Natalie Tong Is Not Jealous of Sisley Choi

The New Year has been a gossipy start for the celebrity couple, Tony Hung (洪永城) and Natalie Tong (唐詩詠). The couple of one year is rumored to be on the brink of a breakup because Tony has allegedly gotten a lot closer with rising actress Sisley Choi (蔡思貝), his costar in the period comedy drama Peculiar Taste <味想天開>.
After collaborating in the TVB drama, which wrapped up production earlier this month, Tony and Sisley kept in close contact. The two are often spotted at mutual friend gatherings, and they even work out their schedules to take jogs together.
But these rumors are absolutely groundless. At a press conference for a TVB program, Natalie said she found the rumors ridiculous. “It’s just jogging,” she said at a press conference for a TVB program. “It’s a normal activity. I’ll join them next time.”
Does Natalie have confidence in her boyfriend? “It’s just jogging,” she repeated. “I’ll join them next time. That way it won’t turn into a big deal.”
Tony also had similar words to say about his rumors with Sisley. He laughed when the reporters asked if Natalie forced him to kneel on glass after jogging with Sisley. “No. Natalie knew about it. I told her to jog with us, but she was busy that day.” Would Tony get Natalie to join them next time? “Yes. She needs to be more active.”
Regardless of gossip, Tony and Natalie are still as strong as ever. Tony revealed that they are already at the stage of meeting parents. The couple will be meeting each other’s families for the upcoming Lunar New Year holiday.
This article is written by Addy for
Wouldn’t exactly call Sisley ‘a rising actress’ imo..
Sisley really do have a lot of bad rumors… make you wonder if the reporter hates her or there’s some truth to her being flirty with her costars. Honestly Natalie is a much better actress and IMO prettier then Sisley so nothing to worry about really.
@happybi there is nothing to be worried about…natalie is likeable, prettier and mature compared to irritating sisley.
SISLEY. You’re ruining the whole Speed of Life movie! I would love the movie more if you’re not there!!!! You’re voice is so irritating and stop pretend you’re cute! You’re so bad in acting. Natalie Tong is way better than you. Perfect in acting and natural beauty!!!! I don’t know why they pick Sisley for this movie…bad decision! !!!
@kc070301 sisley is a pain to watch and listen.
every episode with her makes my hair stand. why can’t she talk normally? her speech is like a kid, high pitched and so exaggerated. the way she hops around in a police station is irritating. tvb must be blind to sign on sisley and grace.
Sister’s voice makes me headache everytime I watch speed of life!!!!!!
I remember she’s having a rumor with Him Law too when they were filming together the one about bicycle race? and now Tony is next? Oh come on gave me a break!! Natalie is way better than her to be honest.
@asian2015 him law and tony have better other halves than to go for sisley.