Linda Chung Talks Marriage and Philip Ng

It has been a rather smooth ride for Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣) after winning the Miss Chinese International ten years ago. Not only has Linda enjoyed a successful career in television, Linda’s music career has also been successfully, releasing number-one albums that were certified gold by the IFPI Hong Kong.
“My parents told me that I’m a completely different person on stage. Maybe I was meant to be in the industry,” Linda said. “They said I haven’t changed much since joining the industry, but I’ve matured and they’re happy to know that I can take care of myself now. They said I still have that childhood innocence, and whenever I go back to Vancouver to visit them, I’m still that little girl they want to protect. But when they come to Hong Kong to visit me, they can see how much I’ve grown.”
Career Future Uncertain
With two dramas out this year, Linda is a likely candidate to win the TV Queen title. She once hoped to win the Best Actress award before she turned 30 years old, but realized in the end that the award actually is not very important to her.
“Of course I would like to get recognized, but it’s more important that my dramas can help people through the messages they deliver. Before, I did hope to win the award before I turn 30 years old, but I’m already 30. I also wanted to have kids when I’m 30! It turns out that life is not exactly smooth sailing, which is why I’ve become a very easygoing person. We shouldn’t be too calculative.”
Linda disclosed that her contract with TVB ends in 2017, but she has not planned her career direction afterward. Unlike her colleagues, she lacks the confidence to expand her career to Mainland China. “To be able to step out of Hong Kong is already crossing my limit. If I’m going to develop a career in Mainland, I’m going to have to adjust to a new setting, and that leaves a big impact on me. Of course, I would like to earn some RMB, but I have to see if it’s within my abilities. Also, in the end I want to get married and have kids.”
Asked if there is any actress in TVB that has the potential to be the station’s first-line artiste, Linda said, “Definitely Priscilla Wong (黃翠如). She has potential and is full of ideas. She is a very true person, and I like that feeling. I haven’t been paying notice to the male artistes.”
Wants to Have Four Kids
Linda said her life’s goal is to get married and have children. She cites Ada Choi (蔡少芬) and her idol Kelly Chen (陳慧琳) as her role models and main influences. “I won’t give up on my career after marriage. Like Ada and Kelly, I want to keep on doing what I’m doing, but with a lesser workload. I’ll be very happy. When it comes to a healthy family, both parents need to work as it’ll give the kids a better idea of what a role model should be.”
At the moment, Linda said her ideal age to married is 33 or 34 years old. “If that is the case, I have to have kids as soon as possible! I want to have four. Of course, I also have to consider my age. I will not have kids over 40 years old!”
Talks Philip Ng
Linda’s longtime relationship with action star Philip Ng (伍允龍) is an open secret. Linda’s responses to questions regarding Philip are usually vague, but it is enough to know that the pair is very close. Linda said she wants to keep her relationship as private as possible, explaining that it is the most comfortable arrangement for everyone.
Speaking about Philip, Linda said he is responsible, reliable, and has a strong sense of justice. “He really knows how to take care of others. I feel that he is honest and reliable. It’s really hard to meet someone like him in the industry. He is driven, but not arrogant and ambitious.”
This article is written by Addy for
Never been a fan of her but never hate her acting until now. Just finish watching the 1st ep. of Tiger Cup 2 and OMG….it’s not that the character doesn’t suits her but she DOESNT suits the character. Bad bad bad. Not sure if still wanna watch the series just Bcuz of her. Love all the males actors but very disappointed with the choice of casting Linda in this role.
I agree. I like TC2 and the superb action except Linda’s performance. She was too OTT with enlarging her eyes. She’s obviously ‘acting’. The role is good and challenging, but Linda is trying too much to be tough that it looks unrealistic. On the other hand, the other casts are ok. For the first time I think Johson Lee is not bad, maybe he’s suitable for the role. Based on episode 1 and ATBIS, I don’t think Linda deserves the TV Queen award.
She used to be a better actress…especially couple with Raymond Lam. Her poor performance lately might due to miscast, but if she’s a great actress she should excel in any roles given to her. Perhaps retiring and getting married might be the next best thing for her.
annoying character
Linda’s great acting comes back in TC2 . Even Michael Miu publicly praised her performance in that series on Weibo. Have to admit that her worst dramas are those two with Ruco in the last two years. Don’t know why whenever co starring Ruco, her acting gets bad though they have great chemistry.
Maybe becos Ruco’s acting completely overshadows her, magnifying her flaws.
Probably just not good roles but acting is still good
She wasn’t entirely bad in ATIBIS, just inconsistent. Maybe she gives off too much of the modern girl vibe to be convincing in that era. She did well in the crying scenes in the last episode but overall i’d say she’s not going to win tv queen. I love seeing her with Ruco btw. Wish they could be a real life couple, lookswise very compatible.
Totally agree with you Oscar, Ruco’s acting is too good for her to pair up with and thus magnifying her flaws.
Linda and Ruco are friends. Pls don’t blame Ruco if you do think Linda’s acting is bad when costaring him. If she can act, she will lead and shine no matter who she is costaring with.
Why do I have to blame Ruco? Just that Linda is always professional and excellent in any dramas that she costarred with other actors. Just an opinion because her two recent dramas that she didn’t do well are co starring Ruco. Could be like other comments above, Ruco acts well or maybe not a good role/script. Please calm down, Ruco’s fan!!
Agreed with Winnie. Not bad with her acting in TC2. Gotta watch on then only can decide.
She looks lovely in the photo above.
Her performance for TG2 episode 1 was different and interesting. I don’t think she was horrible at all. Actually it was interesting to watch her do something different for once. Anyways, I’ll continue to watch and hope she will surprise me at the end.
Cmon give Linda a break…why those negative remarks? Linda is awesome and she definitely one of the good actress around…
I agree with you and all the other postive comments! Why is everyone being so harsh to Linda, she’s much better than a lot of actresses in TVB….
wow! LOL###
yes, Linda is awesome her acting is excellent in TC2 very interesting to watch. Support you Linda..
Dont be so hard on Linda, her acting might not be as good as the other fandans, but shes trying her best and giving it her all, really like her offscreen personality
Yesh agree with the above 5-6 comments she’s a good artist not a bad actor at all unlike the newbies there promoting now and I do quote Sisley Choi argggghhh cant stand her
I agree some of you guys common, Linda doesn’t fit to work in the action drama, like the esp.1
of TG II I have watched, her action is so fake, not natural. From her eyes and mouth’s body language, the more she wants to try to make it matches what her character needs in the show, the result is more worst. Kate Tsu works in the action drama is a lot better than her. I like Linda too, but I am just said what I felt.
Sigh, I agree. She’s an ok actress, I’ve seen a few drama of her, but tc2 is quite bad… She’s overact so much that’s her big angry eye face is mine when I see her scenes -.- though…. I would burst out laughing after 2s. How can anyone enlarge their eyes so many time and keep them up for so long xD and yes, the action scenes are pretty bad. I know she’s wonderful to the fans, but let’s face the truth -.- as of ep1, she’s the weakest part of the series. Also, her broken sit position just felt wrong, like her face and that position just don’t work. There is no wounded emotion in her eyes… And that girl needs to not just change her roles up a bit, but her hairstyle, too.
i find her acting in TC2 was pretty good! very diff from her other roles. i like it!
I think Linda should be more adventurous and break out of her virginal girl stereotype. Her love scenes are a torture to watch, like she’s not comfortable doing them. She should learn to be less uptight and immerse herself in the role if such intimacy is called for. It’s not going to make her a s1ut in real life.
Honestly, Linda is ugly. I don’t even understand how she won the Miss Chinese International Pageant. She’s lucky to be in the Hk entertainment industry. Her acting has never impressed me. She sucks!