Nicholas Tse: “I’m Not A Good Man”

In a recent radio interview to promote his new film From Vegas to Macau <賭城風雲>, Nicholas Tse (謝霆鋒) exclaimed that he does not consider himself to be a good man. Nicholas, who went through a divorce with Cecilia Cheung (張栢芝) in 2012, said, “To be able to maintain a family is a typical quality of a good man, but I was unable to do that.”

Though Nicholas does not see himself as a good man at the moment, he believes that time can make things right. “I’m only in my thirties now. I believe that time can prove if a man is good or not. You can start considering if I’m a good man ten years from now.”

When discussing about his life after divorce, Nicholas regretfully admitted that he now has less time to see his two sons, Lucas and Quintus. “In the past, the first thing I see when I woke up was my two sons. It’s true that life now isn’t as lively.” Despite going through a divorce, Nicholas expressed that he still has not given up hope in romance. Waiting for true love to happen once again, he said, “I still believe in fairytale romance.”

Last month, Nicholas was wrapped in rumors with Janice Man (文詠珊), who was allegedly dated Nicholas for one month. “I have not met the right girl yet,” he stressed.

Nicholas, a dedicated actor known for rejecting the use of stuntmen – a move that also got him blacklisted from Hong Kong insurance companies – laughed dryly and added, “Besides, I don’t really have the time to meet new friends.”

The 33-year-old actor admitted that he was thinking about holding a concert at the end of the year, and had proposed the project to his record label, EEG. With an “end of the world” theme, Nicholas wanted his concert to have stage props that were at least eighty feet high, hoping that the large props would give the audience a sense of intensity. EEG immediately rejected his idea, saying that his idea was unsafe and dangerous.

The concert plans were scrapped off in the end. Nicholas sighed, “Hong Kong really doesn’t have the stadiums that can go well with my idea.”

From Vegas to Macau opens in theaters in Hong Kong on January 30, 2014.


This article is written by Addy for

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  1. Most (if not 100%) of men are bad anyway, it is just who are worst 😛

    1. Yeah, well, apparently girls love bad boys cuz they feel protective around them. Nice guys don’t last long is what ppl always say.

    2. Who cares if he’s a good man or not……….he’s just saying that so that there will be a reverse psychological effect from the audience…………

  2. “Nicholas was warped in rumors”

    I suspect this should be “wrapped” 😉

  3. We knew all along that you were a rotten tomato. Like father, like son. A disappointment to the women that bared your children.

    1. Actually, I believed he is a lot better than his father. He knows his father is bad, and try to not make the same mistake. It’s Cecilia that took the kids to other country and separate them >_>

    2. What an idiotic answer! Like father, like son. So if your father is a criminal, so are you?! This rotten tomato is a better dad that a lot of dads in the world. Try have the media follow you 24/7.

  4. Hello it was Cecilia that was in a scandal with Edison. Nic has been pretty loyal to have only Faye and Cecilia in his list of romance. Look at his ex. Sheesh…

  5. I used to love him when I was in my early teens. His mild arrogance was quite appealing then even though he isn’t exactly good-looking in the traditional sense. But for some reason he totally did not appeal to me once I entered college, his acting style and music has stagnated.. And he seemed a little too glib in his interviews with his pr answers all well thought out, like another Andy Lau. Meh.

    1. Stagnated? Really? Best Actor at HKFA. I think you prefer Gen X Cops over Bodyguards and Assassins and Stool Pigeon. His career right now is better than anybody in HK or China under the age of 40. Why you think he’s still relevant after 15 years?

      1. Chill. I like Nic too. It is my personal view, you do not have to resort to personal attacks. I did not watch Gen X Cops, it looked pretty crap. If getting a HKFA award means universal acceptance of great acting skills I suppose you are right. But personally I prefer Shawn Yue’s acting. He is not as huge as Nic because he wasn’t packaged as a pop star as emperor group did to Tse.

        To add on, it is well known that prior to awards season most of the production companies will need to lobby for the awards with the head of HKFA, and he is known to prefer certain directors and actors over others. Try googling it. 😉

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