Liu Kai Chi Faces Questions About Son’s Sexual Orientation

It has been a rather rough year for ex-TVB actor, Liu Kai Chi (廖啓智), whose HKTV drama The Borderline <警界線> may have an indefinite broadcast postponement due to the station’s inability to obtain their license. At the home front, Liu Kai Chi has been dealing with his 19-year-old son’s emergent sexual identity, as the high schooler desires to be a woman and enjoys cross-dressing.
Liu Kai Chi’s son, Liu Man Chit (廖文哲), recently uploaded numerous photos of himself with heavy makeup and a wig onto social networking sites such as Facebook. On top of frequently pronouncing that he is gay, Man Chit also uploaded a nude drawing of himself as a woman with the caption “Maybe I like being a woman!”
An insider revealed, “Liu Kai Chi’s eldest son does well in school, but in middle school he formed a band with friends and had a change in behavior. All of his friends were boys and he liked to dress up as a woman. When he goes out, he puts on lip stick and eyeliner.”
Parents Puts Blame On Themselves
On one hand, Barbara Chan (陳敏兒) overtly admitted that she neglected Liu Man Chit and his second brother when her youngest son was diagnosed with leukemia. She then reflected on her son’s the teenage years when she and Liu Kai Chi relaxed their former strict methods and turned into lenient parents – ultimately leading Liu Man Chit to take up smoking as a habit.
Liu Kai Chi uncharacteristically gave sharp answers when asked whether he would change his son’s behavior since they are Christians. Regarding his lenient parenting methods, he calmly replied, “You can’t pressure change in this world. He has his own thoughts and everyone follows a different path.”
Let It Go!
Openly gay prominent figures such as Ronald Leung (梁奕倫) and Raymond Chan (陳志全) both argued that parents should just allow their kids to freely be whomever they want, instead of giving them pressure on their sexual orientation.
Sexual orientation amongst Hong Kong celebrities have recently grabbed the public’s interest, such as Sire Ma (馬賽) being “frozen” by TVB for her lesbian scandal and Denise Ho (何韻詩) advocating for greater LGBT rights.
Source: Sudden Weekly via
This article is written by Su for
Woo Money changed her name to Barbra? Liu Kai Chi seems towards the understanding side of his son, I wish them well
Liu Kai Chi married Chan Man Yee, I believe
Chan Man Yee’s English name is/was Money Chan but she is sometimes referred to as Barbara Chan as well. I think the Money name came from her Chinese name, “Man Yee” but maybe that sounded a bit awkward so she changed it to Barbara??
Barbara never changed her name from Money. Money is another former TVB actress who has become a full time lawyer. She used to be host in Jade Solid Gold. Barbara Chan has always been Barbara Chan.
I don’t think parents like to have their kids homosexual. However, it is pretty hard not to accept the fact if they are.
Not easy for Liu Kai Chi and wife Barbara Chan, earlier have to deal with younger son with leukemia.Felt both of them good parents , also believe Liu Man Chit a good son. Hope the Media and the public mind their own business. They suffer enough
Yeah, I feel sorry for Liu Kai Chi and his wife, Barbara.
I agree and feel bad for them since losing a son or any family member is already so hard, but now have to endure all of this negative press from the media. I just wish that the media will leave them alone and let them have some peace and space.
Being homo is ‘acceptable’ but being a transvestite is certainly not.
it’s like they have 2 sons but at the same time they lost both of their sons in a way…life isnt that easy to control is it…it’s easy to say hav an open mind. but there’s certain things you dont want…what happen to the choice of choosing of wanting of not wanting?
Hollywood celeb couples who also happened to have transgendered children.
Warren Beatty and Annette Bening
Cher & that ex of hers – both born as daughters I think, both transgendered into a son.
Can psychology fully explain why humans want to be NOT what they are born with? sigh…. Such a mystery sometimes…
I was wondering the same things because there are advantages and disadvantages to being male or female. That is truly a mystery just like how you wonder why some have a happier life and are luckier than others. There are just things that we can never understand.
Wtf the reporters are asking? Even if the boy is homosexual or like to be a trap, it cant be “changed”. Liu Kai Chi has the right answer, cant change yourself to satisfy others.
I hope Liu Kai Chi isn’t having trouble getting jobs with the failure of HKTV getting the license. I haven’t seen him getting much work after leaving TVB. The reporters should leave the boy’s sexuality alone. Why is HK so appalling towards gays?
You don’t have to worry….Uncle Chi left the TV world long ago and has a successful career in movies (he’s a 2 time HKFA Best Supporting Actor winner and has a pretty respected standing in the movie world). He filmed for HKTV primarily as a favor for scriptwriter Chu King Kei and producer So Man Chung, both of whom he had worked with for many years at TVB. He’s got plenty of job opportunities.
Anyway…I also agree that the Media should leave Uncle Chi and Man Yee alone! Their son’s sexual orientation is none of the Media’s business!
Well said llwy12! Those were the things that I wanted to say. It is none of the media’s business in regards to this matter. I guess they are really running out of topics to report on.
The last show i saw him in was strange heroes with Wallace and Liu shi shi, he was really good in there.
If their son is born gay, can they as the parents be blamed for that? It’s so unfortunate that they have a young son with leukemia. They’ve got so much on their plate already, with Liu Kai Chi perhaps unemployed right now, the media should just mind their own business. Geez, show some sympathy!
The article is misleading….their youngest son Man Lok already died of leukemia several years ago — it was a rough time for the entire family but they got through it. They don’t need the Media hounding them about their eldest son’s sexuality, especially since it’s none of the Media’s business. They’ve suffered enough already so please leave them alone!
I guess since we have not heard about Liu Kai Chi in a long while so many think he is unemployed but he is not. He is successful now as llwy12 says. I wish they can talk about more positive things instead of trying to nose into his family business. The media is truly scary and annoying!!
The saddest thing about it all is that Liu Kai Chi’s son was probably aware of his own sexual orientation long before this stupid article. Who knows how long he’s been living in the closet, too afraid to tell his parents, afraid of disappointing them, afraid of being someone who others might not accept. I feel bad for any parents who have to watch their children go through leukemia, but Liu Kai Chi and Lo Man Yee really should be glad that Liu Man Chit is brave enough to embrace his own sexuality and won’t date/marry a woman just to make society (or his Christian parents) happy.
I don’t think he was so conflicted because he did tweet or post about his preference in Facebook. I believe within the family it is an open secret.
So is the son homosexual as in a man attracted to another man or is he a woman trapped in a man’s body? Big difference.
The latter. Majority of gay men do not really like to wear women’s clothes as society thinks they do. In fact, there are more straight and bisexual men who silently and secretly wear and smell their wives’ clothes from underwear to bras when their wives are not around in their houses because those are a turn-on to them.
what’s the big diff? they just like boy.
It is in the mentality.
Its not the parent’s fault and they should not feel guilty about their son or daughter’s choice. People do blame parents as its the easy excuse. At the end of the day its the person’s choice.
His son looks like the host of that Bachelor show … Karl something ….
lol I was thinking the same thing. I think it’s just that picture in the article.
look at that hair cut…pretty sure it’s a dead giveaway…
The media should leave them alone … it’s a private family matter, and the family don’t need others sticking their noses where it don’t belong. The parents are not to blame, it’s not neglect that leads their son on this chosen path. It might be a cry for help and attention, but not in the sense we thought … wish this family peace and privacy they need to deal with such private matters.
What are we to say when it comes to things like that. It’s already hard enough being hetero sexual. Lui man chit is stupid to add more problems to the parents.
you know what’s heterosexual mean right? it’s not HARD to be heterosexual..
Tell me what’s hetero sexual mean to you.
loving the opposite sex who’s not gay or lesbo…boy likes girl, girl likes boy..simple for you?
It is hard for those loser guys who wants beautiful model girlfriends or plain janes in love with handsome male celebrities. Aiming high even as a heterosexual can be very very hard indeed.
that’s consider day dreaming…. getting model or anything that’s hot = need to be rich..
oh my God! he looks ugly! yuak!!!!!!! wanna vomit!
廖文哲 is probably gay, but as in a Christian family, he’s possibly afraid that his parents can’t accept him as a gay, pressuring him to have sexual orientation.
Honestly, being homosexual isn’t wrong. Just because the majority is a (f) and a (m) together doesn’t mean that gay/les is abnormal. I mean if it were vice versa, then heterosexual would be known as wrong.
Why can’t people accept others for who they are?
Can you accept your son as a gay person. easier said than done.
Agreed but I suppose love for your son should always outweigh any prejudice. I mean in the end if you can’t change your son, what can you do? Not like it is something so terrible like killing someone.
This is disgusting. Feel sorry for the parents
Just wish everyone would except others as who they are.
A child’s sexual orientation has nothing to do with the parents.
Not easy to except and it’s not even better in the closet.
So #@”%ing what? Just let him be.
homosexual is biological and not a preference.
This makes me think that unless you are superrich and educated, you can’t protect children you make. Like that movie with Simon Yam as a shoe repairer living in a shack in Hong Kong whose eldest son was neglected by hospital nurses because they couldn’t afford to bribe them to be kind.
Money always helps a lot though it cannot bring back a dead person alive.
The biggest torture is losing their son so I guess this is something acceptable even if they aren’t for it because at least their son is still alive. I’m sure they are wondering what they have done to deserve this since their surviving son is in store for some loneliness and sorrow if not outright predatory attacks on the path he feels compelled to walk upon.
I wonder how many cross dressers and transexuals are internalizing homophobia by denying that they are just gay males and claim to be gender misidentified.
It’s really tough.
You get it if you dont “come out”.
Irony is even if you tell the true, & “come out”, you get it as well…. maybe even more!