Miss Chinese International 2015 Contestants in Swimsuits

After weeks of training and late night rehearsals, the 18 contestants for Miss Chinese International 2015 will compete for the crown on January 25. As a tradition, the contestants appeared for a final run-through in their swimwear and voted for this year’s Miss Friendship. The award was presented to #2 Christina Jin (金詩迪) from Auckland, New Zealand.
Similar to the policies from the last few years, the finals will employ a set of celebrity voters. This year, TVB elected 20 of their artistes in joining the voting process, which include: Priscilla Wong (黃翠如), Eliza Sam (岑麗香), Samantha Ko (高海寧), Yoyo Chen (陳自瑤), Rebecca Zhu (朱晨麗), Toby Chan (陳庭欣), Ali Lee (李佳芯), Sisley Choi (蔡思貝), Jacquelin Chong (莊思敏), Lisa Chong (莊思明), Oscar Leung (梁烈唯), Joel Chan (陳山聰), Jerry Lamb (林曉峰), Amigo Chui (崔健邦), William Chak (翟威廉), Owen Cheung (張振朗), Stanley Cheung (張景淳), Penny Chan (陳國峰), Matthew Ho (何廣沛), and Hinson Chou (周子揚).
Miss Chinese International 2015 contestants:
- Lu Zhen Ting (陸媜婷) – Anhui
- Christina Jin (金詩迪) – Auckland
- Isabella Ng (吳紫薇) – Bangkok
- Jennifer Zhang (張羽琪) – Chicago
- Holly Ho (何麗) – Jiangsu
- Veronica Shiu (邵珮詩) – Hong Kong
- Anjoe Hui (許愫恩) – Kuala Lumpur
- Katrina Lee (李玉薇 ) – Los Angeles
- Cindy Yip (葉靈夢竹) – Melbourne
- Jia Lee (李嘉馨) – Montreal
- Catherine Hui (惠櫸喬) – New York
- Shirley Lau (劉夢穎) – San Francisco
- Leah Lee (李卓兒) – Seattle
- Tammy Wong (黃詩敏) – Singapore
- Mandy Chai (蔡美霆) – Sydney
- Valerie Fong (方詩揚) – Toronto
- Erica Chen (陳怡靜) – Vancouver
- Yolanda Yan (嚴蔚) – Zhejiang
Source: ihktv.com
This article is written by Su for JayneStars.com.
We all know who’s gonna win – #17, Vancouver Canada.
Hmm, nope. Alt. Vancouver usually does well, she was left clapping in the end. The only one I like in the top 3 was NY.
Erica didn’t do as well as Mandy or Veronica. Her first Q&A wasn’t that well.
#11 is the hottest.
I agree!! Stunning!
There are a few from Mainland China!
#6 – Veronica Shiu (邵珮詩) – Hong Kong ……………. is not pretty at all.
she’s very average looking, but I bet she will be in top 3. these pageants seems kinda rigged lol.
Absolutely!! HK judges will certainly be biased towards here. What a great batch this year and they still went with ugly Veronica. I want to puke!!
Rigged when your top favourites dont get in that is.
Veronica had a solid performance during the pageant. But the winner was well deserved!
LMAO!! Her answers are so LAME and PAGEANT PATTY. Boring as h!
I much would’ve preferred KL or Bangkok to take the other 2 spots. And yes, HK’s talent was also not something I consider a talent.
What a joke and ridiculous result.
If you do believe TVB don’t rig results, please consult the 2008 pageant where Kayi won over other stunning girls.
Honestly, Vancouver not so pretty.
Champion: Sydney
1st runner: Veronics aka Hong kong
2nd: New york
Sydney suck, HK suck at Q&A.. Winner shud be from Toronto or New York..
HK suck at Q@A, I tot the winner shud be from vancouver – 17 or New York – 11..
Rigged as always HK were do average performance but still get 2nd place others girls are perform better then her.
HK were always rigged on this case total one sided.
1st Mandy Chai & 3rd Catherine Hui are really good should be 1st and 2nd. Isabella Ng were treated unfair !!!
It’s not rigged. Throughout the pageant, Mandy Chai was a hot audience favourite. Her Q&A was better than most people.
FYI – Sydney is not well liked “outside” the audience. You may go to Weibo and HK discuz and Baidu to read their bashing comments again her.
Even the plain Erin Wong mouthed out – “I can’t believe it” when Sydney won. Sydney was NOT voted by any of the artistes, delegates, or that 100 member committee. Goes to show how shocking the result is right?
Btw – the judges could’ve come from some of her passionate family members LOL.
People cheered for her when she won..
HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT that those cheers came from one small group in the audience? I heard her friends and possibly family members went to see her. Look up Instagram, I found some of her friends going to tvb to support her.
Mind you, if you watch the pageant, SYDNEY WAS NOT VOTED BY ANYONE. Not the HK biased “100” member committee not the delegates. The ONLY people with good taste were the artistes. THEY TOO did not vote for Sydney not HK (who ended up as top 2). They chose the beautiful girls like Bangkok, KL, and NY. AND THEY DON’T speak Cantonese at all but yet they can overlook that language barrier while some bloggers here constantly emphasize the importance of speaking Cantonese. They’re TVB artistes too and a speak Cantonese but yet choose the girls THAT DON’T speak Cantonese. Isn’t that interesting and ironic?
I hope you guys can learn from them.
Yes, Vancouver wasn’t that pretty. She made top 5 and that is already something to be happy because I find Bangkok and Seattle miles ahead of her in terms of facial beauty. So as Seattle and HK.
What kept Vancouver in the competition is her sash.
She may not be the prettiest but she’s talented and she doesnt need your approval!
sydney no 15 won with her samba. was thinking malaysia no 7 or vancouver will be in top 3
I have the same thought…perhaps her samba won the judges heart…
The yearly winner ‘Sui Jun’ deteriorating…
The winner should have be either her left or right…
Vancouver’s performance wasn’t as well as Mandy nor Veronica. the NY rep was very confident for her young age, which is something Roger (the judge) appreciated and hinted.
Honestly, I didn’t find Mandy’s talent that interesting at all. It must be the music that kept you guys awake. If she shakes and danced to some BORING and quiet music, I’m sure you guys would’ve fallen asleep.
And, are you serious? Shaking the body and that’s considered talent? I’ve seen much better talent than that.
Sydney no 15 is she a malay chinese ? I presume Muslims are not allowed to wear bikini and join pageant.
Well sooner or later the media will dig up her background and her parents pictures. She can’t hide her identity long.
Not sure about that. Maybe she is. Maybe she did violate her religion beliefs.
just bc she is from malay, it doesnt mean she has to be a muslims.
ppl on this site is racist and are whiners xD
She is a Chinese from Malaysia who went to Sydney and won the beauty pageant there. She’s not Muslim.
She does look very much like a Malay girl with her tanned skin and facial features. Lol, at first i was wondering too if she’s non Chinese.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she is Muslim.
What if Mandy Chai’s tan fades in a year? Anyways, I withhold judgment until I see her more in some shows/series. Too hard to judge just from a pageant.
After seeing Grace Chan on screen, can’t believe she is a title holder.
@qq: You’re either dumb or just plain not educated. The majority of Chinese-Malaysians are not even Muslims. Most are Buddhists or Christians.
@qq. A MALAY Chinese is not the same as a MALAYSIAN Chinese!!!
There is no such thing as a malay chinese. A muslim chinese or a malaysian chinese ir a mixed malay and chinese . Malay is a race, chinese is a race, muslim is a religion. If her name is binti ir has abdullah then she is a myslim convert. If not she is not a muslim, and being a non muslim she can participate. Restriction if any is for muslims of any race.
@ Funn Lim. There are Malay Chinese, as in those born of mixed Malay and Chinese parentage. They are known as Peranakans.
Also a Malaysian Chinese is not mixed Malay and Chinese. She can be ethnic Chinese but Malaysian nationality. Like Vivian Yeo is a Malaysian Chinese.
She is a Malaysian Chinese. The same race as no.7 from KL. Just because she is tan, and she is a Malaysian doesn’t mean she is a Malay. So if a really fair Chinese is born in a western country make them white? No. Duh. You think people would not do research first before going to a pageant?
Actually QQ knows some pageant facts. Muslim women are not allowed to wear binikis. There was massive controversy back in 2003 with a Miss Afghanistan wearing a bikini at Miss Earth. She received death threats after the pageant.
QQ is right about the Muslim thing. But for the last time, Mandy is pure Chinese who is just born in Malaysia and so happen is tan. Chai is a Chinese last name. Just like Chinese born in Australia, USA, etc, pls stop assuming Malaysian Chinese are Muslim Malays.
thank you. some people are uneducated and racist.
Lol, it’s great that you admitted that Muslims are not allowed to wear binikis or enter pageants. As for whether she is a Muslim or not, I’m not sure.
Woah.. majority of the contestants are either from Australia or the States
Winner will probably be someone with the best combination of wealthy family background, holds foreign residency, good-looking, etc.
TVB, we got your number.
Um no, there are three representatives from australia (melbourne, auckland, sydney). States we have: LA, San Fran, NY, Chicago, Seattle.
Canada: Montreal, Vancouver, Toronto.
And then two or four Chinese representatives.
What..only two represent Australia : Melbourne and Sydney. Auckland is from New Zealand.
Auckland is not in Australia !!!
we know. we only need one corrector.
Btw, Sashie, it’s actually 3 Mainland China reps. Please differentiate the country Australia and the continent Australia because Auckland is in the country of New Zealand and continent of Australia but not the country of Australia.
What an absurd result!!!! The pageant is rigged! How can HK make it to 2nd place with a below par interview and below par talent!? Even Sydney’s win is questionable. NY should’ve won! KL should’ve made top 3. And Seattle was robbed big time! What a pretty face!
Tvb messes up every time and choose mediocre judges and mediocre girls!!! Ridiculous!!!!
Uh.. no.
Sydney rep this year was one of the best. Her Q&A, her self-intro video was one of the best. When she was crowned, many people cheered for her. She was an audience favourite who was there.
TVB wont choose KL because most KL reps have a contract with astro.
exactly. every miss KL rep have signed with astro or have an incoming contract. no point in letting them win
Your last sentence already shows that the results are questionable. Just because they won’t sign with them means that TVB shouldn’t crown them. If that’s the case, why don’t they organize a star search or a TVB female artiste audition!?!?
Beauty pageants should crown beauties.
And btw, even the press thinks Sydney’s win is an upset. Please go to other forums like HK discuz and Weibo, you will find many bashing sydney and HK.
I would be mindful in saying she was an audience favorite and many cheered for her. Not only was she not press favorite and not voted by any of those 3 groups, the camera didn’t show the audience really excited or cheering for her with enthusiasm.
Those cheers could’ve come from one group only, maybe her friends. One group of friends is not representative of the whole audience or majority of the audience.
I actually think Sydney’s win was very fair. How was it not fair? Her overall performance was a lot better than other contestants.
Her answers weren’t as great. And yes, she doesn’t look pretty. People even criticize her skin color.
And, her talent was BAD! Was her talent even a talent?? NY and Vancouver’s are what I consider true talent.
Yup the result was a surprise and an upset. So what? I think it was very fair that Mandy won – she did well in all segments & I think she is quite pretty although some people may disagree and think dark doesn’t equal beautiful. She is a deserving winner. I think her dark skin made her stand out actually!
Different people have different view points, no need to be so critical and disrespectful in emphasising the same biased points over and over again. So what if people “in other forums” are bashing her looks and criticizing her skin colour, there are always going to be haters out there.
And sorry Vancouver’s talent was a joke, she just played the same 10 notes on the “gu zhun” over and over again. I think her “talent” ruined her chances of placing.
But I do agree 100% that Miss NY should have placed higher than Miss Hk for sure. Miss HK didn’t do well in any of the segments and isn’t good looking, her only good segment where she stood out from the rest was the talent show.
Um blame the cities who chose the representatives. It wasnt tvb’s choice. They accepted the contestants who won the qualifier competition.
Actually, the cities chose strong reps this year. Bangkok and Seattle send stunners but were eliminated early. Even NY, much more beautiful than Sydney and HK was sacrificed to allow them to place higher.
Especially HK!! I cringe everytime I hear her voice and those pageant patty answers!! A nightmare…..
based on looks HK is right in the middle, theres about 5-7 girls more pretty than her and shes maybe better than 5-7 of them
but since shes from HK no matter what shes in the top 3 hahahahaha…tvb sucks
its not like hk contestants place every time.. just look at 2007, 2010, 2012. there are times when they dont make it.
Tvb loves rigging the results, they are so cheap!
going into the pageant, i didnt really know who was gonna win…but i knew no matter what HK was top 3 lol
its not like hk contestants place every time.. just look at 2007, 2010, 2012. there are times when they dont make it.
Yes, but I would’ve preferred 2012 to make it because Rebecca is at least one of the prettier Miss Hong Kongs over MSHKs that have won an award.
You must be asking like who??
We have the overhyped and PLAIN Veronica Shiu.
The ugly Kayi Cheung of 2008.
Carat Cheung of 2012.
Skye Chan (alt. she looks prettier now, back then she looks so plain) of 2009
And even the OVERHYPED Monica Chan of 1989.
All managed to make top 3 but Rebecca didn’t. LMAO.
MCIP Results
Winner: Sydney
1st RU: Hong Kong
2nd RU: New York
Miss Friendship: Auckland
Best National Costume Award: KL
TBH….i dont like 1st and 2nd runner up Idk its just me they kinda of annoy me
This year results were fair. Just because your favorites didn’t win then you say that tvb rigged the results. As an outsider, I see that the girls who won have great q&a. Their answers were with confidence and humor. Australia has never won MCIP for the last few years so I highly doubt it was because of rigged results. TVB has every right to choose who they like in the end, its their show. You think they care what you say about their decisions? No. Whether you like it or not, this is how it rolls. Why are we all so worked out over who wins and looses? Are you loosing a bet or does it benefit your own life if a particular person wins? As far as I am concern, we are wasting time arguing about nonsense stuff that doesn’t even benefit you a single bit.
Before we judge anyone think how far they have come. From beating state pageants, to nationals, and now making it to international is a lot of hard work and dedication put to it. So whether they win or not, they have accomplished so much by coming this far.
Some of what you said is true but I disagree with your other points.
Btw, to let you know, Mandy wasn’t even suppose to compete in Hong Kong. Supposedly, there was an accounting error in the Sydney pageant and it was not found.
That’s why your last statement is essentially not applicable to Mandy. And even to Shiu to some extent since “her family” bought the title for her.
And yet she still represented Sydney at the pageant and even won! All I say is the pageant is rigged.
If you believe it isn’t, then continue to sleep through your dreams.
Exactly A.
Every year, there are always the people who say its rigged just bc their favourites didnt place.
Like last year when Vancouver’s rep placed 2nd.
Peter, so you are saying that there was an error in miss Austrialia Chinese pageant? What enable her family to buy that? Are your facts reliable? I am not saying you are wrong, but there is a difference about facts and rumors. But you have every right to point out your opinions.
Ashlee, you are right!
Whatever it is rigged or not, SO WHAT? I am even more awake than arguing about pointless stuff like this. I rather be sleeping in my dreams thinking that it’s all fine than get worked out over how wrong or unfair it is. Life is unfair, and that how it is. Some gain from it, some loose that’s all.
I believe we all got better and more meaningful things to do then thinking whether the competition is rigged.
LMAO!! I’ll send you the link later. It’s confirmed that she wasn’t suppose to go to the Sydney grand final in the first place, let alone the international pageant.
If you believe that politics have no influence in the pageant, please continue. But in a civilized society with morals and equal opportunity, results shouldn’t be rigged.
As for HK, consult the older Jayne articles. It was reported that Shiu’s family comes from a wealthy influential family (Vitasoy) and sponsors TVB A LOT. The crown was given to her as a sign of appeasement.
Of course Veronica/her family and Tvb is going to “deny” these reports. If they admit it, then it’s confirmed that TVB rigs the results. They wouldn’t expose their wrongdoings when it’s already pretty clear that TVB plays favorites and rigs results.
Everyone who gets worked up over these pageants clearly thinks this world has some kind of universal beauty standard that revolves around what their own standards are when reality is, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Hmm, your statement is true to some extent.
Different judges have different results. That proves your last sentence.
But, if there is no universal standard, how can we judge beauty? Don’t tell me you believe horse teeth, a long chin, pig nose, etc. Is beauty. Of course there will be people that appreciate that as beauty. But in pageants, there is a standard in order to judge who wins. If there’s no standard, then the girl down the street can win MCI and any pageant because she fits the minimum requirements – natural born woman and age. LOL!
I wonder is some bloggers watched the pageant before commenting. Sydney’s answer was so bad! She kept on polishing and cleaning the MC’s shoes!! Same as Hong Kong’s answer! And people say they deserved the title! You guys must be sleeping while watching the pageant LMAO. No substance answer, mediocre talent, not favored by any of those 3 voting groups or press, and people here still say it’s a well deserved win. LMAO!
I personally agree. There was nothing witty or interesting about their answers. The only thing that saved their answer was their bubbly personality along with all the a** kissing which is what most likely made the judges overlook the quality of their answers.