Lukian Wong to Pose Nude in Body Paint

Models Yuri Chan (蕊蕊) and Kibby Lau (劉俐) will be heating the summer up with their upcoming sexy pictorials, but the competition does not end there. Yuri and Kibby’s Beautiful Cooking <美女廚房> costar, Lukian Wang (王宝宝), have also joined in the bikini battle. However, the 24-year-old British-Chinese model will not be modeling in only bikinis or lingerie – Lukian also plans to pose nude with body paint, taking it to the next level.
Adding in a new touch of flavor among the cluster of bikini pictorials, Lukian said she plans to produce and publish pictures of herself wearing nothing but body paint for her latest photo release. “I will be 24 years old this year. Since I’m still young, I really want to leave behind beautiful images.”
Morphing her body and the background set as one, Lukian hopes to shoot a series of artistic and meaningful photos through her body art. Lukian explained that many artists have a lot of trouble finding models who are willing to take part in such daring photo shoots. “If a publisher isn’t willing to invest in these photos, I’ll do it myself. I have no problem with that,” said Lukian.
Johnson Lee Didn’t Take Nude Photos of Lukian
Asked if she would have ex-boyfriend, Johnson Lee (李思捷), to take these nude photoshoots of her, Lukian immediately said no. “He is not a photographer. I have a group of photographers whom I trust and have worked with for a long time.”
Lukian said it is not necessary to ask Johnson for his opinions about the pictorial. “It’s my book, so I’ll handle everything myself. He is not releasing a book. I’ll probably talk about it with him, but I don’t think he will give me any input. He trusts me to do well.”
Did Johnson take any nude photos of Lukian? “No! But I did let another boyfriend of mine in the past to take nude photos of me.” Lukian said she is not afraid that these photos would leak. “I take responsibility for them. If I were scared about them leaking, I would not have taken them the first place.”
On her thoughts of being part of the sexy pseudomodel pictorial battle this summer, Lukian stressed that she is not a psuedomodel, “I am not that young, and I’ve been in the modeling business for over 9 years. I’ve also competed in the Miss Model of the World competition [representing Hong Kong], so in theory I cannot be considered a psuedomodel.”
Lukian distances herself from the psuedomodeling world, asserting that her pictorial is an artistic piece.
“My pictorial is different from the psuedomodel ones, and I believe that people will also not compare my book with others.”
A release date for Lukian’s pictorial is not set yet, but she does not mind competing with the pseudomodels at the upcoming Hong Kong Book Fair. “The book fair isn’t just for pseudomodels.”
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Addy for
Another cheap starlet hoping to use her body for instant fame or cheap publicity.
what the hell? What’s wrong with tasteful nudity? Especially if you’re a professional model (which she is), Kate Moss posed nude hundred of times.
You are doing it wrong Luki. These days you have to have sex in the restroom or fish for someone’s spouse to get instant fame.
She sounds so trashy. The only ‘class’ she can claim is that she is British Chinese but i bet she is one of those who doesn’t have British friends and only gangs around Chinatown.
I mean ‘hang’ around. Provably speaks broken English too. What kind of name is Lukian?
Being british automatically equals having class? And hanging around chinatown and not having british friends or speaking broken english makes you a worse human being than the opposite? Boy, your white worshipping is showing.
Being British doesn’t mean automatically having class
Ppl who thinks it’s fine to pose nude are really daring, should I also said they want to use this cheap stunt to make themselves famous? They’re really obsessive with their own body and has no shame nor shyness to pose nude? What’s in their mind actually.
Desperate attempt to draw attention. 24 years old and dumped by Johnson Lee is bad news for an aspiring model
She is already a model dumbass
What is shameful about your body exactly? Have you ever looked at paintings by Ruben or Renoir? David by Michelangelo? Nude photography? Lust, Caution directed by Ang Lee? Are those shameful too? People are such hypocrites.
It’s shameful if you want to exploit your body for fame. Do you think reporters will be interested to write about her if not for this nude pose issue?
@Toby: isn’t that what ALL models in history do? They essentially sell their body, Miranda Kerr posed nude for exposion and money before why are you not bashing her then? What she does is not more shameful than Beyonce shaking her ass in music videos for attention. You’re just prejudiced and bitter.
Hi mish,
Miranda Kerr & Beyonce are 2 famous model and entertainer, I guess most ppl would have heard them. It’s nor surprising when a caucasian model pose nude (I feel most of them even though they dont pose nude, when changing for catwalk you can see anything if you’re behind the scene. As for Beyonce, she’s a well known entertainer and most times they’re flambuoyant or eccentric in certain ways.
I guess ppl wondered about this girl, Lukian because she’s not someone famous. Therefore, a lot of ppl like her will use such way to gain popularity but not everyone can make it though. Shu Qi posed nude before, but she’s now an acclaimed actress. If this girl can be someone like Shu Qi then it’s good for her.
I agree with Bloom. It seems that this Lukian girl is doing this nudity to hype herself instead of pure arts, but we might be wrong.
@bloom: of course she is doing it for attention. But so are Miranda Kerr and Beyonce, just because they are more famous than her doesn’t mean that they don’t need to be talked about as often. Like Maggie Cheung Man Yuk once said: ‘If I don’t crave to be famous or attention I wouldn’t be in this business.’
But people like to bash the unknown and put established entertainers on a pedestal. Sad.
based on my experiences w/ viewing photos w/ body paint, there really isn’t too much you can see w/ the paint on. perhaps it is a way for the artist and herself to express through art.
Why is everyone so negative? What’s wrong with bodypaint photoshoots? Are you guys that prude? Photography is art. Skillful bodypainting is art. And the human body in its natural state is an artwork itself. Don’t judge before you’ve seen it. Speaking as an art student, if I had a body like hers I would pose nude for art classes and photoshoots like that. You guys are so judgemental!
It’s mainly females who pose nude. How about equal opportunity for hot guys to do the same without getting bashed like Peter Ho?
What are you even talking about? How does she posing nude prevents guys from doing the same? Andy on, wong hei and even Roman Tam had posed (semi) nude before, no one is calling them ‘cheap’. If anything, people are harsher on girls.
I mean Andy Hui
Andy On vs Andy Hui is a HUGE difference, especially when it comes to nudity.
When I read Andy On, I wanted to see. But, the correction was a HUGE let down. haha
Nope, nope for Andy Hui nudes
oops too late :p
(it’s censored)
When Lukian Wang do this it’s not classy. Some people get away with nnudes because they do it classy. Lukian is not.
How would you even know? Have you even seen the pictures yet? You’re prejudiced and bower against her, such mean girls behaviours! Shame on you!
She looks prettier in the pic above.
She’s average at best.
wow bitter much
To the people bashing this girl: JENNIFER LAWRENCE was NAKED during her whole first x-men movie covered in body paint. Go on, say how she is exploiting her body for fame. Double standared pricks.
Jennifer Lawrence was already famous as an actress. Lukian – what is she famous for?
What’s your point? Famous people get to be put on a pedestal? They are better than ‘normal’ people? Double standards, so sad.
I love jennifer lawrence but you’re just being a hypocrite.