Nancy Wu Has Chance to Win TV Queen This Year

In the entertainment industry for 13 years, Nancy Wu’s (胡定欣) big opportunity finally came when she was cast as the lead in TVB drama, Ghost of Relativity <鬼同你OT>. Nancy and Kristal Tin (田蕊妮) exhibited immense chemistry together, pushing viewership ratings to make it the highest-rated drama year-to-date. With much positive feedback from viewers, there is early buzz that Nancy may win TV Queen this year.
The 33-year-old actress enthused over the popularity of the drama, “I haven’t experienced this in a very long time. When I went out, there were people calling me by my character’s name! But what I hear the most is ‘I haven’t watched television series in a long time. I only turned on the TV to watch you.’”
Due to her lack of conventional beauty, Nancy was not heavily promoted by TVB when she first began her career. Expressing that she is not one to put on a fake mask, Nancy said, “Back then, I didn’t know how to dress up and was too plain. I always showed my true self. Now I know that I was dull and dumb before!”
Although Nancy’s career path was shaky and she suffered from slight depression, Nancy finally felt that she has reached the light at the end of the tunnel. “At least, I have a clear conscience! So what if my life is not fortunate? It’s a path that I have chosen and I cannot complain. Besides, I have never felt that I have chosen wrong!”
With her well-received role in Ghost of Relativity and the current lack of seasoned actresses in TVB, Nancy is a good contender at the TVB Anniversary Awards. “TV Queen? I really haven’t thought about it. The company has many talented people. I’ll need a lot of good luck for that to happen. Besides, it is only the middle of the year and it’s still early. Hopefully at the end of the year, the audience with remember my character!”
Source: East Week
This article is written by Huynh for
There’s no other candidates left except for her. To me she’s still a mediocre actress.
I’ve been rooting for Nancy to win TV Queen for quite a few years now. I’m no longer interested in TVB’s drama, the last one I watched was TITS2, and I though Nancy’s acting outshines any other female actress in it.
I really think she’s the best among all the TVB actresses in these recent years.
@shekilledit same!! However, I still kinda feel bad if she did get it cos she had to wait for all the other ones to leave…But then it would also suck If she didn’t get it and some new girl gets it like Grace Chan.
I have grown my liking for Nancy after watching OA. But not GOT, since it’s not my type of drama.
She is definitely better now, to my liking at least, perhaps given better role that let her shine through, in addition she played it well. Think she deserve the title.
I like her but she can’t win for GOT. She just had angry and annoyed face in that series and its boring. Kristal would win if it must go to GOT.
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@freedalas lack of beauty?
She’s still considered hot.
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Rooting for Nancy!
I like Nancy but this role doesn’t deserve a BA. It’s not fault of her. The char was so bland and no depth. I don’t understand how GoR became so popular. The plot was rubbish and repetitive. The chars were unlikable and no development. Nancy was not interesting. Kristal was annoying. Moses was boring. The side chars were just irrelevant and not funny. It’s like they took a 1 hr plot and dragged it over 20 eps.
Wish she and Moylie switched roles. She would have better chance to shine and win with LoS.
Nancy Wu does have a chance, so does Kristal Tin, to me I would vote these 2, or Tavia, Niki and Kate.