Myolie Wu and Fashion Designer Kev Yiu: More Than Friends?

Breaking up in 2012, Bosco Wong (黃宗澤) and Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) have found love again with different partners. Bosco was caught kissing new girlfriend, Vanessa Yeung (楊崢), this week, and he openly admitted that he is very happy with the relationship. Myolie also has a new man in her life, Hong Kong fashion designer Kev Yiu (姚子裕).
Earlier, Myolie revealed that she has a pursuer outside the entertainment industry. In January, Myolie was spotted on a late-night date with Kev Yiu and did not deny the dating reports. They have been friends for years and Kev allegedly started pursuing Myolie not long after she broke up with Bosco two years ago.
In 2006, at the age of 20, Kev already set up his personal fashion brand, Sovereign Romance. Two years ago, he was invited by international fashion house, Aolisha, to be their brand design director. This year, he established his own couture brand, Kev Yiu Couture, where a custom-designed wedding gown commands as much as $30,000 HKD.
Myolie has been Kev’s muse for years; he also designed Myolie’s black-feathered gown which she wore at the 2011 TVB Anniversary Awards. Kev regularly sponsors dresses for Myolie at major events. Although Myolie is not the only actress he dresses, she is apparently his favorite and many of his gowns are inspired by the TVB actress. On several occasions, Kev alluded to Myolie as his ‘Forever Muse’ on Weibo.
Outside of work, the pair shared common interests such as their love for cats. Even though Myolie is older than Kev by six years, this is not a deterrence to the couple. It was even said that Kev has co-hosted Myolie’s birthday party in November where they were spotted kissing.
This article is written by Karen for
I was a diehard Boscolie worshiper since their “War of In-Laws” days. Seeing the latest developments, perhaps Boscolie will never get back together again. I hope they find happiness in love, although fans have to get used to the idea of their new dating partners.
It appears that Myolie and Bosco both had long-time friends that turned into lovers post-breakup.
Not only that, what a coincident that Bosco dates older woman while Myolir is dating younger guy, lol. Now tell me what’s it gonna be Myolie fans keep telling trash about Bosco. They are both in “sister-brother” relationships of their own.
I kinda thought they would end up like Andy and Sammi where they would get back together years later.
Good for them if they found someone else to date. I’m more surprised that they’re both being so open about it, especially Bosco’s new relationship.
I know! Vanessa Yeung was driving one of Bosco’s cars to an event. And reporters know that the car is Bosco’s. This seemed like an act of showing off!
“Vanessa Yeung was driving one of Bosco’s cars to an event.”
Didn’t someone/Bosco say that she was taking it for repairs?
Bosco said Vanessa Yeung’s own car was getting repaired, so he lent his car to her.
LOL this is like a war of the exes!!
Hey, that could be a new series “Wars of EXs”.
One goes older, one goes younger and each age difference is similar. Quite a coincidence. Until either is married, never say never.
Even after marriage, couples divorce. It’s harder, but still possible LOL
As my mom says, you never know who is your life-time partner until one of you die!
Yea, these days I do not see one person married to just one other person in their lifetime. When I went to graduate school, everyone that was older than me were all married at 2 times in their lives. Nothing seems like a guarantee these days. I remember once watching a show where first loves came back together again after years of break up, other relationships, marriages, divorces,etc… I guess it just all depends on fate. I also read about a couple who finally ended up together after 30 years or so. Their love never faded.. That is rare but still exists today.
myolie and bosco should stop hurting each other
How are they still hurting each other? They haven’t been together in ages!
I’d say their fans should stop hurting each other, Bosco & Myolie have move on with their lives.
Seeing how Boscolie fans bashed Vanessa on her weibo, the words they used make my skin crawl.
It has been almost two years since they separated, if there was any hurt it must have been dissolved gradually by time.
Yeah I feel really bad for Vanessa that I can’t bare to read the hurtful comments directed at her and comparing her with Myolie any longer. As a Bosco fan, I am happy to see him happy with this new relationship and so are many others like me who had blessed them well. As a woman, I also wish Myolie can find her own happiness.
I hereby hope BOSCOLIE CP(couple pairing) fans can stop the hating remarks at Vanessa and face reality that it is over for BOSCOLIE CP. I mean, most of them are women or girls, why are they attacking another woman or another human being like this?
Sehseh, that’s exactly what I felt. Wtf….
If these Boscolie CP ardent supporters truly care for the two, I hope they can move on just like the two have done.
Actually they don’t hurt each other, they are enjoying their life without each other. A relationship is ended, two new ones can start.
They are not hurting each other at all and have both moved on. Sadly, it is their fans that have not moved on and keep on digging up the past and attacking each other and them in the process.
What did they say about Vannessa on Weibo? I am really curious. It must be bad if makes your skin crawl. I never go on Weibo and do not have an account(don’t think I want to either).
I concur with Sehseh and Abigail. Hetieshou, the cyberbullies posting on her weibo are calling her aunty, ugly, worse than Myolie Wu, old, cheap, attention seeker, Bosco’s mom, and so on ***. They question Bosco’s taste. They put up many red angry emoticons for her and crying emoticon for Myolie Wu – all these in her weibo. Not even counting the insults whicvh @her on Entertainment news outlet. Yup there should be freedom of expression on social media, but leaving insulting comments on someone’s page is downright rude and cyber bullying. All because she’s an older woman who dates a younger man? It is her right to date someone 9 years younger than her, whom by the way is a ripe adult man.
They are bullying Bosco too. Keep asking him to think of his ex Myolie Wu, to think of Vanessa’s age, that Vanessa is ugly, old, worse than Myolie Wu, that he has bad taste.
Did anyone post a cradle in Myolie’s weibo considering her current rumoured boyfriend is, by her fans calculation young enough to be her son?
Wow, this sounds just like Bosco’s side.
1. dating long-time friend
2. girl older than guy
3. they have common interests
I am Myolie’s fan, so I guess that’s how I got into Boscolie. They do look good together as a couple and have great onscreen chemistry. Also, it was very sweet when they publicly displayed their affection after Myolie’s TV Queen win. Seven years relationship is hard to let go, it was like they were so close to marriage, so I guess Boscolie fans still have the hope of them getting together.
But I guess this time around, it seems closer to not possible anymore. I also like the idea of a top TVB fadan and siusang being a couple in real life, but reality is not like this. Maybe they still have feelings for each other (they must do, it was 7 years!), but that is not enough for a couple to stay together forever.
I believe Myolie is smart enough to choose what she really wants, so as long as she is happy, then great! As for Bosco’s new relationship, I was kind of shocked at first, but now I calmed down. I don’t really like Vanessa Yeung to begin with, so I sort of thought “ewww” at first LOL. Even though some people say she’s a supermodel, she’s classy and elegant, I still personally think she gives off a vibe like she knows-it-all and is smarter than others (that’s my impression from seeing her in TVB variety shows in the past).
In all, the new couples are still in the early stages of their relationship, so time will tell. Support Myolie all the way!
Is that a stack of foundation on his face? Anyways, hope they are happy.
i know rite…. my first thoughts upon seeing Kev’s pics were not good. Guys wearing heavy make-up is a turn-off. But, as long as Myolie’s happy, wish them well. Though there’s still some tiny little voice inside hoping that she’ll get back together with Bosco when he’s matured a bit cos Myolie looks like someone who prefers a guy with more depth and seriousness.
That’s what I was thinking… But singers and actors do wear make up when needed. However, Kev is not a singer or actor so it is really odd for him to be wearing make up. Maybe he has bad skin and cannot be without makeup?
Did Myolie confirm this? If so, Kev Yiu is not gay. haha
The down side is…if things don’t work out, Myolie may not be in beautiful gowns for a while.
“Did Myolie confirm this?”
Myolie hasn’t denied the dating news, so that speaks volumes. She also looked pretty happy when spotted with Kev Yiu last week.
Happy for Myolie and also happy for Boscoe. Now, at last each can go his/her own way in ‘peace’. I have often admired The dresses Myolie wears and wondered who designed them and now, it’s her own boy friend,how sweet!
Daaamn, unexpected but congrats to both Bosco and Myolie (:
Do everyone remember back in Nov Myolie wrote a letter stating she doesn’t to have anything to do with Bosco and wish him well on weibo. I guess she really have moved on.
Gosh, for a minute there, he looks like a woman? hum… oh well…
Some girls like pretty boys. My 2 year old nephew looks like a girl too. There are girls that like that type of guy.
HaPPY for Boscolie that they’re both found their new happiness in life. It is sad for Boscolie’s fan like me but i have to move on lol
Bosco and Myolie are something of the past and I am really happy for them that they have both found new love. You cannot just live in the past and must move on. Life is short and we must all advance forward.
kev yiu IS definitely gay. There’s no way he’s straight .The way he talks, acts and carries himself.
He can be bisexual since obviously this news is not denied. I don’t see a happy ending for this though. Call me a cynic.
me too, he is too not straight
How do you know for sure he is gay??? I have seen guys that look and act really manly,BUT they are gay. However, there are guys that may look girly and acts like they are gay, but in the end they are not. Therefore, you cannot always tell if a guy is gay by just the way they act and talk.
BUT, as Funn said, he may be bisexual.
I believe they’re just good friends!
Why is everyone jumping into conclusion so quickly when Myolie and her designer cum friend did not even act like a couple. They’re not the one kissing in public and driving his/her car to work/attend event getting all the camera flashing and attention what not. They were just walking side by side and BAMMM…THEY ARE A COUPLE get smack right at everyone’s face.Seriously???? If I were to walk with a friend which so happen to be a guy that looks younger than me does that make us a couple???Am I a cougar???Obviously NO!
Even Kev Yiu himself laughed out loud at the rumors and posted it in his instagram.
It’s Bosco choice if he want’s to date someone so much older than him. It makes sense actually since Myolie was older than him too but not as much as this current one but anyhow it’s still his decision. Like the Cantonese saying goes 食得鹹魚抵得渴. He should know best what ppl are going to say about this relationship once it goes public especially when he is doing it now in a high profile manner.