Nicholas Tse Flew to Beijing 20 Times to See Faye Wong

While ex-wife Cecilia Cheung (張栢芝) is complaining that Nicholas Tse (謝霆鋒) spent little time with their sons this year, it turns out that he has been dedicating time to see Faye Wong (王菲) instead. Six months ago, Nicholas rekindled his former relationship with Faye and flew to Beijing 20 times to visit her.
Nicholas and Faye broke up 11 years ago, during which they married different partners and became parents. In the last two years, both got divorced and were unable to forget each other. Vicki Zhao (趙薇), who was a guest on Nicholas’ food travelogue show, Chef Nic <十二道鋒味> in March, dropped hints that Faye still treasures him in her heart. Faye was coincidentally in France at the same time during filming and offered to be a guest on his show. Although Nicholas and Faye were unable to meet over dinner in France due to clashes in their schedules, they remained in touch afterward.
As the former lovers reconnected, Faye expressed her concern over Nicholas’ old injuries from filming action movies. She persuaded him to take better care of his health and to see doctors on a regular basis. Faye left frequent voice messages on Nicholas’ cell phone, while he text messaged her often. He also flew to Beijing nearly 20 times to nurture their relationship.
Nicholas Checks into Hotel Instead of Faye’s Home
Earlier this week, photos of Nicholas kissing Faye inside her Beijing home surfaced. While Nicholas’ manager is outraged that the paparazzi had intruded on his privacy by photographing him in a non-public place, his reconciliation with Faye was not denied.
Yesterday, Nicholas was once again spotted in Beijing. To avoid the media’s intrusion, he chose to check into a local hotel instead of staying at Faye’s house. Faye secretly met with Nicholas at his hotel later that night. Smiling happily, Nicholas wore a gold ring around his neck and a set of Buddhist beads on his wrist. As Faye is a dedicated Buddhist, Nicholas’ new accessories may be a token of his renewed love with Faye.
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Jayne for
lol outrages
They finally found their way back together. Best wishes to them.
How do people actually dig up/verify stuff like “Nic flew to Beijing 20 times just to see Faye”, when nobody had an inkling they were together back then. Also, Nic could have flown to Beijing for other reasons. And all the minute details about how they reconciled… sounds like either an insider/friend of the couple told it or the work of an overactive imagination…In any case, all my blessings to a couple happily in love after 11 years of separation
Earlier this week, photos of Nicholas kissing Faye inside her Beijing home surfaced.
Think Nic purposely let the paparazzi took their pics , why let the curtain opened ?
Well i can bet this type of “love” wont last long , Like father like son , Nic is like his father Patrick so many woman in his life haiz
well, the ‘love’ lasted long even after they broke up and now they have a second chance to make it work
Let’s assume he traveled to Beijing 6 times for work and 14 times for Wong. It is good to see people is madly in love. Sometimes, I looked at myself and loves that passed, I wish I could have done more!
Nicholas you made us proud….go for it…
“Nicholas Tse Flew to Beijing 20 Times to See Faye Wong”
I wonder if he flew to Singapore more than 20x to see his SONs.
Ah, I was about to ask the same question. CC is right, this guy is such an irresponsible father.
It’s time to invest on a private jet!
lol! don’t even want to hear about Nichola’s relationship with Faye!!!!!!!!
Yah. He should go back to Cecilia as she deserves a second chance not Faye. Also Cecilia full time parent and gives nic full time on career so nic should cherish cecilia’ efforts to change and maturing despite her background. Hope fate.will bring nic and Cecilia one day too.
Why should Nic go back to Cecilia?. Are you nuts, how old are you?. They are not in love with each other anymore. Should they get back together for the sake of the boys. That would be the biggest mistake, as they will not be happy with each other, and that will affect the boys, emotionally and mentally. It will not be a happy household, and it will be a loveless relationship between mom and dad. Is that anyway for a couple to live, especially when there are innocent, vulnerable little children involved, who will end up being hurt and being victims?.
@Sazzy, now tell me again why you think Nic and Cecilia should get back together, I am anxious to hear.
Why would you be with someone you don’t even love?
“He should go back to Cecilia as she deserves a second chance”
Because you think so?? You know their relationship personally? Such insightful opinions! LOL
I’m on Cecilia side this time around… how can this dude not visit and take care of his children and goes on a trip and visit his ex-love or most likely he current gf even though it’s Faye… Nic your a father take the responsibility gosh! Your kids needs your love not money!
I totally agree with you. Shame on him. The kids shouldn’t even call him father. Irresponsible useless dad
lol lol
What a irresponsible dad. No wonder Cecilia says he is irresponsible too. Blinded by love.
Okay people, before the Faye news broke out. Didn’t Cecilia say he was a good dad to his sons? Didn’t he take the whole family on a vacation, including Cecilia? Of COURSE Cecilia would say bad things about him now, just like she always does when he’s rumored or seeing somebody else. Don’t you know why now that he’s manipulative and cannot accept that he’s moving on…and this time might be for real? She is using her sons AGAIN. She won’t let Nic be happy with somebody else because she STILL loves him. She is not happy and won’t let him be happy.
I’m not a Nic fan nor Cecilia, but been reading about them from here and I think Cecilia is the one with issues.
^^made some typo, but you guys get my drift…
Coming from her mouth lol, she should put aside the scandal and move on with her kids.
I totally agree with you. She’s always the one threatening divorce (according to previous news) and he finally accede to her request, and she’s now using their sons against him. I wish Faye & Nic the best and Cecilia, for heaven’s sake, just move on! I’m not their fan either.
totally agree with you !!! me neither fan or either
Agreed, neither a fan of both but I’ve always thought of Cecilia as an extremely selfish and hypocritical woman. She could claim that she gave up her career to be a full time mother. That leaves Nic with no choice but to work even harder because don’t forget, he has to provide for his 2 young sons, an ex-wife who does not work, a useless father and saving for himself as well.
I often think Nic’s biggest mistake was marrying this typical HK woman.
I am a fan of neither either but can clearly see this.
(1) Nic has had a lot of time to focus on getting ahead in his career – why?
Someone else is sacrificing and taking on the full time, day to day parenting/school-run responsibilities. This includes worry over sickness, emergencies etc.
(2) What is ONE high profile holiday?
a) It LOOKS good to the public who ooooh and aww about what a good dad he is, during that photo opp polaroid moment.If that isn’t clever high profile packaging and marketing, what is?
b) It also establishes the fun “what a great dad I have” image to his 2 kids – fun on holiday. Nevermind he’s not there 90% of the time in the daily grind in their lives.
c) Even when he has time = he’s flying in the opposite direction to Beijing to date.
All in all, while I’d say the dude is a good businessman and maybe fair boss to his workers = I’d NOT say the same for Nic being an involved, hands-on father.
Hands on, involved father goes to people Jackie Cheung and Sunny Chan = in my bks, that’s what really concerned fathers would be. Jackie Cheung isn’t any less busy than Nic – he just prioritizes his family and kids in top place. Essential difference!
Couldn’t agree more with you!!
Cecilia gets all of the money he makes, can’t this guy have his own private life and love too? he always cared about his sons, he was very upset when she pulled them out of school for dumb reasons. nic wanted custody of the sons, its just that it will always go to the mother, its outside of his control. how do you know he is not involved, she didn’t complain before, why now suddenly that she hears him with another person? she doesn’t have to work and goes on as many vacations as she likes. why can’t he have time to himself also?
Where did you get that info that Cecilia gets all the money he makes?? She refused the alimony, even Nicholas confirmed this himself.
Cecilia might have refused alimony but she’s still getting a hefty amount for child support.
It’s quite obvious that Nic is working hard to provide a comfortable life for his kids, financially. And for that he sacrificed time with them. Some of us might think he is wrong as absent father, but Nic was practically sold to EEG at teenage age to pay his father debts. So his viewpoint on being a good father is shaped by his life experience.
Hefty sum for his children. Cecilia never needed his money for herself, unlike Nicholas who used Faye’s money and fame when they first dated. I’m suspecting him using Faye again, hence not closing the curtains while kissing her.
Observe a dog’s behavior when they are “On-Heat”. Humans are part of the animal world.
Watch “Animal Planet” to get an insight to Human behavior.
Agree totally.
I am on Cecilia side too this time around.
Totally agree!!!
Nicholas Tse was never a hands-on responsible father (even when they were still married and together). That’s just the way he is. If he has another child, it’ll probably be the same too.
And, maybe Cecilia Cheung just realized more lies from Nicholas Tse (from news like this). Maybe he wasn’t as busy as he made her think?
Wad should a responsible father be like? Should he sacrifice his work n move to singapore as well?Then you can support them by giving your full salary to them every month:)
Maybe Nick should hire you as his personal assistant on family matters.
Nicholas, you have finally found your love go for it. Best wishes to both of you.
If the above is true, I wish them well. Nothing wrong to rekindle their relationship if they still love each other very much.
At least he is not dating a 18 year old Lang mo. Good taste good Taste and I respect him for good back to Faye.
There was hardly any Cecilia news for awhile…now, BAM! She’s everywhere. Thanks to Nic Tse?
Same here. With the night club business i thought she found piece. These two can play the game or what. Nick did a pretty good job this time. A taste of her own medicine.
What’s what wrong with a night club business? Nic himself opened and nightclub business.
They belong to one another…Great!
Cecilia is so obviously seeking pity…Please what’s wrong with Nic finding love again? What’s wrong with getting back with fay? Cecilia is the one who keep making trouble…taking the kids out from school, moving them to singapore she say he no time for the kids..shes obviously making things difficult for nic
Before we crucify Nic for rekindling his relationship with Faye, or him being a bad father/absentee father, etc, please take a look at CC herself.
While they were married, she may be a stay-at-home mum bringing up the boys (with a domestic helper) while Nic busied in the movies, thus provided her with a luxurious lifestyle . She wasn’t complaining then. She has never really made much attempts to get along with Nic’s family. As far as I can observe, Nic is an introvert and kept pretty much to himself(even upto Quintus’s birth, he always looked so miserable in those public photos). Even with those scandalous Edison photos exposure, he chose to remain with CC, offering support. Since both did not go into details the reason for their final separation, it was certain that Nic has had enough and seen through her manupilations and threats.
What he did after was admirable. He worked hard, set new goals and expanding his business. And what was CC doing in the meantime?? Jetsetting everywhere, pulling the boys out of school just to bring them on vacations during school terms, getting friends to babysit while she hoped to gain fame again by making movies (which failed so miserably ), moving to Canada and then Singapore….a move which many sees as a way of revenge to make things difficult for Nic (and his parents ) to keep in touch with the boys.
Nic has given way to her more than she deserves. She’s still hurting because she can’t let go. In my opinion the root of her ‘grudge’ is that Nic called her bluff and agreed to the divorce.
Perhaps Mani should not have said what she said but we know that it’s the truth.
The way I see it Nic’s feelings towards CC is not love nor hate but indifference.
CC must’ve sensed it hence all the attention seeking drama she resorts to.
Pity the poor kids. I hope they won’t come across cruel classmates who will taunt them about their mum’s naked pics and dad going for older woman. Selfish parents causing heartaches.
agree with jasmine7
Most probably. …!
“While they were married, she may be a stay-at-home mum bringing up the boys (with a domestic helper) while Nic busied in the movies, thus provided her with a luxurious lifestyle . She wasn’t complaining then. She has never really made much attempts to get along with Nic’s family.”
During their divorce year in 2011, Cecilia complained that Nicholas paid little attention to the boys even when he was home. Nicholas would play video games and treat the boys as if they were transparent. Right after their marriage, Nicholas’ mother, Deborah Li, was full of praises towards Cecilia in respecting elders. As Nicholas was never close to his father, Patrick Tse, the family apparently does not keep him informed of many current happenings.
“pulling the boys out of school just to bring them on vacations during school terms, getting friends to babysit while she hoped to gain fame again by making movies (which failed so miserably ), moving to Canada and then Singapore….a move which many sees as a way of revenge to make things difficult for Nic (and his parents ) to keep in touch with the boys.”
Cecilia purchased a house in Canada and considered moving there because her sister had immigrated there. I think she was tired of living in Hong Kong and didn’t like the media scrutiny. Perhaps Singapore was a closer compromise as it is 4 hour flight from Hong Kong.
She is the type of personality that wants to have an exciting life although she is raising two children. She doesn’t want to give up her career entirely and has ventured into Mainland China. As many working single moms, Cecilia has to juggle her career and time with kids so she will need to rely on hired help and friends for support. However, her kids always seem happy around her and that is a sign that she has been a mom there for the kids.
Nicholas has never spoken poorly of Cecilia in public. Cecilia is more prone to air her grievances which may make her appear to be less gracious, however she does have the more difficult parenting job.
“I think she … didn’t like the media scrutiny.”
Totally agree!!!
I recall that it wasn’t until after the media invaded on the boys in school (with articles about acting up blah-blah-blah) that Cecilia Cheung started moving them (to Canada and then Singapore where the media has less access). Everything she does is for the wellfare of the boys (with Nicholas Tse’s “consent” in case that isn’t obvious).
Going through a divorce is rough for anyone, even harder for celebs. Deborah Li is a smart woman. For any mother-in-law that wants what’s best for their kids would have nothing bad to say about the daughter-in-law. Nick and Patrick are so much alike, what’s there to say.
Yup, she needs all the helps she can get from family. The media will always going be there because it comes with the job. The celebs don’t like the media but they do know how to make use of them.
It’s not easy for a working single mom. Especially in her case, she took on both roles(mom and dad). As for her kids, they seem happy. Being a mom is life time job. Happy mom, happy kids.
1) when Cecilia took her kids with her = it’s actually so much easier work and play WITHOUT your kids around you. THINK!
when i work with clients who bring along their kids to our appointment – even with childminder, mom gets distracted over the kids’ welfare. we only get half the stuff done when there’s a kid tagging along, efficiency n productivity drops. when a client brings her toddler to dimsum we end up having no conversations bec mom needs to feed toddler or chase after her/him. WHY would Cecilia bring her kid along when it’s her chance to party while using work as the legit excuse???
(2) why SG? Hands down, better school system than Vancouver. progressive. SG throws huge amounts of $ on quality education so much so people can make it into Oxford, Cambridge and the Ivy League fairly eadily when they from elite SG public schools. bilingual, not monolingual. Singapore had comparable private school education standards in their good public schools.
Vancouver public schools just went through a huge strike — tells u how much teachers value educating kids in Canada.
(3) HK is a mere 3h flight away for dad to visit vs Vancouver ( 13h)
Yes, I agree single parenting is never easy. But CC should also know Nic’s character when she married him. Every husband and wife must find their ‘me time’. I’ve been married 40years and still believe in it.
She may harbour the thought of returning to movies but she’s also not realistic because the boys are still very young. OK, so she has domestic help but it doesn’t seem to work out. So, she should choose and stop complaining. I’m sure Nic provides for them (not talking about divorce settlement of whatever sort if any) and she couldn’t possibly be paying expenses out of her own pocket.
“But CC should also know Nic’s character when she married him. Every husband and wife must find their ‘me time’. I’ve been married 40years and still believe in it.”
When in love, most couples are in idealistic state of mind that they can overcome their differences. Having kids together also highlight lifestyle differences. Also difficult to imagine what kind of parent your lover may be in the future.
I think that Cecilia married and had Lucas in 2006, she wasn’t ready to take on all the family responsibilities. Instead of cutting back fully on her work, she should have continued to balance having a part-time career and taking care of the family, similar to what Anita Yuen did. Frustrated by Nicholas being away too much due to work and not being attentive to her and the boys when he was around, it is easy to see how the couple’s differences escalated into eventual divorce.
At the height of their marital crisis, they seemed to have stopped talking to each other. I think they gave up on their marriage too soon, as both loved each other at the time they signed divorce papers, but there is no turning back now.
i just wonder, how is faye like? her personality?
Probably doesn’t control Nic much that’s y Nic likes being around her?
Faye seems like someone who live her life w/o boundaries.
1) free spirit n rebel like Nic. i thought she was intending to follow her calling? by being holed up weeks on end in these regular Buddhist retreats.
2) daughter #1 – sent to boarding school, where supposedly she listens to nobody. Faye pulled her out when she had a bf?
daughter #2 – primary parents rights seemed to be signed over to Li Ya Peng who oversees the daily running of their daughter.
Generous, free spirited and independent. When it comes to her career and love life, she doesn’t overthink and just goes for it. One of her first hit songs that she wrote was about loving without regret. She is also private and doesn’t like promoting. During the height of her popularity, she was accused of being difficult because she does not like talking to the press. You rarely hear her mention her past relationships. Unlike people like Nic and Cecilia who are probably more open to talking.
Flying 20 times within 6 mo is almost improbable unless he is living in HK and is superman with no other commitments. Depending if still lives in Canada, flying back and forth takes 2 days out of your life. By the time you get to Beijing, you are spending 1 or 2 days and have to fly out again…A true road warrior or astronaut.
If they so love each other, why break up in first place? Until they settled their heart affairs, it’s the children that will suffer the consequences of no father/ step fathers/ broken family syndrome. I know they r just human beings, but it doesn’t give them the excuse of having a messed up life. Hope they stay together for life now.
Nic should use half of those and fly to see his son, his son need him to not just faye, singapore is not that far from china