Mandy Chai is Crowned Miss Chinese International 2015

The Miss Chinese International 2015 pageant concluded on January 25, with Mandy Chai (蔡美霆) from Sydney, Australia winning the crown. Veronica Shiu (邵珮詩) from Hong Kong won first runner-up, while Catherine Hui (惠櫸喬) from New York, United States won second runner-up. Christina Jin (金詩迪) from Auckland, New Zealand received the Miss Friendship award.
Prior to finals night, Mandy Chai maintained a low profile and she was considered as a dark horse candidate. However, her warm smile and impressive Samba dancing skills won over judges’ votes. When the results were announced, Mandy could not stop crying and was surprised by her own win and said she would like to talk to the judges after the show. A nurse by profession, the 22-year-old will consider remaining in Hong Kong and whether she would pursue a career in the entertainment industry after the pageant.
Sweeping the awards at Miss Hong Kong earlier, Veronica Shiu once again demonstrated her strength in dancing by performing to Michael Jackson’s Moonwalk. The 24-year-old was satisfied with own performance and felt that she had already done her best. Commenting on Mandy’s victory, Veronica said, “She deserves the crown as she performed very well and displayed a good sense of humor. Perhaps I lost in this aspect.”
Although Catherine Hui from New York is only 18 years old, she was a hot media favorite due to her curvaceous 5-feet-7-inch figure. During the talent segment, Catherine impressed judges with her piano skills and elegance. A high school student, Catherine’s dream is to become a successful lawyer. Becoming close friends with many contestants, Catherine is sad to see the pageant draw to a close.
This article is written by Jayne for
What happened to Vancouver? Don’t they traditionally do well?
Congrats to the winners.
She placed in top five.
Mandy Chai had an impressive performance throughout & during the whole pageant night, she was the live audience favourite (she’s the one who got the most cheers).
Vancouver’s rep did alright but didn’t do as well as Veronica and Mandy in the Q&A parts (esp. the first one).
She placed in top five.
Mandy Chai had an impressive performance throughout
comment continued below.
Mandy Chai had an impressive performance throughout
Mandy and Catherine did really well, too bad Catherine can’t even get 2nd place?
I am nothing against her(Veronica) but in theme of performance and Q&A Isabella should deserve to be in top 5.
Chinese International Pageant ??? A total rigged-up by HK !!!
Should change name to Chinese “HK” International….. for rigged-up by the judges and votes !!!
me too!! i really like Mandy Chai she did a awesome job in Q&A session!!!! she deserves the Crown!!! >.<
I so agree with you sonic! I saw the pageant and thought Sydney gave direct but non gorgeous answers. I much prefer answers that are not pageant patty but not as “non-polished” as her.
And who said her Cantonese is good? What a thick accent!!!
Isabella wouldn’t place in top five. She doesn’t know English NOR Cantonese. How can TVB promote her?
She can’t host anything for TVB until she’s trained in speaking English or know Cantonese.
She’s only fluent in Thai. And then, her accent. If it wasn’t for that male artist who translated everything for her, she wouldn’t been able to answer back in Thai.
Everyone has accents… Just because you have an accent, it doesnt mean your cantonese is bad.
WTF about speaking perfect canto?
Is this the Miss Canto International pageant?
Please read my comments below. I don’t want to reiterate everything I said anything. Beautiful deserving girls shouldn’t be held back over plain Janes just because they can’t speak Cantonese (that’s TVB’s responsibility to hire a proper translator) AND “training costs are high.” This is a international beauty pageant not the next fadan audition.
Did I mention her Cantonese is bad? I said she has a big accent, not as good as others think. If good Cantonese is a determining factor in the pageant, then Toronto should’ve placed higher. She speaks the best Cantonese IMO LMAO!! No accent or little accent compared to Sydney.
Erica Chen placed in top five.
She did well in her talent but lacked charisma in her Q&A.
Like Veronica mention in the article (if translated correctly), Mandy did very well.
I don’t think veronica should be place in top 5. Always put miss hk in top 5 or 3.
I really like #11
Mandy deserves the crown and #11 should be placed #2.
Why Veronica? — because she’s miss hk?
Mandy and HK should’ve been left out of the top 5. Especially HK. Tvb loves playing politics and rigs the results in pageants, JSG, and TVB anniversary shows. Oh so dirty!
Mandy had a good performance throughout the pageant.
No one forces you to watch the pageants, JSG + tvb anniversary shows.
Of course nobody forces me, I watch them to look at beautiful women. But it’s frustrating to see undeserving women left on the ice while clapping for ugly women sitting on the throne.
If you also believe tvb didn’t rig this result, then please continue sleeping.
Congrats, but I prefer no.11 NY to get the crown.
Me too! I’m outraged at these results. This is A BEAUTY PAGEANT, not the next Cantonese artiste search. Beauty wise and talent wise, I liked NY more. The judges must have been blind.
Yeah, but beauty pageants also have come to be thought of a competition not just for looks, but also for intelligence (so people would like to think). I think mandy did well on the night, her performance and q and A were impressive. I don’t see how it’s not fair to crown her, she does deserve it imo.
True but I much prefer beauty over wisdom. Why? If beauty is not emphasized, then ANY woman can win MSHK and MCI. Why should we even judge then then? The female down the street can also be MCI with the answers Sydney and HK gave.
Watch the recent episode of Scoop. Ada and the other judge commented on why the top 3 placed the way they were.
Even DODO agreed with the result.
Hahah. I don’t mind the results actually since #15 Mandy did well. She’s actually quite cute. I’m just being bias because I think Catherine is the prettiest and carry herself very well.
This is the winner? Unbelievable! Worse than Veronica Shiu!
Watch her performance and you will get why she won.
Veronica had no business being in the top 5, she stole Bangkok’s stop. She too is a robber just like Mandy. What a ugly top 3 except for NY.
My favorite was #3 Bangkok too but didn’t place because of language barrier.
Meanwhile in Miss Universe Colombia won even though she did not speak a word of English.
Yup, Miss Bangkok should have been placed!!!
You don’t follow pageants closely. Colombia did spoke English but she just used an interpreter to buy time. What a fake smile and personality!
I should say Colombia does understand and speak English but used an interpreter to buy time. Just like the last winner from Venezuela.
But Bangkok is a different case, she really doesn’t speak English or her Eng. is limited.
Isabella didnt speak English or Cantonese. A huge letdown. She required a translator. Good thing in tvb, there was a guy who knew Thai because if he wasnt there, Isabella wouldnt answer.
Isabella wouldnt have placed in top five. Too expensive for TVB to get her to learn Cantonese/English. At least she placed in top ten.
You need to watch other international pageants. I guess MCI is not a international pageant if they can’t freakin hire interpreters for the pageant.
You need to rewatch the past pageants. Tvb used to hire a short lady, in her 60s (maybe 70s) now that translated the Thai dialogues.
If they can do it back then, why did they stop after 2005? Because TVB IS CHEAP! Not because of Isabella or all the other girls’ problems or because “training costs” are high. Yes, I agree that it will be hard for TVB to sign them and train them to learn Cantonese.
But, the issue is in her placement at the pageant. Language barriers shouldn’t pose as a challenge in the pageant because if this is an international pageant, they can at least provide PROPER TRANSLATING SERVICES. Just like Miss Universe does. They have like DOZENS of translators standing by.
Mandy Chai looks really pretty and down-to-earth! I predicted she would be in the top right at the start of the pageant. The girl from New York looks really sweet
me too. Her Cantonese is amazing and her performance was awesome!
Can you go into detail on her performance was awesome?? I thought she wasn’t as gorgeous as I would want a beauty queen to be.
Her talent was a joke! Moving the body over and over. Really!? NY and Vancouver’s talents are what I consider talent not HK and Vancouver and even KL’s dances!
And fluent Cantonese really shouldn’t mean anything. I do prefer winners to speak Cantonese but at the end of the day, beauty should be the determining factor in a pageant.
TVB just loves to crown ugly girls. We had a ugly MSHK top 3 last year and now a ugly MCI and 1st RU. No wonder people don’t watch pageants these days, they can’t even crown a beautiful woman even when there’s loads of beauties this year!!!!
We have New York, Seattle, Melbourne, Bangkok, and Kuala Lumpur to some extent. But only one made the top 3. Ridiculous result!
yeah!! her performance was awesome!!! i loved it as well!!!
i didn’t watch the show but i voted to support one of the contestants and was surprised that all 3 of my selections won top 3. i bet everyone chose the top 3 based on their profile pics, because they indeed were the most attractive.
HK attractive?? Really lol? I find at least 5 other girls more attractive than her. Seattle (the big favorite), Melbourne, BANGKOK, and KL. LMAO!!!
i meant their profile pics are most attractive. the other contestants were probably prettier in motion but didn’t photograph as well. but i think veronica is pretty anyhow.
mandy choi what a beauty,she reminds me of loletta chu the most gorgeous miss hk ever,mandy totaly deserved to win,her performance was simply the best,catherina hui had to be 2nd and veronica out of top 5,her QandA was embarrassing not miss hk worthy.
Mandy’s teeth are not good. It’s quite an insult to compare her with Loletta. She is miles ahead of her in terms of beauty.
As for HK, I agree with you on her allegedly rigged placement. This reminds me of 2008 when Kayi Cheung stole Sydney’s 1st RU crown.
Tvb loves to hand titles to HK even if their girls are not beautiful and gave MEDIOCRE performances.
Uhm no there are times when HK didn’t even place, you can’t say it’s rigged right off the bat
Seems like you mis-interpreted my statement. I didn’t say TVB rigs this result for HK off the bat.
There are times where HK didn’t place. That’s true, I didn’t deny that.
BUT when there are other stunners and girls that do well than HK yet HK still places or wins, then that’s a rigged result. A questionable result.
Rigged results that TVB has performed:
I’ll go into MCI first:
Pork chop Kayi Cheung over Sydney in 2008.
Pork chip Veronica Shiu over Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur in 2015.
Pork chop Carat Cheung over Toronto in 2012.
Emily Lo in 1993
Even Mandy Cho’s placement in 2004 was a little gracious!! Vivian Yeo could’ve easily taken her spot that year! Rewatch that pageant to find out.
Monica chan in 1989. Seattle should’ve taken her spot.
See all the bias tvb goes to it’s own internally produced pageant??
And we also have rigged results in Miss Hong Kong with last year’s Shiu, Carat Cheung in 2012 (LMAO, server breakdown LMAO!?), edelweiss Cheung in 2008 (she comes from a rich background), Mok Ho Yan (porkchop winner in 1993 over beautiful Kenix Kwok).
All these head scratcher results and beauties dumped over pork chop winners. And you say it’s not rigged?? LMAO!!
Uhhhh. If you havent noticed peter, most of the malaysian reps have signed with astro even when they placed as runner ups or second runner up in MCI. ever since vivien yeo (malay chinese) has joined tvb, no one who won runner up/second runner up in recent years joined tvb.. they joined ASTRO. Eg. Zhiny, Denise…
i mean those who are from Malaysia does not sign with tvb, rather with astro. so even if anjoe didnt place in top three, she got a contract with lovely astro.
I get your point Lillian.
But how does that have to do with my comment – TVB giving away runner up titles to undeserving and fac-ial weak girls??
Anyhow, I think it’s rigging the results if a deserving girl is beautiful and performs well BUT leaves HK with nothing just because:
1. She doesn’t speak Cantonese
2. She signed with Astro and has no interest in joining TVB.
If that’s the case, it’s rigged because the best performing girl doesn’t win. And, why did they give a title to HK then? She already has a contract with TVb. They’ve given it to Toronto or Vancouver. Vancouver speaks Cantonese but not as fluently. Mind you, Oceane, Leanne, and Christine ALL GOT SIGNED despite speaking limited or no Cantonese.
TVB saw potential in them.. thats why they signed them.
Eg. bernice liu/eliza sam also had limited cantonese when she first started. But their cantonese had improved over time.
Hmm, no the??
It’s obvious tvb is favoring some girls and giving them titles if they see “potential” in them. I certainly didn’t deny that.
My point is TVB should be focused on crowning beauties and don’t be afraid of crowning women that don’t speak Chinese. Just because they speak Cantonese rather than the girl next to her, I’ll crown her over her even if the girl that doesn’t speak Cantonese is more beautiful or have a better talent or q&a answer.
catherine hui is pretty. Her parents are from mainland. Wonder if she can speak Mandarin…
Yes, she speaks Mandarin. What a beauty! She was robbed of the title. Ridiculous result from TVB. They just rigged it for HK to take 2nd just like how she won MSHK. The winner was ok but didn’t deserve to place 1st though.
I would’ve preferred NY winning, with Sydney and KL taking 2nd and 3rd. What a ridiculous result!
And I hate to complain but Monica Chan has some bad taste in judging pageants. Possibly Ada Choi to some extent. Unqualified judges that will bring stupid results.
When Monica Chan chose Jennifer Shum as Miss Photogenic in MSHK 2012, that was already an indication of her “distinctive” taste. So as those batch of female artistes in selecting Shiu over Lenna as Miss Photogenic 2014.
And now Monica Chan chooses HK again AND crowns Sydney, the same city that defeated her in MCI 1989!! WTH LOL!
And, Roger Kwok has some taste problems top because in 2007 (he judged that year too), he too crowned a Sydney girl. Her name is Sarah Song, one of the most under promoted Miss Chinese Internationals ever. Why is that? Because she is not beautiful! And it’s 2015 now and we find ourselves with the same result. ROFL!
Roger liked NY.
Monica liked HK
Ada liked Sydney’s rep. She found Mandy to be very sweet and pretty during an interview (that wasn’t broadcasted probably).
Mandy is very pretty.She deserve to win the crown.
You gave me the best laugh of the day LMAO!!
She looks like Miss Philippines or Miss Malaysia!
And, let me end with this note – Shiu’s family rigged the result to let her win MSHK over other beauties and they have done it again. Money is king.
How the hell do you classify someone as miss Hong Kong then ? … What the hell?
So what if someone has tan skin? Can you not be beautiful just because you’re tan?
I would classify HK as ugly too! But, in terms of looks, I like Sydney more. But mind you, both of these girls are fake. Who provided Mandy’s Instagram shouldn’t even follow her because it’s locked. I heard it’s full of her partying photos (like the press reported).
As for HK, fake smile and fake personality. We all know her family bought her MSHK as a toy.
Not that you can’t be beautiful if you’re tanned but I just find it unfair that she won when other girls look more beautiful. Like Bangkok, KL, Seattle (despite the slip in interview).
me too! i agree!!
I think Mandy is pretty and as for Catherine hu, she got the height and the shape nothing unique about her face face other then just plain cute.
I guess different people have different views. Please don’t think if only find her stunning. You need to go to Baidu or Weibo. The comments there are a lot more direct, to the point, and critical.
Mandy’s Instagram – mandychai2
Tbh reading all the comments, no candidate in this competiton , nor in the future competitions to come, will ever be good enough for the public, or at least netizens here lol. people like to pick out aspects and criticise candidates to pieces. When a candidate has good Cantonese , people may say despite it they would rather the so called better looking. When they don’t speak good Cantonese, people may also complain their language isn’t good enough. then you have the too thin too fat criticism; questioning their background etc. …. It’s like picking out winners for the bashing season of the year lol.
There’s really only one person here who seems to be infuriated by the result…
Hahaha! I guess I will post the weibo links and Baidu links when I find them. MANY people don’t like the winner and 1st RU, not just me. It just so happens I’m the only one discussing the pageant here while others simply don’t care.
Lmao, everyone knows who that one person is. Let that person drown In Their own hatred world.
The results cannot be changed, the pageant is over. Get over it.
@Peter: Yeah I saw the nasty comments on weibo too, calling the winner 菲傭(Filipino domestic helper), miss hk a pork chop, and second runner up good looking but fat.
Yes Melody, thank you for coming out and telling blind bloggers the truth! They really believe in whatever TVB says LMAO! I will post those Baidu links and weibo links (if those people can read Chinese, maybe they can’t LMAO!’).
Comments on weibo and baidu doesnt mean a thing. Most artists don’t really care.
LMAO!!!!! It doesn’t mean a thing?
You have to be joking right lol?
If she does want to enter the industry, the least thing she needs to do is to convince others she is worthy of the title. She needs to establish a good relationship with the viewers.
Already, the comments on Baidu and Weibo indicate otherwise. They don’t think she is beautiful, just like Shiu and her other Miss HK 2014 court.
AND, some people are claiming I’m the only one unhappy here. But, if others don’t like the result too, then it’s not just me that doesn’t see the beauty inside her. Many others agree with me and that matters.
And if it’s not important, you wouldn’t be commenting here right? They wouldn’t be commenting there right? So it matters then LOL.
If you read Grace’s interview, she mentions that as artists, they don’t care on the Baidu/Weibo comments. Artists themselves kinda just shake it off/ignore it since they have limited time to defend themselves.. only in extreme cases, they would defend themselves.
Only commenters like you care so deeply to attack other ppl’s opinions.
You cited “Grace.” How is “Grace” representative of the all artistes in HK. Just because “Grace” said it,the majority of the artistes wouldn’t care??
What a guy envision a beauty queen and what a female envision beauty queen is different. This was evident between what Ada Choi and Roger focused on during the MCIP. Ada looked at the whole package and having a pageant experience herself, will make her more picky while Roger emphasized on confidence and being able to shine for the chinese. This was also emphasized by some of the male celebrities who was at the pageant.. Just because katylu and sarah likes Mandy as the winner, it doesnt give you the right to debunk what they think.
I have seen her pictures god she is so so pretty ! She looks blasian
Am I the only one that thinks Mandy’s cantonese is just so-so? I have TVBA at home and Mandy is a host of some show and IMO she really over-the-top and kind of irritating to watch.
Also she said her dream was to be a nurse but it’ll all change when TVB offers her to be their artiste. Maybe she’ll be like Sarah Song and end up being a successful MC.
That’s what I thought too! Looks wise, both are plain. Maybe the first Sydney winner is the only one I consider beautiful (and even that’s going a little far).
And the Cantonese really shouldn’t matter. But I like when people praise her for her Cantonese. There have been many other stunners in past years that have good Cantonese but didn’t win. LMAO.
Mate , if language shouldn’t matter, contestants wouldn’t be given the absolute shiz from the public and media for it, even up to this day, past contestants who are now artistes are being criticised for their near perfect Cantonese as well others whose Cantonese hasn’t improved in their eyes. Seriously, as you also mentioned, anyone can enter this pageant than if beauty were not a highly regarded requirement, this also would counts for language whether it be of the same priority or not. Language does matter for the people who judge them. Go ask a Hong Kong citizen of their opinion as to whether speaking good Cantonese would matter, I’m sure a lot would answer yes. Why So? Its quite evident that in the recent years years contestants don’t speak fluent Cantonese, which is the reason why when a contestant does speak good Cantonese it seems praised upon by the judges and media. Now tell me that language shouldn’t matter, bcos in the end a lot of these candidates become artists and actors. Yeah you may say these pageants are BEAUTY pageants, but come on, look at the history of tvb miss Hong Kong and miss chinese international, these competitions are really for the company to look for their next batch of artists, so the language does matter..
I believe it shouldn’t at all.
For example, two non winners in MCI 1995 were taken by tvb. One had the surname “Ma” (you will recognize her when you see her face) and the other is Angela Tong.
While I agree with some points you say, especially that’s it preferable to find a girl out of the winners or non winners that have Cantonese fluency, IT SHOULDN’T MATTER in determine their overall placement in the pageant.
Beauty and intelligence should not be measured based on what language you speak.
Quite frankly, if Sydney DIDN’T SPEAK CANTONESE, I honestly doubt she’ll do well. The judges are very biased.
Please understand this is Miss Chinese “International” NOT Miss Hong Kong. Speaking Cantonese should not be required since it’s an international pageant right? What language you should speak shouldn’t affect your overall score in the pageant. Tvb should’ve provided proper translators like they did in the old days.
IF YOU GUYS FOLLOW MCI (I bet you guys don’t), you will remember tvb was nice enough to hire PROPER translators, like that short woman for Bangkok representatives OR a French guy for the Tahiti rep. in 1998. Please go to Tudou and search MCI 1998 to find out more. Nowadays, they just save money and ask Penny Chan (is that his name?) to give a rough translator. Yes, it’s funny and cost saving but A DISGRACE and insult to Mias Bangkok IMO.
Essentially, my point is (going back on topic), I’ll give you two examples.
Let’s take Sydney and New York. If NY spoke Cantonese and Sydney didn’t, would the result be different? I think it would’ve!! Does that mean if she spoke Cantonese then she deserves to win?? Not necessarily right? If you guys believe Sydney gave a better performance, she should’ve won REGARDLESS OF ANY LANGUAGE SHE SPEAKS IN.
In essence, Cantonese shouldn’t matter at the any of the day. FYI – I love Cantonese and speak Cantonese more than English. Back then, I also thought Cantonese speakers should place higher at MCI because I thought Cantonese is a better language than Mandarin.
At the end of the day though, the winner should be determined based on their performance – the answer they gave, the talent she performed, the outer beauty she possessed, and wisdom.
And I also want to give an extreme example to illustrate my argument on why Sydney shouldn’t have won because “she speaks Cantonese.” And btw – she has an accent.
Let’s say there is a contestant that has a perfect figure, beautiful face, musical talent, and wisdom. BUT, she doesn’t speak Cantonese. She speaks Mandarin. She placed as 1st RU.
The other contestant has harsh fa-cial features, a mediocre talent, ok wisdom. But, she speaks Cantonese. Miss Lok of TVB is interested in signing her and gives her the win.
Is that fair? I don’t think so because speaking Cantonese can’t make up for the other mediocre qualities / performance she has.
Speaking fluent Cantonese is probably very important in HK esp. if Cantonese is starting to die now due to the emphasis on Mandarin-speaker.
and knowing Cantonese would limit the training costs.
Mandy’s cantonese is good for a malaysian. She went to sydney to study hence represent Sydney. Have u guys realised that
Does anyone know which suburb she is from in Sydney?
Lol, why would you want to know though ? (Not to be rude) isn’t that quite stalkerish O_o
She is from Malaysia
My personal weird dejavu feeling about Miss Chinese International: –
1) Every year winner is either from HK or Canada.
2) The outgoing/former Miss Chinese International seems to be prettier than the newly crowned one during the ceremony.
3) Ms HK will always get top 3 or top 5 no matter how bad her performance is.
4) Most of the time, the 1st or 2nd runner up turned out to be more successful in TVB series than the Winner.
5) Contestant from China had never/rarely make it to top 3 or 5 despite China well known to have many beauties.
6) The contestant that only speak English and neither Canto/Mandarin can never get into top 3 or win the competition.
7) The host of the Ms Chinese International are always either Dodo Cheng or Eric Tsang since forever.
Good observations you made. Pretty much everything you said is true to some extent. But, to be politically correct, please don’t use the words “never” or always because if you just do some Wikipedia research, you will find that 1, 3, 4, 6, and 7 is FALSE.
For last year’s pageant, Grace looked more beautiful than Gloria LOL. And, I don’t want to go into detail (actually all of your statements are false in some way) except for 5 because you put in the word “rarely.” Mainland did make the top 3 in 2008 but that was only a one time placement.
1) Every year winner is either from HK or Canada.
NOT TRUE. Singapore, Thailand, Tai Pei, USA, Malaysia has won the pageant before. It’s only in recent years..
2) The outgoing/former Miss Chinese International seems to be prettier than the newly crowned one during the ceremony.
That’s debatable.
3) Ms HK will always get top 3 or top 5 no matter how bad her performance is.
NOT TRUE. see the earlier years of MCI… Some HK reps only made it to Top Ten.
4) Most of the time, the 1st or 2nd runner up turned out to be more successful in TVB series than the Winner.
Not really. It depends on who signs with TVB at the very end. Most of the Malaysian Chinese reps do not sign with TVB, but with Astro.
5) Contestant from China had never/rarely make it to top 3 or 5 despite China well known to have many beauties.
Training costs, my friend.
6) The contestant that only speak English and neither Canto/Mandarin can never get into top 3 or win the competition.
Of course NOT. Training costs!! It’s like training an employee. You would rather hire someone who has the experience than someone without the experience. Thailand’s rep did not speak English nor Cantonese/Mandarin. She ONLY spoke Thai. If it wasn’t for that Thai translator, how can she answer back during the Q&A?!
7) The host of the Ms Chinese International are always either Dodo Cheng or Eric Tsang since forever.
Well duh.
Aiyo – its just a weird feeling that certain trends are observed in this competition. Sorry for the wrong choice of words used like “always” or “never”.
For example, it always seems the winner are always from HK or Canada, though there are exceptions in certain years.
It always seems former ms international prettier than current one.
But thanks for pointing the facts. =)
Good job on clarifying the statements. It may mislead readers who think the same thing over and over alt. it should be pointed out HK gets awarded titles even when they send plain girls/other stunners in respective years that get left out.
For #7, I can already point out 1988, 1989, 1991 are some examples where Eric and Dodo didn’t host. As recent as 2004 is another example (alt. that’s already 11 years ago lol).
Is it just me or does anyone else think Mandy looks a bit like a darker version of Jacqueline Wong?
Funny you wrote that, I was actually thinking the same thing.
Congrats to the winners. In my opinion, Mandy win was well deserved.
she is pretty!
congratulations once again!! Mandy you really deserve the crown of this year like in the Q&A session you did a awesome job and your Samba dance!!!! >.< hope you will join in the entertainment industry soon…after the pageant this year!!!!~~~
Sure, she will be in the entertainment industry but will end up like other forget winners. Another butterface in the background of TVB dramas.
She might follow Monica Chan, the woman who is still single and no man wants because of her snobby and conceited attitude.
How would you know that no man wants her? =
Congrats to Mandy I think she adorable answered her questions pretty well but as for Veronica and Catherine I don’t like them Idk it’s just the vibe they give me
Not only Mandy Chai from Sydney won MCI 2015. Paulina Vega from Colombia won Miss Universe 2014.
Yes, happy to see a person like pageants too.
But, let me point out though, it’s a little insulting to put these 2 pageants together. Yes, even though Miss Universe is rigged in some way (Latinas winning so many times for the past 7 years), at least their winners have fac-ial beauty. And their winners don’t necessarily speak English.
For Miss Chinese International, if you don’t speak Cantonese, your chances are essentially halved. If you have no HK background or come from a wealthy family or TVB doesn’t like you to be the new fadan, you can pack your bags and go back to your city! BUT, for Miss Hong Kong like Shiu, you can buy crowns.
jeez Peter, do you just camp on this page and comment on everything?
Because I like to lol
Congrats to Mandy, she has everything in a beauty queen…Yeah!
You guys have to realised that mandy chai is from Malaysia. She went to Sydney as a student hence represent Sydney in the competition. Most Malaysians can speak cantonese, however the other Malaysian rep at #7 speak Mandarin throughout could prob shut her out of the top 3
It’s the way she answers the questions that impresses people, not that she speaks fluent Cantonese.
See her Q&A panel in MCAP. She impressed the judges who were there and the audience. She did it again in MCIP. Funny, that TVB covered MCAP segment before MCIP.
I didn’t find it funny, I thought she looked silly and retarded. She didn’t deserve the win, top 3 is gracious let alone the win. I can’t wait till she goes back to Sydney.
People laughed at her responses during both MCAP and MCIP, which means people liked her responses or thought it was clever.
Gina, are you a friend of her’s? Why are you helping her so much? Did you watch MCAP?
Btw, the statement you made is quite a joke. Just because people laughed doesn’t mean they liked it. They might have laughed because they felt she sounded stupid. When Eric Tsang picks on the girls, the audience also laughs. Does that mean they like that girl?
FYI – nobody voted for her LMAO: not the girls, not the 100 “special member” committee, or the 20 artistes. Bangkok got robbed so as Kuala Lumpur.
Bangkok is overrated. She didn’t sound stupid to me.
And if you are mentioning the guest panel’s voting.. Then…both Veronica and Catherine were voted by them. so not exactly “rigged” if you are going by that.
It doesn’t mean all the people who voted in the guest panel for Bangkok, KL and that other city. They also didn’t show any number of votes. so… it could been a close vote, we wouldnt know.
But where’s the defense for Sydney? She wasn’t anywhere near the voting LMAO!! The majority didn’t like her “except” for the tvb I mean the judges.
What a guy envision a beauty queen and what a female envision beauty queen is different. This was evident between what Ada Choi and Roger focused on during the MCIP. Ada looked at the whole package and having a pageant experience herself, will make her more picky while Roger emphasized on confidence and being able to shine for the chinese. This was also emphasized by some of the male celebrities who was at the pageant.. Just because katylu and sarah likes Mandy as the winner, it doesnt give you the right to debunk what they think.
FYI – When Roger judges the MCI 2007 pageant, he also chose the plain SARAH SONG over other stunners that year.
That comment already proves that men don’t go solely for looks in a pageant.
As for the whole package part, I honestly don’t see how Mandy has “the whole package.” If you want to mention college degree (which New York doesn’t have), good try but in MCI, a college degree isn’t important. It’s not Miss HK. Many past MCI winners have won even though they didn’t graduate from college. Like the plain Gloria Tang or Linda Chung or Leanne Li or Rachel Tan (2003).
Um, Roger hardly cares about looks. He CARES for CONFIDENCE regardless of what you look like.
Really? I think the Miss Hong Kongs don’t care for looks. They just have bad taste. At least roger chose a girl with looks and confidence rather than two girls that just show polish.
Congrats to the winners.
by the way peter, every opinion is valid. stop debunking other peoples opinions.
Ada looked at the whole package and having a pageant experience herself, will make her more picky while Roger emphasized on confidence and being able to shine for the Chinese. Same thing was mentioned by the male celebrity panel. Just because katylu and sarah likes Mandy as the winner, it doesnt give you the right to debunk what they think.
Ada loved Australia- saw her very sweet and humours. She also mentioned that the ones she chose stayed in the competition.
Monica loved HK
Roger liked NY
Thank you for your comment.
I believe this is a forum that allows discussion and I’m just providing the facts. I don’t want others to mislead readers when they read their comments.
Btw – you don’t have the right to claim that I don’t have the right to “debunk” others.
I’m already looking forward to the next MSHK and MCI pageants because I just want them to pass their titles. I guess I rather see how TVB rigs the results over undeserving/plain jane winners.
You don’t have the right to debunk other people’s opinions because every opinion is valid, regardless of you agree or disagree.
Just because your freaking contestant didnt win, it doesnt mean its rigged.
Are you the same person talking to me LMAO?? Didn’t I reply to another comment similar to this? In regards to debunking comments and also TVB rigging results and giving away awards to contestants from HK? Please read my other posts before commenting.
1. Have you noticed that even when Malaysian Chinese reps have won the pageant or was first/second runner ups, none of them actually signed with TVB afterwards. Only Vivien Yeo has signed and stayed with TVB.. Why? Perhaps, it’s this reason why we do not see other countries’ reps winning. TVB wants people who are willing to be an artiste. Same thing with Thailand representatives who have placed in top five/top ten..
Isabella was pretty but she did not have the language to communicate. Unless tvb plans on using that same male artiste to communicate, it would be hard and expensive to turn her into an artist.
2. Most of Canadian Chinese/American Chinese contestants have signed with TVB afterwards. Eg. Linda, Bernice, Leanne, Eliza, Fala, Kate, etc. TVB knows that American/Canadian/HK contestants are more likely to consider to sign a contract with them
3. Someone mentioned that chinese reps do not get a contract.. But Rebecca Zhu and someone else was also from China and signed with tvb afterwards. It’s just rare.
4. Mandy Chai won MCAP.. This was also covered in Scoop before MCIP which is ultimately weird since they don’t always cover the other pageants. And she was questioned by someone who usually appears at MHK or MCIP pageant.. Her charisma and humor is what makes people like her… :S
5. When HK/Vancouver/some other Canadian city wins, people say its rigged. same thing when their favourite contestants don’t win. Well, every year, it depends on the judges’ panels and how the contestants present themselves. Half of the work= contestants… the other half= judges.
and sometimes in tvb, you don’t need to be in top three to sign a contract with tvb.
eg. Linna Huynh
I saw Linna on TVB’s new kids show and her cantonese has improved.
The list goes on and on
Angela tong and the girl from MClub (Miss Cheung), Vivian Yeo, etc. all lost at MCI.
At MSHK, we have Kenix Kwok (allegedly rigged result in 1993), Marianne Chan, Rebecca Chan (1979), Lam Yee K. (1980?), etc.
Vivien placed in top five…
Although Angela T didnt win, she did sign a contract with tvb? no?
??? Did you read my post. I did say Angela Tong signed a contract with TVB shortly after she lost in 1995.
do anyone knows why mandy face is so dark? is she not full blood chinese?
The same question could be directed to Louis Koo
Louis Koo was not tanned when he first debut.
Mandy is Chinese. Just that she is born in malaysia just like me. My sis is pure Chinese and dark like her as well. Doesn’t make her mixed or Malay. Mandy did really well because she was confident and comfortable. Some think she is annoying, but maybe because of her nerves?
NY was great too!
Looks is important, but how can we define beauty? Some say this some say that. There is not correct answer to beauty. Looks is not everything, why? Because you are born with it. And if you don’t have great character, you won’t go far in the entertainment industry or even LIFE.
Whether she is going to be a nurse or an artist, so what? If you are given that opportunity, which will you choose? I bet most will choose to be an artist. Everyone has their choices. But being an artist is not easy, why? They still have to deal with airheads who have no knowledge judging them. But of course, that is not a big issue…
LMAO, please continue defending her and Veronica. You all will enjoy 15 mins of fame before people will forget you and you will:
1. Be left on the background of the tvb anniversary show
2. Disappear on the planet of earth
I can see Mandy and Shiu following Halina’s footsteps (a beauty queen that I actually admire).
well said. A guy’s view of beauty queen is different from what a female sees in a beauty queen.
Haha, that’s why we select UGLY winners year after year. When Jennifer Shum won Miss Photogenic in 2012, there was already an uproar. Mind you, Monica Chan was part of the “distinct” judging panel at Miss HK.
And now she chooses the plain Mandy chai, horse teeth, the lower section of face is so small and distracting. I can’t wait when she gives up her crown lol.
Easier way. Why don’t you apply to be a judge if you think your opinion matters so much?
I wish I can but why would tvb accept an outsider as a judge? All they do to rig the result is to hire former or current tvb artistes like they do every year.
Mind you that’s the safest way to ensure Hong Kong’s top 3 placement or the sponsor’s girl wins Miss HK.
I agree with Jinny, Peter should just be the judge. And when Peter decides who wins, I am sure there will be another “Peter” to debate about the results again. One whole boring cycle.
Mandy Chai is a mixed eventhough she is Malaysian. Her mum is chinese, her dad is Eurasian I reckon. Check out her insta and you will know
I am pretty sure that is her stepdad.
Actually, mandy is pretty good. Looking at photos of the contestants and actually watching them are totally different. The thai contestant is not that pretty and at from the beginning of the show, their cantonese make me want to pull my ears out until mandy introduced herself, which was good
LOL! I recommend you watching Miss HK then, they have much better Cantonese. Like I said before, fluency in Cantonese shouldn’t really be a major focus or advantage in judging this pageant.
It only makes it biased then AND INDEED IT IS.
Um, some fluency in Cantonese is needed for this pageant. It doesn’t need to be fluent, but the contestant should know some cantonese.
And Miss HK has much better cantonese? Not really. Look at Linna .
Hmm, nope. You shouldn’t need to speak Cantonese in this pageant. This is not Miss Guangzhou or Miss HK. And even GZ is speaking Mandarin now.
FYI – if you are trying to make a statement saying that MSHK contestants are not fluent in Cantonese, please continue trying to because I can find many ways to debunk that LMAO. Linna is just one example, I FIND LOADS of examples on how the other 19 girls speak better Cantonese than girls in MCI.
There’s a huge difference in Miss HK. Most of the contestants are from HK, who have to know Cantonese in order to survive. Some are from overseas but was born in hk. I mean. you should speak English but you would get ripped off since they would see you as a tourist.
For MCI, contestants are from all over the world. They didn’t need to know Cantonese in order to survive. So knowing limited Cantonese is enough in MCI.
you can speak english is what i mean
?? Jinny, what point are you making?
I don’t get what relationship does that have with my statement – knowledge of Cantonese shouldn’t be a factor in determining a girl’s placement in the pageant.
How does that have to do with what I said?
I just saw the pageant. I thought #3, the Indian girl looks like Christine Kuo. Mandy looks the most unique out of all. Majority havs a forgettable face. They’re pretty, no doubt, but no stand out. I find it funny how many of them has the goal to be a celeb lol.
Yes, that’s why the join the pageant.
@peter you are right im totaly convinced by your many post here mandy is indeed very pretty and deserved the crown.
Haha, that’s good, my advice is to go to your local clinic and get your eyes checked lol.
Hahahaha! I like @kolo’s humour
What a rigged result!! I simply can’t believe people are saying Sydney deserved the win. She didn’t shine at ANY segments.
For the interview part, she kept on polishing and cleaning the Mc’s shoes. Her answer had NO substance at all. So as Hong Kong’s answer. They just praised the judges using “Cantonese” and you call that a good answer?
Sorry guys but you either need to watch more pageants or need your ears and eyes checked. No talent, no face, and no wisdom and she still won. One of the most W T F results ever in MCI history!
That’s only you.
Many people liked her performance, thought the win was deserving.
I’ll post the Baidu and weibo links for you to see how many don’t like her. ROFL, “many” like her, LMAO!
Completely agree with you.
Thank you, I’m glad there are some viewers that appreciate beauties that don’t speak Cantonese. Seattle got robbed of top 10, Bangkok got robbed of top 5, KL got robbed of top 3 and NY got robbed for 1st place.
People are saying that TVB is going this award to her because she can speak cantonese and she is not that pretty etc etc i think this year stakes were quite high that no one really stood out as really pretty, they all were averagely pretty. So the judge had to go for talent and interview. Mandy interview performance stood out the most. She was confident and funny and she had personality. Also in her talent she actually just learnt the moves in a few days and to be able to have the confident to perform a dance like that is outstanding. Most people only trained for a few days would not even be brave or have confident just to ‘shake it off’.
Not all year miss CI winner spoke cantonese, 2002, leanne li, oceane zhu and christine kuo did not speak cantonese but still managed to win. Its gloria chan winning i felt a bit rigged…
Good try but I’m ready to debunk your statements.
If you believe this year is not that pretty, then you must be not following MCI. Who was stunning last year? Probably only Hong Kong and Montreal and KL.
This year we have Seattle, New York, KL, gorgeous Bangkok, and Vancouver to some extent. This year is far from average, it’s high quality with many stunners. But, they still went with the dark Sydney and the big mouth Hong Kong.
Next, I disagree that her interview was outstanding. It stood out because she “polished and cleaned” their shoes. I don’t consider that a good pageant answer. It had no substance and it was SO boring!
New York was the one with confident and the face. She have the best answer. The delivery was good and substance was good. Sydney kept on saying how “good” they were. I can’t believe the judges loved that answer. Maybe they liked her personality. But, I don’t think she had the poise and grace of a true beauty queen.
The talent was learnt in a few days. Where did you read that??
If it’s true, then it’s more absurd. She’s suppose to give a talent and she used “a few days” only?? Really LOL!? Goes to show how poor it was.
Low preparation time = a few shakes
And you consider that good? Let me tell you then, the music helped her win not her moves. I just see a dark girl shaking and moving her arms the whole time LMAO.
Good try but I’m ready to refute our statements.
If you believe this year is not that pretty, then you must be not following MCI. Who was stunning last year? Probably only Hong Kong and Montreal and KL.
This year we have Seattle, New York, KL, gorgeous Bangkok, and Vancouver to some extent. This year is far from average, it’s high quality with many stunners. But, they still went with the dark Sydney and the big mouth Hong Kong.
Next, I disagree that her interview was outstanding. It stood out because she ‘polished and cleaned’ their shoes. I don’t consider that a good pageant answer. It had no substance and it was SO boring!
New York was the one with confident and the face. She have the best answer. The delivery was good and substance was good. Sydney kept on saying how “good” they were. I can’t believe the judges loved that answer. Maybe they liked her personality. But, I don’t think she had the poise and grace of a true beauty queen.
The talent was learned in a few days. Where did you read that?
If it’s true, then it’s more ridiculous. She’s suppose to perform talent and she used ‘a few days’ to practice?
Really? She doesn’t seem to respect the pageant. Goes to show how poor the talent was.
Short preparation time equates few shakes only
And you consider that good? Let me tell you then, the music helped her win not her moves. I just see a tanned girl shaking and moving her arms the whole time.
The talent was learned in a few days. Where did you read that?
If it’s true, then it’s more ridiculous. She is suppose to perform talent and she only used ‘a few days’ to practice?
Really? She doesn’t seem to respect the pageant. Goes to show how below par and unprepared the talent was.
Short preparation time equates few shakes only.
And you consider that good?
The music helped her win not her moves. I just see a tanned girl shaking and moving her arms the whole time.
The talent was learned in a few days. Where did you read that?
If it’s true, then it’s more ridiculous. She is suppose to perform talent and she only used ‘a few days’ to practice?
Really? She doesn’t seem to respect the pageant. Goes to show how below par and unprepared the talent was.
Short preparation time equates few shakes only.
And you consider that good?
The music helped her win not her moves. I just see a tanned girl shaking and moving her arms the whole time.
Short preparation time equates few shakes only.
And you consider that good?
The music helped her win not her moves. I just see a tanned girl shaking her arms the whole time.
Btw, did any of you guys notice the first signs of tvb rigging the result?
Not only was Sydney given MUCH MORE TIME to answer her question, the judges didn’t challenge her.
In comparison to beautiful Isabella, well liked among the artistes and the 100 member committee, she was CUT and rudely interpreted by Dodo Cheng! What a witch! She got off her answer yet she gave so much time to Sydney.
That’s already playing favorites there. Rigged!
shut up!seriously you need a docter.
Why don’t you shut up? Who told you to come in and shout like a dog? If you can’t provide some decent defense to my comments, then close your mouth!
Isabella isn’t that pretty.
There were other pageant winners who were cut off but by Lawrence..
I actually thought Dodo was the pushy one. She was cutting the girls off while Sydney b-s her answer through. Such a joke! Goes to show how unfair it is while others continue defending her.
Isabella is not that pretty? The artistes liked her, the 100 member committee liked her, the press liked her and thought she was pretty. A lot more pretty than the winner and 1st RU.
While I don’t think she should’ve won, she should’ve made the top 5 and won a placement.
Mandy only did well on the first Q&A. Second Q&A, I dont even know what she was talking about. She was only laughing. When she open her mouth, I only see childish and pretentious. She does not look elegant nor pretty. My favorite is Isabella.
That was my thought too. She doesn’t have the poise or elegance of Bangkok, KL, or NY. I would’ve preferred those 3 as the top 3 and NY as the winner.
Don’t know why ur comment got deleted but thank you Winnie for your like. Linda’s answer was much more creative than the polishing answer she gave.
Thank you Peter for not being afraid to voice your opinion. I also dislike the result and don’t get how Sydney won in the end. New York was robbed, so as KL and Bangkok.
Everyone has their opinions and views. I believe we all respect that. What I was saying Peter, was not just defending Mandy. I was talking about women as a whole. Women nowadays would like to be pretty with brains. What I meant was that we should look at the overall result. And I agree, the pageant is over get over with it.
I find you (Peter) particularly defensive. Eveyone has every right to voice their comments. It’s the internet. Just because some comments for agree with you, you just attack those comments. If you noticed, no one really cares about your comments unless you were particularly rude. I wonder politely where you get so much time from.
I usual never get back to reply comments in these posts but I find you (Peter) particularly entertaining with your harsh and negative words. You should be Simon Cowell for the pageant.
Saw the pageant the other day and I so agree with you peter!! Mandy is not pretty at all! How did she win?? As harsh as he may sound, I find his comments very interesting and informative. I learned a lot from reading your comments. Thank you for your insight.
Bangkok and ny was robbed big time!!
So as KL. Anjoe was angelic!