MC Jin: “I Did Not Cheat On My Wife!”

Tabloids recently published photos of rap artist and actor, Jin Au Yeung (歐陽靖), popularly known as MC Jin, at various nightclubs. Headlines claimed that MC Jin was in the intimate companionship of a scantily-clad female without the knowledge of 2-month pregnant wife. Sudden Weekly published photos of MC Jin hugging a woman, claiming that the photos were taken at different outings between 2009 to 2011.
The reporter from Sudden Weekly confronted MC Jin and his wife, Carol, with the photos of him hugging another woman.
R= Reporter; MC= MC Jin; C= Carol
R= Do you know the woman in the photo?
MC (frowning, knowing something was not right)= Ummm….
R= Both of you appear intimate in several photos? (The reporter flashed the many photos of MC Jin and the woman together).
MC (taking in a deep breath): No…when you hang out, there will be many of these photos taken and circulated afterward.
R= The photos were taken at different places in which you and the woman wore different clothing. You and the woman hugged each other tightly in the pictures! (At this time, Carol could not hold back and rushed forward to look at the photos.)
R (asking Carol)= Do you know this woman?
C (after examining the photos, looked at her husband and said with a tinge of anger)= I do not know her.
R= Someone said that MC was dating this woman behind his wife’s back?
MC (replied quickly)= Anyway…I am…it doesn’t matter. (MC Jin pulled his wife onto the escalator and it was unclear as to whether he had denied cheating behind his wife’s back or not.)
At a promotional event, MC Jin was again confronted with recent rumors that he had cheated on his pregnant wife. He told the Oriental Daily, “The photos were from two years ago. I do know know the woman in the photos! I met her from hanging out at night. She asked to take some photos with me, so I complied with the request!”
Regarding his drunk appearance in the nightclub photos, MC Jin admitted that he did drink alcohol that night. Due to the alleged cheating rumors, MC Jin revealed that he explained the matter to his wife and received her trust. MC Jin also denied that his wife was currently pregnant,”We will let things come naturally!”
When he first arrived in Hong Kong, MC Jin acknowledged that often frequented the Lan Kwai Fong district. However, he has limited his late night activities currently.
Excerpt from Sudden Weekly #857 and
Jayne: Hong Kong tabloids like to run wild with speculations when a male celebrity hugs another woman in a photo. As long as MC Jin and his wife have a mutual understanding on such matters….
i think it is a bit unusual to be hugging the same woman on different occasions! His answer of complying with the girl’s request to take photo seems a bit fake….
I agree that is strange for him to be hugging the same girl in every photo….
ugh … tsk tsk MC Jin.
He should have kept his bad boy image instead of flaunting his whole good boy, Christian man image.
Artists should keep it real!
This is called ‘misbehaved’. Why not hug old wrinkled woman in every photo?
Whatever one religion is – be it Christian, Buddhist etc they are after all MEN – the urge will never die – Testosterone level will be there even if he turn 90 and can do wonder like pregnant a lady! Chinese proverb read, ‘If man can be trusted, then pig can climb up a tree!’. Human know very well that ‘a pig cannot climb a tree’.
well, someones gonna be single forever…
Re Hello,
FYI, I am married and have three grown up childrens. Gonna be single forever is destined. Importantly, love, respect and value your spouse. Remember, the song of Theresa Teng, ‘dont pluck any wild flower along the road’.
yes and no. LKF is so small, I see the same people all the time and if you ever seen MC Jin in person, he never turns down a request for a photo. I think I have at least 4 myself. =)
Pics or it didn’t happen
@ting ting:
Do any of your pics look that intimate?
If so, he must be super friendly… to the ladies.
LOL @ comment to Tingting!!!
[…] MC Jin: “I Did Not Cheat On My Wife!” | Headlines claimed that MC Jin was in the intimate companionship of a scantily-clad female without the knowledge of 2-month pregnant wife. Sudden Weekly published photos of MC Jin hugging a woman, claiming that the photos were taken … — Thu, 05 Jan 2012 10:33:48 -0800 […]
I guess he “made it” now! Even the hk tabloids are talking about him!
It’s hard not to think that the girl is a bad girl since she has a big obnoxious tattoo on her chest. She must think it’s so sexy.
We prob won’t know for sure if he’s cheated on his wife but what is defined as “cheating” these days anyways? drinking and taking intimate pics? Hugging while drunk? Sexting with someone besides your spouse? Flirting? touching? Getting to know someone online?
Only Jin and his wife can define what it means to them and if he crossed the line. Not sure if their trust and understanding is great enough to weather this little speed bump. It must be hard for the wife since she’s in the US and Jin wants to make it in Hk. Good luck to them since they are newlyweds.
thats true. it really is just their business anyways.
having a tattoo doesnt mean you’re a bad person.
No it doesn’t but a not so small tattoo on your breast/ chest area speaks for itself. “look down over here, come and have a closer look”. It’s obviously there to seek attention. Any kind of attention.
Exactly. Having tattoo is an appreciation of art and is a fashion. For heaven sake,don’t assimilate tattoo with triad group. Lol! That is traditional way of thinking.
It would have been much better if Jin said he was buddies with the girl and took pictures from hanging out, instead of trying to deny the whole thing. Just made it suspicious ! The girl seems so into Jin though !
looking at the pics again, the girl is throwing herself on Jin, so cheap !
I don’t think there is any mutual understanding of such sort. He is a rapper so expected for some bad boy behaviour. The girls… is she like the HK WAG version?
Yes and No. Adam Cheng is not a rapper. It is expected for men to have this behavior. If a young chick offer herself totally – do you think a man would refuse such warm reception? Where got cat don’t eat fish and especially when this fish is so juicy (though not beautiful – some maybe ugly), they are still young and is a female. So why refuse?
Why are celebrities so dumb? If they are going to have “fun” on the side, do it without pictures!! I would never trust that these pictures were “innocent”.
Celebrities are like normal people as well. Pictures are inevitable in a relationship but yes, they should be careful with taking it.
Tips for cheating? Awesome.
He can have a party. More awesome, have an orgy. That will be more exciting – some female celebrities are not bright. They are often dumb and silly – look at Gillian Chung and Edison flamboyant case! Their awesome pictures tell the world the truth and the whole stories. It seems Gillian enjoy the moment. Who to blame? Media, Edison, and or self’s stupidity?
An easy tip for dumb cheaters. Being a celebrity is worse as the whole world will see it. These pictures are too close for comfort for me. I have plenty of tips to give to the wife as well.
Didn’t realize it was 2 yrs ago. But whether or not he was cheating on his wife (GF at the time) it’s up to the wife to believe or not.
sigh. this is what comes with fame. he’s been getting really popular as of late, so the tabloids are obviously going to try and dig up every little thing from his past and turn it into a scandal. hopefully it didn’t affect his marriage, esp since his wife his pregnant.
agreed! but what to do this is call “entertainment industry”..
There will be no scandal if one is honest to their spouse. Further, fame wont last long. He may be popular but one day he will hit the rock hard! He is another dumb ass as he know well that this will affect his marriage and hurt his pregnant wife. But if his wife don’t mind at all – it is her business!
As a married woman myself, I think it’s really heartbreaking to see such pictures; especially such intimate photos. It’s undeniable they having a relationship, but again, the wife should just stay with him in HK rather than staying world apart. Hope the pregnant wife ‘could’ get over it. All the best!
I think its more that he chooses fame in hk rather than to stay in the US where his wife and her family are.
I mean he’s only really established in HK nowhere else. Yes he has talent but he was never that popular in the US.
He’s stupid anyway from reading his answers.
It’s always easy to make rude ignorant comments. If he doesnt stay in HK, where would he make money to support his family. Especially if you’re saying he’s not established anywhere else, which isn’t true. He just visited Sydney recently and it was super awesome!!
Going to perform in Sydney does not make him famous in that city. I live in Melbourne and didn’t even know he was in Australia, obviously his marketing failed somewhat.
It is not a matter of whether one is staying near or out town – cheating have no barrier. Any human can cheat – man or woman alike! Case of Adam Cheng and late Lydia Shum. They are together but once Lydia is out of sight – Adam find another woman and have a jolly good time and forgot his standing. So we see Adam landing into someone arm (current wife) or perhaps more women’s arm. That is to say, if he can do this once, as a cheat, he will also do similar stunt, too. Remember the late Alan Tang’s infamous remark of Adam during Lydia’s funeral reception. A strong message across to Adam’s face. Looking at his stupid face, I don’t think he has any remorse instint. So, it is not a matter whether one stayed closed or vice versa – it is awareness of doing what is right and with ‘GOOD INTENTION’.
What can you expect… he is from New York. Just feeling the ladies.
He is faithful to his wife, no worries.
Unless he will get some backlash like rapping with Donald Duck Tsang, a couple months or a year back.
He can claim to love his wife, but doesn’t mean he’s not tempted by women who want to fool around with him. The pics do look old, as he look younger in there?
or Maybe he really look “young” in person?
Exactly, very true – claim only but action speaks louder than words. Looks and action alike a picture explain all.
Pics like that are so common, only people in HK will believe in gossip like that. Pics like that wouldnt even be news worthy in the US because people will know it’s fan pics. Anyone is his fan club, JSG has over 30 pics just like that.
Good men are hard to come by, don’t let the media ruin that for the ladies.
Agreed! HK media is known for gossip. Unless there are bed photos like raymond scandal, I dont believe that MC would cheat on his wife.
All he talks about is how much he loves his wife!
i totally agree. people need to stop assuming just cause what the media says.
Yo, she ugly. I doubt my man would cheat on his cute wife with that girl… maybe if it was a hotter chick.
In 4 of the 5 pics, his eyes look glazed over. Maybe she looks hotter after a few drinks.
Blame it on fame, drinks and the itchy urge. His eyes will looked even glazier. LOL! He is not good looking either – mouth like a pig.
aha! yea, shes pretty fukn ugly
Man is Man. Lol! Jackie Chang cheat on his wife. Joan Lin is not only cute but beautiful. See what happened! That lady is not a hot chick (maybe hot on bed – only Jackie know). The only similarity I can see is that she has big nose like Jackie. Celebrity once has the fame will resort to cheating. It is so common among celebrities and of course most men although there are also female who cheat on their spouse.
The girl look like she’s throwing herself onto him.
It doesn’t look like he cheated on his wife to me. But he should be more careful with picture taking.
There could be many reason for these pics i mean lets say this was a week he spent overseas and shes a fan that stalked him and took pics.
And from the angles it looks like the girl took the pics.
MC Jin may have been shocked when the reporter approached him. Maybe he was too drunk to remember taking pics with this chick who knows. There could be many explanation.
And honestly unless there is a kiss pic or bed pic (or even a vid) these are hardly incriminating pics IMO
All the guy does is talk about his wife so hopefully he tells her the truth and they work things out (if there is anything to work out-maybe no more clubbing?)
Come on mc u were taking pic couple of time with the same girl ,how come u do not know this chic ,pls nxt time do take pic with some pretty or a hot girl ,the girl u with she look like cho pah i mean pork steak , she look dam not happening ,seriously dude u need help ..
He was probably too drunk and lonely to remember taking pics with the same girl..
Besides that, men rarely find girls unattractive in their dictionary.
MC is not handsome either! He is another ‘pork steak’ maybe ‘wild boar steak’. This girl is normal – have eyes, nose and mouth like anyone of us. She has her own unique feature and characteristic of a female. So what’s the heck! LOL, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder! MC is a cheat. Taking photos with the same girl all the time yet not knowing this girl is lame excuse. Rubbish excuses.
Im 100% agree , he just dare not to tell the true about this chic ,Can tell from t pic this girl really approaching him constantly ,for him very hard to recess poor boy..
I don’t think,he cheated.He probably saw where this was heading and tried to avoid it which made him look more suspicious.The media can distort things no matter how much evident is available. I’m pretty sure he didn’t cheat
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honestly, i don’t think he cheated.
but to all those people up there, who are you to judge him? he’s a normal human just like you guys, he can do whatever he wants too. everyone makes mistakes, so do you. so stop judging him by what the media says and puts out there.
i don’t think so. But, we have no right to asy he did or he didn’t. Noone knows, only he and that girl knows.