Myolie Wu Throws Birthday Party for Johnson Lee

After jokingly hinting last month at a relationship with Johnson Lee (李思捷), Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) fanned the rumor flames anew by organizing a party to celebrate the actor’s 40th birthday.
In early March, Myolie pranked her fans by publishing a photo on Sina Weibo that showed her hugging a man, believed to be Johnson, and writing, “I’ve found [him]!” Since Johnson had also accompanied Myolie and her girlfriends on a trip to South Korea, netizens began speculating that the two had become an item.
Myolie later clarified that her Weibo post was a joke. However, her appearance at Johnson’s 40th birthday party, held on the evening of April 11, seemed to lend credence to the rumors that they really are a couple.
“Myolie’s status as the hostess was very obvious,” one of the party attendees said. “Usually, Johnson kisses women after drinking, but with Myolie there that evening, he held back.
“The most obvious thing was that he didn’t invite Ellen Chan (陳雅倫) to the birthday party. Every time Ellen sees him, she will call out, ‘Husband,’ and Johnson will also call her ‘wife.’ If Myolie had heard this, it would be very awkward.”
An insider revealed that Johnson was attracted to Myolie during the filming of 2012 TVB drama, Wish and Switch <換樂無窮>, but both were dating different people at the time. After Johnson became single this year, he spent more time in group gatherings at Myolie’s house. Recently, the gatherings turned to private meetings between the pair only. Myolie often invites Johnson to eat home-cooked food and drink red wine at her place. Since Johnson is moving to a new home, he asked Myolie to help him purchase furniture online. The actress’s family reportedly has a good impression of Johnson, since he is a university graduate and comes from a wealthy family background.
However, his womanizing personality is cause for concern. The night before his birthday party, Johnson was spotted at a bar, drinking with another woman. The two later went to a penthouse and did not leave until 2 a.m. At that time, Johnson was so inebriated that he could not stand straight without the woman’s support.
This article is written by Joanna for
don’t think Myolie will make the same mistake twice.
What’s with you, Myolie?
Johnson Lee is a low down scum, chasing under women’s skirts, and not an actor of your own calibre.
Bad taste to say the least. Finally, your bimbo mentality shows up.
Mind your language. Bimbo is too strong of a word you should be ashamed of your manners. Falling for a lowly playboy isn’t a crime, I think Myolie just fell for Johnson’s playboy ability to attract many women especially when Johnson is willing to give up alcohol in front of her when he was just drunk the night before. I question her taste, but which woman won’t fell for something as romantic as this?
Anne, you must be a hard-up love starved lonely bimbo.
Yes, you too is a bimbo, and i don’t mind my language to describe what is fact.
You should be ashamed of your hypocrisy.
Yes, falling for a lowly playboy isn’t a crime, but it is a bimbo act , and that includes you since you can fall in love on some guy who pretend to give up alcohol.
Hahahaha LOL. No wonder so many Casanova prey on women on the internet, because many, like you, ask for it.
Oh Momo, trying so hard to be rude but sounding so childish and pathetic. Do you even know what a bimbo is, or did you just hear your friends say the word and can’t wait to use it yourself? And pls, save yourself the trouble of calling me a bimbo too. You need to embrace your inner bimbo and let loose dude.
Only like minded simpletons will defend each other, and you know who you are.
Wow, you are so mean Momo. You call Johnson and Myoile scum and bimbo. Now you insult others here too, you should be careful with your language before your posts get deleted.
Myolie is so pretty in that picturee
Why does the last paragraph so small? Is it some kind of secret information about Johnson Lee’s womanizer habit?
Does this mean the weibo confession was true after all? It’s good that Johnson is a university graduate and is a wealthy second generation, but his womanizer is something to ponder about, but some guys change into better after marriage and having kids.
Very true. Ronald Cheng and Real Ting changed for the better.
There are many other good men out there. Why choose one that is known as a womanizer, good background or otherwise. Take yr time.
Nowadays good/wealthy background and education are crucial for a guy to marry a girl. A future son in law need to at least own a steady job with good income, a car and a house. Since Myolie loves Johnson’s attention and fun he showered her, I guess she can forgive his playboy persona.
Myolie always attracted to playboy…why ? Not only her me too…he…he…
I’m a playboy too. Please come to me, aha aha I like it, aha aha!
Myolie seems to attracted to playboy, I hope she will not make the same mistakes twice.
I guess playboys are more fun …… they all know how to please women and make them happy.
“I guess playboys are more fun …… they all know how to please women and make them happy.”
What a joke! What did you mean by that? Gives the women oral sex or buying them.
Playboys know how to sweet-talk to females. Don’t always think of those dirty things. Sex is also part of life anyway.
Sex is part of life but also knowing how, when, where to use it.
What’s wrong with Myolie? Johnson Lee is a grossly playboy male. Sure he’s from rich background family but does his player attitude worth it for his good backround?
Dear, dear Myolie, do be extra careful this time round!!
Johnson is a uni grad and comes from a wealthy background?? Boy, this is news to me. From the way he carries himself, one would never have guessed. Ok, just how wealthy is his family and which uni did he graduate from? Anyone knows?
As per Wikipedia (Chinese version):
李思捷(Johnson Lee,1974年4月11日-),花名阿肥,是香港男演員,參加「喜劇之王訓練班」而入行,現為香港電視廣播有限公司藝員。李思捷10歲時舉家移民加拿大多倫多,在多倫多大學美術系畢業後,到美國攻讀導演及電腦動畫課程。其母親為無綫電視舉辦之《為食台住家廚神大比拼》冠軍馮筱儀,其前任女友為出生於1989年,比他年輕十五年的王寶寶(春卷)。
However, there is no details stated in the English version of Wikipedia.
It sounds that Johnson Lee is highly educated with a B.A. from the University of Toronto, and then another degree or diploma from an American university in film studies (directing and animation).
Thanks sandcherry for the info. Doesn’t change the way I view him – crass uncouth unrefined peasant . The only thing I give him credit for is his uncanny ability to impersonate people.
I wouldn’t know that Johnson is so smart(highly educated) with two degrees until this was posted, thank you! Who could’ve guessed when like omg said he always gives the impression of crass, uncouth, unrefined man in his performance and lifestyle. I used to think he has the same low education level as Ron Ng – a school dropout. It turns out he’s a smart guy. I didn’t know Myolie has a thing for smart man. I mean, Bosco doesn’t go to university and only a high school graduate, turns out Johnson is a smarter man.
Having 2 degrees (2nd one sounds like some kind of diploma) is “not UN-common” especially in North America.
The question to ask is: WHICH universities? did he graduate from?
There are many small colleges and universities all throughout NAmerica you can get paper qualifications from = it doesn’t mean you’re smart or good, just willing to pay fees.
Actually IF this dude has studied Film Studies … and has been bumming around as a relative unknown ACTOR in HK since 1998 …. he’s NOT much of a success, is he?
He could be doing other things with his field of study, instead of being known for womanizing.
Johnson graduated from university of Toronto which ranked 17th in the world. It’s not some small university or college from a small town where you can purchase the degree. By now I think it’s fair to say we all know how TVB operates, just because you have the credentials or talent to act does not mean you will have the chance.
Who is Johnson Lee?
I was also impressed by Johnson Lee’s first degree from the University of Toronto. It is pretty hard to get in and pass through. There are lots of dropouts at the end of a term in UofT. As for his film studies in the States, it could be a diploma or a degree. It might not be a well-known university/college, but it was still something that he had achieved. I think Johnson should be a pretty smart guy, but he does not really need to be very successful in making money because of his wealthy family background. Or he did not work hard enough to succeed.
You said it all omg! – “crass uncouth unrefined peasant”. Couldn’t think of better adjectives to describe him myself!
Just some bachelor’s degree and diploma and you all cited him as ‘highly educated’?
OMG, you guys are so easly duped. In this day and age, everybody has a degree, so what’s new?
Myolie too has a degree, and many other TVB actors and actresses.
You seem to think that people in this industry are lowly educated or something… bad perception, already gave away your superiority complex by the look down at them.
“As for his film studies in the States, it could be a diploma or a degree”
Sandcherry, US colleges does not confer diplomas, no such thing. They only call that piece of paper a ‘diploma’, meaning a cert.
The British, Australia diploma equivalent is called an associate degree conferred by 2-year community colleges.
Myolie Wu did not have a degree. She just finished Year 1 in Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Here is what stated in Wikipedia re Myolie Wu:
“In her schooling days, Myolie received high school education in Boarding School at Methodist College Belfast, Northern Ireland. She later returned to Hong Kong and attended the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, majoring in Biochemistry.”
Bosco Wong only finished Form 7, i.e. Matriculation in Hong Kong.
Not many popular actors have degrees, except Kenneth Ma, Jason Chan, and Johnson Lee. I believe that Raymond Lam did not finish his degree in California, nor Moses Chan got a degree in Australia though he lived and studied in Australia for many years. Ron Ng only finished Form 3 (= Grade 9 in North America).
There should be many other new actors in TVB with degrees, but they are not the popular ones.
However, many TVB actresses have Bachelor’s degrees because they were recruited from Miss Hong Kong or Miss Chinese International.
@ playplay
Sorry I missed out the following as stated in Wikipedia re Myolie Wu:
“During her first year in university, Myolie took part the Miss Hong Kong pageant in 1999 and clinched second runner-up. Shortly afterward, she signed on to TVB as a full-time contracted artiste and withdrew from school.”
What gave you the idea that “in our day and age everyone has a degree”? That is an absolutely incorrect and ignorant comment. There isn’t a single reputable university or college in the world that has a 100% completion rate. Now that be new to you.
Wow,some of you here act like you know Johnson personally very well.
No, I don’t know Johnson Lee at all.
I just found his personal information from Wikipedia out of my curiosity, since it was mentioned in the above article.
Degrees mean nothing if he is not putting them in good use. The character of a person is much more worthy than any degree.
The character of a person is much more worthy than any degree.
Totally agree!!!
it might not be true because a lot of people don’t even trust wikipedia and people go there and change words from the information so i don’t always wikipedia that much……….>.<
Exactly and I normally find so many errors on the info from Wikipedia. But sadly many rely on that for info and think that everything on there is true.
Agree. Wikipedia is not 100% accurate, but I found most (not all) of the information about artistes is quite reliable.
Agreed, information on Wikipedia may not be perfect/thorough but it is sufficiently accurate.
“The character of a person is much more worthy than any degree.”
Totally agree!!! The way Johnson Lee carries himself in bars is appalling.
It’s also the first time I know Johnson is a uni grad but I’ve always know that he comes from a rich family and is a playboy at heart. I think his fanily own some businesses although he’s not as rich as Lam Fung. Although he may pass the family background and education level check I hope Myolie can be careful about his playboy and uncouth personality.
Johnson Lee attended one of Fairchild Chinese TV’s interviews in the past. Therefore, I know he is a university graduate, but cannot remember the name of the university that he attended and his majors.
He may not be as bad as you all think. Besides people change for the better through their life experiences and all. No one knows him personally so who knows if he is truly a womanizer or not?
i think myolie is just good friend with johnson lee,but i think johnson on the other hand really want to be her boyfriend.
I think it a possibility they dating in secret. She could have just said it a “prank” due to many fans and netizens make rude comments, and show dislike of them pairing.
What make me believe it a “possibility” they dating due to the fact that she let him tag alone with her “girls ONLY vacation groups.”
This show that she is comfortable with him enough, and trust him enought that he not to take advantage with the girls when he is the ONLY male there.
I can’t speak for others, but in no way I would let the ONLY male go with me on vacatin with my girls, unless he is my boyfriend. I would be scare if he sneak into my bedroom at night, LOL!
As for Johnson, I actually like him. The video of him and Ellen Chen flirting, she is actually all over him. He can’t just push her off when there many cameras interview flashing at them. I feel that he just being a gentlement.
As for him cheating on his girlfriend, we as outsider don’t know the whole story. And whether he good enough for Myole or not, it is not up to us to decide, only Myole can decide that.
You can’t blame the fans for being shocked and petrified that she confessed her relationship with Johnson on the net, I believe the fans care for her and wants a good guy that can fit her dignified and white image, and Johnson: with his numerous cheating scandals and womanizing photos hardly fit that. But it’s up to her, who knows she might be the one who can change Johnson from being a womanizer to be loyal at her only. I agree with the notion that many player unmarried men becomes more responsible once they found ‘the one’.
Yes, there are guys that play around and date around before they become devoted. Once they find their right one,they change drastically and become very loyal,mature,etc… I have a feeling Johnson may be that type of guy.
They are probably just best friends. If she organised the birthday event it’s obvious she would play hostess. Nothing weird about that. Why make it out to be? Conservative Asian cultures would assume something is fishy with this scenario but truthfully, we live in modern times in a westernised society. I would organise my bf birthday/wedding if the job was entrusted to me. Be it male or female.
Who are we to judge what Johnson lee is like? We don’t know him personally. They could be bf, they could be lovers and who knows? Only they would. Show ur support for Myolie and Johnson and just hope for the best, whatever the situation may be. He could be a really charismatic guy, funny and romantic. What girl doesn’t fall for these qualities? My bf was all these and more. Turns out, once we became an item, he is fiercely loyal and never once strayed. He’s a major flirt but that is all. He grew up in a household of females so he knows how to get everyone to like him. We have been together now for 18 years and he still has eyes only for me. Maybe Johnson is that type of guy?
You might be right, I do hope Johnson will change his ways and be the tamed dog once he and Myolie got married. Maybe his ex girlfriends couldn’t tame him, but Myolie is of different image than all his ex girlfriends. Besides whether Johnson cheated on his ex girlfriends or not, we don’t know what really goes on in his past relationships. Maybe the girls did him wrong too. Every womanizer has a story, and it will be a beautiful fairy tale if Myolie manages to tame this one into a romantic, loyal husband 🙂
Well said Joey and I have known faithful guys that do flirt but know their limit. Your bf grew up with all girls? I grew up with all guys so I can understand guys better in some ways then a number of women do.
wow myolie wu is so beautiful in that picture………..
i will always support her…………..YOLO
yeah i hope she will………………..>.<
It’s their personal relationship. Who cares?!
Maybe no one else pursued Myolie. She’s not that pretty and getting old….
Women don’t get into a relationship for 2 main reasons no matter how they deny. The first being they did not meet the right one, secondly, no one pursue them….
I seriously doubt Johnson is Myolie’s type.
What a ugly dude !! She’s sure have a bad taste for guys.
U grads are a dime a dozen these days and really, how ‘rich’ is he? So rich Myolie cannot but be attracted by his dollars? The very important thing is that he’s a true decent guy and honest with her. Anyway, he just doesn’t seem to be the type of person for her. I may be wrong but I hope things go right with right with her this time round.
Don’t know him personally, but I always thought Johnson Lee has great comedic presence and acting chops. Although not refined, he has his own charm which may be more apparent to those that are closer to him.
We all have a public persona and a private persona, after all.
They are just friends. The tabloids will hunt them down to Las Vegas for their marriage license.
People don’t change overnight. History is the best indicator of the future.
Myolie can/should date non-exclusive too.
Nah, the article is not true. Myolie didn’t organize the party. She is good friends with Johnson but I don’t think they are dating. Lukian Wang and Johnson’s mother were at the party too. QBoBo was the MC.
Whether they are dating or not, only they would know that.
Just curious …… who is Dr. Marnish?
I wish Myolie happiness and I think she deserves to be happy. Hopefully her new boyfriend treasures her.
Ok,this sounds like a spam message.
Hey, I never thought of spam messages on this website. Smart people!
So a person from suddenly came here and talked about something that was not related and relevant to us at all?
Jaynestars, I really hope you will delete this spam for the sake of everyone here.