Myolie Wu and Kevin Cheng Share Lunar New Year Greetings

Gung Hey Fat Choy! Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎) and Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) sent their Lunar New Year greetings to everyone. Last year was a fruitful year for the pair, especially for Myolie, who was lucky in both her career and love life. Revealing her romance with Bosco Wong (黃宗澤) publicly, Myolie was able to concentrate on her career. Although Kevin’s romantic life was not settled yet, he earned a large amount of Yuan in mainland China and saved enough money to get married, only waiting for the right woman to appear in his life!

Myolie was grateful that she came across good scripts and onscreen partners last year. She hoped to continue having good luck and was happy that her new dramas, Ghetto Justice 2 <怒火街頭 II> and House of Harmony and Vengeance <耀舞長安> will be released in 2012, thus her exposure level will not be reduced. She had an agreement with TVB allowing her to film mainland dramas and will shoot Triumph in the Skies 2 <衝上雲霄 II> in May.  Since Triumph in the Skies 2 was a classic, Myolie hoped to produce another masterpiece.

Asked what will be her next target, Myolie said, “Since I just won the awards, I hope to savor this moment. I do not want to set another target so quickly. Many thanks to the people who voted for me. I will not become arrogant and will continue to work hard!”

Dating For Now

Myolie enjoyed dating and was not in a hurry to get married with Bosco Wong. Since Myolie will be filming in mainland China, will she be forced to give out lucky packets? Myolie said loudly, “Aiyah, I have been giving out lucky packets in recent years although I am not married! I have not dated much in the last few years, let me [enjoy] dating for now!” Myolie was grateful towards TVB for all the opportunities bestowed upon her, thus she will focus on her work. She revealed that she will distribute lucky packets in Yuan dollars and hoped that her colleagues will be happy.

Asked whether Bosco Wong or Kevin Cheng was her best partner, Myolie said, “Bosco and I have not worked together in a long time. I have a lot of chemistry with Kevin.” Myolie praised Kevin for being a good man, who was unfortunately still single. Myolie joked, “Kevin has very high standards: requiring beauty, intelligence, and compatibility. I wish that he finds the right person soon!”

Kevin Needs a Smart Woman

Kevin Cheng’s popularity rose to the stratosphere in mainland China after the broadcast of drama, Bu Bu Jing Xin <步步驚心>. Due to Ghetto Justice, Kevin won the Best Actor Award at TVB and Singapore. However, Kevin had one regret, “I started out as a singer, however I do not have any masterpieces. It is my dream to release another album; hopefully I can accomplish that this year!”

Kevin’s work schedule was packed until November. Despite luck in his career, his love life was empty. Was he envious of Myolie announcing her love life publicly? Kevin laughed, “A little bit! It is important that I find the right person before dating. I am ready, but I have not come across the right person yet!”

Did Kevin possess high standards, as mentioned by Myolie? Kevin said, “The most important qualities are intelligence and compatibility. I did not say that beauty [was necessary], but it would be better if she were beautiful! It is more important that she is smart and has a soul. Women who have these qualities are already attached. I will save towards my marriage fund for now!

“I am not marrying for the sake of getting married, prompted by others’ weddings. You cannot do it haphazardly!” Kevin desired to remain with his spouse through old age. It was important that he can be friends with his significant other; even the greatest passion will fizzle over time. Joking that he was a mature man, Kevin said that there was no need for others to worry about him.

In the Year of the Dragon, Kevin wished everyone attain greater fortune and earned vast sums of money!


Source: Oriental Daily

Jayne: I love when artists wear traditional Chinese silk jackets during the Lunar New Year holiday. It lends a festive air and the colorful fabrics look especially pretty for the women.



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  1. Translation for Kevin: I’m currently playing the field! Too many hot women, too little time…

    1. @kixbaby,
      DId you know that men that look gay are actually not gay while the ones that are mor manly are the actual gay ones??? You cannot tell if anyone is gay or not by just looking at them. You also can’t always tell by their behavior as well… You can assume and guess, but that is it…

      1. yeah, I can’t tell that’s why I said “Kevin LOOKS gay.” It’s my opinion…back for assholes

      2. @kixbaby, don’t you just hate it when a typo takes away that explosive impact of an expletive. lol!

  2. I like all the chinese silk outfits that all the artists are wearing for the new year. It does make things more festive.

  3. “Women who have these qualities are already attached”

    Do you mean to write “attractive”?

    I think Kevin desperately wants to release an album this year, I hope Ms. Lok can help him while he is still popular. I have never wore a traditional Chinese silk outfit before but I think they are really pretty. I should have buy one this year since it’s my dragon year.

    1. I’m not sure but I think it’s attached meaning that women with those qualities are already taken/ in a relationship.

      1. I think that is what it means too. I don’t think all of the women that Kevin wants are all taken. Also, I think that he should be too ideal and expect this and that..Many times what you want is not what you get…You can want and require an intelligent woman, but can end up with a not so bright girl. However, she can have other good qualities, like she is kind hearted for example… You cannot expect too much from anyone, especially if you don’t have such great requirements yourself(not saying Kevin but just saying in general).

      2. It’s like the joke- why are men like parking spaces?
        All the good ones are taken… and the leftover are handicapped.

      3. Good one Josie! I think it is harder for women rather than men to find someone as they age. However, it still varies and depends on the person too… Some are luckier than others and the timing is really important.

      4. I have thought of that too. Thanks.

        I have a feeling that Kevin will be dating someone very soon or maybe he is right now but he haven’t announce it yet. 🙂

  4. In the circle, there is a lot of temptation so it is hard to find someone and stay faithful to them and you wonder if they will be faithful to you… I hope that Kevin is not trying to dodge marriage like Aaron Kwok is. I think men have biological clocks too even though they are longer than women…

    1. men dont have biological clocks. They can still produce sperm even if they are 100. At some point they do want children but by that time their long time love may not be biological ly possible.

  5. Well, she can enjoy having *** while being single and when she has another boyfriend, she can keep her not-married-even-one status.

    Anyway, her acting skill when applied to Mainland series, it will be real fun – somewhat odd.

    I wish she could succeed in Mainland because I do not want to see she quits the industry.

  6. there is such a woman but she may not fit into the idea of a traditionally beautiful woman. I think innately he is saying slim intellect. I am not sure such a woman wants to marry him.

  7. Yes, Jane, I do agree with you that silk outfits, especially during festive seasons like the CNY are appropriate and lend a festive air. I like the yellow jacket Kevin is wearing in the picture and Myolie looks so soft and feminine in her pink outfit.

    As for Kevin’s love life, I am a romantic and I find love to be a very important factor when looking for a spouse. YOu spot someone you like very much and hopefully she/he responds there the friendship starts to grow into love. Other things come later, they are secondary to the love you have for the person. I think finding out a persons’s intelligence needs only a few meetings. Maybe if you really love someone it will not matter very much as you find there more endearing qualities which are more important.

  8. P. Tan,
    “YOu spot someone you like very much and hopefully she/he responds there the friendship starts to grow into love.”

    I think physical attraction or chemistry comes first. “Love” is probably what people feel as a pleasurable company due to various combination of desirable traits.

    Love takes long time to grow and when couples get married, do many people truly know the meaning of real love? Perhaps it will take a life time to truly blossom too that stage for some. Some quit too soon and end up divorced.

  9. Yes, I do agree with you there. Maybe I just did not explain what I was trying to say very well.

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