On Split with Johnson Lee, Lukian Wong: “He Refused to Marry Me!”

For the last four years, Johnson Lee (李思捷) has been dating “Spring Roll” Lukian Wang (王寶寶) , who is 16 years his junior. Throughout their dating relationship, Johnson reportedly had a history of picking up girls behind Lukian’s back, with his most recent rumored fling being 47-year-old actress Ellen Chan (陳雅倫). Many things went wrong in the relationship, including Johnson’s refusal to marry Lukian which eventually sealed their breakup.
Johnson is popular among women because of his talent, sense of humor, and family wealth. He had taken directing and computer animation classes in the United States and applied those skills in his self directed film, 2008’s Citizen King <金國民>. Johnson’s father is a shipping magnate, with assets worth approximately $50 million HKD.
Johnson frequented bars and had reportedly harassed women when he became drunk. An insider revealed, “He often goes to a bar in Tsim Sha Tsui with his friends; the bar is opened by a director. After downing a couple of drinks, he will act like a pervert! He will target the girls brought by his friends, the waitresses, and women from the next room! He will hug them and kiss them on the lips! Many people are afraid of him!” Actress Zoey Sham (岑潔儀) once complained that Johnson molested her after he became drunk.
Johnson Refused to Marry Lukian
Lukian continued to tolerate Johnson’s playful ways. When she was 19 years old, Lukian fell in love with Johnson and regarded him as a good marriage prospect. Lukian admitted that she had lived with Johnson for two years, “When I first dated him, I moved into his house and lived with his mother. They treated me very well, like a family member. Two years ago, I moved out because I wanted to live with my mother. But I frequently went to his house and stayed overnight, which is normal [for a couple].”
Although they shared good times together, Johnson refused to commit long-term. Lukian spilled, “I thought of marrying him, but he refused to get married and never mentioned it. Maybe he wanted to concentrate on his career. But I really don’t want to talk about the breakup reason. I have looked past the rumors for a long time; maybe it’s a communication problem!”
While attending a model search competition this week, Lukian was asked if their breakup had anything to do with the fact that Johnson is always surrounded by girls, Lukian smiled bitterly and said, “He always has many.” Lukian stressed that she is currently single and not dating anyone right now.
Due to immense pressure, Lukian suffered from bald patches earlier. “Half a year ago, I have family, work and personal problems so there was a lot of pressure.” Though she claimed that she has since recovered, the problem was still conspicuous enough that she wore a hat at the event.
Johnson’s Response
When Johnson heard about Lukian’s reply afterward, he appeared stunned. He declined to comment further and said that he has never liked to use his personal life as publicity. After relentless questioning, Johnson finally spoke about his relationship with Lukian, “It’s very special. Our relationship has always been very good. She will always be one of my closest friends. Our feelings for each other have not changed.” While he might be reluctant to talk about their relationship, Johnson said that he would respect whatever Lukian said.
Denying that he is promiscuous, Johnson said that there are always women everywhere, while pointing to his surroundings. When asked if he would send his blessings to Lukian and her future partner, he said reluctantly, “If (she) finds him, then I’ll give my blessings!”
Sources: Oriental Daily; East Week
This article is written by Karen and Jayne for JayneStars.com.
Johnson used to be my favorite out of FLS because I thought he was a great, modest, talented good guy. Now that all the fame has gotten to his head and seeing his attitude (even on shows like Super Trio), he just seems arrogant and cocky.
Ironically, I used to find Louis Yuen annoying and always trying to grab the spotlight with his loud voice and eye-rolling gags, but after watching the three (FLS) in shows, concerts, interviews, etc. I’ve gained the impression that Louis is the modest one who will share the spotlight and is not cocky/arrogant. Much more likable than Johnson because at least he’s not looking down on you, is down-to-earth and is a gentleman.
he sound pissed off that he got dump by a kid. but it’s so obvious that tis relationship will never work out to start off with.
YUCK – how can she be in the same house as that guy AND his family and not be married – even Glenn on Walking Dead knew better (at first) to not disrespect the parent and thereby himself.
HOLY MOSES. I thought this would be an amusing article when I saw the title but I was surprised by the revelation that she had actually moved in … not with him … but with him and his parents. I can’t see Chinese parents being okay with that. My mother would put up would-be freeloaders at a hotel rather than let one stay at our home and that was a MALE friend of my brothers. Overnight guests are a very techy area for Chinese households so maybe this is a fake story like those photos of him with the much older actress.
You mean Glen the FICTIONAL character from the SHOW The Walking Dead?
She spent the night at his house, not him at hers. It’s different for a guy to have girls over than a girl to have guys over. His mom probably made them soup after they were done banging.
good point – this MUST be fake news just like that Ellen Chan being interested in much younger this guy whoever he is
She’s better off, she’s still young. Any woman would find it difficult to deal with his constant flirty behavior.
this man is a idiots. I hope no girls like him forever. ugly looking man.
johnson sounds like a disgusting lech when drunk (or pretending to be). i would be terrified of him too.
If this article is true, Johnson should be called Octo-Johnson the Dirty Lech… and those who don’t want to be pawed should keep away when he’s holding a drink in his hand.
Johnson obviously doesn’t listen to Beyonce.
I think he could end up with regrets.
Hopefully Spring Roll will do better with her next selection.
Yah like that Aaron Kwok is regretting his lift right now.
One day, as he sits alone, he just might.
Never know that johnson lee is such an unbelievable idiot.
He is really a disgusting pervert of the pervert in the making!!!!!
well, hand off. Johnson Lee!!
Don’t ever let me see you touching my daughter!!!
If you’re a bad drunk, you have no business getting close to alcohol, my friend.
to lukian, count it a blessing that he refused to marry you
LOL I’M SORRY. he’s 40….and brought home his 20something year old girlfriend to live with his mother????
yah, doesn’t it tell you something about their family
Not that I live with my mother…nor am I 40 or male….but it may be that he rather have his mother living with him than send her to care home or live by herself if there’s no other close family. That’s not a bad thing. Plus he 40, so mother prob sees the girl as possible daughter in law…plus isn’t it always ‘preferred’ that girl live at guys, rather than other way round….if guy lived at girls. Although I personally do know a mid 30s man living with his parents who still makes his sandwiches for work….and another guy who lives with his gf’s family….so not sure what to think anymore….don’t think it matters if parents are fine with it…
I’ve always loved Johnson lee and it was only a few years back that I found that his family is wealthy.
I think he doesn’t mind dating long term relationships at any age but would prefer a wife at his age. Can’t really blame him, however I’m dissapointed by their breakup.
Hope Lukian finds a better partner.