Linda Chung’s Friend’s Father Was on Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight

The world is still in shock over the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 on March 8. Like many, Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣) is worried about the safety of its passengers and crew and have been praying every day for good news. At a recent promotional event, she revealed her personal connection to the lost flight, and expressed her hope that the aircraft will be quickly recovered.
Despite an extensive international search and rescue effort, there is yet any hint of the aircraft’s location. Many artists have posted messages of hope and support on Weibo, including Linda, who re-posted a request for prayers and wrote “Pray pray pray… for good news!”
Returning to Hong Kong this week after a home visit in Vancouver, Linda was still suffering from jet-lag while attending a cosmetics promotion on March 12. When asked to comment about the missing flight, she became solemn as she expressed her concerns. “I am very worried, and I pray every day that they will find the Malaysian flight soon.”
She added that a friend’s father was a passenger on the flight. Feeling helpless about the situation, Linda wants to comfort her friend, but also understands the importance of respecting personal space. “At a time like this, you want to provide support but you also don’t want to pester the person. It may actually make them more anxious and worried.”
Spending a rare break at home surrounded by family and friends, Linda is happy to have the opportunity to celebrate her father and brother’s birthday in person. Since White Day is coming up on March 14, the press teasingly asked her about plans with rumored boyfriend Philip Ng (伍允龍). To Linda, spending quality time with her family is far more important. Calling her father her “lover from a past life”, she plans to send him a hand-made scarf and hopes to visit more often. “[My father] complains that I work too much and neglected him, so I want to become a more filial daughter. I used to think it is enough to just make money and provide my family with a comfortable life, now I want to experience more of life together with my dad.”
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Katrine for
why is this even news worthy?
Exactly!!! Unless it’s her own dad or her BF’s dad … (not bad intention) what i meant was, someone she’s related to.
It is news worthy because it is connected to a celebrity, as much as how one celebrity smoking is news worthy or eating noodle at some shop can merit one whole article.
who cares, what about all the other passengers that could have been fathers or mothers to someone. Just because it’s Linda chung father’s friends’ mailman’s cousin’s dog walker.
Calm down. Yes everyone on the plane is important. No one said they are not. Please respect others with your last sentence. It’s rude to the person that might be dead now. Geez.
can you read the headline? it’s Linda chungs friends father and not Linda chungs father’s friends’
They just need to sell papers so anything that connects to any celeb or public figure,they will use it to write stories to sell their news.
Let’s shut up and pray for miracles
i’m sorry but i got to say this: praying doesn’t work.
Yea,I used to really believe in religion and praying but now you really wonder how valid any of it is.
It doesn’t matter if praying will or not help. It’s the thought and kind heart that counts. I respect everyone that is praying for a miracle to happen for those people on the flight. I
Whether or not it does or does not work, so?! If a person believes praying does reflect light on the situation, then why not??? Praying does not come at a cost…people who pray for complete strangers, well I think that’s a great sign of respect and kindness. What can you expect people to do when really they cannot do anything physical to help out when they may be half way across the world etc.??
I’m sure if you had known someone on that plane (I really do hope not), I’m sure you would thank them for praying, rather than tell them praying is useless…
good luck… more like pray for finding the black box in 30 days
White day? Nonsense! Sick of jap culture
western culture, you’re fine but it japanese culture, you got issue?
sooo racist. you’re disgusting.
Are you a korean?
can’t believe this made the news, next thing there’ll an article on what she had for lunch
how thick would the newspaper be if we had to hear about every celebrity praying
A bit touchy here. If none of your family members are involved, don’t mention it here. Have some respect for others’ misfortune.
I don’t see what’s the fuss with everyone being very negative about this article. It just to show there is a connection and when you can put a face to a connection, it becomes more personal. I’d rather such stories than the zillionth article about what she wore last night or her rumoured love affair with Ruco-Phillip.
As for praying, is there a problem with that? All those cynics who are godless need not pray and do what you want with wishing the best of luck to anyone connected to a tragedy; please do not limit others who believe in God and believe in the power of miracle and prayers. People have a right to practice what they believe as they do not harm others. I am quite sickened by all these anti prayers, anti god or rather… to be more precise, mocking those who believes in God and prayers. Have a bit of respect; people praying won’t cause your death so what’s the big deal to you?
And whether or not you believe in God will serve you well etc has no relation to whether others believe in God and whether God has served them well.
Thank u! I was disgusted at some unnecessary comments here. I agree that this article is more news worthy than the nonsense fake news lately or pics of celebrities shopping, eating, smoking, or at the airport.
I feel sad for you Linda !!! Fighting !!!♥♥♥
It doesn’t matter how much you hate this news or even Linda, what we really need to do is hope that everyone on the plane are safe. If praying doesn’t cut it for you, don’t make someone feel stupid for doing so. It’s the thought and hope that helps. I hope that everyone is safe and a miracle happens. Never give up!
ohh that is very bad bad news……….i’m quite sad
because went missing on the Malaysian airlines
well i am praying for them even i’m not part of
them in the flight
That’s the spirit we need!
i know what u mean…………
Thanks Funn! All these mindless bashing and angst here is sickening. You put everything back into perspective
And a bad choice of picture!
It’s personal but not as personal as the families and loved ones of those on the flight. I feel sad, not because I know any of them or because Linda Chung’s friend’s dad is on that flight, but because I can’t imagine what those people are going through at the moment not loving if their loved ones are alive or dead…We all have people we love and care for very much and I know I would be devastated if anything happened to them.
Having a connection to someone famous doesn’t make them more special – all those people onboard that flight are special to their loved ones and are irreplaceable.
And to be fair this is a “stars/celebrity” news page so whether we like it or not anything related to a celebrity goes in here.
been 14-15 days since it disappear. Seems like it might have crashed.
Please don’t say this. All 26 countries are working hard to find this plane. I really hope they find the plane before the 30days limit.
wrong, there only 14-15 days left, also, the whether is bad, no search. 2 days were gone because of wheather reasons
They still can’t find it. Now the families in Beijing are accusing Malaysia of hiding the plane and is attacking the embassy building because no debris can be found until now 18 days.
I am sure you yourself will understand why I say these families in Beijing who said we are hiding the plane is so silly. Debris.. yes that I agree but since that area (assuming correct area) is so inhospitable, bad weather, the sea wave must be rough and any debris probably sunk or drifted far far away. I read US said Malaysia was looking at the wrong place; etc. Well if we had the other country’s satellite telling us what they know without asking and all the red tapes, surely we can look at the right place much earlier. Malaysia does not own these satellites or the areas.
hope this is not true.
if this is true, oh man. Other countries would wonder why did it take Malaysia 2 weeks to admit and it may classify as withholding information.
How so? It is declared to be safe for transport. What about every passenger’s handphones/ipad/cameras/tablets with same batter?
The media is trying to grasp at anything. One article blames pilots hijacking the plane, next article is plane’s fault and now the cargo.
“The media is trying to grasp at anything. One article blames pilots hijacking the plane, next article is plane’s fault and now the cargo.”
batteries are known to be extremely flammable. Conceivably, , delineate exact meaning.
Wait…? 2 weeks?
Oh My! Malaysian Airlines, how can this happen so soon after the investigation of flight MH370?!
I would have assumed that all Malaysian Airline planes (regardless of model or type) would have undergone a thorough maintenance check and even more thorough pre-flight checks in an attempt to prevent any further “bad media” until the missing flight MH370 is found.
Here are my questions. . .
1.) Is it possible someone employed by the Malaysian Airlines is intentionally tampering with the planes to cause these issues?
2.) Is it possible the issues occurring with these planes are a result of Malaysian Airlines not doing required routine maintenance checks or improperly installing (or even failing to install entirely) much needed equipment in an attempt to “cut costs” and save the Malaysian Airliner money?
3.) Is it possible that in an attempt to cut costs and save money that, Malaysian Airlines has under-staffed their maintenance crew, so they are unable to keep up with maintenance demands and checks? Or perhaps Malaysian Airlines has employed maintenance staff who lack experience, proper training, or valid credentials? (either by not doing the necessary background checks or by attempting to save money)
4.) If what happened to this, and flight MH370, is suspected to be a direct result of negligence by Malaysian Airlines trying to take short cuts in order to save money and failing to properly maintain their aircraft’s, would an investigation be able to take place by another government or agency?
All these are speculations. Until the black box is found the answer is don’t know.
Coming from a Malaysian who will defend its country is very typical. Face the facts, ignorant!
And what is the fact you hypocritical conspiracy theorist?
One fact we know. The plane is missing. Everything else is we don’t know! Do you know something we don’t? If yes please do tell because there are over 200 people’s family’s who is dying to know, amongst them were Malaysians too!!!!
thats only if there ever found black box. most likely never.
Air France took 2 years. I read the Indian ocean is deep but now with US loaning those sonar sub something, there is hope.
Condolence to everyone. I just heard Abbott’s statement today, which is nothing new than what we already know. Btw I heard that the Indian Ocean is the worst. It has huge waves and lots of tropical storms. They’re gonna have a hard time finding the CVR.
I think Germany is planning to send in one of their hi tech unmanned submarine, which there are only 3 of it’s model in the world.
US also. Now from planes and ships comes submarines. They are all very convinced the plane is under the sea.
Calm down!
And tis is what i want 2 kno
Najib’s announcement did nothing to answer why the plane disappeared shortly after takeoff. More specifically, it sheds no light on investigators’ questions about possible mechanical or electrical failure, hijacking, sabotage, terrorism or issues related to the mental health of the pilots or someone else on board.
And it is not clear if the latest information can provide an exact location or just a rough estimate of where the jet crashed into the sea.
Which is why I am surprised by the announcement. In a way it is stating the obvious. In another way it is time to concentrate on search and salvage, a way to stop the rumour mongering. Until the black box is found whatever the investigators are pure speculations with many names dragged through the mud. The only way we will know is finding the black box and the debris. Until then what the announcement says is quite simply we think the plane has gone down in the southern indian ocean because the sattelite and the pings and what nots indicate nothing else. I heard on radio some expect on CNN explained that and it was very well explained.
theres gonna be huge costs for Malaysia.
No doubt. Millions in fact. But if it was plane’s fault, Boeing will have to share the cost. Meanwhile Malaysia will bail out MAS. Frankly since this incident is unprecedented fair to say no amount could explain what happened or repay the lives.
The Chinese are so mad with Malaysia. I ‘ve read they are currently rioting in front of Malaysia’s embassy in Beijing, throwing bottles and climbing over the fence. Be careful Funn and all Malaysians, you guys are gonna have a hard time ahead. The families in Beijing are already proceeding with legal case against Malaysia from what the news said.
What if one passenger costed 1-2 millions dollars? I don’t think the airline and Malaysian government got that much money to pay for 152 lives
I’m sorry, 239. I tend to count only the Chinese families because the news mostly only wrote about them, at least what I read from CNN and BBC
Depends on where they file the case. I believe if filed in Malaysia the amount won’t be as high as in America. More so when some are infant child. Malaysia can afford it because there is one big bank of money they can use even if I can protest and burn myself they can still use, secretly. Anyway, I expected such reaction. What more the Chinese want? We can’t bargain for the souls to return. They seem so convinced there is foul play and the only foul play, the cruelest of all is false hope.
Mr Najib’s announcement was actually ambiguous when I read the original text. He never said the airplane crashed, but only said that it ‘ended at the Indian’ ocean, but why does he said no survivor when he didn’t specifically said crash? What is some got on lifeboats that can float above waves like Life of Pi or Cast Away?
One of the Chinese statement said something like all governments are corrupt, Malaysia government is corrupt and they must be hiding something.
Heard it on TV and I don’t hear any ambiguity. What he meant is there are no places to land there so his conclusion is it ended at the southern indian ocean and since no place to land obviously crashed into sea. If there is a lifeboat (which is unlikely because plane crash in seas almost always kill everybody), surely it must be spotted by now?
“One of the Chinese statement said something like all governments are corrupt, Malaysia government is corrupt and they must be hiding something.”
None more corrupt than the Chinese government which is good at hiding more than we do. They just can’t accept the fact. I read they blame Malaysia, MAS and government with some very harsh words. Understandably they’re upset but I feel the only conspiracy is it took this long to come to this conclusion. Mainly because it involves other country’s satellite and sensitive data issues and our obsession with confirming everything before releasing statements hence why our PM only did the announcement today. The satellite that recorded the last ping was inmarsat (British company’s satellite-now we know) and I believe for past 1 week they have been analysing the data whilst search is being conducted. I don’t believe in any conspiracy. I believe our government is holding back something but not due to malicious intention.
Washington post reporter was at the scene of the Beijing riot.
Read this one Funn Lim. See the angers.
Some people said that the legal cases will be filed from passenger’s originating country, and IIRC passengers always wins in cases like this like the AF case
Understandable. I am sure there will be out of court settlement.
And insurance money. I am sure the plane and passengers are insured. Problem is insurance company may dispute since they don’t know what brought the plane down.
Since there no proof about plane problem, I don’t think anyone can sue Boeing, and Insurance companies won’t easily give payment based on assumption of deaths.
And it is no proof that it is MAS negligence then. The insurance will pay because everyone on that plane is insured. That’s why very important to find the plane. Maintenance records and black box can be matched, what really happened can be told. I read Air France incident, the families advised MAS can be sued without finding the plane. That is on the assumption of negligence I suppose. Like I said there will be payout.
They can use the part that the RMAF didn’t intercept the anonymous commercial plane. Why didn’t they contact DCA right away to ask if there are any missing plane while the anonymous plane was shown in the radar on Penang island?
I think that’s where they call Malaysia incompetent to carry the SAR and quite unorganized especially at the start. Not only the Chinese but also I read from big news such as BBC and CNN. Some Chinese professionals have also criticised that Malaysian military and civilian system are two separate entities which lead to the delay to sync their information. The military radar already say they detect the plane on the second day, but the SAR at GUT is still going on until a week later where they took that long to confirm that the alien was mh370. The week could’ve been used to search at Indian Ocean if only they can confirm faster and end the useless search at GUT faster. They also seem hesitant to hand over their country datas to the investigator from US and UK. Luckily so many first world countries are helping. A third world country can’t manage this.
“They also seem hesitant to hand over their country datas to the investigator from US and UK”
I suppose US and UK will have the same reluctance. I was joking that even if the Talibans were willing to assist with condition of we sharing our datas with them or the other countries sharing theirs with them, none would. It is sensitive information but most of the accusations are quite unfair. A lot of red tape is involved and I do believe all these datas are not within Malaysia’s control. The reluctance is from every country that the plane supposedly flew past.
Remember how Vietnam said they found something and all rushed there and turned out nothing? Same thing. Information must be checked and confirmed. Hence the delay. It is quite unfair to say incompetence when at first no one knew what happened, when speculations were in, no one knew where the plane went. Military and civilian system in any country is two entities. I don’t see how the chinese can use that as a criticism. Now even using SMS is criticised when some family may opt for SMS for faster information. No one seems to point out SMS was sent, then families were explained to first before any press conference made.
Malaysia is technically a 2nd world. I doubt any first would could have managed this. Not just third world. And with so many first world helping, still nothing found. This MH370 teaches me one thing; the world is still very very big.
In my eyes, 3rd world
the world was always big. indian ocean super big. 3+ yrs to retrieve it.
Funn Lim, you should get out of your little bubble. Do you know that Chen Kun, a very famous mainland celeb has urged through his personal weibo to start nationwide boycott for anything Malaysia? His call met support from hundreds of thousands if not millions netizens and fans. The mainland China hate anything Malaysia now.
Do you know that Malaysia singers such as Shila Amza and Fish Leong and her unborn baby has also got severe backlash and curses from mainland netizens? Their career will suffer.
This just shows that the management could’ve been better, if not those 154 China innocent souls would’ve been able to be find sooner.
The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) did not act to intercept MH370 when it was detected on the military radar off the Straits of Malacca on March 8 due to an “assumption” that the flight was ordered to turn back by the control tower.
oh no. neglience signal
And the RMAF took 7 days to declare and confirm that the flight is MH370 and not just an anonymous aircraft. If it’s the US, UK, AUS or SG, they would’ve intercept an anonymous plane right away instead of assuming it’s a harmless commercial flight. I can’t believe they’re not in connection with the DCA to reconcile information!
thats because no countries in that region is trusting each other. and usa isnt in its top shape to help other countries when it is having a tough time.
Thinner, think whatever you want. Whatever is happening is Beijing is simply to divert attention which is what China govt is good at. They can boycott and do everything they want. It doesn’t mean they’re right. It just means they’re ill informed.
Funn Lim, it sounds like Malaysia is a bad place Wong Jing in his weibo can publicly ask the Malaysians chinese to overthrow the Malay and wonder how you guys can eat s+i-. Read below, source from Wong Jing weibo. Yes the director.
@小弟王晶: 我奇怪馬來西亞的華人点忍呢班扑街馬拉佬!推翻佢地啦!忍得佢食得屎呀!
And does Wong Jing live in Malaysia? No? So how does he know? What does he know?
malaysian and chinese gov’t corrupted to its core. chinese gov’t can run its airline without any major issues.
world was always big, never small.
lawfirm launching lawsuit. showtime
The airline possibly go bancrupt with all the SAR cost for years and need to pay billions for passenger compensation.
My sister said her Malaysian friend in Beijing received safety advisory from their embassy, telling them to be careful on the streets.
Billions? I doubt it. Bankrupt? No. Insurance company and our government will bail it.
Already happen. The charge was filed in US today by an Indonesian family sueing MAS and Boeing for I’m not sure 1.5 billion or 4 billion USD. The airline has no money I heard that it’s having loss for years.
The China mainland 154 families also want to use US or Western lawyers. They haven’t filed yet.
I just saw the news. Haven’t filed, just exploring. 4 billion? Who was his son? Bill Gates? I know they will file in America if they can because more money. But right now is a bit too soon to file anything. They haven’t found the plane or debris or bodies so what basis to file?
P/S Insurance will pay
I’m quite surprised they use a US court to sue Malaysians but I don’t know law so if the law allows it. Something new to me, I always thought we should sue on where incident taking place but turn out I am wrong all this time lol.
What kind of insurance so stupid to pay 4 billion for one passenger. I bet the insurance will say it’s negligence so that MAS will pay from own pocket.
One thing for sure, Asian lawyers must be bad because all these families are racing for US or Western lawyers.
No not too soon the charge for Air France flight was filed way before the black box found and mind you none of the bodies were found. The PM has said the plane ended at Indian Ocean so that = no hope already
insurance, lawsuit will never be enough for a loss of a person due to incompetent individuals.
MAS should pay it on its own. just look at MH66.
thinner- it was a chicago law firm?