Nancy Wu Doesn’t Think She’ll Win TV Queen a Third Time

Thanks to the successes of 2015’s Ghost of Relativity <鬼同你OT> and 2016’s A Fist Within Four Walls <城寨英雄>, Nancy Wu (胡定欣) nabbed the TV Queen title for two consecutive years, the second actress to do so after Sheren Tang (鄧萃雯) in 2009 and 2010. Now that The Unholy Alliance <同盟> has finished its successful run, there’s talk that Nancy could have a chance to win Best Actress a third time—and if so, that would put Nancy as the first actress ever to win TV Queen three years in a row.
But the 36-year-old doesn’t think it’ll happen. “I’m satisfied and honored for the opportunity to win this award two years in a row. There are still so many other actresses in our company that deserve this award. Winning this isn’t something I’m thinking about anymore. I’ve already exceeded what I thought I could do.”
The Unholy Alliance, which ended its run on Wednesday, stars Film Queen Nina Paw (鮑起靜) and fellow A Fist Within Four Walls veteran Ruco Chan (陳展鵬). In regards to collaborating with Nina, Nancy said, “Hopefully I’ll get the opportunity to work with her again, maybe as her daughter next time!”
It was a different kind of feeling working with the award-winning film actress. “There wasn’t any pressure. We respect her very much, and Paw Jeh took great care of us all. I didn’t share many scenes with her, but I would always stand aside and watch her perform, especially when it came to her emotional scenes. She’s excellent, and we’ve learned a lot.” (Watching her like a little elementary school kid?) “Exactly! I don’t know when I’ll get that opportunity again.”
Nina Paw would be one of the Nancy’s biggest competitors for the 2017 TV Queen throne. “I’m definitely supporting her!” she said. “It’s already an honor to be nominated alongside her.”
TVB’s Next Action Star?
Nancy’s experiences of working in both The Unholy Alliance and A Fist Within Four Walls is inspiring her to consider a career in the action genre. She didn’t realize how many fights scenes she was actually in until she watched The Unholy Alliance itself. Nancy’s fight skill on the show—most notably her leg-wrap takedown—became a popular topic of discussion on online forums. Nancy is interested in trying more techniques. “As long as there’d be no wardrobe malfunction, I’ll do anything!”
No Awkwardness with Ruco Chan
Nancy and Ruco shared many intimate scenes on the show, including several shirtless scenes and a rather intense “fight” on a bath. Asking if there would be times when they would accidentally graze each other’s sensitive areas, Nancy said, “There was no awkwardness between us at all, because when we’re doing them, we’re not thinking about anything else. Ruco is very professional, and we all just wanted to make a good show. The [fight scenes] we had to do for this show were a lot more difficult than the ones in A Fist Within Four Walls. There were challenges at first. After all, a man is much stronger than a woman, so we needed to have chemistry and know about each other’s strengths.”
Nancy to Take a Three Month Break
Although many of her peers have already left TVB, Nancy still has a few years left in her management contract. She hasn’t thought about leaving the station yet, as it is still too early to decide.
“What I really want to do now is to continue to take on challenging roles,” said Nancy. “I’ve filmed a lot of dramas in these past few years, and I haven’t had the time to rest. I’ve already requested three months off. I hope to use that time to stop and rest well, to think about what I should be doing in the future, and also use this opportunity to educate myself some more, and visit the world.”
This article is written by Addy for
Nancy is a good actress and can act well but she only won last year because the candidates were really weak last year. same with ruco. This year there’s jessica hsuan among others that are of another level.
Nancy is really over promoted, I think if she doesn’t want people to get tired of seeing her over and over again, she should slow down her work load for a bit. TVB really needs to bring back their old actresses. I am tired of seeing the same old faces on different dramas in one day. And pairing a 20 year old actress with actors in their 50s is just too weird.
Nancy Wu and Sheren Tang are of different levels.
None of the lead actresses really deserved to win last year.
Of course Nancy is NOT going to get TV Queen a third time this year! She shouldn’t have even gotten it a second time to be honest (first time was also “iffy” in my book but fine, I’ll give her that one). I agree that Nancy is way overrated and over-promoted – she is nowhere near the level of Sheren Tang so people need to stop comparing them. Nancy did fine as a supporting actress, but I haven’t really seen much depth to her acting since being “promoted” to lead level….unfortunately for her, knowing how TVB operates, I doubt they are going to give her varied or challenging roles going forward, so she will have to go through a period of being typecasted just like all the other artists who reached lead level did.
Based on the series that have aired so far, Nina Paw is the one most deserving of TV Queen (on the actress side that is) – though now that TVB is officially in their Anniversary cycle with 7 anniversary series scheduled to air starting with Line Walker 2 next week, it’s hard to say how things will go. I had read today that TVB is thinking about pushing the Anniversary Awards out to possibly January in order to accommodate as many of the anniversary series as possible (won’t be able to accommodate all though, since the 7 series definitely won’t finish airing by January). It will be interesting to see who makes the cut this year and who doesn’t…regardless of how much I feel that TVB’s awards have no significance and credibility nowadays, can’t change the fact that it IS their big 50 anniversary milestone, so no doubt the awards will mean something to whoever ends up winning this year….
@llwy12 i feel bad hating on nancy cuz i feel its due to me being so conditioned to seeing her as a supporting actress. somewhat overrated with all those tv queen titles, but there is talent, and she really did put in the time (think only tavia started off even more low level than her) unlike the lindas and falas. fine actress, but every time i see her in the lead, i still think where’s tavia, where’s myolie
also nina paw in her first big tvb debut was kind of a let down for me, felt almost miscast. she was great in the emotional scenes, but as a cold,calculating businesswoman? eh (speaking of cold and calculating, elena kong deserved her own show)
@rucofan1100 I think Nina was conviencing as a smart businesswoman, but not a fierced one. She doesn’t have that look/air. I think Kingdom Yuen would’ve been a good replacement. Elena Kong fits more of “ba la,” fiesty loud mouth, like her character in that one series that she paired up with Benz. She was a writer/celeb or Sharon’s aunt or cousin or something. Can’t say she did well or not in this series because she had so little screentime to develop or do much. Honestly, it could’ve been any other actress in that role. I’m not saying she’s not a good actress, the script was just bad.
@jjwong dont think i’m buying the nina paw hype just yet. nina paw as aunt may (marvel coincidence?) was perfect though; friendly but deadly and determined. and yea, i totally miss kingdom yuen
@rucofan1100 No. Maye Je has nothing related to Peter Parker’s Aunt May except for similiar names… I’m the opposit. I thought Nina as the Aunty was very out of place. I miss Kingdom too.
@llwy12 – Agreed. Nancy is so unbelievably overrated but that’s TVB for ya. Also I don’t find her public “persona” very likeable but maybe that’s just me. TVB is so bush league these days it’s kind of sad witnessing their fall from grace.
@karina Nancy and her group of friends give off that unlikable vibe.
@tiffany these ladies hv varying degrees of success in their careers so i was quite surprised to learn that they’re good friends. The one who doesn’t give off a likeable vibe to me is Paisley. She looks fierce and arrogant.
@tiffany @karina
I agree with this. I have nothing against any of them personally, but for some reason I just really dislike their group of friends and their public persona. Comes off as really snobby? I’m not sure how to pinpoint what it is.
@melia880 @passingby @tiffany yea their group is somewhat offputting and i also am not too sure why they irk me so much; can’t really fault them for being friends, but…also yea a paisley-free group might be more likeable
Nancy was terrible in the drama as a ditzy airhead character trying to be sexy at the same time. If she wins it will be a travesty.
My vote goes to Kristal Tin for Destination Nowhere- too bad it aired so early.
Guys!! Im not Nancy’s fan but i dont think its fair for her if u say she is overrated and overpromoted. Her role in TUA is not as good as we expected but its just bcoz of crappy script. And i think she was well-deserved for her second tv queen title, just look at the candidates last year, Tracy Chu and Priscilla Wong, seriously???? They are not even worth to be in nominated list. I admit she is not at Sheren’s level but she is one the good actresses in tvb today. My bet for tv queen this year is Nina, Kristal in DN and Jessica in Line walker 2. Never doubt at Jessica’s acting but we might consider it again due to nonsense plot lol
Oh no not her again!! I would rather see Nina Paw, Jade Leung, Alice Chan, Maggie Siu, Elena Kong and Adia Chan to win the best actress. Hopefully these ladies will have the chance to win the best actress.
I’m not a Nancy fan either but i think she’s among the better actresses that TVB has right now. She can do drama, comedy and action. I especially like her action scenes in TUA. She was much better in the action scenes here than in Fist. Can see that she really worked hard at it and did most of her scenes without a stunt double. That earned my newfound admiration for her. Her role in TUA was limited and did not allow her acting ability to shine through so I don’t think she deserves BA again for this role but she doesn’t deserve the bashing either.
Nancy is a good actress but for her to win the TV Queen for the third time in a row will be too much. She is definitely not the same level as Sheren although both have won the title twice in a row.
However, I also don’t think that Nina will be given the award despite her superb performance since she is not keen to film more for TVB. So for now, i’m rooting for Kristal Tin to win it for her great acting in Destination Nowhere. But yes, too bad the series was aired too early. Anyway, hope that viewers will still remember her (Kristal) and that she could deliver another excellent performance in the anniversary series; My Ages Apart.
Speaking of TUA, it is very disappointing that the series ended in such a rush & with crappy scripts especially for the last few episodes when the identity of Rainman was revealed. The series actually started off well with a decent script, but was spoiled by the flaws spotted as the series went on, and further ruined by the poor ending. & i dont like it that the last 2 episodes emphasized too much on Ruco’s character that it became so fake of how his character was developed to be the hero to save the day…LOL
No. She doesn’t deserve a 3rd title. She didn’t deserve the 2nd but she got lucky because there were hardly anyone else. She might had gave tears and sweats in Unholy for action scene, her performance wqs mediocre. Idk if script called for a ditzy and h*rny assassin or she added as a flare, her execution was unbearable. It might be Boon’s blame but she could’ve acted better and been more likable instead of annoying af.
While on Unholy, Ruco sucked big time, not counting sh*tty char. He should’ve excelled in drama scenes. Yet, he failed. He should’ve excelled an evil scene (even when his char only pretended to be), he failed. Even his action scenes were subpar. He’s not an in your face romantic actor either. Those lovey dovey scenes with Nancy were so forced and cringy. He’s best as serious dramatic actor imo.
Lastly, Unholy got to be one of the wtf-plot series of the year lol. Did they like write the script srsly at first then jump ship to write LW2 because the latter has more buzz? The beginning and ending of Unholy are like day and night.
@jjwong u forgot to mention Bet hur lol
@alicesky I didn’t watch Bet Hur all the way through. Even my parents were like, wtf Nat Chan as lead and rubbish plot. Lol.
@jjwong u should be thankful for not watch that rubbish series otherwise u will swear in front of tv lol. I can feel ur parents pain lmao
@alicesky, @jjwong – Yup…Bet Hur is the worse that i told myself to never ever watch Wong Jing’s series anymore. At least TUA was good in the beginning and most of the actors delivered good performance, especially Nina Paw. But for Bet Hur, hmmm…i rather not wasting my saliva to comment further about that terrible series.
As for Line Walker 2 which will air next week, i won’t have high expectation for that drama too although it’s an anniversary series…as we all know that TVB hardly produce a good series nowadays. A decent series…YES because i’m still watching TVB dramas…lol
@diana80 agree!! TUA has the mediocre plot but every supporting actors and actresses have done the good job and the same to veteran actors. Elena only acted in some eps but her performance is way better than tv queen ans tv king lol. U cracked me up at “i dont waste my saliva…..” and i was so sick of effeminate walk of Kenneth (sorry Kenneth’s fans) my whole family asked me if kenneth is gay since im a big fan of tvb lol amd i was like not so sure but he is dating an actress.
@diana80, @alicesky, @jjwong,
Bet Hur is actually the worst TVB series I’ve ever seen. Total rubbish plot- I don’t know how pretty much the whole cast died. I cracked up most of the time at the deaths or felt uncomfortable. It is a comedy for sure.
Credit where it’s due, Nancy is a good actress and has the talent to really consider a career in the action genre. I appreciate that she’s humble but yes, it would be impossible for her to win Best Actress again just based on her role in TUA. She hardly made an impact and didn’t lead the drama like Paw Jeh did so it wouldn’t be fair (but again when is TVB ever fair with their damn awards) if Nancy wins BA again.
I still think that Nancy lacks the charisma to carry on a show herself. In UA she was more like a supporting role.
She should not have won BA last year… Despite the weak candidates, Maggie Shiu was really good in Beteen Love ans Desire. Maggie should have won.
This year seems like Kristal is in the lead, Jessica too.
No wonder tvb lacks female stars when they try to recruit through miss hk.
And what on earth happened to ruco since BK ? Nothing seems to be good from him anymore.
I’ve actually liked Nancy since her Triumph in The Skies I days.
With lots of top tvb actresses leaving, it was no wonder she won the first time round, it was either her or Kristal Tin but I was still rooting for her then since I’m a fan, but there wasn’t much competition the 2nd time round at all.
I was disappointed with her character in Unholy Alliance though, when she was serious it was ok, but then she over did it with the “flirting” if you’d call it that, and the sexual innuendos was flat.
Judging by all the dramas that have been out so far, I think she would win for the third time, but with there being some anniversary dramas coming out soon her chances are definitely cut smaller.
I totally agree with the above posts.
Though I think highly of Nancy Wu’s acting, I don’t think she should have won TV Queen awards in her last dramas in 2015 and 2016. She could have better performances if she had good roles. I also agree that Nancy did better in supporting roles. Perhaps she can shine more in supporting roles, or she does not have the charisma to act lead roles, or lead roles are usually more restricted and harder to excel.
Definitely her acting is not at the same level as Sheren Tang’s. Not many TVB actresses can perform at Sheren’s level.
Nina Paw did very well in TUA, but since she will not film any more TVB drama series, I doubt TVB will give her TV Queen award this year. None of the actresses in TVB drama series this year can act same as Nina Paw in TUA. Nina Paw’s acting skills are just way above the current TVB actresses’.
Strictly speaking, neither Nancy Wu or Ruco Chan acted well in TUA. They were ones of the weakest artistes in TUA among all the other veterans. The script was terribly written, especially in the last few episodes. I also agree that the last 3 episodes to make Ruco Chan a hero at the end were garbage and nonsense.
With her figure and agility, I think it is a good idea to promote Nancy to be an action artiste. Though Nancy is also good in acting emotional scenes, her face may not be good in certain roles.
For Nancy, I think if she has a good role for her to excel, she can act a lot better. Unfortunately, I guess it is harder for lead artistes to fit into the roles that they are good at.
I personally like Joel Chan a lot better in TUA …… both in emotional and action scenes, as well as in speaking dialogues. I think he outshone Ruco Chan a lot in that series.
@orchid123, took the words out of my mouth.. Ruco and Nancy was weakest amongst others. They didn’t carry first lead well in TUV. Nancy carried first lead better than Ruco did. Others in TUA did a much better job.
Paw-jeh won’t be filming any more series?!?! What a shame! I haven’t started TUA yet but was going to because of her! Has she announced this already?
@anoninhk She mentioned it in an interview back when Unholy Alliance was airing. She said that filming TUA, while a happy experience, took a toll on her physically and made her realize that with her age, her body can no longer tolerate the grueling process required with filming series. She said that she most likely won’t be filming TV series anymore, though she will leave the door open in the event that a good script comes her way — unless it’s an action series like TUA, in which case she will absolutely say no regardless of script.
@llwy12 Thanks for this. What a shame that her very first series with TVB has put her off filming! Hope a good (non-action packed) script comes by later and she will take it. Would you know if she will be participating in variety shows instead?
I am really reluctant to start TUA because of the bad reviews, and I am not too fond of the leads. The only pulling power is Paw jeh, and even a little Jimmy Au perhaps. I work pretty long hours, so can’t afford to invest my free time in really bad series!
@anoninhk Probably not variety shows per se unless it’s like an interview show or something then she probably has no issues with appearing on there. Nina’s focus in recent years has mostly been in movies. There was an interview she did with Mingpao Weekly a few weeks back where she said that the main reason she agreed to film a series for TVB (in addition to wanting to collaborate with Ruco again) was because ATV had already closed up shop and also she hadn’t filmed a television series in a long time so she figured it was good timing. She also said that one of her biggest regrets was not being able to film a TV series with her dad, late veteran actor Bao Fong, who had worked for TVB for many years — back in the 80s/90s, TVB had actually invited her to film for them so that they could get the chance to collaborate, but she turned it down each time because of her loyalty to ATV (Bao Fong retired from acting in 1999 due to illness and died in 2006)…this also partly influenced her decision to film for TVB this time around (to honor her dad in a way). Also, Nina is already in her 60s, plus her daughter, who lives in England, recently had a second baby, so she will be busy in the coming months going back and forth from HK to England to visit them. So based on all this, the likelihood of Nina filming for TVB again is slim (definitely not in the near future at least).
@llwy12 Ah, I see. I thought she had signed a TVB contract, so that she would be committed to at least a few more shows. So TUA was just a one-off?
I remember Bao Fong well! He played so many righteous father figures in the 80s/90s. I did not know he was her dad until his son won his Oscar, and she was also interviewed.
Thanks for the info. I stopped watching ATV series in the late 90s so didn’t realise she was acquainted with Ruco.
@anoninhk Nah…most of the “big name” veterans who have come back to film for TVB don’t sign long-term contracts with them because they know if they do, that means they are tied down to TVB – if the artist is already established in the industry, especially someone like Nina Paw, who is considered an HK film industry A-lister (and is a former HKFA Best Actress winner), there’s no way in hell that they would sign anything that allows TVB to have control of their careers. When she filmed that one series for HKTV a couple years back, she made it clear that she only signed a commitment contract for 1 series, since her focus is in film now – I’m pretty sure she did the same with TVB this time around.
Nancy’s acting improved over the years… However definitely overrated and this includes Ruco. In looking back with best actor and actress awards, if Nancy gets awarded for TUA, then it’s wrong. It’s not to say she didn’t do a good job, delivering her character but not award quality. She acting is good but not as good as Sharen who’s been awarded twice, before. Nancy has Deep of the Realm of Conscience lined up, I would have high hopes for her to get lined up for an award in that role but for now, I think TVB should hold awarding her.
She was lucky that she won the last 2 time. I like Nancy but def agreed with everyone that TVB over promoted and milking her.
@hannah hahhaha i think Sisley and Priscilla are over promoted not Nancy.
@alicesky haha them too