Myolie Wu Needs to Go Past Michelle Yim for Repeat TV Queen Title

Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) received her first TV Queen award for her portrayal in Curse of the Royal Harem <萬鳳之王> last year. Myolie will be pinning her hopes on her performance in Ghetto Justice 2 <怒火街頭2> to earn her the award. Year-to-date, there are no major threats to her title for now.
Although Charmaine Sheh’s (佘詩曼) performance in When Heaven Burns <天與地> was brilliant, the show was aired at the end of last year, so Charmaine has a large disadvantage. Myolie’s only competitor thus far is Tavia Yeung (楊怡), who plays a specialist trainee in The Hippocratic Crush <On Call 36小時>. It is apparent Myolie is still viewed as the number one female artist at TVB, since she is featured with in the TVB calendar with three TV Kings, Wayne Lai (黎耀祥), Moses Chan (陳豪), and Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎).
With TVB eager to implement audience votes in determining the TVB Anniversary Awards winners this year, this may prevent Myolie from winning another TV Queen award. Tavia’s character in the Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles <名媛望族> gives her many opportunities to showcase her acting skills. Costarring alongside Wayne Lai, Michelle Yim (米雪) in The Confidant <大太監> also has potential of winning the award.
Myolie mentioned she was very honored to be in the calendar with the three TV kings. Myolie said, “Actually, I am already very happy and satisfied with the award from last year. There are quite a few eligible candidates to win the award this year. Michelle Yim is especially amazing! I am already happy to be in the Top 5, and I don’t have any pressure to win.”
Filming “Rosy Business 3” Adds Pressure
Whether or not Myolie will win again, it is now in the hands of the viewers. Producer Lee Tim-Shing (李添勝), will start filming Rosy Business 3 <巾幗梟雄 3> next February, and she will replace Sheren Tang (鄧萃雯) as the leading actress. The series will have a new cast of actors, with Wayne Lai as the only actor remaining. Wayne said he is looking forward to work with Myolie. Speaking with Tim Gor about the storyline, Wayne believed there is no way to repeat the same plot of lover/friend relationship with Sheren. Another reason why Wayne is kept in the show while Sheren is removed is due to her status as a per series contracted artist.
Wayne said, “I really want to work with Sheren in a completely different series. I have never worked with Myolie before; I feel her acting skill has matured. In addition, she’s a very intelligent actress. I have confidence to ignite some flames in our collaboration.”
Myolie also said that she is very happy to work with Tim Gor and Wayne Lai, but it will add pressure to perform because she will be acting in the shadow of Sheren Tang’s performance in the previous dramas. When asked about the conflicting schedule of filming TV series in mainland China and Rosy Business 3, Myolie mentioned that she already spoke to the production team in the China to rearrange the filming schedule. “I will finish shooting Triumph in the Skies 2 <衝上雲宵II> in December, and afterwards I will start shooting a few Mainland TV series. As far as I know, the schedule should be okay. I am looking forward to work with Wayne, and I am ready to give my best shot.”
Source: Ming Pao Weekly #2290 via
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if based on ghetto justice 2, i don’t believe myolie should win again. but then again there really isn’t much competition
Myolie looks older than Michelle Yim. I love Michelle in all the series. She can act with many roles. Cannot wait for The Confidant to air.
Are you talking about Myolie or other fadan? In no way is Myolie look older than Michelle.
Myolie doesn’t need the award. It shows in the article that her career in mainland is strong with back to back series and they even willing to arrange the filming schedules based on her time.
Yes, there are some artists in Txb that dun need the awards to push themselves.
That’s an exaggeration. From the photos, can see that Myolie’s skin is smoother and she looks younger.
Forget the face, look at the neck. Quite an unfair assessment of Myolie.
Based on acting, myolie can’t compare to Michelle they arent even in the same level. But it’s tvb so it doesn’t matter who’s Better in acting. pretty sad to think that myolie is the #1 fa Dan at tvb now.
Although I’m looking forward to seeing Michelle in The Confidant, I don’t think she’s some superbly great actress that some people seem to think she is.
Agreed too…
Me three!
I love Michelle tho!
Me too. In MR, everyone said she was like super good, but I found her performance to be soso.
I prefer Louise Lee
It’s pretty much between Tavia and Michelle. I don’t see Myolie entering the mix. Kate maybe depending on how Highs and Lows go.
Agreed. Highs and Lows seem like it’s going to take a huge positive turn in Kate’s favour. Tavia…maybe based on THC? And possibly SSSS. But definitely not 3K. Myolie is just out of the race this year. Ghetto Justice II is not that big of a deal, considering she didn’t even win her title last year because of the first installment.
Tvb awards ceremonies are not that exciting anymore. There’s not a lot of competition anymore considering the fact that almost all of the best actresses and actors had left. The so-called new 5 fadans are no where close in acting to the previous top fadans like Kenix, Esther, Maggie, Jessica, Ada and so on.
I don’t think Myolie will win again. I didn’t even think she deserved to win last year but then again last years nominees were horrible. I can’t imagine what next year would be like!
Tavia’s acting is definitely better
If Myolie’s role in GJ2 is the winner… then I think that says a lot about the quality of shows broadcast on TVB this year – lol!!
I think many dramas this year are better in quality than GJ2. So if Myolie does win based on that, we know who TVB loves xD
Although I like Myolie, but i really hope TY will win this year cuz its her time to win atleast something important imo LOL.
Same hear. I also hope Tavia will win this year.
If she does well enough in SSSS (I’m sure she would), than I highly doubt the award won’t be hers.
I want KM and TY to take it home this year. Love Myolie to bits but I think her status at TVB is already very stable, TVB does not need to give her the award to rub it in the audience’s face about who they have as number 1 sister after Charmaine.
Not necessary because right now the newspapers are promoting Kate more and Kate’s character sounds fuller of twists and turns and more tragic than Tavia’s character in SSSS.
I think she does have a high chance of winning, but if TVB is opting for the “one person one vote” system, I think she’ll lose to another fadan. Tavia does not have a strong fan base in HK.
I don’t understand why the media had to put Myolie in the BA race.It’s not like her chances are high this year moreover she had won it already last year and her performance in GJ2 doesn’t really deserve her a back to back tv queen title. The race is clearly between the lead actress in SSSS & TC.
I think Tavia will win although I’m not a fan of her and I don’t fancy her acting either(nose is too distracting i can’t focus XD) however if a veteran win this year I would be please
On a side note if Tavia doesn’t win the BA title this year maybe TVB can give her a pork chop award?Best drunk postion award maybe? =P
well, her performance last year wasn’t worth the best actress either but she won anyway, i don’t see why they can’t put her into the race this year. Charmaine should have won for her performance in WHB, but looked what happened.
i don’t think Michelle Yim’s acting would be bad in TC since her acting has always been consistent, don’t know how tavia’s acting in the new series would be but i doubt that she can surpass Michelle Yim. everytime they put a veteran in a race w/ the new generation of fadans, it definitely a big loss for those fadans.
anyway, it still a mystery to me as why myolie is in high demand in Mainland China, where there more talented and beautiful actresses.
anyway, it still a mystery to me as why
myolie is in high demand in Mainland China,
where there more talented and beautiful
Myolie is no less talented than these plastic looking mainland actresses besides she has great fanbase in mainland after Beauty Schemes and Strictly Come Dancing. This shows she’s marketable in mainland compared to other TVB fadans.
Everyone has his / her own favourites. Maybe you are not in the vast majority who likes Myolie
I’m rooting for Tavia
OMG can’t they just change the name of the series and not call it “Rosy Business 3” when it has nothing related to it! There’s only Wayne in it, no Sheren and the other casts! IT DOESN’T DESERVE TO BE “ROSY BUSINESS 3”! It’s going to ruin the amazing Rosy Business series! T.T
Dont be so worked out dude… anything can change in the next 6 months.
Wayne took over FH3 from Bobby. Why don’t you complain that?
There are many changes like this, but some ppl choose to complain when it isn’t their fave’s.
Yes. TVB always do this since long ago but some people only complain when their favourites are kicked out but cheer when their favourite take overothers series.
I haven’t seen anyone complained why LF’s FOS is taken by MM and KC. I still wonder why LF is complained when he took the roles (not the role done by their favourite actors at all) in 3K and HAL.
Heh. I have a lot of thoughts on this topic. Right now my hunch is that the final product might not be called RB3, but we shall see.
I think Tavia only gives a normal textbook Tavia performance in THC. Nothing earth breaking.
agree. her acting is always the same and her expression is always 1 expression only which is no expression at all. just like her daily expression!! arrggghhhh….she irritates me! i think she got better acting skills when she was younger than now!!
She was better before but now her exprressions are following a textbook acting and stays same for all her characters. She’s a bore.
I pick Michelle for her acting ability, but there’s no accounting for tastes and popularity – at the end of the day that wins so Myolie and Tavia stand very good chances. Pity Jessica Hsuan is not mentioned – she deserves consideration for her performance in Tiger Cubs
I support Christine Kuo :P.
HAHAHA – you have “taste” loh
Lolz, yes.
Fox you support Christine Kuo, then I support Aimee Chan haha:P
Anyone but Aimee pls.. I dont know why..but I have a strong disliking towards Aimee.. in a weird way haha.
Lol I actually don’t find her acting good either, I find her acting somehow alittlebit fake.
They can share 2 awards, lolz. No harm =)).
But now I changed, I support Eliza Sam!
If Christine Kuo wins anything the netizens and media will have a field day.
That’s why I support her.
Better not. Christine will be eaten alive by Tavia and Kate’s fans. If they give her Most Improved, Mandy’s fans will slap her online.
I kinda doubt that Kate fans will eat Christine Kuo, because the fans I know dun think she’ll win this year. They support her but dun think Txb will let her win.
I say that because I heard Kate’s fans recently attacked Ben Wong in his weibo because some spoilers of HAL said Ben will rape Kate later.
Go and see again, now their hopes get higher as Kate is receiving praises for the role Pat.
Kate fans attacked Ben Wong? Because he’s supposedly rape her in HAL? LOL I’ll pay a visit to Ben’s weibo sometime later.
Wow, some fans do take it offensively. It’s only Kate’s character (Pat) that gets raped by Ben’s character and not Kate in reality.
If this is a voting system, whoever acts better is not important anymore. It is based on who has the most fans to get this award.
The acting isn’t a factor for a long while, with or without live voting system.
The lets all vote for someone who would never win!
I think an Award to myolie is like a candy just to sweet a litle more her career. even has or no an award its not mean everything to her. Just her career in mainlanda and in other country has a good level everything will be Ok.
Myolie really doesn’t deserve another Best Actress award for her performance in GJ2. I don’t believe it was a hard role to portray IMO.
Supporting Tavia Yeung! Aside from her acting, i think she’s a really natural person in real life, everyone seem to be very comfortable around her.
I also like Tavia and thinks that she deserves an award. However, her series so far for this year is average.. nothing outstanding. Hopefully, her performance in the new series will be something exceptional so that she can get the award!
Yes exactly. She was only average in THC and dispensible in 3K.
Myolie FTW!
Hannah… what does FTW mean?
FTW = For The Win
I support Tavia more than Michelle, but I don’t mind if Michelle Yim wins.
Does Myolie become famous in Mainland after she receives TVB Actress Award?
No! She always has been famous in mainland. Even after charmaine going last year to mainland.
No matter what I support Myolie in everything. Because next year, she will has a lots of tvb aniversary drama. Like TTS and maybe the new drama that she has with Wayne and producer Lee
and also ‘the season of love’ with kenneth yah
I support Myolie.