Niki Chow Excited by “Bottled Passion’s” Ideal Ratings

Niki Chow’s (周麗淇) first series upon her return to TVB, Bottled Passion <我的如意狼君>, was assigned a “cannon fodder” airing time slot. Despite this, Monday night’s finale peaked at 40 points in ratings. Once promising that she will do anything if the ratings reached 40 points, Niki said that she will not back out on her promise with the exception of having to wear a bikini!
The ratings for Bottled Passion’s finale averaged 36 points, peaking at 40 points, which beat When Heaven Burn’s <天與地> 34 points in its finale. Niki admitted that this time, she made Producer Lee Tim Sing (李添勝) proud. Niki noted that Tim Gor was her talent scout. Asked whether she will film a sequel, Niki said, “If he were to ask, I will immediately get into place!”
Niki and Raymond Wong (黃浩然) were discussing whether they should organize a celebration party for Bottled Passion. The most important thing was that everyone was happy. Tim Gor expressed that he was extremely satisfied, performing beyond the “cannon fodder” results.
Tragic Ending Received 15 Complaints
TVB Deputy Director of External Affairs, Tsang Sing Ming (曾醒明), indicated that there were 15 complaints filed regarding the overly tragic ending of Bottled Passion. The scene that received the highest rating occurred when Niki reflected upon her romantic moments with Raymond Wong. The Hong Kong Broadcasting Authority received 4 complaints, expressing dissatisfaction over Raymond Wong’s death. In addition, 7 complaints were filed over foul language and rough behavior.
“When Heaven Burns” Praised as a Miraculous Drama
Regarding When Heaven Burns peaking at 34 points in ratings, Mr. Tsang praised the drama, “It is a miraculous drama! A drama with soul!” The ending episodes of When Heaven Burns were uploaded by netizens online. TVB was accused of decreasing the official ratings in Hong Kong [through the online distribution]. Mr. Tsang said, “It is impossible for TVB to harm themselves. From our preliminary understanding, an American agent leaked the clip, which is currently investigated by our Internal Affairs department.”
In addition, When Heaven Burns star, Moses Chan (陳豪), appeared at the airport yesterday, but declined to say where he had traveled to.
Excerpt from Oriental Daily
Jayne: Tim Gor’s last production will be “Detective Columbus” starring Wayne Lai. Another Producer can be given the task of producing “Bottled Passion 2.” It’s not the first time that another producer was asked to take on another franchise, such as Jonathan Chik producing “Healing Hands 3” after Gary Tang produced the first two installments.
“Detective Columbus”? Ancient drama? What’s it about?
Scary though her getting the credit when.. oh never mind!
Not an ancient drama, seems like a light comedy series to me with Wayne Lai and Tavia Yeung as leads. Look like a series in 70s..
tavia ah?
Yeah Tavia kidding hehe
It a fresh pairing since Tavia has not paired with Wayne Lai before. Might turn out to be good.
Her pairing w/ bobby was fresh too but it didn’t turn out so good. Her nose mostly got in the way.
And is the name supposed to be detective columbo as in 70’s tv series w/ peter falk (cross-eyed man) or Columbus the explorer that discovered America?
i think this will turn out good. men with no shadows had a really bad script. oh and @josie, your nastiness probably gets in the way of your life all the time. maybe you should look into some personality surgery!
Not nasty, just brutally honest. No need for personality transplant, b/c it’s called maturity. U will learn about that one of these days.
I am bored with Tavia, I like Wayne but depends on the role, both of them not fresh, together not fresh also, in the end Tavia is the issue for me. No one else? Why Bobby is the one who keeps getting younger and younger pairings and Wayne is ermm… rotating between the older ones?
Tavia is not confirmed to film yet.
will there be another part 2 for Bottled Passion ??? Really love this drama
Same cast different story. I don’t see a direct sequel.
No way for part 2, BP..!! Raymond Wong can act others love drama series, something like Sweetness in the Salt? If possible, pls do have a happy ending lol.
I think with the ideal rating with a timeslot like this, TVB will definitely paired Niki and Raymond up for another series.
I hope not, anyone who got paired up with the same actor/actress again will get boring imo.
Like LF always pairing with TY, I get bored watching this pairing..or maybe LF with charmaine..also boring.
I don’t mind seeing Niki and Raymond Wong paired again – it will only be the 2nd time.
LF and the female bunch are just boring to watch period.
Btw, does anyone know what is THE drama to watch now or worth watching? Not sure what’s on after BP and WHB..
So should LF be paired w/ a guy instead since the female bunch are so boring?
I’m still waiting for LF to pair up w/ fala. And I want hot fala f/ “links to temptation”, not boring madam Jo type f/ LoO.
The 2 drama choices now are “wish and switch” where myolie & selena share husbands and “L’escargot” which makes me feel kinda claustrophobic.
I think L’Escargot is kinda funny which gives a little insight in the housing issue in HK. Not sure about whether TVB have done their research properly though.
With such housing prices no wonder hk girls want to marry rich, LOL
“So should LF be paired w/ a guy instead since the female bunch are so boring?”
Should have clarified.. the ‘female bunch’ refers to Charmaine/Myolie/Tavia/Linda/Kate only. =) LF to be paired with a guy is way too ambitious for TVB.
Thanks for the drama suggestions. Will check them out.
First time I’m so agree with you, veejay.
I can’t wait for this to be dubbed into my language lol
Dayam, Raymond Wong looks hot, bald! =P
Are u serious? He looks sick and paler in that pic than in “sweetness in the salt”.
But he did look gorgeous in BP. And I could see the handsome similarity to Leslie cheung, especially if u remember “nung boon daw ching”.
Maybe its the leather like jacket…
Bottled passion a nice movie, why can’t it be happy ending… Rushin for the movie at the end like this.. Too bad…
yeah.. why must it be a sad ending
Sweetness in the Salt n bottled passion… too bad both nice movie Raymond wong dead…:(
i just started watching this series, very very good.
What Niki is wearing?
“The scene that received the highest rating occurred when Niki reflected upon her romantic moments with Raymond Wong”
So please stop smearing Niki abt her acting or personality. Audience loves to see Tsui Sum with Bun Sin.
BP sequel please!!!
WTF, Moses looks like an old man in the pic
[…] want a happy ending then stop watching after episode 20. The producer Lee Tim Shing retiring liao, Niki Chow Excited by “Bottled Passion’s” Ideal Ratings*|* No more nice […]
I absolutely enjoyed bottled passion. Although, like many, i was very disappointed with the ending. I wanted Raymond and Niki to have a happy ending. as cliche as it may have been, I would have enjoyed it so much more. Raymond Wong is a diamond in the rough.
He was once regarded as a bad actor-too exaggerated. on some level, i did agree with that assessment, watching some of his earlier series. He has grown so much over the years. I could be wrong, but i believe this is his first major lead role, and he did a stellar job. Because of his performance as boon sin, he has become my favorite male actor. His character portral in this series was so convincing. it’s quite difficult to not fall in love with him.
Fire and bomb TVB till a sequel is being promised!!!
I just finished watching this series BP last night and I think this was one of the better series that has been produced in a while. The story was different and Nikki is for me a better actress than Linda, Myolie and Fala.
She possesses a charming and watchable quality.
I watched the last 2 episodes twice, wishing for the normal cheesy happy ending, because I really wanted them to find love and end up together. However, the ending was still good, because it meant that it touched the audience enough to make them look at the characters and really think beyond the entertainment aspect and truly appreciate a good story line.
Raymond did a stunning performance here and I think he is starting to come out a little more and has the potential to become a great actor. His expressions were amazing and it doesn’t hurt that he is really HOT
Yes. Agreed!
Niki and Raymond are very watchable in this drama.
I just wanted to say Moses looks like a bum in the above photo. Do people really dress like that even though they just got off a plane?
I just finished watching BP today. I’ve got to admit I loved every bit of it except for the ending( I think this needs no further explanation maybe one word : illogical-.-) there was undeniably great chemistry between the leading actors. Raymonds performance was splendid . His facial expressions were brilliant he really acted through his eyes. His eyes revealed and expressed so much sorrow and pain indeed the result of his tragic childhood. Nikki did fairly well compared to the other tvb so called fadans. She possesses innocent looks and her crying was bearable and not exaggerated like tavia tends to do
Overall, a well written script minus the ending, talented cast members and It was nice looking at good looking leading actors thats why I sometimes prefer chinese and hong kong dramas over Korean ones^^and Korean dramas tend to be very cheesy and to lovey dovey for my taste I enjoyed watching it with my mom. Thanks to ffvn for dubbing it so fast