Nicky Wu’s Ex-wife, Ma Yashu, Complains of Being a Victim of Vicious Press

“Although divorced for four years, Nicky Wu (吳奇隆) continued to make monthly alimony payments to ex-wife, Ma Yashu (馬雅舒)….” Many headlines carried the sensational claims in yesterday’s press, while reporting that Nicky had generously given Ma Yashu 100 million RMB and six luxury homes as part of their separation package in 2009. Tired of being vilified as a greedy gold digger, Yashu finally responded and claimed that all the rumors were false. Although surprised to learn about Nicky’s new romance with Cecilia Liu (劉詩詩), Yashu offered her blessings to the couple.
Yashu’s public relations representative issued a press statement today which denied the false claims that Nicky had given Yashu money and monthly alimony after their divorce, “During the divorce process and after their official divorce, Ms. Ma Yashu did not take any money from Mr. Nicky Wu. While they were married, they had jointly purchased a house, in which Ma Yashu has returned the money paid by Nicky during the divorce process. The news was fabricated without any factual premise and thus slandered Ma Yashu’s family and reputation.” The statement noted that Ma Yashu will retain the right to pursue legal action over the slander.
Nicky and Yashu were married for three years and filed for divorce in 2009. The couple’s marriage fell apart due to their work schedules and little time spent together. Yashu has since married Australian executive, James Robert Hayes, and is currently pregnant with his child.
In response to Nicky dating Cecilia, Yashu wrote on her Sina Weibo blog, “I only found out that Nicky is dating from the news. I am once again being painted as a wicked person. Although it has been several years, this nightmare is still not over. After breaking up, I was vilified as a bad woman. Countless netizens used vicious words to attack me. I don’t want to explain. There are many reasons why two people divorce and it’s difficult and needless to explain. For past lovers who have separated, silence and no contact offer the most respect.”
As she is an expectant mother due to give birth next month, Yashu said she cannot live with the rumors potentially affecting her new baby and family life. She emphasized that she did not take money from Nicky after the divorce. Yashu wrote, “During the most trying times, we had loved beautifully. Breaking up, we should each find our own happiness” and added, “Thanks to Bu Bu Jing Xin <步步驚心>, [Nicky’s] luck turned around! I wish that they will love each other and be happily together!”
This article is written by Jayne for
Why is this all coming now??? But by reading this, I don’t know if I believe her at all
this came out b/c nicky wu got a gf..
She probably felt Nicky will never get over her (as it’s been more than 4 years since the divorce.) It was more than a slap in the face for Nicky when those adulterers emerged from the hotel and snapped by the paparazzi. I don’t think Nicky wants such a trashy woman. He has principles and image to upkeep so probably that’s why he was prepared to pay her so much to get rid of her. If she was sincere she would not have taken all that money, afterall she was the one who committed the sin.
an opportunity to make headlines probably
Well because the media dragged her into this AGAIN!!!!
So she’s claiming she had no alimony…?? Why is she addressing that issue now?
must b/c nicky made 17 million usd last year
Peanuts in comparison to her new hubby.
She met James in 2007. He divorced his wife in 2008. Nicky and Ma Yashu divorced in 2009. Then she married James in 2010.
According to news she and James were having an affair while she was still married to Nicky. They were caught with photos of them emerging from a hotel after holing up for 3 days.
Oh there were actual photo evidence? Can’t be denied then.
how do you think Nicky knew?
I didn’t know that he knew. I didn’t follow his news in that period so all I know is articles you can search now.
She did make a correct statement though. It takes two people to make it work. She was probably at fault for having an affair, but Nicky probably didn’t satisfied her as a husband.
Remember, little time together was what caused most of his break-ups and that is exactly what Nicky and Cecilia will have to challenge.
Not a fair statement. Before marrying him she already knows how hard working he is. In fact when he was with her his work schedule was scaled down so he could spend more time with her. It doesn’t make sense to say he didn’t have time or make time for her. If you wanna cheat, whatever the reason you will cheat.
Yep, same goes for him cheating on Ada was it not?
I believe that regardless of how busy you are, if you love and care about anyone enough, you will always make time for them. Even the president of the US who I bet is one of the most busiest people in the world has time for his wife and family. Therefore, to say that they had no time together which is a result of their divorce is hard to believe. Unless, they truly did not love each other and did not mean much to each other.
How do you know for sure that he cheated on Ada?? Based on your posts, since you seem to really hate Nicky, you would of course think and believe all of the negative stuff about him.
is there any of u married already? if not then don’t judge the book by its cover.
it takes 2 to tango and so it does with the marriage life. the good marriage won’t break if the marriage is strong and loving. nobody knows behind the closed door.
something could be the victim but it may not be. I believe both nicky and yashu have differences they cant work it out anymore so the marriage can breakdown.
the best is that they both have moved on.
If Nicky didn’t “satisfy” her she could just leave. Cheating is gross no matter which way you slice it. And yeah, IF Nicky cheated on Ada then that’s gross too. But he got karma then. When will this Ma Yashu get hers? Not only did she most likely take a big chunk of Nicky’s money, then she moved on to an even richer man.
You reap what you sow. Wasn’t she the 3rd party in her ex and Ada’s relationship? And didn’t she have an affair while married to her ex? Can the media be blamed for criticizing her?
I don’t blame her. If all use the term “What come around goes around!” means Nicky CHEATED on Ada so he too, TOTALLY DESEVED TO BE CHEATED!
Am glad that Ada doesn’t end up with him!!
There were rumours that she was the third party, but who knows for sure?? Even IF Nicky did cheat, he has been punished for it while she is enjoying life now. Glad that Nicky has moved on and hopefully has found happiness.
She was the third party, but it took two to cheat! Nicky was just as guilty!
Oh, I agree. It takes two to cheat. And I hope Nicky -what a silly name for a grown man- feels remorse. Thie woman he cheated with turns around and cheats on him.
Silly name? No one calls Nicky. He is called by his Chinese name which by the way is a very nice name. Remorse? I am sure he has adequately paid for his remorse.
Could be true. And the reason for the breakdown was in part true. I thought the real reason was Nicky was given pictures by paps that showed his then wife walking in or out of a hotel with her current husband. Except he chose to be a gentleman about it and did not say so loudly?
I remember that there were photos and all so I think she did cheat on him. But she makes it sounds like she is some angel or something.
It is hard to believe that she did not get anything. Maybe she did not get as much as the media said she received, but to say that she got nothing is totally unbelievable.
You people talk like you are part of that relationship… often times, even the 2 parties in the relationship do not see things the same way… best to put your time and effort into your own relationship instead of commenting on someone else’s whom I’m sure you haven’t even met…
Wow, sage advice Mr or Missy? Haha..people can’t even comment anything on these sites now?
Partners of male idols often have it bad, when breakups happen.
In this case, Nicky Wu will probably have more believers than her.
Her husband James Robert Hayes is really good looking. They make a handsome couple together.
If she had cheated, unlikely she would get anything. Just a fair share of what she contributed for.
Nicky, hmmm. Not my taste, even when he was younger.
Btw, no one has said he’s a cradle snatcher. They’re 17 years apart.
Not related to the article. Just want to add that Ma Yashu is very pretty and her acting is not bad either
just expressing my thought, but i don’t think she is pretty at all. i was wondering why nicky could fall for her, i think she must be the one who pursued him
Hehe, i liked her in that show with Hawick she kind of looks like Gillian. Never knew she was Nicky’s ex until a few years ago. Now I learn that she is a 3rd person when Ada was dating Nicky! I’m not a fan of home wreckers! Bad lady!And I am not a fans of cheaters either Bad Man, well if that is the case!
I am not a fan of shaming other women either. We never know what went on behind closed doors. Why not take her at face value? It is not like they are in one another’s lives anymore.
true to say !