Marco Ngai Packs On Weight and Stresses Over Paying Bills

After the success of the Armed Reaction <陀槍師姐> franchise, Marco Ngai (魏駿傑) became one of TVB’s hottest male actors. His high-profile relationship with Joyce Tang (滕麗名) was also supported by many. However, after Marco allegedly cheated on Joyce with Chinese college student Zhang Lihua (張利華) in 2007, his once promising career turned upside down.

Marco quickly married Zhang Lihua in 2007 when she was only 19 years old. In 2010, Zhang Lihua gave birth to a daughter. Branded as a cheater, Marco carried a negative image. TVB refused to renew his management contract, and Marco had to change his career focus to mainland China. Thanks to his popularity from the Armed Reaction franchise, Marco got many performance gigs in the mainland, and was even cast in several well-paid Chinese dramas.

However, few of Marco’s mainland Chinese dramas never made it to broadcast. Marco’s ATV dramas also did not fare well in ratings. The actor’s notability level decreased, and he was forced to find other means to make a living. “I am really stressed!” exclaimed Marco.

“I have a friend who works in the food industry in the mainland. It’s a small business, but I am still planning to invest in one.”

On August 16th, Marco was caught jogging with his wife in Sai Kung. Marco looked noticeably heavier and less athletic, an 180 degrees difference from his days in TVB. On the other hand, his wife showed off her athleticism through her flexibility and running stamina.

Marco said, “My wife jogs every day. Of course, she’s fit. I am nearly 20 years older than her. I also have back problems, so I cannot do vigorous exercise. That’s why I’ve gotten so much fatter these past years.”

Although Zhang Lihua was holding a $10,000 HKD Louis Vuitton Vernis Alma handbag, she looked displeased. Marco was also left in charge to care for their daughter, taking her to the movies and lunch.

Marco Wants to Make Comeback in Hong Kong TV Industry

Marco revealed that he still has a contract with TVB, and hopes to be able to film a TVB drama as a comeback in Hong Kong. When asked if CTI had approached him, he said, “They have.”

However, a CTI representative later expressed that the company has not yet approached Marco.

Source: Next Magazine # 1172 via

This article is written by Addy for

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  1. “Although Zhang Lihua was holding a $10,000 HKD Louis Vuitton Vernis Alma handbag, she looked displeased. Marco was also left in charge to care for their daughter, taking her to the movies and lunch.”

    Ahhhhh bad sign!!

    1. means nothing every women want a louis vuitton bag and marco is the girls father so fathers have to take care of his daughters.

    2. haha … what comes around goes around … she will def. leave him soon. she thought she has found a gold mine, but I guess not …

      1. Yes. Soon the young puppy will leave Marco to rot and become fat old man alone. He deserves it.

      2. She was young and naive at the time when she met him. She probably thought he was a good catch then and hung on for dear life.

    3. I actually find many women like that these days. They just care for brand name handbags and do not take care of their kids. They instead overload others like their parents or husband. My brother’s wife is just like that. I wonder why people like LV bags?? I personally think they are ugly and a big waste of money. I guess I am different from many girls since I do not understand why people spend so much on those things??

      1. u and me both HeTieShou..haha LOL…i can NEVER understand why some women are so damn materialstic myself. It’s just a stupid logo w/absolutely no details but i see and know alot of women like that so i am glad there are still women who does not care for myself like myself. My aunt has a bit of money so she LOVES and HAS only brand name bags. My cousin’s wife is tasteless and she carries alot of brand name bags herself like it’s so damn pretty haah..and i have a friend who also loves it but at least she buys them herself i/o of men hahaa… I think they are UGLY too most of them are…sorry but true.

      2. I don find lv bags pretty at all.the logo is already ugly enough.for me ill buy a bag whch is pretty but not branded rather than buy an expensive ugly bag.

      3. @Kiki and others,
        I thought that I was the only one that did not care for LV, Gucci, etc…I admit that I do like some brand name bags like Coach for example. However only if I can get them for a good price since retail price is ridiculous. But I only like some if them since most of them are ugly too. What I hate even more is that they make others buy it for them. It is already annoying that they waste so much money on those things but they make others buy it for them. The next thing you know they get ripped off and end up with a fake bag. There are many of those fake knock offs in China since China is famous for selling fake imitations. I guess we will never understand why people can be so materialistic.

      4. When it comes to bags, I am more into the look, the feel, rather than the brand. Other than make up, electronics and perfumes, I am not that brand conscious. Not every girl is into branded stuff or rather those super expensive branded stuff. I can never understand how a bag can cost up to hundreds of thousands. I’d rather buy a car or deposit for a house. What a waste, all on a bag that will go out of fashion in like a month.

      5. I am more into brandnames with electronics and maybe a few other things, but never a bag… The bag will just either sit there or you use it until it wears down and goes to the dumpster. Why waste so much money on a bag? I wonder the same about an engagement ring as well… It is not a requirement to spend up to 10 grand or more on a little ring…

  2. Looks like he will soon get what he deserves…..the gal is going to leave him for a wealthier old fart! See how that tastes!

  3. I got a friend who used to date a Mainland doll when he was rich but after his business were doing no good and caused my friend to lose lots of money.. the Mainland doll left him instantly..

    I dont feel any suprised with LF dating a girl younger than him alot after reading Marco’s news of having young wife too.. it’s just a matter of “When” his young wife will dump him for a better option?

    1. So the lesson here is that plastic dolls are like vampires. You need to keep feeding them with money in order to keep them alive…I mean by your side 🙂

      1. hehe Exodus, yep typical mainland dolls only eyes at your $$$$ and once u goes bankrupt, dont ever think of seeing them again.

        Btw, you always appear around my time 3.30pm – 4pm.. it must be very late in the states for you? U must be in Cali since Cali is still pretty much early now.. hehe

      2. Not in the States but Europe so it’s still pretty early, hehe

      3. Then u must live close to Fox hehe since she also lives in the Europe 🙂 I think is UK hehehehe

      4. Plastic dolls needs to be fed with $ cos they’ve spent all theirs to look the way they do. So, need to start saving all over again to maintain their looks (in case anything droops, sag, punctured, etc..) 😉

    2. It is sad when a girl just goes for money and that is it… I wonder of true love even exists anymore??

      By the way, did not know that Fox and Exiodus lived in Europe. I hope that we have a friend section here later on so people can state where they live so we know who is from where. That would be cool..

      1. Yes agree with HTS, that would be fun to know each’s country 🙂

      2. Yea, it would!! I always thought that Fox and Exiodus lived in the US like I did. I live in northern California in the SF bay area.

      3. HTS, Cool..i went to LA before and had hotdog at the PInky or the pink (forgot the name of that restaurant) hehe.

      4. I did not know that you went to Cali before. I live in northern Cal so rarely go to southern cal. My 2 closest buddies live in southern cal though so have been there a few times. Hope you can come back sometime. Hope to go to Malaysia one day. My late brother and younger brother went there last year and loved it!!

      5. I went to Cali 4 years ago i think lol..stayed at Summerset Bay, LA. Loved everything there 🙂 and things are expensive there too hehe

        Its ok if you visit Msia for a short while and dont plan to stay here long since it’s pretty unsafe here nowadays after the country is flooded with foreigners..

      6. HeTieShou: I live in San Jose, which is about 45 mins away from SF! Have you been to San Jose before?

      7. @veejay,
        Great to know that you enjoyed it! Yes, California is very expensive. You think S. Cal is expensive?? I do not think you want to go to my area since it is even more expensive here. Yea my brother’s liked visiting Malaysia but not live there. They went to Vietnam, Taiwan and Malaysia and liked Taiwan the most. Taiwan was the safest country to them.

        Yea, of course I have been to San Jose before. My 3rd brother lives there. I have been to San Jose many times. I do not live in SF but in the Sf Bay area in Pittsburg. Do you know where that is??

      8. HTS, you’re from Cali / Pittsburg? Cool.
        And Fox is from the UK and Exoidus lives in Europe? Even cooler.

        Ah, the power of the internet.

      9. yes tht would be nice so we know wheres everyone at.. i wnder anyone frm indonesia where i am frm..

      10. @Bridget,
        Yea, I am from Pittsburg,Cali. What about you?? I really hope Jayne considers adding a chat/ friend section of some kind so we can all know where everyone lives.

      11. Hey swtlav3ndar this is random but I’m in San Jose too. What a small world 🙂

      12. Malaysia is definitely not flooded with foreigners compared with many other developed countries like Singapore and Australia. It’s definitely highly recommended for longer stay coz there are so many places and states to explore. The people here are friendly and one of the safest places compared to some developing countries and of course especially Europe.

    1. I actually never liked him or his acting and since he cheated on Joyce, I despise him even more. I hate men who cheat so I’d rather not see him return to TVB.

      1. I actually quite despise him becaue Joyce was the 2nd GF he cheated on. Apparently, he didn’t tell Joyce when they started that he was still with Elaine Ho. My main problem with Marco is that he cheated yet always let the papparazzi tell the GF of the other woman instead of being a man and brekaing up in person.

        Alos, he was getting wide even before he dumped Joyce. Let’s face it, he is losing his body shapy in middle age.

      2. Really? Joyce was the 2nd GF he cheated on? I wasn’t aware of it. Like the saying goes, “once a cheater, always a cheater!” – it’s really true. What goes around comes around….

      3. I’m with u..I just find him as a mediacore actor. Nothing special about him. Not an eye catching ESP his body had grown bigger & wider.

      4. Same here. But i guess TVB can make use of another ‘extra’. Regardless of whether he deserve it or not, pity him if he’s unable to find work and since there’s a probability that the 20yr younger wifey may leave him (is she working, btw? Maybe she bought her own LV bag).

      5. didnt know joyce was the 2nd gf tht he cheated on.. well as thy say a leport dont change its spots

  4. What a couple! The lady standing next to Marco seems like his daughter and not his wife.

    1. Yeah, that’s my first impression when I saw the photo too. They look more like father and daughter.

    2. Yea, they do look more like father and daughter. Is she even doing anything? Or she just relies on him?? If that is the case, no wonder he is financially stressed out…

  5. I couldn’t understand why Marco dumped Joyce Tang, who is so much prettier, for this ugly looking young kid. She looks even younger than her real age.

    1. I don’t understand it either, throwing away a so long relationship for a teenager. Guess he wanted a mindless puppy who didn’t ask any questions.

      Too bad the puppy is abt reach adolescence…and what comes around goes around…

      1. The puppy only wants his money. When he has no more money of course the puppy will be angry. He deserves this. He’s a bad man. Never think he’s that good actor either.

      2. So the hungry puppy will devour him very soon…sucking every penny he got left, hehe

      3. but didnt the so called Human/owner got something in return from this hungry puppy before its could devour all his pennies? hehehehe

    2. @sandcherry,

      The gal could be very sultry and daring until Marco got moved by her therefore he dumped joyce? who ppl often say Hk women have princess attitude..maybe Joyce’s attitude was so hard to attend?

      1. No, he talked highly of Joyce Tang. He even said that if Joyce did not date him in real life, she should be promoted more by TVB.

      2. if he had a good breakup with Joyce, of coz he talked good of her.. since I think they still maintain in contact but what if they had a bad breakup? I doubt Marco will even wanna mention about her and vice versa with Joyce.. Anyway.. it’s a normal gesture / correspondence to the press to look good infront of the media.

      3. No, he talked highly of Joyce Tang. He even said that if Joyce did not date him in real life, she should be promoted more by TVB.
        Marco made the above comments when he was still dating Joyce Tang, not after. It was not a good and clear breakup.

    3. I agree and cannot believe that he left Joyce for her?? What was he thinking??? She is bad looking is one thing but seems like an irresponsible mother and a bad wife. But hey, Marco did it to himself so who can he blame but himself??

      1. i know joyve looks great till nw.. as for being a bad mother wll refrain myself frm sayng anything.. what has lv bag got to do wth her being happy,,

    4. i know, this Marco dude is such a JERK and they have been living together for long # of years too and dump her when she is getting older gosh… i know this girl is YOUNG nothing else. if she leaves him later, he DESERVES it.

  6. Marco looks twice as big (in size) and more than twice as old as this young kid. I don’t think his marriage will last long unless he is still loaded with money.

    1. I agree that this girl will leave him when he really reaches a low end in terms of financial stability. Well he did it to himself. Very sad indeed..

      1. How do you know that she will leave him? Maybe she does love him and will stay by his side? The article didn’t make Zhang Lihua sound so good, but then we shouldn’t believe everything the article says.

        I do agree that she looks very young next to him, but I wouldn’t assume that their marriage will not last. There are a lot of couples that look very compatible, but are not really happy with each other. Relationships are complicated.

      2. Of course we do not know for sure.We are just guessing and speculating since none of us know the truth.

  7. I use to really like him, but man what happened, he needs to get back into shape if he wants to make a comeback! Agree he is getting what he deserved, maybe it’s his Karma.

  8. This is what happen to a b*stard who left for a girl that can be his daughter!

  9. Oh gosh, what happen to a hot dashing cop in armed reaction ? He looked like a fat middle age man to me. If I bumped into him in street , I won’t be recognizing him as a celebrity.. He got what he deserve now.

  10. This is sad but maybe it is karma?? He has made the decision to leave Joyce for this girl so he now has to live with it. It is sad to see him like this so I do hope that he can make a come back after he looses all that extra weight.

    1. Yes, Joyce Tang is surely some suffering saint. No one really knows what happened between them. Exactly what crime did Marco commit in marrying a very young girl? Loads of men do it.

      1. Based on the magazine gossips, Marco cheated on Joyce with the 19 year old college student and marrying the girl right after his breakup with Joyce. Because of the trauma from Marco’s cheating and marriage, Joyce become a craver for love and ended up in several unsuccessful relationships or accidentally becomes an unknowing third party 😛

      2. I feel sorry for Joyce and Marco deserves his acting demise.

      3. @vivien

        and that’s just it, their breakup story could have been blown up by the gossip magazines. I’m neutral when it comes to Marco, but to blame him for Joyce’s multiple unsucessful relationships is ridiculous. Joyce is a grown woman. At the time sh just got out of a relationship with an unfaithful bf; shouldn’t she be more reserved when getting involved again?!! Her mistakes thereafter were not Marco’s fault.

  11. OMG!! I thot this little girl is his daughter!!!! OMG, OMG, OMG!!! What a perve?!!

  12. If I was working retail, I would ask, “Hi, what can I get you today, sin san?,” and follow up, “how about you sigh mui?” Marco would respond by @#$@$@#$@#$@#$#@…..

  13. well lose weight first then talk business second fattie.

  14. What a load of nonsense. Zhang Lihua looked ‘displeased’ so a divorce is imminent? And, perish the thought, a man has to take care of his own child (who is a boy, btw, not a girl)? What a tragedy. I don’t think they’ll be divorcing anytime soon. I just hope Marco can lose the weight and get back in shape and I wish him a happy married life.

  15. He’s actually a good actor so do not mind seeing him in TVB drama again. As for his personal life.. it’s a mess.. wife will disappear soon and leave him with the daughter.

  16. Marco is old and not a hit name anymore. If he’s still marketable, TVB will still welcome him in even though he beaten his gf or send topless pics to women all around LOL. He also got no connection. Look at Joe Ma so easy welcome back to a grand production with 620’s help. Besides Joyce is TVB’s choice.

    1. That’s a shame b/c I think Marco is a much better actor than Joe Ma. Too bad his personal life is so messed up.

      1. Agree. Seems like women will always be the downfall of men if they are not careful. He ruined his reputation really. But I think he was prettt good at villainy roles because he has a very smug look.

      2. I personally do not think Marco will do better cop roles as Joe did. Joe looked sharp & convincing in any cop roles given. Not a bias comment , if given a choice, I’ll rather watch Joe as the 1st lead instead of a meaty unfit Marco . I think he should get himself a personal trainer to groom him back to shape if he wish to return back on-screen .

      3. Totally agree with Tvbmaniac! Joe looked great in TC and played a very convincing role IMO.

      4. I do agree that Marco is a better actor than Joe Ma. Pity he has grown so fat. Life is about choices. All the best to him.

      5. Marco is unattractive and therefore has no fanbase. When your personal life is a mess, you need extra support be it your attractive looks or extraordinary acting to cover the negative image. Joe Ma wins here, he still take care of his body although his acting is not that great.

      6. nicole kent and bobbr r great actors.. being fat doensnt diminished tht.. as for marco well lets hope his acting skills hve improved..

      7. “Kent Cheng and Bobby Au Yeung are fat, but no one complains about their acting.”

        Because they can act and Bobby has the distinction of being able to carry a series all on his own.

        Lydia Shum was fat but she was TVB’s no. 1 fadan for decades. Even Liza Wang had to move aside. Mainly because she was talented. She died way too soon. I miss her.

      8. Nah, I mean there are many complaints about marco being fat, but between Joe and him, both their personal lives are in a mess, and he can definitely act better than joe. Joe’s looks are quite average anyways, the only thing that’s good about him is his height.

  17. Life is so unfair, right, once being called a cheater, the promising career had gone down but as Bosco and Ron does nowadays, TVB doesn’t seem to care much about it.

    1. No no. Better examples are Joe Ma and Himhim.

      Joe Ma saved by 620 who called him back to TVB to participate in TVB’s most expensive production Tiger Cubs and the series got successful and revive Joe’s career.

      Himhim got Filmko to save him from every mishap he’s in. He beaten the annoying Theresa, saved. He lied about that pervert gay old man, saved. Can’t help being a hottie Himhim 😀

      1. Marco’s relationship with TVB wasn’t that close even before the fiasco with Joyce and marriage with this little kid. Who will save his sorry butt? 😛

      2. Joyce on the other hand is more valued by TVB and keep filming many series although not as the trophy main lead. Well, she’s getting old…

      3. I doubt Joyce has any influence on TVB. She is not Lydia Shum. But Marco certainly did nothing to help his own cause.

      4. Vivien: Just curious, why do you say that Theresa was annoying? Just because she kept her tabs on Him while they were dating? If so, she was just insecure because he never showed her reason to not be. Many girls feel that way in a relationship especially with Him’s past of having many so-called girlfriends (correct me if I’m wrong but I remember reading somewhere he had many GFs earlier on).

      5. i do agree tht some ppl just got lucky breaks.. the fact is marco was a great villain actor.. he use to look good now.. hmmm treadmill marco treadmill… he should be able to get jobs.. as for himhim no excuse for beating u therasa no matter how annoying she mght be.. just break it off wth her nt break her bones

      6. Funn:
        I doubt Joyce has any influence on TVB.
        I hope Joyce is not that stupid to ask TVB to cast Marco Ngai again.

      7. “I hope Joyce is not that stupid to ask TVB to cast Marco Ngai again.”

        I think if she has any real influence she would ask TVB NEVER to hire Marco ever again.

      8. I was wondering what you guys would think if Theresa hit Him Him first so he hit her back in self defense??

      9. Funn:
        I think if she has any real influence she would ask TVB NEVER to hire Marco ever again.
        Hey, I like your remarks!

      10. HTS `i dont think anybody should hit another. whthr its himhim or theresa.. but if it was the case tht theresa hit himhim 1st.. thn he should just walk away or sue her. nt hit her bck

    2. Marco is getting old, and he was never the very popular siu sang in TVB. He was more or less a 2nd line actor, or borderline 1st line actor in his days.

  18. it’s me or he was never goodlooking in the first place…

    1. Agree. He was never good looking in the first place.

  19. Is that the picture of his wife? At first i thought it his daughter cause they kinda look a like. Franklt i cant imagine married with someone 20 years older. A lot of my sister friends married old guy ( talking about 20 -30 years) because most of them wanted the citizenshiP only.

  20. well if he is struggling with paying bills and stressing abt financial difficulties , then his wife shouldnt been spending on expensive bags. only afford what you can!!

    1. What if the bag is fake?? I agree that when you are struggling like that and especially if she does not bring in any income, then she should not be spending like that…

    2. She will be gone soon if she can no longer spend her money like that. Probably that was her only reason to marry Marco Ngai.

  21. Hey, game over. I won’t watch any of his drama as he’s old now. What role should suit him, supporting or sideline? probably, but salary must be very low 🙂
    Lucky for Joyce to not tie the knot to him.

  22. I’m not interested at a fatty Marco Ngai. I can care less about his personal mess but he’s not an attractive sight now and even back then he was not even a first line siu sang in TVB.

  23. I don’t pity him for cheating Joyce. He chose his destiny. I believe he will likely to come back to TVB one day.

  24. In spite of Marco’s personal life, he’s a very good actor. Marco can portray a lot of roles. Very versatile.

  25. Totally agree with all the comments above. Lots of girls like big rocks and brand names bags that they can’t even pronounce ex. Blubberyrryy and don’t think they can write it either. Lol. Some of my sisters like big diamond and bags but to be frank they look fake cause it does not fit n look like their life’s style. They always think I’m jealous of them that their husband n boyfriend spend lots of money to please them n my husband don’t. But I think a better husband is one who travels with you and takes you to places then ones who gambles and leaves for a month or two every year and showers gifts to you he bought on duty free while heading back fom his trip to visit his mistress. Life is short enjoy people should not think others are jealous of them cause no one is.

  26. They both do look alike, so much so that I thought initially she was his daughter!

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