Nicholas Tse Celebrates Lunar New Year With Sons in Singapore

Like most Chinese around the world, Nicholas Tse (謝霆鋒) is in a hurry to wrap up his work in order to celebrate Lunar New Year with his family. This year, the busy star will fly to Singapore to spend the holiday with his sons Lucas (謝振軒) and Quintus (謝振南) and ex-wife Cecilia Cheung (張栢芝).
Although Cecilia called off her alleged plans to immigrate to Canada, she remains hesitant about raising her children under Hong Kong’s media spotlight. She finally found a safer haven in Singapore and quickly relocated there in late 2013. Nicholas, a dedicated father, has been visiting whenever he could. He was spotted at a popular local resort in mid-December and looked blissful as he enjoyed quality time with his beloved sons.
With one film currently in theaters and two more opening within the next two weeks, Nicholas has turned himself into a workaholic as he juggled film promotions and other job obligations. He is still hard at work this week when many have already returned home to prepare for New Year festivities. Currently shooting a watch commercial, Nicholas braved the cold weather on January 28 in order to complete the project on time. Despite his short appearance, over two hundred fans excitedly gathered around the set in Causeway Bay to greet their idol.
Even though he looked exhausted from his heavy workload, Nicholas did not complain one bit and was able to finish the scene in no time. He was then hustled to the next filming location without a break in between. Although tiring, he is adamant about sticking to the schedule so that he can be reunited with Lucus and Quintus on new year’s day. He plans to stay in Singapore for just the weekend and will return to Hong Kong the following Monday.
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Katrine for
Nicolas Tse seems to be a good father after his divorce with Cecilia Cheung.
even though he says he is not a good man, at least he is a good father
What brand if suit is that
Nick is such a sweet and devoted father. It is great that he trying to Doric as much time with his kids as possible. I am sure they really miss him.
Meant to say spend as much tine with his kids as possible.
Really? While in marriage, he apparently preferred gaming to family time when he was on off-leave (even his sister said so, outside of Cecilia).
I can imagine that would be frustrating for his (ex) wife.
But he seems a better quality dad now that he’s divorced.
The real test comes if he has to face these kids dailym hands on = that’s when you can really tell a good quality dad, from an occasional, selective ‘honeymoon’-type dad.
@nomad 822,
Totally agree!!!
True, but I guess if you think traditionally if the father is the one that is out working and bringing home the bacon, would they have much time with the kids? I think it depends on the situation but I do agree with what you are saying. However, it is good that after the divorce,he is trying to become a better father.
In my family, my brother and his wife both work and my brother does most of the work while I help him when I can. His wife works 90% of the time,but even when she is off, she just sits on her butt and does nothing so I guess I can see how it is.
Nick a good father LOL. I don’t think he knows. At the time of him and her got together were for publicity and when her pornographic photos surface it was bigger than them they divorced. Now they playing the kids. They have proven to everyone that money buys everything. LOL.
Ceceila asked Edison to take a photo together on the plane. That’s the final straw of their marriage. No man can take this.
Hope they get back together
Lol, how can a husband can accept his wife had scandalous with onother man before? somemore those porn picture in high definition and very clear.zz
Jayne and All Readers on this website:
恭喜發財 (Kung Hei Fat Choi) to all of you! Have a lucky, healthy, and wealthy Year of the Horse!
Thanks sandcherry! I also want to wish Jayne and everyone here a very happy,healthy and exciting new year filled with luck,surprises and happiness!
thanks Sandycherry, Kung Fei Fat Choi to everybody