Netizens Guess Grace Chan’s Ethnic Background In “Captain of Destiny”

2013 Miss Hong Kong winner Grace Chan (陳凱琳) has unique facial features for a Chinese, leading to speculation that she is of mixed heritage. Many Hong Kong netizens even refer to her as the “Indian girl,” but such gossip never bothered Grace. She even joked about having “western looks” in a scene for her first drama as lead actress, Captain of Destiny <張保仔>, which is currently airing.
Captain of Destiny, a pirate drama that also stars Ruco Chan (陳展鵬) and Tony Hung (洪永城), is about Wong Tai-mui (Grace), a 21st century police constable from Cheung Chau who accidentally travels back in time, meeting the 19th century pirate Cheung Po Tsai (Tony) and a Qing Imperial Prince, Man-ho (Ruco). Throughout the series, Grace uncovers a bit of her own family history, eventually meeting her ancestors, the Wong’s (played by Joel Chan 陳山聰 and Mandy Wong 黃智雯).
But what captured the netizens’ interest the most was not Joel, but an executioner played by Indian actor Gill Mohinderpaul Singh, also known as Q Bobo (喬寶寶). In the series, Q Bobo’s character has a crush on Mandy, who plays a prostitute. In order to save Joel from getting executed, Mandy sleeps with Q Bobo in exchange for Joel’s life.
Netizens found this storyline humorous, exclaiming that Grace’s mysterious ethnic past is finally resolved. They creatively joked that Grace is actually a descendant of Q Bobo, which explains why the Miss Hong Kong looks mixed. A netizen even praised the scriptwriter, “Everthing makes sense now. Such brilliant writing!”
The discussion of Grace’s mixed heritage have also led netizens to notice TVB’s Pakistani news reporter Nabela Qoser (利君雅). Nabela is an alumnus of the Hong Kong Baptist University and speaks impeccable Cantonese.
This article is written by Addy for
grace seems to have indian ancestry in her blood.
@janet72 I think she definately does but it may be a bit far for her to know about. The other day,I went shopping and saw a really cute kid that looked like he was half Asian. However,his father who was Mexican said that he was 100% Mexican. But the kid looked really Asian so I guess he may have Asian ancestry in his or his wife’s line that they both do not know about. That may be the case with Grace if she is not adopted. She looks more Asian but her twin brother looks very Indian.
By the way,great to see Q Bobo again. I thought he left HK for good.
@hetieshou yeah grace def has indian/middle eastern ancestry in her. Mexicans look Asian cus they have native American lineage. It’s proven that native Americans were in fact, Asians that have migrated to NA and other continents. Just like Eskimo
I thought Q bobo left too. he is so funny in ‘sze you tonight’.
googled for grace’s brother. her brother really looks very indian.
@janet72 Yes me too I thought he had to leave HK, if I remember correctly, it was because his wife couldn’t get citizenship ? I’m glad he’s back, hopefully for good !
@janet72 he’s prolly back in HK for fun, pleasure or business. Don’t think he will stay in HK long term cus his wife probably isn’t with him
Lol! Just because she partially resembles of indian ancestry does not mean she really is.
The only way to know is to do a DNA test then all mysteries will be solved.
@anon DNA won’t reveal accurately those ancestry unless her real parents are tested, etc etc. But look at her brother. If he is her biological brother, answer is staring in your face. She does look sikh.
I am one of those netizens.
I have a few of Mexicans thought I’m Mexican but I know for the fact that I have no Mexicans or Hispanic bloodline. It could be that HK-ers are too used to the girls having PS and looking alike. Someone like Grace with a different face structure shocks everyone’s eyes and they think she’s not full Chinese/Asian. Lol. Who knows. This is a joke, so don’t get your panties in a wad or offended xD
@jjwong you could say you’re not african cus youre not black. But fact is, we all came from Africa, just diluted from all the mixing and evolution. And Mexicans have Asian lineage so…you may not be Mexican but Mexicans can still be related to you
@coralie sigh if you must generalize thing then we all of the same. We’re homosepian. So we all have that “linage.” We’re all related somehow back in the days. We bare feautures of one another. To claim a Mexican is related to me is as easy or hard as to say a Argentina man shares your linage. If we’re gonna generalized it in that sense. So what’s the argument again?? Lol.
When it comes to “race” classification though (depending what publication, scientist and anthropologist you follow), the one makes sense the most to me are 5 generic, overarching races. Caucasoid, Mongoloid (us “yellow” folks), Ethiopian (aka Negroid), American Indian, and Malayan (these are the “brown” ppl like Mexico, Puerto Rico, Chilles, etc).
Humans might “migrated” from Africa (which I doubt it was called or known as Africa back in the days), we’re not “Africians.” Africians are just a coined name for that continent. If anything, again, we’re homosepian of you want to generalize it.
/end of my contribution to this topic bc frankly this is a rabbit hole. None of us are scentists, therefore the things we claimed are just heresy and opinions.
@jjwong my point wasn’t very clear i admit lol. I was just trying to make you see that we may ‘look’ a certain way through interactions with different races somewhere in our ancestral history. Even if from what you are aware there is zero chance of you being ‘that race,’ don’t discount it cus really, you never know.
So does this mean that Mandy Wong’s character is pregnant right now? Or she’s going to sleep with him again? Otherwise it still wouldn’t make sense unless the writers of TVB don’t know how biology works which, admittedly, is very likely.
@peanutbutterjelly I don’t think TVB did that deliberately. As you may know, TVB rarely think things through. They are just not meticulous or smart enough to put that tidbit in there just to have fun with the audience & Grace’s heritage. It’s prolly a coincidence more than anything.
@coralie haha, yea I’m certain it’s just a quick, on the fly jab without thinking it all the way through. It’s typical TVB fashion. I wouldn’t be surprise of the script called for Mandy to sleep with someone else just to save Joel and show how much she loved him. Then so happen Q BoBo coincidently audition or free for the cameo role lol. It would be funny if TVB didn’t even realize this until now lol!!!
Yeah she has a unique look, different from a ‘typical’ Asian look. I admit I was curious about her race when I first saw her in MHK, but it’s been 2 years now! Why are people still so overly obsessed in what her race is when she’s already said she’s full Chinese? Just take her word for it, there’s no need to start making assumption as if they’re facts in what race is in her bloodline or what she may ‘actually’ be. It’s not like the ‘truth’ affects your lives smh.