Myolie Wu and Kate Tsui Promote 40th Anniversary of Miss Hong Kong Pageant

This year marked the 40th Anniversary of the Miss Hong Kong Pageant. Since its establishment, this beauty pageant remained as one of the most influential pageants in the Asia-Pacific region, crowning memorable beauties who became successful actresses. TV Queen, Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) and a sexily clad Kate Tsui (徐子珊) donned their pageant tiaras and shot photos recently to mark the 40th Anniversary of the Miss Hong Kong Pageant.
Myolie especially returned from mainland China to promote for the Miss Hong Kong Pageant. On March 24th, Myolie announced on her Weibo blog that she has completed the filming of mainland drama, Jin Yu Man Tang <金玉满堂之身世之谜> with Eric Huang (黄少祺). In the Chinese drama, Myolie portrayed a modern version of Cinderella, Chang Han Yan, who was finally able to return to the 100-year-old enterprise, Jin Yu Tong, making her family proud. Along with many hardships, Myolie also found true love along the way.
Since winning the TVB Best Actress Award, Myolie has received more filming offers, allowing her the option to choose from a large pool of scripts. While her filming fee has increased in recent years, money was not the primary factor in deciding upon her projects. Myolie indicated that the quality of the script and the designated costars were important factors in determing her filming decision.
Sources: Ming Pao,,
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Jayne: Myolie and Kate have been the more successful Miss Hong Kong winners in recent years. Was it mentioned earlier that this year’s pageant will have a different voting format to determine the winners?
kate’s body does not look attractive, infact disgusting in the picture. come the bone something scary!!
Yea, her pix scared me. Why is she sooo skinny and showing her bones.. Scary!!
yeah very bony imo, she needs to gain some weight stop being too skinny, her cleavage looks like it have been forced out from a flat chested body. But she still got a pretty face though, prettier than Myolie’s feature but Myolie has the right body size though.
What happened to Kate? She used to be so pretty.
Bad picture of her? I don’t think she’s boney I think she’s muscular in a way.
Wrong pose or bad PS.
myolie she is so cute
kate… no comment… & yes she needs to gain some weight.
Myolie has a great body & height!!!!
Kate is a little short.
Myolie’s not even that tall…she’s like 5’7 (170) and Kate’s my height, 168 (5’6)..
Charmaine would have made the cover too had she not left TVB too.. sigh…
Kate’s shoulder looks deformed in the pic and the pose they doing does not look classy, a bit cheesy & cheap IMO.
Well, kate is sure showing more and more of her career line. I always thought that she was flat chested and she said she needs to put chest pads. Maybe it was a joke but anyway the picture shows a very bad angle of her.
Actually Myolie has a nice body, she is tall too. You can search for her old pictures, she can be sexy like Kate too. If Charmaine didn’t leave, they might ask her to be part of it.
The above photo looks like two lesbians are in love with each other. It is not a good photo to promote the 40th Anniversary of Miss Hong Kong Pageant.
but Myolie’s expression look more like she’s plotting something against Kate and Kate expression look like she will do anything to win over others.
they look like rivalring concubines of the emperor who secretly scheming behind each other’s back LOL
it might imply that TVB is like a palace where the concubines fight to the favour of 620 the empress ROFL
for once… sth well said, LOL
This photo makes the Miss Hong Kong Pageant very low class, vulgar, and cheap ….. gay/lesbian competitions. Whose idea is that to take that kind of photo? Feel sorry for all the past contestants.
That’s right. Out of all people, they choose them. Myolie was only 2nd runner up. Kate looks disgusting, what’s with the pose, the pout and the boobs? they look like they’re about to fall out. Looks brainless to me… Beauty and Elegance – Kate esp is certainly not the best representative for Miss HK.
They’re not really known for Miss HK. They’re more known for being actresses and singers who can’t sing.
If you want someone to represent Miss HK as a whole to promote 40th anniversary: get Michelle Reis, Loletta Chu…. but they’re rich and probably not happy with how TVB has effed up the whole meaning of Miss HK over the past few years.
Quote: “Myolie and Kate have been the more successful Miss Hong Kong winners in recent years.” …. Errr – if you compare it to the whole cohort of past Miss HK winners, they’re hardly successful. Myolie wasn’t a WINNER. In fact, Kate isn’t even successful. She hasn’t achieved anything but poor album sales and second leads/supporting roles over the years. What’s your definition of being successful? Charmaine is more successful than her. So is Ada Choi, Kenix Kwok, Maggie Cheung….. forgetting about those ppl?
honestly, myolie doesn’t look too bad there but yeh kate makes miss hk look so ‘cheap’ and ‘low-class’ aye? that’s not elegant. that’s selling sex.
They should get Sonija Kwok (elegant and pretty),Charmaine Sheh, or Ada Choi (both are pretty and successful). Sonija was Miss Hong Kong in 1999, Charmaine was the 2nd Runner Up in 1997, and Ada Choi was 2nd Runner Up in 1991. There are some other good ones, such as Angie Chiu, Loretta Chu, Anita Yuen, and Winnie Yeung, but they are not TVB artistes. Sonija is still a TVB artiste. Though Charmaine just finished her good relationship with TVB and Ada is now acting “War & Beauty 2” for TVB, I am sure they wouldn’t mind to promote 40th Anniversary of Miss Hong Kong Pageant.
Also TVB photographer should take a more decent and elegant photo of the previous Miss Hong Kong Beauty Pageant winners, and not a low-class, sexy photo.
Kenix Kwok and Maggie Cheung were only finalists, not winners.
Arent they too old to promote young girls into participate in ms hk 2012 despite their success in the entertaiment industry? I mean Sonija, Ada, loretta and etc…
I think TVB wanted to show off their own artistes (who are so successful being TVB artistes) after winning Miss Hong Kong Beauty Pageant. However, the young Miss Hong Kongs, such as Aimee Chan, Janet Chow, are not very successful. The youngest successful ones will have to be Myolie Wu (TV Queen in 2011) and Kate Tsui (one of the top 5 fadans in TVB). It is quite okay to have Myolie Wu and Kate Tsui do the promotion. However, the Arts Director/Photographer has to take a pretty photo with elegance, not a sexy lesbian photo.
Myolie and Kate ain’t exactly young. They’re both 33. Charmaine’s 36. Way past the age cutoff.
Sonija and Ada are only 3-5 years older than them.
They used Rebecca Zhu (24), Kate Tsui (33) and Aimee Chan (31) in their television ads to promote the pagaent though.
I’m not sure if this photoshoot is to promote Miss HK so new girls can participate and apply to enter Miss HK; OR just in celebration of 40th Anniversary Miss HK. There’s a difference though. If the latter, than the older, more famous representatives should’ve been used.
The former Miss HK still hang out together – they formed the Wai Yin Charity Group. At least they still do some ongoing charity work and they really promote Miss HK as a whole. For some reason, Myolie, Charmaine and Kate have never been members though? Not sure if its invite only though.
If you’re interested, here’s the link of current members – you’ll see a lot of familiar old faces in there:
I wonder if TVB consulted with them to see if any can help out before they decided to use Myolie and Kate or was that set up from the very beginning?
I still think using Myolie and kate are approriate for promoting the Ms Hk 2012 because their recent achievement with Myolie newly crowned best actress and Kate’s popularity surge will help to attract many more young girls into participating.
If you cast/use Aimee who have less recognition in the market as compare with the 1st line actress myolie and kate, do u think young girls would want to be in Aimee’s footstep (minus the Moses part).
Or maybe cast/use Sonija, Ada or Anita Yuen who already a mommy status as the poster girls to attract these young girls.. Yes, indeed they’re still pretty taken care but it will be less appealing to attract girls into participating ms hk.
As for Michelle Reis and many who have married rich businessmen.. dont ever think of getting them back to promote for TVB..they rather spend their time shopping than doing this cheap ad.
Also, with charmaine recent attitude “draw the line” between tvb, i doubt she’ll come back to pose for this promotion, she rather focus on her career in the mainland.
Agree ……. If it is to celebrate 40th Anniversary Miss HK, more famous and successful representatives should’ve been used and they should be members (actively involved) of Wai Yin Charity Group. Angie Chiu Nga-Chee is the current President (or Chairperson)of the Group, and she is also very successful in her acting career. Why didn’t TVB ask Angie Chiu to do the promotion photo?
maybe doing a cheap ad like this would degrade them? lol – just look at all the negative feedback that resulted, there’s nothing much to be ‘proud’ about. and they’re not really THAT successful.
Probably just gonna put it on the cover of TVB Weekly used commonly to promote their managed artists and series. Not like they’re gonna run billboards around the city and on buses. (i hope not)
I agree and couldn’t they have shot better photos to promote this event?? I am sure they could have. Are they trying to get more creative??
Kate = disaster!
I actually think Sonija Kwok should be on this promotion. She is after all HK’s last most successful Miss HK in terms of beauty pageants. Too bad she is preggers.
Agree ……. “I actually think Sonija Kwok should be on this promotion. She is after all HK’s last most successful Miss HK in terms of beauty pageants.”
She is currently pregnant so that may be the main reason why she did not do it was asked to do it.
Myolie is soo HOT :+P
Myolie always look good in magazine but not so good in series or normal pictures ROFL. why is it?
Kate look awful with her bone jutting out!
Myolie always look good in magazine but not so good in series or normal pictures ROFL. why is it?
Photoshop do the rest
Makeup and photoshop make a big difference.
Because Myolie knows how to pose.
Kate has works done on her face she doesnt have the natural beauty look like Myolie. Kate also dressed and dance very *, to me it’s not classy, her singing sucks she is basically selling sexyness not talent. You can look skinny, fit and still be very pretty without making viewer feel sick. But when you go from fit to anorexia then you look sick. Not a big fan of Kate doesnt like her images as an artist she go from tom boy to sexy shows me she’ll pull off any images as long as she’ll be promoted. I rather to like an artist whose personality is more real and honest like Myolie or Charmine Sheh…
Who’s the art director for this photo shoot? Terrible picture! what were they thinking? Pageants are suppose to be elegant and classy, no? What in the world is this? Two semi naked anorexic looking chicks caressing each other, and why does Kate Tsui look like she’s about to get it on? Very disturbing. There’s art then there’s trash, this is clearly trash!
Agree with you lol, it was the art director’s lousy taste to have choosen this pic, I think they can do better than this.
Myolie doesn’t look anorexic at all, she looks slim but not up to that stage yet. kate looks like one though, she’s too skinny imo.
Agree, they seem like they are about to get it on, LOL.
Maybe it would’ve been better if they actually kissed? Another example of TVB not choosing their artists based on suitability but their marketing purposes.
In the near future MHK might turn into a freakshow, hahaha…
Im not sure about teh future, but the current trend that these tvb female artists should really stop is being too skinny like TY, kate and etc…They look “good” sometimes onscreen but if you happen to see them in real,, they will look like anorexia and not very nice.
Agree, haven’t seen Kate recently bc I just can’t stand her due to an overdose last year.
TY looks bad these days, she was scary skinny in THC along with her face. Still like you said sometimes she can look good.
That’s why I prefer Linda, at least she isn’t trying to be sexy like the others and seems pretty healty
yeah linda has the best image among all followed by Myolie who also have Less rumors then TY, Fala and kate? lol.
LInda is actually quite skinny too but her tall and big bone structure make her looks medium size, she looks very skinny in the latest series Daddy deeds.
I lol’ed at the overdose comment u make, do u mean overdose of lip injections? haha
I suppose you are right but still think Linda’s more healthy skinny compared to the other two. I could be a little biased here though
Overdose of her rubbish acting if you can call that acting by TVB overpromoting her last year.
Linda Chung, though with a healthy image, cannot do promotions for Miss Hong Kong. She was a Miss Chinese International, not a Miss Hong Kong.
We were just talking about LInda casually nothing about ms hk 2012
I think sue to Linda’s bone structure she needs to be skinnier? Just like Bernice, both of them are big boned so they need to be thin to maintain the image that is considered “normal” in the entertainment world.
Linda isn’t that healthy image. She is also a bony actress and she was even invited to be spokenperson for losing weight medicine.
Everything is relative and if compared to the current fadans in TVB, Linda can be considered healthy.
Medusa is practically a skeleton with TY approaching that level.
I think it’s only eyes’ effect because Linda has big bones. She is rather skinny in real person (I met her twice), even a bit underweight. Kate looks smaller and she has smaller bones than Linda but her body seems to have more meats.
Hmmm, maybe bc Linda is very fit i.e. no extra fat on her body wheras Kate although skinny is not as fit hence giving the impression of more meat/fat.
I thought TY is the skinniest among all now? followed with Kate, Linda, Fala and Myolie last.
if you watch the THC, TY looks freaky skinny with so many extra space in her pant.. she dun have the butt to show off any curve in pant. Kate has S shape despite that she’s skinny, I guess she still got her boobs and butt while TY has no boobs and butt lol.
Veejay, you might be right. Im not sure since I have only seen Kate in pics recently.
Medusa got boobs and butt? She seems to “force” her boobs in Myolie’s face in the pic above, LOL.
Fala skinnier than Linda meh?
No linda is skinnier than Fala lol. it should go like this –>
skinniest to average
Nope, Linda isn’t really fit. She is a bit underweight. Just that her shoulders are big so it gives the feeling she has meat.
oh man.. not one good comment here lol
so true though.
I guess the “touching” part gives ppl an impression that they are more like selling sex rather than presenting ms hk 2012. And the way how Kate posed in the pic gives a cheap feels not elegant enough as what a ms hk should have.. They can do better than this.
MHK has been a joke for years and these two doesn’t make it any better. What an awful picture could prolly be an ad for trannies in Thailand if I didn’t know better, LOL.
LoL, even Myolie looks tranny? hehe.
Normally no, but this pictures just gives me that vibe.
Some trannies are more beautiful than real girls, still these two wouldn’t be one of those
U know being too perfect and beautiful will raise a doubt nowadays..look at Angelababy, Viann, and any other girls/guys who have undergone PS to make themselves like doll..
I wouldn’t dare to go for these pretty gals fearing they might be plastic if i’m guy hehe..
LOL, I don’t either of those dolls are near perfect. Both looks kinda unnatural and scary in my eyes.
Haha, I need to use my X-ray vision first to be sure.
Just pinch their nose, if they refuse to let them pinch their nose, then u know something is not right haha!
If they refuse to let you*
Haha, I will remember that. “Let’s play a game where I pinch your nose”
Very bad picture. Kate looks like a man in the picture and her bone structure is weird. Myolie’s face also look unflattering.
Disagree. I don’t think Miss Hong Kong has been a joke for years, only in some years. All the recent Miss Hong Kongs or Runners Up were selected from pretty, well-educated (university students or graduates), and with clean and decent family background. Most of them could speak English fluently so that they could represent Hong Kong to compete in international beauty pageant competitions.
I saw a recent promo of the Miss HK pageant featuring Rebecca Zhu, Aimee Chan and Kate Tsui. Considering they studied overseas in English speaking countries, they did not do well promoting the pageant in English. I felt sorry for Rebecca who seemed like she couldn’t speak the language at all.
LOL, not many can really speak fluent english like linda & fala. Haven’t heard of Myolie so I can’t judge but I’m sure Kate can’t speak fluent eng.
Well there are alot of chinese studying abroad hence little english speaking.
Only heard Linda and Fala, Linda english is perfect whereas Fala is ok la.
yeh i saw that promo.
Kate Tsui studied in the US, but her English wasn’t that great in the promo. Maybe because she hasn’t used it for years? *hit me hit me yeh baby*
Fala’s english is also not that great, maybe it is because they don’t have a use for it in HK.
“Maybe because she hasn’t used it for years? ”
Quite an excuse. Rubbish excuse.
“Only heard Linda and Fala, Linda english is perfect whereas Fala is ok la.”
Maybe because Linda grew up there? A CBC issit? Or ABC? Fala speaks perfect mandarin and haven’t heard proper sentence in english though.
‘Well there are alot of chinese studying abroad hence little english speaking.”
Do they study in a chinese school?
Funny though; I grew up in Malaysia and I speak better English than those supposedly who went to America or whatever and supposedly studied there. Maybe they just stay in Chinatown?
Kate can fake a sentence in English but definitely can’t pretend beyond that. Linda’s English is flawless, but she’s a CBC. Fala I suspect is somewhere in between.
Fala’s English is Americanized. I watch her speaking in English in TVB’s Dolce Vita.
I thought that Kate’s English should be pretty good since she used to study in the US?? She actually went to the same university that I did. I did not run into her since we were in different majors.
Fala Chen was born and raised in Chengdu, China. She migrated to the Georgia, U.S.A., with her parents at the age of 14. Since she moved to the States when she was already a teenager, it was a bit too late for her to get rid of her Chinese (Mandarin) accent. I suppose Fala can speak fluent English (as there are not that many Chinese people living in Georgia).
Bernice Liu, born and raised in B.C.,Canada, speaks beautiful English with no accent. Also Angela Tong (born and raised in Montreal, Canada), and Selena Li, born and raised in Toronto, Canada, speaks perfect English. None of them can read Chinese before they went to live in Hong Kong.
As per Wikipedia, Kate Tsui graduated from the University of California, Davis, majoring in Japanese. She attended Kiangsu-Chekiang College, Shatin, HK (Chinese:沙田蘇浙公學),and Queen Maud Secondary School(Chinese:港澳信義會慕德中學). I can easily tell you that Kate’s English is just okay, not great. Everyone starts learning English at young age (age 6 latest for Hongkongers), and his/her English language is fully developed by the end of high school unless the person is majoring in English Language or English Literature in university. Kate’s major was in Japanese, and not in English Language. Moreover, Kate’s elementary and high schools are not rated high among those English schools in Hong Kong.
It’s like someone once exclaimed excited about Wang Lee Hom’s ability to speak such good English. Let’s not forget these people may be chinese but they should be expected to speak good english since they were born and raised IN such countries. Those who went there as teenagers should be able to speak well too, if not I wonder how they ever graduate.
Want to make one correction ……. Selena Li was born in Hong Kong, but grew up in Toronto. She and her family probably moved to Toronto when she was still quite young. She mentioned in Today’s VIP that she couldn’t read and write Chinese, and learned Chinese by “phonics”.
@HeTieShou, you went to UC Davis? how do u like kevjumba ?
@Fox, do you speak or understand japanese? how do you know Kate was fluent in Jap?…. i am just wondering..
I’m learning Japanese and I heard Kate spoke it. She spoke it well.
I often mix up Miss HK and MCI, but off the top of my head I can think of a few Miss HKs who speak fluent / very good English.
– Mandy Cho (Californian)
– Cathy Tsui (good English but horrible Cantonese, also speaks with a weird lisp – was she Miss HK or MCI?)
– Fiona Yuen (also fluent in German & French)
– Maggie Cheung (actually speaks decent English with slight accent, I think)
– Cerina da Graca (also a total brain, member of Mensa and has a Bach. S. and JD)
– Tiffany Lam (Californian, although no longer with TVB)
– Grace Wong (New York)
Isn’t Sonija Kwok 1/4 British or something? I never heard her speak English, though.
Sonija Kwok studied in Canada, she speaks English well…
Sonija speaks English well, with a little HK accent.
r u kidding me? fluent/very good English — Mandy Cho??
You guys forgot Aimee Chan and Janet Chow. Aimee was born and raised in Toronto, and she lived in Woodbridge, Ontario, and went to Woodbridge High School (which is located in an Italian neighbourhood). I think her English is pretty good and fluent. In fact, she cannot read Chinese.
As for Janet Chow, she was also born and raised in Toronto. However, she lived in a Chinese neighbourhood and had lots of Chinese (including HongKong Chinese) classmates and friends. Her Cantonese is, therefore, better than Aimee’s, but I am not sure if her English is very very fluent. Shouldn’t be too bad.
Sonija Kwok’s father is German. She went to University in Vancouver for a few years. Due to her family background, I think she can speak decent English.
Maggie Cheung and Myolie Myolie both went to high school in England and Ireland respectively. Therefore, they speak decent English.
A person has to be born and raised in an English-speaking country in order to speak good English. Also he/she has to go out with local (non-Chinese speaking) friends. Otherwise, his/her English will never be good. A person will speak perfect English if it is her only language.
Most Miss Hong Kongs (even graduated from overseas universities) can speak English, but their English standard is not the same as ABC, BBC, or CBC.
Personally I don’t think it counts if they’re an overseas delegate like Janet Chow was.
It makes me think HK has nobody decent so they have to “recruit” from overseas.
TVB recruits participants from overseas hoping to get some beautiful ABC, BBC, or CBC university graduates, who can speak beautiful and fluent English, to represent Hong Kong in international beauty pageants.
The 2011 Miss HK was better, past 5 to 7 years…it was crap.
mmm…this picture really doesn’t look class at all..and kate looks scary in the picture…it is like 2 lesbians hugging together with cunning expressions…should change the photographer..I don’t even think myolie is TV queen at all…
lesbians with cunning expressions = wab2 sales presentation LOL
That picture above is wrong! And really doesn’t help.
After posting so many comments on this website, I now realize that I have my own little “picture”. Thanks! It looks okay to me.
At least Myolie looks healthy and her facial expression was appropriate compare to Kate who look super anorexic.Her collarbones especially!OMG!! 0.0
Myolie has a larger face so don’t judge her figure by her face. All of them are lollipops.
I think they have this extreme diet that not many ppl can winstand lol.
Funn – But if you compare Myo’s arm and Kate’s arm you’ll see the difference. Kate’s bone is practically bulging out from her shoulder blade! I think Myolie and Linda are one of the many fadans nowasays that have well proportions body figure.
This picture is wrong on so many levels. Kate looks like she’s flexing her muscles about to force myolie’s into her cleavage lolz I have never in my life see a pageant presented this way, almost like a joke or a parody.
…force Myolie’s face…
Neither did I!
Is Kate’s tiara bigger than Myolie’s in height? It looks the same but I wonder if they had a bigger budget as the pageant progressed and the later years they’ve had bigger tiaras.
Kate’s tiara is bigger and worth more because she was the winner, whereas Myolie was second runner up. However, I like Myolie’s better because it’s less exaggerated (kwa jeung).
Kate was miss hong kong & myolie was a runner up only. Hence kate’s tiara is bigger. ??
Ahh… that makes sense, I totally forgot Myolie wasn’t the winner in her year.
Oh wow they look so much prettier now. Kate esp was so fugly in the following years she won.
All Miss Hong Kongs looked prettier after they became actresses. They learned how to do better makeups and dress appropriately, plus they could have done some minor plastic surgery. I think both Kate Tsui(her eyes are prettier now) and Fala Chen (her face is not as wide as it was before) have had some minor plastic surgeries on their face.
Wow – awful picture. Kate normally photographs well if she doesn’t do her crazy eyes but her bones are protruding in all the wrong places in that photo. Myolie looks strangely soul-less in there.
Reminds me of the movie ‘Spider Lilies’, in a bad way.
Miss HK 2004…Kate no1
Anne Heung and Mandy Cho should be in this. Anne heung is really hot …..
I agree. What happend to Anne Heung. I like her more than Kate. Its really sad how TVB treated and used her after she gets old and TVB have a lot of new fadams like Linda, Fala and kate.
to replace her
No TVB didn’t. She retired from acting.
Anne is in Shanghai, try look for her there.
Mandy has family….
I thought Anne came back to Canada to study?? What is she doing in SHanghai??
Mandy got married and has a daughter now so I guess she has left the circle. Many of the former Ms Hks have left the circle.
Last report, she was OL in Shanghai doing something…. She did appear on TVB in 2010 for the Shanghai World Expo, thats pretty much it; staying in Shanghai.
TVB may ask Mandy back, she has the free time, she did “help” Miss HK previous pageants just to model and stuff.
She followed her study and say bye bye to ent. industry.
TVB did not promote her as a lead actress after the new fadams came out..
have you guys watch Best Bet?Linda was the lead role over Anne.. Thats not really fair..
She was really promote in the 90’s after Virginia came to TVB….. Anne had only supporting roles since 2006 and she never had lead role again.. Its really sad
I guess we can say that Anne chose to “retire.” But, she did it because TVB stopped promoting her. She got demoted to super supporting/cameo roles.
Last time I checked, Anne was pursuing a degree in law now. Wish her the best!
I remembered that Anne Heung once said that she would not have much control of her future by being an actress. She would rather do something else to give her a more positive future. She did think of going to law school in Hong Kong part-time, but later changed her mind and worked as an business executive in Shanghai. I think she is now working for Lily Ho’s group of companies after they met in Shanghai due to a Miss HK promotion a few years ago.
Anne Heung strikes me as very articulate. I remember watching an interview of her where she said she acknowledges that she got a lot of opportunities through working in the biz and experienced a lot of things that many people have not. At the same time, she hinted that it hurt her personal relationships, so maybe she made a choice and decided to give up her career in entertainment.
Hope this one isn’t the final production.
The promoter should be ‘sacked’ for approving this photo. They look like a lesbian couple who have starved for months!!! Total failure.
i totally agree, kate tsui is sooo ugly
Totally agree. A huge disaster for the promotion of 40th Anniversary of Miss Hong Kong Pageant! Shame on TVB for taking this kind of photo to do the promotion.
i totaly agree! kate tsui is sooo ugly!
before i even clicked this i knew the 100+ comments must have been mostly bashing kate. i mean i dont like her either but the hate is funny to me idek. all over that one pic