Linda Chung is Confident at Winning TV Queen

Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣) is unusually confident about her chances at winning this year’s TV Queen title. Despite her humble responses, the TVB idol is visibly excited about the attention received as a hot contender. She has been more bubbly and talkative as of late, channeling a drastically different personality than her more despondent mood over the summer.
Since TVB is retaking the reins this year, who will win the company’s top awards became once again a guessing game. Even though acclaimed actresses such as Sheren Tang(鄧萃雯), Ada Choi (蔡少芬), and Esther Kwan (關詠荷) have appeared in this year’s dramas, some feel that TVB will likely use the awards to further promote its own managed artists. Among its current first-line actresses, Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) and Tavia Yeung (楊怡) have already won the honors. Fala Chen (陳法拉) dashed all hopes of winning when she left TVB, despite having major roles in the popular Triumph in the Skies 2 <衝上雲霄 II> and this year’s anniversary series Will Power <法外風雲>.
Even though Kate Tsui (徐子珊) is also in the running, neither of her two dramas this year generated the same level of public interest as last year’s Highs and Lows <雷霆掃毒>. TVB also seems intent on granting the award to Linda, taking many strategic steps to groom her into Best Actress material. Linda’s guest stint in this summer’s Office of Practical Jokes <玩嘢王> appeared to be the starting point. Her convincing performance caught the public’s attention, with fans calling for a TV Queen nomination. She remained in the spotlight throughout the summer with the release of her first photo book and a solo concert. Her major contribution this year, Brother’s Keeper <巨輪>, was originally an anniversary series. It was rumored that TVB purposefully pushed the air date earlier so that the public will have Linda in mind when it comes to awards season.
Speaking about her Best Actress chances, Linda once again stressed that she is keeping a normal attitude and an open mind. Unlike previous years, Linda is taking a more active approach to winning: “I’ve heard of a rumor that whoever wears black will win. I rarely wear black… but I can give it a try. I want to make a breakthrough this year!”
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Katrine for
i have no hope for TVB if she wins. she’s not ready yet.
thank you! finally someone out there that thinks the same. high five! she is so not deserving of the award. long way to go, with expression lessons.
Linda is a horrible actress. If she does win, we all know it will not be because she’s talented, but because she has a big fan base. But TVB has been rigging awards all along, why should they stop now??
agree with you. she can just act as someone innocent. her crying scenes are horrible. in journey of life her acting as a bad girl was so bad. the role isnt suited for her (more for kate). that was about 6 years ago. even if she were 2 play a bad girl again she cant do it
i know right. all she could play are those innocent roles. i feel like kate deserves it more. at least her roles are different most of time.
Wow, she’s confident w/the kind of performances we have been seeing? Wow, ahhahaa..LOL…
Same unlikable characters over and over and she thinks she improves alot of what? haha
Before, I watched Brother’s Keeper, I thought Linda may receive Best Actress Award for her role in this serie. After, I finished watching the drama serie, I don’t think Linda’s role was a break through for her to receive the award. I think Joey Meng deserves the Best Actress Award in The Change of Heart.
omg.. same!! Joey for Best Actress. Linda’s acting was so mediocre, Kristal stole the show.
Whoa…I wouldn’t speak too soon, Linda. Don’t want it to be Miss Koo all over again where she was hyped, but ended up with nothing.
She definitely have no breakthrough in her bk role. Kristal outshined her. I doubt that she will be tv queen, she is not best actress material, there is still a long way for her. She really lack experience in evaluating her roles. How is she convinced that she will win tv queen with her poor acting???
If it’s Linda’s year, I’d rather her win for Missing You than Brother’s Keeper. She was so much better in that series and the ratings were about the same so they might as well use that series.
What’s up with Linda’s face in this photo? Plastic & dental surgery or what? Doesn’t have that innocent face with misaligned teeth in her old photos. If not, a damn good makeup job!
Just bad makeup. She doesn’t have plastic whatever. Also bad lightning. She really needs a consultant in all things glamorous.
I think Linda is still oblivious to how unlikeable her character ‘Rachel’ was in BK. It’s one of the worst characters…in fact, it IS the worst character she played till date. Her turn will come eventually, just not this year please.
I like the girl but seriously, winning the BA for Rachel? Not a chance, I don’t even understand what’s the hype about her role she was just involve in s fairly decent drama which her character made no contributions to. Kristal def outshine her but let’s face it shes’ not going to be nominated for BA, most likely BSA which she does have a high chance of winning if not then the favorite award.
I don’t think she understand her role at all, it’s not only was she unlikeable but illogical as well along with the mediocre acting…they could of easily written her character out and it still wouldn’t make much of a difference but I guess a love interest between the two leads is important but it’s a pity hers is a lousy one.
She have a better chance next year for TC2 or that other series she’s going to be filming with Ruco if that airs next year.
If there is one role she should have won Best Actress (and I am talking about Best as in best acting), it should have been her role in Journey Called Life. She does not deserve even a nomination for Brother’s Keeper. However since Best here is less about deserving and more about bonus time for top employees, she will get her nomination.
OMG, I totally with you. Up to today, the only character that Linda played I would impress and love so much is her character in ‘Journey Called Life’. Other characters she played are very forgettable.
She ain’t getting tv queen. This is just a hype
Would have preferred Tavia as the Tv queen again for her performance in On Call 36 小時2 as 魚仔. Others like Esther and Joey Meng had done well too.
Definitely not Linda’s role in BK. Nothing was so entertaining about it.
“希望越大失望越大”, Linda
Agree. Not sure why she has high hopes of herself in getting tv queen for just an average role??prefer tavia or Kate, but joey & Esther were much better
Agre that tavia is better too
they all suck
THC2 just started, we don’t know about Tavia’s performance yet nor the direction of where the series will be going.
I do hope Joey at least get a nomination.
just watched the first 2 eps, Tavia’s performance is touching, solid, and great. Especially, the scenes with Ma Ming
Most of the time they start off fine but later on it’s just not impressive anymore, I wouldn’t judge an actress for taking home the BA award just after watching 2 episodes.
I have a feeling that she may not win, however, TVB has given it to many that do not deserve it and for roles that are not worth giving it to. Therefore, IF Linda does win, none of us should be that shocked.
Agree. Good point! That is typical TVB. I am ready for anything as usual.
Linda is a good actress but all her articles bout wanting the award this bad is funny
Eventhough linda is my fav TVB artiste, but I don’t think she has that level to receive the tv queen award. maybe next time.
I would be happy if she wins it but i still don’t think she deserves her character in bk. maybe her crying is good la
Honestly, Linda’s role is extremely mediocre. Rich girl, get her heart broken by some guy, dates his brother. Kristal Tin’s acting was so much more touching and unique. For best actress, I’d say Joey, Kristal, Esther, and Tavia.
She didn’t date the brother.
TVB lead female artists are so easy to win their BA award now a day compare to the old days. It just like snap snap times up is my turn cuz I am popular. …now.
She is an alright actress getting the annoying roles. Once she gets good roles, she really shines, like A Journey Called Life and Heart of Greed.
yes…Linda don’t deserve it…but i don’t like Tavia…so I rather Linda has it! sorry!
but…anyway….TV King or TV Queen is just a show…TVB only give to whoever it want to promote that year…so i just turn off the TV that night!
I’d be more convinced that Linda won’t win if there was at least someone else gaining momentum. Alas, there is not so I’m resigned to her winning it. Can Tavia challenge her with THC2? Maybe, but the problem is TVB wouldn’t see any advantage in giving the award to Tavia again. So Tavia would need to really stand out in order to gain momentum to challenge Linda. And I haven’t see Tavia capable of that kind of acting for a while.
It’s funny because last year everyone was talking about what a great battle the BA award would be because there would be Ada, Sheren and Esther to challenge the TVB fa dans. Now we’re trying to figure out who sucked the least and therefore most “deserving”.
hahaha, “who sucked the least”
My choice for BA is Esther!
I know somewhere in the comments section on another article about Linda where people were questioning if she realize how bad of a singer and medicore she is with her singing and acting… well ladies and gentlemen, she clearly doesn’t know. Lol.
I have nothing against Linda, in fact, I think she’s very capable but she needs to get off those annoying, righteous, weak girly roles. She was outstanding in Gem of Life and the other one with Steven Ma as a rebel and brat.
Kind of true. Weakly girly roles really does NOT suit her well. Surprise us w/some interesting wilder roles you know but then again perhaps we can blame it a bit on TVB’s sucky scripts as well?
I mean, all of the plots are so weak and being there, done that. Sigh…
Wow I agree on her role in Gem of Life, I totally shipped her character. Too bad it seems like it’s only a one time thing. I don’t think she gotten roles like that ever since.
why is she thinking so highly of herself? the only scences she does well in are crying scences.
I can’t stand Linda trying to be all cute these days on screen and off Linda trying to pull her cute voice and cute looks fail big time
Do people seriously care about these awards anyway? I know this is different but do you remember when Raymond won the music award for his wannabe gangster song…Like who cares anymore ..haha
Its a chocolate gold award
Linda will shine if her roles are like acting evil and bad. good and well behaved roles doesn’t fit her. omg. tavia’s beyond the realm of conscience was a really breakthrough.
she ain’t good at acting evil at all, she was not convincing in the Gem of life.
Beside, her acting for all her roles are the same, no difference. For the same type of character/role, she always act the same way
I rather just want Tavia to win again if Linda is going to win it… definitely the worst idea ever… her acting still annoys the hell out of me, she so no ready for it.
A Journey Called Life was broadcast in 2008 – which pretty much means Linda’s roles/acting have not really improved in almost 6 years. She needs to put herself out there more and not as the “ice princess” where the whole world owes her something or the late 20’s protected ingenue.
Maybe she needs to try a full-on sit com with lots of physical comedy. I never appreciated Charmaine Sheh’s versatility until Four Phoenix before that she was just all variations of the bratty rich girl in 7 Sisters or protected rich girl in modern dramas.
Linda’s sibling(s) better not be a reader on this site.
Hahaha, what a complete joke. She didn’t do jack crap in BK, and her character sucked! What a load of crap. She is not ready. Give it a few more years.
I really like you Linda but I don’t think you are ready yet. Give it a few more years or take some more acting classes. Good luck to you.
Linda’s acting is always the same in every series – I watched her in Office of Practical Jokes which is where all the hype started – I was pretty impressed, she certainly had me convinced….and then I watched Brother’s Keeper…..what a disappointment. Her character was nothing special, her acting same old same old.
However, I feel that she may win TV Queen simply because that is who TVB want to promote at the moment.
(Memories of Lai Chi winning over Sheren Tang all those years ago for War & Beauty).
I really really like linda and im happy if she gets it but honestly she’s not ready yet. eventhough she’s been in the entertainment industry for a long time.
She’s alright as an actress but I haven’t seen her give a performance that nobody else could do better.
yes wear a stunning black dress to see if TVB gives you the award.