Netizens Complain About Sisley Choi on Virginia Lok’s Social Media Account

TVB executive Virginia Lok (樂易玲) created an account on China’s Social Media Xiaohongshu and gained 2,000 followers in less than a day. As Virginia is in charge of managing many of TVB’s artistes, netizens swarmed her account to discuss their favorite and least favorite artistes, and unfortunately, Sisley Choi (蔡思貝) received the most complaints.
Virginia may have received help from some TVB artistes in creating her account as stated in her first post: “With everyone’s help, I finally created a Xiaohongshu account @Samantha Ko (高海寧) and @Hubert Hu (胡鴻鈞).” Virginia even attached a photo of two artistes in her post.
While many fans saw Virginia’s account as a platform for updates on TVB’s dramas, many netizens treated her account as a forum to air their frustrations on TVB artistes. Among the most discussed artistes, Sisley, who was crowned TVB Best Actress in 2020 for her role in Legal Mavericks 2 <踩過界II>, was frequently mentioned. A comment with over 6,000 likes wrote, “Miss. Lok, don’t get Sisley to act. Chinese viewers don’t like her. It will affect the ratings. Conduct a survey if you don’t believe this.”
Despite the complaints, Sisley also received some support. A netizen wrote, “Miss. Lok, you shouldn’t listen to the Mandarin netizens who are saying they don’t like Sisley. Cantonese netizens (from Guangdong and Guangxi) like Sisley a lot. After watching Sisley’s travel documentary to the UK, I decided to find a girlfriend like Sisley in the future.” However, this comment only had 21 likes, and many other netizens replied that this does not represent their opinions.
While the debate is ongoing, Sisley’s new drama The Airport Diary <飛常日誌> airs January 15th and Sisley will have an opportunity to change netizens’ opinions.
Source: HK01
This article is written by Sammi for
Hilarious “Mandarin” citizens…guess calling them mainlanders is too disrespectful…
I don’t care if the comments is from mainland CHINA or what… the fact is she is terrible in acting… I believe she know how to please to get all roles…
Why don’t they like her?
i don’t like her acting. It’s terrible. i donno how she got her tvb queen title. and the latest airport drama. i don even feel that she can be kenneth’s wife. i believe samatha will be able to play a better role than her. And tvb always recycle the story. poor kenneth is back with a ‘divorced wife-friend’. similar to his role with natalie.
I liked her role in the lawyer drama. Not sure about Best Actress, but she isn’t worse than the others. She definitely had a rough start, but even Charmaine also had a terrible beginning. It took me years to finally warm up to her. I still shiver when I think about those early roles.
With Sisley, I wonder if something happened that they claim people don’t like her. She’s not the typical sweet girl look, especially when she was sporting the short hair. But she does standout from the other TVB actresses. I also must confess that TVB dramas haven’t held my interest, so I haven’t watched her recently.
People need to remember she won Best Actress specifically for her role in Legal Mavericks that she was fantastic in (watch the scene near the end with her dad in the hospital and Man Hap shows up). She was nominated that year against Mandy Wong, Katy Kung, Ali Lee, and Mandy Lai. Who else do you think should’ve won that year over Sisley? Mandy Wong was weak. Ali had better performances. Perhaps Sisley is not good in other shows, but her Dean Jie was fantastic and was her strongest performance to date. She wasn’t up against any TVB actress juggernauts. If she won over, Sheren Tang’s Kau Mui or Nancy Wu’s Tiu Lan, then I get the outrage but that wasn’t the case. She was up against the previous 4 actresses and she had the best female leading performance *that year*.
I feel like she gets hate for 3 reasons that are not her fault. 1) Her looks are what I’d call “sharp” and not particularly cute or feminine like Eliza Sam or Natalie Tong. 2) She’s been typecasted in sassy hot-headed roles which makes her appear jarring and unlikable. TVB needs to give her different roles. She’s not as bad as an actress and has improved a lot. There is potential. 3) There were rumors going around saying she had a crush on a married man and unfortunately society tends to chastise the woman despite there being no evidence to prove the rumor was true.
I also wonder what the main reasons are. From my own perspective, I fomt think she’s a terrible actress, just not great. She is also always given really bolshy and sassy type roles.She needs more varied roles for people to appreciate her acting.
While my opinion of Sisley is not a positive one, I don’t think she’s a bad actress. In fact, I think she’s decent compared to other leading ones.
decent but not good enough to be tvb queen.
TVB Queens are chosen for their work in that particular year. Every year a new queen is chosen. Sisley was the strongest of the candidates for that particular year, 2020 in Legal Mavericks. It’s unfair to compare any awards winners against each other because they’re not up against the same people.
Nominated Hong Kong Film Awards Newcomer. Second youngest to win Best Actress at TVB. People do not like her because she’s different. She’s outspoken, marathon runner, and hustles. They are used to someone like Grace Chan: eloquent, feminine looking, and obedient. But, wait, the public does not like Grace Chan either. Sisley is the new Kate Tsui.
I’m not even a Sisley fan. I just don’t get the unwarranted hate for her. Her acting is decent. She just gets put in unlikable loud-mouthed roles most of the time. Honestly, all the hate I’ve seen on the internet towards her reeks of misogyny. Sharp looks, young, single, outspoken, receives many opportunities, plus all the stuff you mentioned is unusual for a woman in the public eye so they hate her. They all want the quiet, obedient, married woman with long hair and a sweet smile.