Nicholas Tse’s Post Production Office to Close In Hong Kong
Sources say that Nicholas Tse’s (謝霆鋒) Post Production Office, a post-production computer graphics company he started in 2003, will be closing its Hong Kong office this month. The company has already laid off a majority of its workers, and the main headquarters for Post Production Office will transferred to Mainland China.
Nicholas and business partner Dennis Yeung (楊文杰) started Post Production Office in Hong Kong in 2003. When it first started, the company only employed about ten workers. In 2009, a Shanghai office was opened, followed by a Beijing office in 2012. By 2013, over one hundred workers were employed at the Hong Kong office, with over $80 million HKD in revenue.
Post Production Office specializes in doing post-production work for commercial films, feature films, games, and music videos. Some of its clients include HSBC Bank, Standard Chartered, Cheung Kong Holdings, and a few other overseas companies.
In an interview held in 2013, Nicholas revealed that Post Production Office generated $100 million HKD in annual revenue Post Production Office’s business productivity increased ever year, and by August 2013, it was estimated that the company was valued at $6 billion HKD.
Though Post Production Office was a lucrative success in Mainland China, its business in Hong Kong has shrunk over the years, leading to disinvestments. Nicholas had no choice but to close down its Hong Kong office and focus all resources for the businesses in Shanghai and Beijing.
Reporters contacted Nicholas’ manager, Mani Fok (霍汶希), in regards to the news. She said, “[The office is] not closing down. It is just reducing its business in Hong Kong. Due to various economic issues, the company is moving its focus to Mainland China. Hopefully the company will have healthier developments.”
Source: IHKTV
This article is written by Addy for
Everything seems to be moving to the mainland now..
This is unfortunate. Lots of people will lose their job.