Myolie Wu Will Invite Bosco Wong To Her Wedding

Former couple Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) and Bosco Wong (黃宗澤) are still friends after saying farewell. The bride-to-be shared that she plans to invite former boyfriend Bosco to her upcoming December wedding.

On Myolie’s 36th birthday this past Friday, the former TVB actress announced that she will marry her boyfriend of one year, Philip Lee, in December. Philip proposed to Myolie some months ago by surprising her with a diamond ring he put inside her rice cooker. The couple will hold their 50-table wedding reception at The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong hotel on December 28.

Bosco received a phone interview from the press over the weekend, and exclaimed that he is very happy for his former girlfriend. He congratulated the pair, “Happiness and bliss forever!”

Myolie attended a charity event on Sunday. She revealed that she and Philip plan to go to England and Ireland for their honeymoon. Currently preparing the guest list for her wedding, Myolie openly admitted that she will invite her former boyfriend of eight years, Bosco. “If he’s free, I really hope he can come, but I know he’s very busy.” Myolie said she still keeps in contact with Bosco, and said, “He sent me a text message on my birthday.”

Some “Boscolie” shippers online joked that Bosco should steal the bride on Myolie’s wedding day. “This isn’t a drama!” Myolie said with a laugh. “This is real life. All of you watch too much TV.” Asking if Philip knows that Myolie plans to invite Bosco, she said, “Yes, he knows. He’s very supportive.”


This article is written by Addy for

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  2. “Some “Boscolie” shippers online joked that Bosco should steal the bride on Myolie’s wedding day.”
    this sound maybe foolish but i would say do it bosco, if you still love her then this is your last chance its now or never mate.make all the boscoly fan happy and make it real. just watch the epic scene in the bund how cyf steal the bride and you can do the same!

    1. @kolo
      I can imagine that happening but only in my dreams. It is good that they ended on good terms so who knows what the future can hold? It is great that they are still friends and that he is invited to the wedding. Hope he can come. Now let’s hope Bosco will find his other half.

      1. @hetieshou i dont think he will come if not stealing the bride otherwise its strange and painful for him to see his former lover of eight years married another guy.

    2. @kolo I too liked the two as a couple, but they have broken up and everyone needs to move on and let them live their lives. If Bosco really cares about Mylie, he should wish her well, which ne did. He has realised that this new man makes her extremely happy, and he was man enough to not stand in her way. What the shippers need to do is pray that Bosco find a woman who makes him as happy as Myolie’s husband to be makes her. This is the real deal. Looking at Myolie’s pictures, her smile is even brighter and wider. She glows from happiness in a way that her photos with Bosco lacked. We can’t force Myolie to be in love with Bosco when she has fallen out of love with him. What does kidnapping her going to do besides makes her hate him and lose all respect for him. Let’s leave the dramas for the screen, real life ain’t no drama, it ain’t no joke.

      1. @abc123a I agree. While Bosco and Myolie were adorable when they dated, the past is THE past…hence why it’s called the “past” for a reason. While I did like them as a couple when they dated, it seems that Philip makes her happier than Bosco ever did. Like you said, she looks so vibrant and happy in her photos with Philip vs. her photos of the past with Bosco.

  3. Was pretty bummed when they broke up but it’s always good to know they are still friends. Wishing he will find his other half soon and be as happy as her. Congratulations again Myolie!

  4. Does anyone know how old Philip? Even though Bosco did show up to her wedding day I do hope he’ll bring someone special with him so he won’t be lonely and sad instead. Did you guys know Selena dated Philip before? And heard she’s going to be the bridesmaids too I found that’s even more weird.

    1. @asian2015 wow! so open-minded…selena’s ex marrying another girl and selena is going to be a bridesmaid.
      Philip is only 40…still young in a way for men.

      if bosco can’t give myolie happiness, it’s only right to move on. he has wasted 8 years of her youth.

      1. @janet72 yes 40 years old still considered of young. They’re 4 years apart which is not bad at all. Thanks for telling me his age. Lol. If the bride were meant to be Selena that means she can keep her last name just like Moses and Aimee Chan.

  5. I wonder if some part of Myolie gloats over this occasion. Bosco wouldn’t give her full-on commitment back then and now she’s finally met “The One” that should’ve been him. I feel sad for Bosco if he does have any smidgen of feelings left for her ’cause hearing this would break his heart. But at the same time, he asked for it.

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