods, which is why the term is still used to address these mere mortals. These people are celebrities, they are not gods and goddesses, or heavenly kings. There are millions, even billions of fans who live vicariously through these artistes everyday, hence the anger when anything negative is said bout fans’ idols, even if it is true. The sad part is that many fans buy into the image and believe these idols can say and do no wrong. Even sadder is the fact that lot of the idols themselves believe that they are supreme and superior and try to even upstage real kings and royalty with real lineage.. Like you said, it is slowly improving, and we can only hope the growth from shedding the old school conservative customs will continue to grow.
Not a fan of Linda but am happy for her! Congratz Linda!
with baby on the way and maybe another 3 more, she is out of the entertainment scene.
Congratulations to Linda!!! It was only a matter of when she was going to announce the pregnancy … but I’m a little surprised as I thought she would announce after she gave birth, lol. Either way, looks like we won’t be seeing her anytime soon …
@mpy8 I thought so too, but then a few weeks ago, when Norman Leung held that welcome banquet for Mui Siu Ching and Lau Ka Ho, he had revealed in one of the interviews with reporters that Linda and Jeremy “would have good news to share soon”….looks like that “soon” meant Mother’s Day…
Anyway, congrats to Linda and wish her the best of luck with motherhood. I never liked her as an actress (and still don’t), but had no problems with her as a person, so definitely happy for her. I also hope that having more life experiences such as marriage and motherhood will help Linda become a better actress – that is, if/when she decides to return to acting.
We won’t know whether Linda was pregnant when she was officially married because she said it was ‘end of the year’, very vague. However, she got pregnant by (and married) a man she only knew for a short time. I hope their marriage endures.
Linda never preach that she is Virgin. Grace did. Happy for her to become mummy!
Congrats to Linda. She doesn’t look like she is 6 or 7 months pregnant here, but more like a month. She looks more pregnant in her wedding and bday pics.
@jessehsuan In this pic she’s wearing the same clothes and hairstyle as that bday pic she posted awhile ago, so her bump is definitely bigger now.
Congrats to Linda! We knew this was coming.
Congrats to Linda! I wish her new family a lot of happiness! If the kids take after their mother in looks, then they sure be very cute!
A big fan of Linda Chung … but a little sad now that I won’t be seeing her on TVB for a while!
I’m really happy for her – she’s worked hard, put her nose to the grindstone to support her entire family. She’s always wanted kids, and now that she’s in her early 30s, probably a good time to pop out a few!!!
I don’t remember her ever having any ‘bad’ paparazzi news either – seems like a really genuine gal.
I’m guessing she’s made the baby announcement 3 months after conceiving (as per Chinese tradition)?
Not that it matters, but I’m sure she conceived AFTER signing the marriage license paper at the end of last year.
Hm..this is weird because on the day she was married it was saying she’s expecting a baby now saying she’s expecting again? Oh come on gave me a break!!! Which one is true or false? If she does want to have 4 kids then she must follow Aimee Chan foot steps pop out the baby every 1or 2 years. Like some of you guys say she’s been with her husband for a short of time how does she know the baby is her husband or not it might be from her ex boyfriend Philip since they been together for a long time unless they never have sex at all. This reminds me of Shirley Yeung been with her ex boyfriend for a long time then after she break up with him for another man then it says she’s expecting a baby with her new man.
@asian2015 She was suspected to be pregnant during her banquet but she never confirmed it. Normally, it’s taboo to announce pregnancy prior to 3 months period so people suspected that to be the case. So it’s normal for her to share the news now to her fans. Nothing weird really. Happy for her. And if what was reported was true, they already registered their marriage long before the banquet. I can’t picture Linda having someone baby who is not her hubby so really doubt it’s Philip. They broke up with him a while back.
@happybi I agree with you about he baby being her husband’s. We can say what we like like about Linda, but I can’t see that baby being anyone’s else’s baby but her husband’s.
@asian2015 she doesn’t have to tell everyone her hubby wants 4 kids…just do it, like aimee.
the first out of the five top fadans (tavia myolie kate fala) to have a baby, my chilldhood actresses are all growing up….. so happy for them yet so sad….such a bittersweet feeling.
Her quote “It’s too early to say anything” really gave her pregnancy away at the time.