Linda Chung Has Mature Outlook in TV Queen Race

Since her debut in 2004, Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣) has worked hard to achieve the status she has today. However, because of a heavy workload, Linda’s health has declined severely in the last few years. After being sick for an entire year and fainting on the set of All That is Bitter is Sweet <大藥坊>, Linda finally slowed down and began to enjoy life as it is.
Good Time To Win Best Actress
Although Linda has been nominated numerous times, she has yet to win the TV Queen award. Instead of being disappointed that she has never won, Linda exhibited great self-confidence and said this year seems like good timing. However, having experienced many obstacles in the last decade, Linda learned to not put too much pressure on herself.
Last year, Linda was one of the two popular candidates for TV Queen. Although she lost to Kristal Tin (田蕊妮), Linda graciously congratulated Kristal. “I felt that I was going to win last year. But I understood and adjusted my behavior – I’m happy for Kristal, happy for my competitor. You know what the biggest problem in Hong Kong is? People chase, fight, and have the need to win since the age of two. Right now, I’m learning how to enjoy my life. Losing an award doesn’t mean my life is over. It doesn’t matter what happens now, I’ll always maintain a peaceful outlook. I feel that I’ve matured – God has given me training in become more humble. After losing, I’ll work harder so I can be happy when I finally win,” Linda said.
Marriage Will Come at The Right Time
Linda has never publicly admitted her six-year dating relationship with martial arts star, Philip Ng (伍允龍), but it has been an open secret in the industry. Turning 30 years old this April, Linda is not in a rush to get married. Linda remarked, “As long as I’m happy, it’s fine. Some people get married when they’re 28 and find their own happiness, but that’s not mine. I want to wait for the perfect timing – I won’t follow the trend.”
This article is written by Su for
What’s with all these TV Queen articles about Linda? Her acting in ATIBIS ranged from atrocious to bland! She’s obviously showing she’s ‘acting’ instead of getting into her character and it’s not effective! It’s sad that Natalie is turning out to be a better actress than Linda now.
It’s cause TVB is actively promoting Linda for the crown more.. ATIBIS I think was created exclusively for Linda & they gave the drama a pretty good time slot along with Tiger Cubs 2 airing later this month.. Heard her character there is award worthy.. So who knows…
The only people that could win is Linda & Kate as TVB is only showing interest in them … I want Charmaine to win but TVB probably won’t let that happen.
Noooo I hope Charmaine wins!
She had better not win based on ATIBIS!!!!! She is horrible in that!
Hopefully TC2 will be better? Not holding high hopes though.
Agree. Linda is showing her usual good-girl role acting. If I compare her acting with Lee Ying Oi’s, there is a huge difference even both are acting as female herbal medical doctors.
Linda may win due to her low profile and wholesomeness. She is astute saying the right things at the right time and not to make waves above or beneath her. TVB Queen does not always mean best actress on camera but off camera as well.
What’s the point calling the award Best Actress then? Might just call it TVB Most Lovable employee award!
SO agree …
For that they can give her some pork award like Best Professional
she still wants the title…sign….
goodluck Linda bb! i haven’t watch any of your series this year but i will be watching tiger cubs2.
Linda bb? She should be called auntie linda, she looked pretty old for her age.
Good or bad actress doesn’t matter, people love her. TVB don’t have much choices either. May she wins the best actress award. She was so close last year, hope she’ll win it this year.
She thought she was going to win last year? Really? Did she really think she outshine Kristal, it really wasn’t even a close competition. Now, this year with Charmaine’s Line Walker performance, I don’t see how she will take home Best Actress fairly.
Charmaine is undoubtly deserving so far. I don’t see anyone close yet. Kate is horrible in TUA and weird when she act as a nice young girl in TIAD and her hairstyle there is fake and distracting. Linda should just keep her hope on TC2, she’s horrible in ATIBIS.
Also rooting for Charmaine! Her acting was amazing…esp the slapping scene. Still can’t get over it lol.
But it’s weird with TVB tbh and she’s not even in the company anymore.
Dayo Wong was not on contract with TVB and he won TV King last year. Therefore, Charmaine Sheh still has a good chance to win TV Queen in 2014.
Agreed- she was terrible as Rachel- I cringed whenever she was on-screen (aside from with Ruco, where they had great chemistry).
And I agree, ATIBIS is tailor-made for her- no breakthrough and usual goody two shoes which I’m quite sick of. Let’s hope she does well in TC2 but I sincerely doubt so. When I heard she was cast, I laughed out loud- I seriously don’t think she can pull it off.
Charmaine was brilliant in LW and it’s very hard to top that unless Linda performs well in TC2. Knowing tvb, they’ll give it to Linda.
I can’t see anyone else pitraying Sister Deng as witty and quirky as Charmaine. So far Charmaine is the most deserving TV Queen. I can’t believe I’m saying this about Charmaine Ive never liked her acting before LW.
It is because you are a very fair person. If a actress acts well in a drama series, she surely deserves TV Queen.
i used to like linda. thought her acting was really natural, but she has become quite robotic and dull (to me) in recent years. i also hope she will win best actress this year but only because i feel she’s waited long enough. charmaine is more deserving this year but i don’t think she cares for it. i only hope kristal doesn’t win again this year. unlike most, i wasn’t that impressed with her chang gai ying character last year.
I agree.. She’s like a Robot. She just stood there and wait for her turn to talk!!!
Well…..before I used to really like Linda so much but I don’t think she would handle to get this Year’s TV queen!!!! I prefer Charmaine Sheh-#from linewalker!!!!
She’s got a long way to go.
Just give her the award – so we will not be annoyed by her news
but seriously, I’ve seen a lot of TVB 2nd and 3rd line actresses act better than this girl
I have to say. Linda is terrible in acting. She is pretty. However, she don’t deserve in winning the queen for TVB. Her move and action from this movie is so fake in every way… In the show, I also feels like she’s always waiting for her turn to talk and no action. Just stood there and speak without motion. her tone of voice is like reading a book… Awful…
And now she’s in Tiger Cubs 2. Omg. I love that movie. But if Linda is in,, I will hate it.. Linda can’t do any action movie.. Linda only suitable as a TEACHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m afafraid Linda will try too hard to be tough/serious/action woman in TC2.
Look at rating is so low at ATIBIS, how can she win for TV Queen…yea…she is good, sweet, pretty girl…how in team of acting, she really not good as TV Queen…
Wow she’s getting so much criticism for ATIBIS. I’m not watching it, but has her acting really gone down that much since the last time I saw her?
You guys talk a lot about Linda, how about Ruco chan? Is there anyone supporting him to be a TV king this year? At least I am!! But, I don’t think he will get it, because Raymond Lam acts very good in linewalker.
I disagree with the latter part. He was way too OTT and his acting feel staged and unnatural. If Linda underacted in ATIBIS, he overacted and tried too hard in LW. If anyone from LW is to get an award, it’s Benz Hui, Charmaine, and maybe Michael Miu. Sammy can win MI award too.
I hope Linda don’t overact/try too hard in TC2.
I support Ruco Chan. But he’s not on TVB’s favored list. Boo to tvb.
Well if Linda or who ever win t tvb queen not charmaine this year so its prove that this stupid Queen award are actually fake ,not about how good actress or actor u are ,so y bother to vote ..
Linda, i really like you. You’re pretty and a very nice person. But to be honest her acting didnt improve much, after the last drama’s brother’s keeper. Actually after Moonlight Resonance her acting didnt improve anywaymoree..I think you really need to improve more to win the BA award. Her acting in ATIBIS isnt far from the last drama BK, even Natalie acts better than her. This year the only one that really deserve the BA award is Charmaine!
Anyone knows that Ruco Chan won the TVKing big award at 星和無綫電視大獎2014 yesterday and the TVQueen is Charmaine Sheh. I really happy that Ruco got the big award this time.Congratulation to Ruco. LOL….Haha!!
I know that, I am too happy that night that I can’t sleep and go on checking weibo, his official fans’ website, reading all those congratulations to Ruco babe.
Yes, he finally got that. He deserves the award. As requested by Dodo, he took off the hat and showed his lovely bald head….. Love Ruco
Ruco is lovely when he showed his bald head. What a pity that TVB makes him shave his head during this awards season!
Ikr, he would have looked much nicer with hair. Oh well, what to do? Nevertheless still hot as he11! Love him <3
Regarding bald head, just want to share the following. I was in person at a open promotion event of ATIBIS at a shopping arcade and heard someone taking photos of the event said that he was very ugly (好肉酸) in bald head. I discovered that a certain lady standing on a small chair (to take photos?) nearby me who just said Ruco’s very ugly in bald head complained that she was not quick enough to take his photos when he first took off his hat to show his bald head and asked her friend if they did take some. When her friends said they were not quick enough to take since he suddenly jumped out to the stage, took off his hat, bowed to the audience and quickly put on the hat. She scolded that he was a 衰仔and I wondered if she is his fans or not. However, whenever he took off his hat, his fans applauded and there were so many camera shootings, “chap” “chap” “chap”. Strangely, I love his bald head and many people in the crowd described him like 一休和尚 or 唐僧.
i personally consider that he is lovely but not ugly in bald head. Picture here:
Yeao! I’m surprised Jaynestars hasn’t put up this big news yet! Ruco and Charmaine deserves the Starhub TV King! I’m glad this one is based on fans support voting! It shows that Ruco is huge in Singapore and Malaysia other than his homeland HK. I just can’t acceot the two pork sponsor award that Linda and Kate got.
This is 70% fans voting and 30% by a professional panel. So in fact Ruco won with endorsements from both the fans and the judges! Yeah, sweet victory!! Hope more good things will come his way soon. He fully deserves it!
p.s, Jaynestars can we have the article pls?
70% audience and 30% professional judges not bad too. At least audience still have the bigger portion. Yeap this shows that Ruco and Charmaine are well appreciated by both fans and judges.
Thanks Singapore Starhub for Ruco’s first TV King award. Very touching thank you speech. He also thanks me (as his fans and voted for him), but I want to thank him a lot for giving me many happy moments in watching his acting. No matter how disappointing the series is/was, his performance never ever disappoints me.
awwww, your comments are so sweet <3
I totally get you and agree with you
After all the years I still don’t like her acting. But she does seems like a good girl and is hardworking.
I have no idea why Linda would win this year’s award (well, I do…it is often TVB’s favourite employee award rather than best actress award!!)
Her acting in ATIBIS is absolutely terrible – SO BORING. Same old goody goody Linda Chung reciting her lines.
Doesn’t help that the storyline is poor and boring as well.
The frustrating thing is – she IS a good actress – I watched her performance on Office of Practical Jokes with Johnson Lee and she was great in that! Someone mentioned above “A Journey called Life” – I also agree that that role is Linda’s best to date.
Unfortunately she just keeps being given these poor roles, with poor scripts and direction and each of her roles become more and more bland.
Charmaine Sheh on the other hand did a fantastic job in LW – her best yet I believe (her crying / emotional scenes have definitely improved). My vote is with Charmaine this year :p
Definitely, I would vote for Kate. Love how she portrayed her emotional scenes.