Moses Chan and Aimee Chan to Hold Toronto Wedding on July 17

Moses Chan (陳豪) and Aimee Chan (陳茵媺) exchanged marriage vows in Paris on June 11 in a small private ceremony witnessed by family and several friends. Currently three-months pregnant, Aimee is under the care of her parents in Toronto. The couple will continue their marital celebration by holding a wedding banquet in Toronto.

Since Aimee’s father, Mr. Chan, is a successful restaurateur in Toronto and Hong Kong with numerous entertainment industry contacts, the Chans wished to include their friends in Aimee’s wedding celebration. Shaw Brothers executive, Wong Ka Hei (黄家禧) confirmed that the banquet will be held on July 17.

Soon-to-be Father, Moses, in High Spirits 

After getting married, Moses returned to Hong Kong, making various commercial appearances to contribute towards the family fund. At an earlier skincare brand promotion, Moses gladly answered questions about his wife’s rumored pregnancy despite being reluctant to officially confirm the expectancy news himself.

“Not ready [to announce it] yet,” said Moses as he shook his head. “Don’t be in such a hurry, everyone!”

The 42-year-old expressed that Aimee is “eating well, resting well, and very healthy.”  When does Moses plan to visit Aimee? “I’m not sure! Maybe after I finish my work in Hong Kong…. Can’t say when. Don’t want you guys to follow me!”

If the pregnancy is true, that means Aimee must cut back on her coffee! “[She] can’t drink it! What else does she have to cut? Tea. There are some teas that she can’t drink. Limit the sashimi consumption too.”

Have they hired a babysitter yet? “Not yet… that fast?” Asked if they have discussed about how to raise their child, Moses laughed and shook his head. “No! We haven’t even hired a babysitter yet!” Has he stocked up his baby products yet? “I don’t understand any of it! I still have many things left to learn. After I’m finished with my work, I will start learning.”

Source: ihktv.comMing Pao

This article is written by Addy for

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  1. Lol the article is going back and forth between Aimee is pregnant and Aimee might be pregnant. Im really curious, is she really pregnant? I mean, prove that she really is pregnant. They havent say she really is pregnant. Eeverything say she is pregnant but is there prove yet?

    1. She is pregnant they just can’t admit to the pregnancy due to a belief that if you announce a pregnancy before you are fully 3 months in bad things would happen for example miscarriages.

      That’s why Moses and Aimee are not directly answering the questions only saying they’ll announce it when the time is ready. And of course the reporters are following along as there’s no point in keep asking if they aren’t willing to.

      There are pictures circulating of her with weight gain especially in the stomach area though. So I guess that’s somewhat a proof.

      1. I don’t believe in that rumour thing.

        Anyway it was reported in Toronto Chinese newspaper that they are going to host a wedding banquet in the restaurant of Aimee Chan’s father in Thornhill (just north of Greater Toronto Area) on July 17, 2013. I think they also admitted that Aimee is 100-day pregnant.

      2. I am from mainland China, and I Never heard of the “belief” such as if announce pregnancy before 3 months is a bad thing.
        This must all started from the Hong Kong celebrities, LOL!
        When I was pregnant, we announce it to all our family and friends, and nothing bad happened, I have smooth delivery and my son doing very good right now.
        Most Hong Kong celebrities never admit they pregnant anyways, LOL!

        Anyways, I like Aimee and Moses, wish them forever happiness and healthy baby.

      3. So funny. So many on this forum say I never hear this, not hear that. Does that mean it not exist? So many things you never hear, means all not exist? Believe or not upto you.

      4. It is true that usually people who are pregnant will not announce their pregnancy until after the 1st trimester (the first 3 months). This is not about belief, it is because during the first trimester, pregnancy is not stable yet and people only announce to their family members and close friends. After the 1st trimester, then only pregnancy is stable. Hence, people will only announce during their 2nd trimester to other people. This does not only practised by Asian but also westerners.

  2. Wedding banquet in Toronto? No wedding celebrations in HK? I personally expected for both to whole some sort of celebration in HK, inviting their close friends from the entertainment industry. Well where ever they end up celebrating, wish them both all the very best!! 😀

    1. I think that they will have celebrations in Hong Kong as well, just not sure of the date and venue.

    2. Aimee’s father had his restaurant opened in Thornhill for over 20 years and his name is known among restaurant business people. I think her father wants to celebrate his daughter’s good news with his family, relatives, friends and business acquaintances.

      1. which restaurant is this? I’m quite curious.

      2. Legend Chinese Restaurant (Lai Ching in Chinese). It was opened in 1994. I have been there 3 times, once for dim sum and twice for dinner, and it was years ago. The quality of food was so so, but not sure if it has improved or not now. It is an average restaurant, decent in size but not an upscale one.

        I found Aimee’s wedding reception date and place in a local Chinese newspaper.

    1. It was only placed in the “Entertainment News” section ……… just some kind of reporting and not invitation.

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