Max Mok and Suen Hing Detained in Beijing for Drug Use; Friends Insist Max Had No Drug Habits

Suen Hing and Max Mok Siu Chung’s April 15th arrest by the Beijing police for marijuana, ketamine, and ice use became the talk of the town! After his arrest, Suen Hing revealed that there were two major parties who supplied mainland artists with drugs. Allegedly, due to the Beijing police’s recent narcotics crackdown involving artists, many artists with drug habits and the alleged suppliers have left town, resulting in a “Run for Life Trend!”
While eating dinner last Friday, Suen Hing and four of his friends were arrested by the police, who placed bags over the men’s heads and took them away in the freight elevator. Later, the police discovered three bottles of psychotropic drugs and a large bag of ketamine at Suen Hing’s apartment. Suen Hing may be charged with possession of drug substances or drug trafficking. The maximum penalty for the offenses was a death sentence. If Suen Hing were to be found guilty in drug possession for personal use, he would be mandated to enter a rehabilitation center to quit his drug addiction.
Reporters visited the detention center in Beijing’s Chaoyang District where Max Mok and Suen Hing were currently held for fourteen days. Allegedly, Max and Suen Hing were locked in on the third floor. The facility was a fully enclosed building with high security levels. The facility was surrounded by reflective paper and a fence, stationed with military personnel outside. According to a friend who visited Suen Hing at the detention center, he was in good health but extremely depressed spirits. Max Mok may allegedly face the lighter offense as compared to Suen Hing.
Former Colleagues Defend Max Mok’s Integrity
Reporters contacted Max Mok’s former girlfriend, Catherine Hung Yan, to ask whether their son had watched Max’s drug arrest video. Catherine replied, “My husband, Zhang Danfeng, is currently with my son. I don’t think he has seen the clip yet.” Since Catherine needed to continue working, she politely hung up.
Max’s good friend, Lawrence Ng Kai Wah, visited him at the Beijing detention center. “I do not believe he possessed drugs. He leads a healthy lifestyle and is a Buddhist. I think he was dragged into this by friends! I hope he can be released quickly! When I saw the arrest video yesterday, I had a bad feeling. The Hong Kong police and mainland authorities handle matters so differently. I was a bit scared when I watched the video and you have to be careful not to commit any wrongs!”
Max’s former colleague, Amy Chan Sau Man, praised Max for having being a nice person. The pair has not been in touch for a long time. Amy said, “Artists have to be extremely careful. If you commit any wrong, you have to face greater consequences than normal people. I hope he will be okay!”
Eddie Cheung Siu Fai said, “I knew Max from playing together in the Hong Kong Celebrity Soccer Team. I did not watch the arrest video. Was it a misunderstanding? Maybe he took only a puff? The Max I knew did not have any bad habits. We would only have a few drinks together.”
Mainland Police Decided to Use Max Mox and Suen Hing as Examples
Allegedly, the mainland police hoped to deter drug use in China and focused on Hong Kong and Taiwanese celebrities who violated narcotics law. The police made an example out of Max Mok and Suen Hing since they were not considered super stars and the police’s campaign would not step upon the heavyweights within the Hong Kong and Taiwanese entertainment industry.
Compiled from Orientaldaily and the Sun
Jayne: Max Mok’s televised arrest and Suen Hing’s arrest are definitely very high profile. I thought Max Mok was intentionally humiliated by an enemy. Perhaps the Sun’s speculation was true, that the Beijing police chose to use them as examples because Max and Suen Hing did not have powerful allies to protect them.
So Max and Suen Hing are friends? Or they just happened to be arrested on the same day?
Royally screwed both of them. Knew it they were gonna be made examples of.
Either they get off with a warning to others or enjoy the next 5 years in China. Unless they both happen to leave suitcases of RMB at police headquarters…
maybe they did take drugs? Those are not huge amount. A person can be healthy and nice and still take drugs recreationally.
I’m sure a lot of entertainers and artists do these type of recreational drug things. It’s just a matter of where and when they get caught and if they have the right influence to get out of it. Unfortunately, Max doesn’t seem to have much influence to flex so they are just detaining him to show they don’t condone drugs. Doubt China will punish him severely. Otherwise, sets a precedent that they will have to act on all the other future cases.
“So Max and Suen Hing are friends? Or they just happened to be arrested on the same day?”
Max Mok and Suen Hing were arrested in different place. So, I think it’s just a coincidence that they were arrested in on the same day.
not too sure who Suen Hing is, but anyways… what Max does is his personal thing, I still have a soft spot for the old (still handsome tho!) fella ;P
“Allegedly, the mainland police hoped to deter drug use in China and focused on Hong Kong and Taiwanese celebrities who violated narcotics law. The police made an example out of Max Mok and Suen Hing since they were not considered super stars and the police’s campaign would not step upon the heavyweights within the Hong Kong and Taiwanese entertainment industry.”
…because they are too afraid to offend more serious wrong doers! What the heck! That’s not fair! This public humiliation form of punishment does not fit the crime. To label someone as a lower tier celebrity and fit to be made an example of is also ridiculous!…Ah well, I’m not sure why I’m so shocked, it’s not like the world I live in everyday is fair either. It sounds like Max Mok’s friends are in disbelief. It’s also quite presumptuous to call up Catherine Hung when she has clearly moved on in life and trying to get her to admit who the father of her child is…obviously he’s now Zhang Danfeng!
I actually did not know about artists smoking even cigarettes for many years. I just found out recently that many of my favorites from the 80s smoked. I was a bit disappointed since I thought they were all drug free, but I was wrong. I heard that due to the stress in the circle that many of them need to smoke. I wonder how smoking can relieve stress??
Anyways, I hope that Max has learned his lesson and will get pass this. I am shocked that they contacted Catherine about this… I guess they still think that Max is the father of her son. I am actually still shocked that Zhang Dan Feng agreed to marry Catherine since she is not only way older than him, but already has a child. Plus, she refuses to say who the father is too. I wonder if she told Zhang Dan Feng in private or not?? However, if he loves her that much I guess he would not care…
The most important thing is they have now quit. Every artiste smoke at some point, whether for real or for acting. But as long as they quit, I don’t see what’s the fuss or disappointment. I will be more disappointed at their behaviour rather than their habit.
@HeTieShou, most stars are smokers. Bosco, Chilam, Anita Yuen, Vicki Zhao, Felix Wong, Nic Tse, are the few I have seen smoking in photos. Kevin Cheng used to smoke but quit due to high blood pressure.
When stars are filming into 4 AM in the morning in some remote location, coffee is not always available to make them stay awake. Cigarettes are a portable method to do so.The actors know the health risks but fact of life is that you have to remain alert and memorize pages of dialogue for continuous filming.
HeTieShou, smoking is usually to stay awake while drinking is to relieve stress. Some even resort to recreational drugs for more escapism from life. Drinking is done at celebrations such as weddings, client meetings, etc. Because everyone has a more “fun” time when there is a buzz from a little drinking.
Fact is very, very few people party until 4 AM somber all night. I have, but I am also allergic to alcohol and I don’t work in the entertainment industry.
Yea, I have known that for many years now that many of them are smokers. Many of my favorites of today smoke as well and I can understand why they do. The stress in the circle is what they have to put up with. I wonder how smoking keeps them awake though. But I have seen some that can stay up without using drugs, unless they are lying about that… I usually only stay up really late if I need to. I would never party until 4am though. That is really late.
I wonder how they deal with quitting because I heard that smoking is very addictive. I used to have some classmates that smoked a lot and when I hung out with them, they just kept on smoking one after another… It’s like they could not live without them. It felt like women who wear make up and are caught without it and couldn’t wait to find it to put on…Make up seems like a drug to me as well so I don’t use it.
some people use smoking as a way of ‘dieting’ too… as smoking tends to keep a person busy and fills the stomach up a bit… pretty sure some actors are like that too?
I actually did not know about artists smoking even cigarettes for many years. I just found out recently that many of my favorites from the 80s smoked. I was a bit disappointed since I thought they were all drug free, but I was wrong.
“Yea, I have known that for many years now that many of them are smokers. Many of my favorites of today smoke as well and I can understand why they do. “
So, which statement is true?
I also wanted to add that I did not know that Lawrence and Max were good friends. Lawrence seems to be friends with a lot of artists. It was nice of him to visit Max and support him through such a tough time. What a great friend he is.
I did not recognize Eddie in the picture. WOW, he looks really old in that picture. I wonder if it is just a bad picture. The other artists aged a lot better.Amy and Lawrence still actually look nice…
I wouldn’t be surprised since HK has a small TV/Movie industry.
Suen Hing is in deeper trouble than Max Mok. He has all kinds of drugs found in his house while Max Mok only took a sniff.
I feel sorry for him. According to him, he took drug during a very dark period of his life when he was very down. He took drugs for relief and he wasn’t able to quit the addiction after that. He has been taking drugs for 10 years. That’s scary. You can’t even tell look at his healthy face. I wonder how many more actors and actresses we see looking healthy are also taking drugs.
I thought anyone who take drugs will look sunken and frail but now I don’t think so anymore. Suen Hing and Max Mok don’t look thin and frail as some normal drug addicts.