Louis Koo Builds 4 New Schools During Pandemic

Louis Koo (古天樂) is not only known for his contributions to the Hong Kong entertainment industry, but is also praised for his philanthropy through the years. Since 2008, Louis has been committed to improving the quality of life in impoverished areas in China. In a mere 12 years, he funded the building of 135 schools in China under his charitable fund which included nursery, elementary, and middle schools.

Despite the pandemic and low work streams, Louis has continued his donations and built four additional schools in 2020. The actor remains low profile about his charitable actions, but a netizen snapped a photo of a recently built school and uploaded it on social media. The photo showcased Louis’ 133rd elementary school built in China.

The post immediately started trending, with many praising the charitable actor for his kind heart and good deeds. One person wrote, “We must support this kind of dedication.” Another expressed, “Louis Koo is truly a beautiful person with a beautiful heart.”

Source: On.cc

This article is written by Huynh for JayneStars.com.

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  1. what a remarkable man. good for him being able and willing to do this for the unprivileged kids.

  2. He has such a good heart but still single it’s hard to believe it that he staying single for this long time. It would be great if Louis and Charmaine can get together one day I think they would make a cute couple.

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